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<h3>CSO "Tajik Network of Women Living with HiV"</h3>
<p><strong>Project Name:</strong> Improving government services for the people living with HIV</p>
<p><strong>Goal of the project:</strong> Introduction of a referral and monitoring system in HiV Center, Gissar district</p>
<a class="label label-primary" href="http://ef-ca.tj/tnw.html" target="_blank">See the project</a></p>
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<p><strong>Project Name:</strong> "Assisting people living with HIV to access to basic social services and changing attitudes of society towards people living with HIV / AIDS in Kanibadam city"</p>
<p><strong>Goal of the project:</strong> Improve access of people living with HiV to the basic services and raise public awareness</p>
<a class="label label-primary" href="http://ef-ca.tj/imdodigairat.html" target="_blank">See the project</a></p>
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<p><strong>Project Name:</strong> "I choose life without AIDS"</p>
<p><strong>Goal of the project:</strong> To improve provision of public services for people living with HiV and raise public awareness in Histevarz District, Sogd region</p>
<a class="label label-primary" href="http://ef-ca.tj/http://ef-ca.tj/gurdofarid.html" target="_blank">See the project</a></p>
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