16 3.0.0
header search bar
16 3.3.0
Fixed Header + Animation effects + Scroll effect + Navbar fade down effect v.2 [Updated]
15 3.3.0
Center image menu
TEST: Particle.js Hero
shrinking header
15 4.1.1
fullwidth Header background Video
15 4.0.0
Landing page hero section with search and thank you modal using bootstrap 4 UI kit series part 1
14 3.3.0
Panels with nav tabs (Nested items as drop down)
profile page with responsive canvas-off menu and sticky header
14 4.0.0
Header Sections - User Interface #User-Interface #ui
13 3.3.0
Fixed Header + Navbar + Animation Effects v.2
13 3.0.0
Full Page Image Background Carousel Header