Bootstrap 3.3.0 Snippet by Siddharth Panchal

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*,:focus{outline:0} .clear,.output>*{text-transform:uppercase} :root{font-size:25px} *{margin:0;padding:0} body{font-family:Inconsolata,monospace;background:#ABCEA7;background:-webkit-linear-gradient(to top,#ABCEA7,#C48B91);background:linear-gradient(to top,#ABCEA7,#C48B91)} button{padding:.25rem;font-size:1.25rem;font-family:inherit;border:1px solid rgba(255,255,255,.2);border-radius:5px;user-select:none;-moz-user-select:none;-webkit-user-select:none;-ms-user-select:none;box-shadow:0 4px #C09C98!important;transition:all .3s ease} button:hover{border:none;background:#EEA9A8;cursor:pointer;box-shadow:0 4px #EF7475!important;transition:.3s} button:active{top:4px;transition:.3s;background:#EEA9A8!important} .container{height:100vH;display:flex;justify-content:center;align-items:center} .calculator{min-width:16rem;padding:.75rem;background:rgba(255,255,255,.6);border-radius:5px;box-shadow:1px 1.5px 3px 2px grey} .output{margin-bottom:1.75rem;padding:.8rem .5rem;background:rgba(0,0,0,.2);border-radius:3px;box-shadow:inset 0 4px rgba(0,0,0,.2);grid-column:1/span 4} .output>*{color:#fff;text-align:right;text-shadow:1px 1px 1px #000} #calculation{height:1rem;margin-bottom:.5rem;font-size:1rem;color:rgba(255,255,255,.8)} #input{height:1.5rem;font-size:1.5rem} .number{background-color:rgba(255,255,255,.65)} .number:hover{box-shadow:0 0 3px 1px rgba(255,255,255,.75)} .number:active{background-color:rgba(255,255,255,.9)} .clear{font-size:1rem;background-color:rgba(240,120,120,.5)} .clear:hover{box-shadow:0 0 3px 1px rgba(240,120,120,.6)} .clear:active{background-color:rgba(240,120,120,.8)} .equal{background:rgba(70,240,90,.4)} .equal:hover{box-shadow:0 0 3px 1px rgba(70,240,90,.5)} .equal:active{background-color:rgba(80,240,100,.7)} .dot,.neg,.operator{background-color:rgba(0,0,0,.15)} .dot:hover,.neg:hover,.operator:hover{box-shadow:0 0 3px 1px rgba(0,0,0,.2)} .dot:active,.neg:active,.operator:active{background-color:rgba(0,0,0,.25)} #c{background:rgba(240,10,10,.5)} #c:hover{box-shadow:0 0 3px 1px rgba(240,10,10,.55)} #c:active{background:rgba(240,10,10,.6)} .button-field{display:grid;grid-gap:.25rem;grid-template-rows:repeat(5,1fr);grid-template-columns:repeat(4,1fr)}
$(document).ready(function(){ const buttons = document.querySelectorAll("button"); const currCalc = document.querySelector("#calculation"); const currInput = document.querySelector("#input"); const checkRE = /(\d|\))$/; // RegExp matches, if last character of string is number or ')' const re1 = /(0+)$/g; // RegExp matches all 0 at the en of a string const re2 = /\.$/; // RegExp matches dot at the end let calc = []; let input = []; let res; let intRes = false; let disCalc = []; let disResult; let str; function onNumber(el) { // print number, unless user tries to input multiple zeros in the beginning & input-display is full if ( ((el === "0" && (input[0] !== "0" || input.includes("."))) || el !== "0") && input.length < 20 ) { input[0] === "0" && !input.includes(".") && el !== "0" ? (input = []) : input; input.push(el); currInput.innerHTML = `${input.join("")}`; } } function onClear(el) { if (el === "c") { // clear all calc = []; input = []; intRes = false; res = undefined; displayCalculation(calc, false); currInput.innerHTML = ""; // console.log(calc, input, negative, intRes, res); } else if (el === "ce") { // clear entry (input) input = []; currInput.innerHTML = ""; } else if (el === "del" && input.length > 0) { // delete last input character input.splice(-1); currInput.innerHTML = `${input.join("")}`; } } function onNeg() { // toggle between ± only if input is not 0 if (input.length !== 0 && eval(input.join("")) !== 0) { let negative; input[0] === "-" ? (negative = true) : (negative = false); // if-condition for display-reasons if ((!negative && input.length < 20) || negative) { negative ? input.shift() : input.unshift("-"); currInput.innerHTML = `${input.join("")}`; } } } function onDot() { // print dot, unless input is already a decimal & condition for display-reasons if (!input.includes(".") && input.length < 20) { input.length > 0 ? input.push(".") : input.push("0", "."); currInput.innerHTML = `${input.join("")}`; } } function onOperator(operator) { // eliminate redundant 0 from input end(re1), and dot if necessary(re2) input.join("").includes(".") && re1.test(input.join("")) ? (input = input .join("") .replace(re1, "") .replace(re2, "") .split("")) : input; // run only, if input ends with checkRE OR // calc isn't empty and ends with checkRE => || (calc.length > 0 && checkRE.test(calc)) if (checkRE.test(input)) { // input in calc, dependend if input is negative or not ; then reset input eval(input.join("")) < 0 ? calc.push(`(${input.join("")})`) : calc.push(`${input.join("")}`); input = []; // operator in calc calc.push(operator); // display current input and calc displayCalculation(calc, false); currInput.innerHTML = `${input.join("")}`; } } function onEqual() { // eliminate redundant 0 from input end(re1), and dot if necessary(re2) input.join("").includes(".") && re1.test(input.join("")) ? input = input .join("") .replace(re1, "") .replace(re2, "") .split("") : input; // run only if input ends with checkRE if (checkRE.test(input)) { // input in calc, dependend if input is negative or not ; then reset input eval(input.join("")) < 0 ? calc.push(`(${input.join("")})`) : calc.push(`${input.join("")}`); input = []; // resolve calculation, only if calc ends with checkRE if (checkRE.test(calc)) { res = eval(calc.join("")); // display calculation and result displayCalculation(calc, true); displayResult(res); } } } function followUp(withIntRes) { if (withIntRes) { input = res.toString().split(""); } calc = []; res = undefined; intRes = undefined; currCalc.innerHTML = `${calc}`; } function displayResult(res) { if (res > 99999999999999999999 || res < -9999999999999999999) { disResult = "error"; calc = []; input = []; res = []; intRes = false; displayCalculation([], false); } else { disResult = res; intRes = true; } currInput.innerHTML = `${disResult}`; } function displayCalculation(calcArr, final) { final ? calcArr.push("=") : calcArr; str = calcArr.join(""); if (str.length > 30) { str = str.substr(-29); disCalc = `…${str}`; } else { disCalc = str; } currCalc.innerHTML = disCalc; } function calculator() { if (this.className === "number") { if (intRes) { followUp(false); } onNumber(this.id); } else if (this.className === "clear") { onClear(this.id); } else if (this.id === "negative") { if (intRes) { followUp(true); } onNeg(); } else if (this.className === "dot") { if (intRes) { followUp(false); } onDot(); } else if (this.className === "operator") { if (intRes) { followUp(true); } onOperator(this.id); } else if (this.className === "equal") { onEqual(); } } buttons.forEach(button => button.addEventListener("click", calculator)); });

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