681 3.3.0
Mega menu slide down on hover with carousel
234 3.1.0
navbar lateral slide menu
102 3.2.0
Slide dropdown navigation
91 3.1.0
Show Dropdown Hover & Caret Up
69 3.3.0
Bootstrap Slide Carousel Touch Slider with Text Animation
60 3.2.0
Shoji Layout: Slide-in Side Panels for XS Viewports
58 4.1.1
Creating password field text hide show via a single class
29 4.0.0
Bootstrap4 slider, Bootstrap 4 carousel, carousel fade and slide effect example
28 3.3.0
Slider Bottom Aligned Thumbs and slide info right
27 4.0.0
Bootstrap V4 Side Menu with Slide Submanu
16 3.3.0
Bootstrap 3 Collapse show/hide state
14 4.0.0
Bootstrap V4 - Model to Slide-Out Panel from Left - Responsive