175 2.3.2
Carousel Extended
170 3.1.0
Carousel with Timer and Caption
164 3.2.0
Fade Quote Carousel
141 3.3.0
Bootstrap Custom MegaMenu Navbar with Sidenav taggle social accordion full page responsive fade carousel and customblcok quotes
137 3.1.0
Thumbnail with caption & buttons
127 3.2.0
Testimonials with Carousel
125 3.0.0
Thumbnail Caption Hover Effect
124 3.0.0
Article carousel with images indicators
123 3.2.0
Thumbnail Carousel - Single image sliding
116 3.2.0
Carousel Inside Modal
106 3.3.0
Bootstrap Fade Carousel Touch Slider with Text Animation
105 3.3.0
Fading Side Menu - Lets Focus on Content