8 3.0.0
"Bootstrap Fade Carousel Touch Slider with Text Animation"
7 3.0.0
"JS Typewriter (Text Animation)"
7 4.1.1
"Responsive Price Table"
Resize & Fixed Header (shrinking header)"
6 3.1.0
Writing text in <div> using forms, JavaScript and jQuery
5 4.0.0
"clock design css 3 with Youtube Embed Video" (Manish Yadav)
5 3.3.0
"Double List Box"
3 3.3.0
responsive menu "X" in the navigation
3 3.0.0
Manish "Hover effect With Amazing effect"
2 3.3.0
Button Control, Panel, Tool Tips, Modal
2 3.1.0
"Login Form Flat"
2 3.0.0
"Spinning social icons"