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<h4>Program Manager - Amazon Advertising Platform</h4>
<p>I was very pleased to have had Marcel Saucet as a trainer. One of his major strengths is his ability to transmit his passion for Marketing. In my mind he possesses all the characteristics a Marketing Manager must have: Ambitious, pragmatic, passionate, creative, and accurate.</p>
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<h4>Price Waterhouse Cooper, New York</h4>
<p>Marcel Saucet a été une grande source d’inspiration pour moi lors des workshops LCA learning. Ce séminaire innovant m’a permis d’insérer des nouveautés radicales dans notre manière de fonctionner. Two thumbs up!</p>
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<h4>Directrice JC Decaux</h4>
<p>Dr Marcel Saucet is one of the most famous and appreciated Professor at ESGCI. His modern and captivating way of teaching the fundamentals of Innovation is a key motivation for his students to learn further and strengthen their knowledge. Not only a brilliant Professor, he is also a real mentor and a model, and helps trainees find their way in the Innovating Business.</p>
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<h4>Assistant Store Director chez Tiffany & Co.</h4>
<p>Professeur reconnu en France comme à l'étranger, notamment aux Etats-Unis, consultant en innovation. Marcel Saucet est l'auteur d'un ouvrage intitulé innovator à lire absolument : ouvrage proposant une approche complète et pragmatique des problématiques et enjeux du marketing contemporain.</p>
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