44 3.1.0
Fat and Flat blue button
41 4.1.1
Anirudha Bhowmik 3d slider vue js
41 4.0.0
Anirudha Bhowmik zoom image slider
40 4.1.1
Hover card
Different types of hover and transition effect.
Gallery + portfolio + card + hover + ravi
39 3.3.0
Simple Side navbar with hover effect - Sidebar #Inspiration from dribbble
38 3.3.0
35 4.1.1
Flip cards + card + button + Flip Design + ravi
35 3.3.0
Mega menu with on mouse hover sub-menu
34 4.1.1
Bootstrap 4 Mega Menu with hover effect
32 3.3.0
Animation Hover Box