63 2.3.2
User profile Info
62 3.0.0
Social network profile BS 3
61 3.3.0
Whatsapp Chat Box POPUP (#simple #html #css #User #Profile #jquery #Social #contact #accordion #popup #chat #messages #jquery)
60 3.3.0
Login and Register New Style - Tabbed
60 3.0.0
User profile thumbnails BS 3
57 3.0.0
Facebook style signup form
54 3.3.0
New d* theme - Profile
54 4.0.0
Login form, sign in form, bootstrap 4 login card, signin page, login style
51 3.3.0
User profile form requirement input
47 4.0.0
KL :: Profile Cards
46 4.1.1
Accordion with new idea and style using 4.1.1
44 4.0.0
Instagram like user profile cards