"April 2023: HAPPY BIRTHDAY"
Bootstrap 4.1.1 Snippet by @Aperlius_73

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// Run when the webpage is loaded window.addEventListener('load', () => { Swal.fire({ title: 'Do you want to play music in background??', // text: "You won't be able to revert this!", icon: 'warning', showCancelButton: true, confirmButtonColor: '#3085d6', cancelButtonColor: '#d33', confirmButtonText: 'YES!', cancelButtonText: 'NO!', }).then((result) => { if (result.isConfirmed) { document.querySelector('.song').play(); resolveFetch().then(animationTimeline()); } else { resolveFetch().then(animationTimeline()); } }) }) // Animation Timeline const animationTimeline = () => { // Spit chars that needs to be animated individually const textBoxChars = document.getElementsByClassName("hbd-chatbox")[0]; const hbd = document.getElementsByClassName("wish-hbd")[0]; textBoxChars.innerHTML = `<span>${textBoxChars.innerHTML .split("") .join("</span><span>")}</span`; hbd.innerHTML = `<span>${hbd.innerHTML .split("") .join("</span><span>")}</span`; const ideaTextTrans = { opacity: 0, y: -20, rotationX: 5, skewX: "15deg", }; const ideaTextTransLeave = { opacity: 0, y: 20, rotationY: 5, skewX: "-15deg", }; const tl = new TimelineMax(); tl.to(".container", 0.1, { visibility: "visible", }) .from(".one", 0.7, { opacity: 0, y: 10, }) .from(".two", 0.4, { opacity: 0, y: 10, }) .to( ".one", 0.7, { opacity: 0, y: 10, }, "+=2.5" ) .to( ".two", 0.7, { opacity: 0, y: 10, }, "-=1" ) .from(".three", 0.7, { opacity: 0, y: 10, // scale: 0.7 }) .to( ".three", 0.7, { opacity: 0, y: 10, }, "+=2" ) .from(".four", 0.7, { scale: 0.2, opacity: 0, }) .from(".fake-btn", 0.3, { scale: 0.2, opacity: 0, }) .staggerTo( ".hbd-chatbox span", 1.5, { visibility: "visible", }, 0.05 ) .to(".fake-btn", 0.1, { backgroundColor: "rgb(127, 206, 248)", }) .to( ".four", 0.5, { scale: 0.2, opacity: 0, y: -150, }, "+=0.7" ) .from(".idea-1", 0.7, ideaTextTrans) .to(".idea-1", 0.7, ideaTextTransLeave, "+=1.5") .from(".idea-2", 0.7, ideaTextTrans) .to(".idea-2", 0.7, ideaTextTransLeave, "+=1.5") .from(".idea-3", 0.7, ideaTextTrans) .to(".idea-3 strong", 0.5, { scale: 1.2, x: 10, backgroundColor: "rgb(21, 161, 237)", color: "#fff", }) .to(".idea-3", 0.7, ideaTextTransLeave, "+=1.5") .from(".idea-4", 0.7, ideaTextTrans) .to(".idea-4", 0.7, ideaTextTransLeave, "+=1.5") .from( ".idea-5", 0.7, { rotationX: 15, rotationZ: -10, skewY: "-5deg", y: 50, z: 10, opacity: 0, }, "+=0.5" ) .to( ".idea-5 span", 0.7, { rotation: 90, x: 8, }, "+=0.4" ) .to( ".idea-5", 0.7, { scale: 0.2, opacity: 0, }, "+=2" ) .staggerFrom( ".idea-6 span", 0.8, { scale: 3, opacity: 0, rotation: 15, ease: Expo.easeOut, }, 0.2 ) .staggerTo( ".idea-6 span", 0.8, { scale: 3, opacity: 0, rotation: -15, ease: Expo.easeOut, }, 0.2, "+=1" ) .staggerFromTo( ".baloons img", 2.5, { opacity: 0.9, y: 1400, }, { opacity: 1, y: -1000, }, 0.2 ) .from( ".lydia-dp", 0.5, { scale: 3.5, opacity: 0, x: 25, y: -25, rotationZ: -45, }, "-=2" ) .from(".hat", 0.5, { x: -100, y: 350, rotation: -180, opacity: 0, }) .staggerFrom( ".wish-hbd span", 0.7, { opacity: 0, y: -50, // scale: 0.3, rotation: 150, skewX: "30deg", ease: Elastic.easeOut.config(1, 0.5), }, 0.1 ) .staggerFromTo( ".wish-hbd span", 0.7, { scale: 1.4, rotationY: 150, }, { scale: 1, rotationY: 0, color: "#ff69b4", ease: Expo.easeOut, }, 0.1, "party" ) .from( ".wish h5", 0.5, { opacity: 0, y: 10, skewX: "-15deg", }, "party" ) .staggerTo( ".eight svg", 1.5, { visibility: "visible", opacity: 0, scale: 80, repeat: 3, repeatDelay: 1.4, }, 0.3 ) .to(".six", 0.5, { opacity: 0, y: 30, zIndex: "-1", }) .staggerFrom(".nine p", 1, ideaTextTrans, 1.2) .to( ".last-smile", 0.5, { rotation: 90, }, "+=1" ); // tl.seek("currentStep"); // tl.timeScale(2); // Restart Animation on click const replyBtn = document.getElementById("replay"); replyBtn.addEventListener("click", () => { tl.restart(); }); }; // Import the data to customize and insert them into page const fetchData = () => { fetch("customize.json") .then(data => data.json()) .then(data => { Object.keys(data).map(customData => { if (data[customData] !== "") { if (customData === "imagePath") { document .getElementById(customData) .setAttribute("src", data[customData]); } else { document.getElementById(customData).innerText = data[customData]; } } }); }); }; // Run fetch and animation in sequence const resolveFetch = () => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { fetchData(); resolve("Fetch done!"); }); };

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