62 3.0.0
Social network profile BS 3
61 4.1.1
Text animated slider (owl carousel with text animation)
61 3.3.0
Whatsapp Chat Box POPUP (#simple #html #css #User #Profile #jquery #Social #contact #accordion #popup #chat #messages #jquery)
43 3.1.0
Media Controls Buttons
41 4.0.0
Login With 15 Social Buttons (Bootstrap 4 Version)
37 4.1.1
Bootstrap 4 Animated Dynamic Form
37 3.3.0
colorful animated forms (login, contact, post)
33 4.1.1
Animated Radio tab
33 3.3.0
Contact form with Social network links
32 3.0.3
Social Card
32 4.1.1
Navbar with Social icon & Dropdown
30 4.1.1
animated accordion