30 3.1.0
Understanding Responsive Utilities
138 3.1.0
Responsive YouTube Player
271 3.1.0
No more tables (responsive table)
134 3.1.0
Stylish Sliders/Range Selectors!
89 3.1.0
Multiple fields
212 3.1.0
Modal with blur effect like iOS
Free Template
Paper Bootstrap Wizard
Vue Paper Dashboard PRO
Material Dashboard Pro BS3
330 3.1.0
Magnifying Glass for Images
86 3.1.0
Tall Footer With Gradient Image
98 3.1.0
Social Icons / Font Awesome with hover
63 3.1.0
Thumbnails (2) popups with TB modals
246 3.1.0
Process Steps
203 3.1.0
Float Label Pattern Forms