176 3.2.0
Social Icons with FontAwesome and nice effect hover
49 3.0.1
Panel with FontAwesome and Accordion
36 3.3.0
Animation Effect with banner etc...
26 4.0.0
Shopping Cart Bootstrap 4 + FontAwesome ( Beta 2 )
17 4.1.1
Video Banner Side navbar
14 3.3.0
Grid Banner
11 4.1.1
Side navbar video banner
8 4.0.0
Card banner, sidebar items, featured boxes on bootstrap4, bootstrap 4 components ui kit
8 3.3.0
Collapsable Accordian with FontAwesome and no JavaScript.
7 3.0.0
slider new with banner
7 4.1.1
Header banner with navigation
5 3.3.0
Header Banner Background