13 3.2.0
Responsive marquee alert
6 3.2.0
Bootstrap alert with label
6 3.1.0
TEST: Create Fly Over Notification Messages
5 3.2.0
alert 2
5 3.0.0
alert bootstrap float-right
5 3.3.0
Annoying Alert Modal With Login and Registration Forms Bootstrap/jQuery/Ajax/Session Storage
4 3.3.0
Clean Bootstrap Dismissable Alert
4 3.2.0
Button Autohide Messages
4 4.0.0
Animated PopUp , Animated subscribe popup, animated alert box in css
3 3.0.0
Alert Bar / Notification Bar by KTommy (Oat Chats)
3 3.3.0
Chat Conversation message (part 2. messages list) [minimum css]
2 3.2.0