85 2.3.2
Animated Loading
78 3.0.0
Creative Animated Loading icon in HTML5 CSS3
70 3.3.0
Bootstrap product slider zoom effect
70 2.3.2
Thumbnails like Bootsnipp
70 4.1.1
Animated Slider
63 4.0.0
animated sinin and signup panel. animated login and registeration page, popup,
63 3.1.0
Thumbnails (2) popups with TB modals
63 4.1.1
animated slider
62 4.0.0
Bootstrap tabs with elegant smooth design using bootstrap 4
61 4.1.1
Text animated slider (owl carousel with text animation)
60 3.0.0
User profile thumbnails BS 3
50 3.3.0
Fade to Zoom Carousel