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Brightness. Clarity. Regardless of how you measure the quality of a display, Retina is in a class by itself. The pixel density is so high that you won’t detect a single one while using iMac. Text is so sharp, you’ll feel like you’re reading email and documents on a printed page.', price: '$1,299.00', image: 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/437221/imac.png', position: { top: '20%', left: '38%' } }, { title: 'Magic Mouse 2', description: 'Featuring a new design, Magic Mouse 2 is completely rechargeable, so you’ll eliminate the use of traditional batteries. It’s lighter, has fewer moving parts thanks to its built-in battery and continuous bottom shell, and has an optimized foot design.', price: '$99.00', image: 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/437221/magic-mouse.png', position: { top: '85%', left: '75%' } }, { title: 'Magic Keyboard', description: 'The Magic Keyboard combines a sleek new design with a built-in rechargeable battery and enhanced key features. With an improved scissor mechanism beneath each key for increased stability, as well as optimized key travel and a lower profile, the Magic Keyboard provides a remarkably comfortable and precise typing experience.', price: '$79.00', image: 'https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/437221/magic-keyboard.png', position: { top: '85%', left: '48%' } }]; var HotspotDetails = { name: 'HotspotDetails', template: '\n <transition\n name="detail"\n @before-enter="beforeEnter"\n @after-enter="afterEnter"\n @before-leave="beforeLeave"\n >\n <div class="hotspot-details">\n <a href="#" @click.prevent="close" class="hotspot-details__close">\n <svg class="icon icon-close" viewBox="0 0 24 24">\n <path d="M18.984 6.422l-5.578 5.578 5.578 5.578-1.406 1.406-5.578-5.578-5.578 5.578-1.406-1.406 5.578-5.578-5.578-5.578 1.406-1.406 5.578 5.578 5.578-5.578z"></path>\n </svg>\n </a>\n <div class="hotspot-details__left">\n <div class="hotspot-details__content">\n <div class="carousel" ref="carousel">\n <div class="carousel-cell" v-for="item in allItems">\n <img :src="item.image" width="80%" />\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class="hotspot-details__right">\n <div class="hotspot-details__content">\n <transition name="product-fade" mode="out-in">\n <h3 class="hotspot-details__title animated" :key="selectedItem">{{ selectedItem.title }}</h3>\n </transition>\n <transition name="product-fade" mode="out-in">\n <div class="hotspot-details__description animated" :key="selectedItem">{{ selectedItem.description }}</div>\n </transition>\n <transition name="product-fade" mode="out-in">\n <div class="hotspot-details__price animated" :key="selectedItem">{{ selectedItem.price }}</div>\n </transition>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class="hotspot-details__nav">\n <a href="#" @click.prevent="selectProduct(index)" class="hotspot-details__nav-item" v-for="(item, index) in allItems">\n <img :src="item.image" width="80%" />\n </a>\n </div>\n </div>\n </transition>\n ', props: { item: { type: Object }, selectedIndex: { type: Number }, allItems: { type: Array } }, data: function data() { return { selectedItem: this.item }; }, mounted: function mounted() { this.carousel = new Flickity(this.$refs.carousel, { cellAlign: 'left', contain: true, draggable: false, initialIndex: this.selectedIndex, imagesLoaded: true, prevNextButtons: false, pageDots: false }); this.carousel.on('select', this.onProductSelected); }, beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy() { var _this = this; setTimeout(function () { _this.carousel.off('select', _this.onProductSelected); _this.carousel.destroy(); }, 600); }, methods: { close: function close() { this.$emit('close'); }, selectProduct: function selectProduct(index) { this.carousel.select(index); }, onProductSelected: function onProductSelected() { this.selectedItem = this.allItems[this.carousel.selectedIndex]; }, beforeEnter: function beforeEnter(el) { el.style.setProperty('--top', this.item.position.top); el.style.setProperty('--left', this.item.position.left); }, afterEnter: function afterEnter(el) { el.classList.add('is-loaded'); }, beforeLeave: function beforeLeave(el) { el.classList.remove('is-loaded'); } } }; var App = { name: 'app', components: { HotspotDetails: HotspotDetails }, template: '\n <div class="app">\n <div class="image-hotspot" :class="{\'is-selected\': open }">\n <hotspot-details \n :item="selectedHotspot"\n :selected-index="selectedIndex"\n :all-items="hotspots"\n @close="closeDetails"\n v-if="open"\n ></hotspot-details>\n <transition-group name="hotspots">\n <a \n href="#" \n class="hotspot-point" \n v-for="(hotspot, index) in hotspotItems"\n :style="{ top: hotspot.position.top, left: hotspot.position.left }"\n @click.prevent="hotspotClicked(hotspot, index)"\n :key="index"\n >\n <span :data-price="hotspot.price">\n <svg class="icon icon-close" viewBox="0 0 24 24">\n <path d="M18.984 12.984h-6v6h-1.969v-6h-6v-1.969h6v-6h1.969v6h6v1.969z"></path>\n </svg>\n </span>\n </a>\n </transition-group> \n <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/437221/hotspot-image.jpg" alt="" @click="closeDetails">\n </div>\n </div>\n ', data: function data() { return { hotspots: hotspots, open: false, hotspotPosition: null, selectedHotspot: null }; }, computed: { hotspotItems: function hotspotItems() { return this.open ? [] : this.hotspots; } }, methods: { closeDetails: function closeDetails() { this.open = false; }, hotspotClicked: function hotspotClicked(hotspot, index) { this.selectedHotspot = hotspot; this.selectedIndex = index; this.open = true; } } }; new Vue({ el: '#app', components: { App: App }, render: function render(h) { return h(App); } }); //# sourceURL=pen.js </script> </body></html>

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