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Bootstrap 4.1.1 Snippet by Umerfarooq

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* { margin: 0; padding: 0; } html, body { overflow: hidden; } body { position: relative; background: #1a2a6c; background: -webkit-linear-gradient( #1a2a6c 0%, #b21f1f 33.3%, #fdbb2d 66.6% ); background: linear-gradient( #1a2a6c 0%, #b21f1f 33.3%, #fdbb2d 66.6% ); }
/* * File Name / sunset.js * Created Date / Sep 22, 2020 */ /* Common Tool. */ class Tool { // random number. static randomNumber(min, max) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1) + min); } // random color rgb. static randomColorRGB() { return ( "rgb(" + this.randomNumber(0, 255) + ", " + this.randomNumber(0, 255) + ", " + this.randomNumber(0, 255) + ")" ); } // random color hsl. static randomColorHSL(hue, saturation, lightness) { return ( "hsl(" + hue + ", " + saturation + "%, " + lightness + "%)" ); } // gradient color. static gradientColor(ctx, cr, cg, cb, ca, x, y, r) { const col = cr + "," + cg + "," + cb; const g = ctx.createRadialGradient(x, y, 0, x, y, r); g.addColorStop(0, "rgba(" + col + ", " + (ca * 1) + ")"); g.addColorStop(0.5, "rgba(" + col + ", " + (ca * 0.5) + ")"); g.addColorStop(1, "rgba(" + col + ", " + (ca * 0) + ")"); return g; } } /* When want to use angle. */ class Angle { constructor(angle) { this.a = angle; this.rad = this.a * Math.PI / 180; } incDec(num) { this.a += num; this.rad = this.a * Math.PI / 180; return this.rad; } } /* When want to use controller. */ class Controller { constructor(id) { this.id = document.getElementById(id); } getVal() { return this.id.value; } } /* When want to use time. */ class Time { constructor(time) { this.startTime = time; this.lastTime; this.elapsedTime; } getElapsedTime() { this.lastTime = Date.now(); this.elapsedTime = (this.startTime - this.lastTime) * -1; return this.elapsedTime; } } let canvas; let offCanvas; class Canvas { constructor(bool) { // create canvas. this.canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); // if on screen. if (bool === true) { this.canvas.style.display = 'block'; this.canvas.style.top = 0; this.canvas.style.left = 0; document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].appendChild(this.canvas); } this.ctx = this.canvas.getContext("2d"); this.width = this.canvas.width = window.innerWidth; this.height = this.canvas.height = window.innerHeight; // mouse infomation. this.mouseX = null; this.mouseY = null; // tree this.trees = []; this.xPos = 0; // sun this.sunNum = 10; this.suns = []; // ground this.groundNum = 1; this.grounds = []; // car this.carNum = 1; this.cars = []; // bird this.birdNum = 10; this.birds = []; // time this.time = new Time(new Date()); // style this.g = { one: 0, two: 33.3, three: 66.6 }; // behavior this.carBehavior = 0; } // init, render, resize init() { // init this.trees = []; this.xPos = 0; this.suns = []; this.grounds = []; this.cars = []; this.birds = []; this.time = new Time(new Date()); this.g = { one: 0, two: 33.3, three: 66.6 }; this.carBehavior = 0; // tree for (this.xPos = 0; this.xPos < this.width + 40;) { let rand = Tool.randomNumber(80, 130); const t = new Tree(this.ctx, this.xPos, this.height - this.height / 5); this.trees.push(t); this.xPos += rand; } // sun for (let i = 0; i < this.sunNum; i++) { const s = new Sun(this.ctx, this.width / 2, this.height / 2); this.suns.push(s); } // car for (let i = 0; i < this.carNum; i++) { const c = new Car(this.ctx, this.width / 2, this.height - this.height / 5); this.cars.push(c); } // bird for (let i = 0; i < this.birdNum; i++) { const b = new Bird(this.ctx, Tool.randomNumber(0, this.width), Tool.randomNumber(0, -this.height / 2)); this.birds.push(b); } // ground let g = new Ground(this.ctx, 0, this.height - this.height / 5); this.grounds.push(g); } render() { const e = this.time.getElapsedTime(); this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); if (e > 2400) { for(let i = 0; i < this.suns.length; i++) { this.suns[i].render(); } } if (e > 3200) { for(let i = 0; i < this.birds.length; i++) { this.birds[i].render(); } } if (e > 800) { for(let i = 0; i < this.trees.length; i++) { this.trees[i].render(); } } if (e > 1600) { for(let i = 0; i < this.cars.length; i++) { this.cars[i].render(); } } for(let i = 0; i < this.grounds.length; i++) { this.grounds[i].render(); } } resize() { this.width = this.canvas.width = window.innerWidth; this.height = this.canvas.height = window.innerHeight; this.init(); } } /* style background */ function gradientBackground() { canvas.canvas.style.background = '-webkit-linear-gradient(#1a2a6c ' + canvas.g.one + '%, #b21f1f ' + canvas.g.two + '%, #fdbb2d ' + canvas.g.three + '%)'; canvas.canvas.style.background = 'linear-gradient(#1a2a6c ' + canvas.g.one + '%, #b21f1f ' + canvas.g.two + '%, #fdbb2d ' + canvas.g.three + '%)'; canvas.g.one += 0.05; canvas.g.two += 0.05; canvas.g.three += 0.05; } /* Bird class */ class Bird { constructor(ctx, x, y) { this.ctx = ctx; this.init(x, y); } init(x, y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.r = Tool.randomNumber(10, 100); this.c = 'rgb(166, 66, 94)'; this.a = new Angle(Tool.randomNumber(0, 360)); this.a1 = new Angle(Tool.randomNumber(-30, 30)); this.v = { x: 0, y: 0 }; this.ga = 1; this.rand = Tool.randomNumber(100, 2000); } draw() { const ctx = this.ctx; ctx.save(); ctx.lineWidth = this.r / 15; ctx.lineCap = 'round'; ctx.globalAlpha = this.ga; ctx.strokeStyle = this.c; ctx.translate(this.x, this.y); ctx.rotate(this.a1.rad); ctx.translate(-this.x, -this.y); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(this.x, this.y); ctx.quadraticCurveTo(this.x + this.r / 2, Math.sin(this.a.rad) * this.r / 3 + this.y - this.r / 2, this.x + this.r, Math.sin(this.a.rad) * -this.r / 10 + this.y); ctx.stroke(); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(this.x, this.y); ctx.quadraticCurveTo(this.x - this.r / 2, Math.sin(this.a.rad) * this.r / 3 + this.y - this.r / 2, this.x - this.r, Math.sin(this.a.rad) * -this.r / 10 + this.y); ctx.stroke(); ctx.restore(); } updateParams() { this.a.incDec(2); this.r *= 0.999; this.ga *= 0.999; if (this.ga < 0.2) { this.init(Tool.randomNumber(0, canvas.width), Tool.randomNumber(0, -canvas.height / 5)); } } updatePosition() { this.v.x = canvas.width / 2 - this.x; this.v.y = canvas.height / 2 - this.y; this.x += this.v.x / this.rand; this.y += this.v.y / this.rand; } render() { this.draw(); this.updateParams(); this.updatePosition(); } } /* Car class */ class Car { constructor(ctx, x, y) { this.ctx = ctx; this.init(x, y); } init(x, y) { this.x = -50; this.y = y; this.r = 50; this.c = 'rgb(166, 66, 94)'; this.v = { x: 0, y: 0 }; this.coll = false; this.fontSize = 50; this.text = 'Hurry Up!'; this.time; } draw() { const ctx = this.ctx; ctx.save(); ctx.fillStyle = this.c; ctx.strokeStyle = this.c; ctx.lineWidth = this.r / 15; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(this.x, this.y - this.r / 8); ctx.lineTo(this.x + this.r, this.y - this.r / 8); ctx.lineTo(this.x + this.r, this.y - this.r / 2); ctx.lineTo(this.x + this.r - this.r / 5, this.y - this.r); ctx.lineTo(this.x - this.r, this.y - this.r); ctx.lineTo(this.x - this.r, this.y - this.r / 8); ctx.closePath(); ctx.fill(); // wheel ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(this.x + this.r / 1.5, this.y - this.r / 8, this.r / 8, 0, Math.PI * 2, false); ctx.fill(); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(this.x - this.r / 1.5, this.y - this.r / 8, this.r / 8, 0, Math.PI * 2, false); ctx.fill(); // window ctx.fillStyle = 'rgb(243, 110, 62)'; ctx.fillRect(this.x - this.r / 1.1, this.y - this.r / 1.1, this.r / 3, this.r / 3); ctx.fillRect(this.x - this.r / 2, this.y - this.r / 1.1, this.r / 3, this.r / 3); ctx.fillRect(this.x, this.y - this.r / 1.1, this.r / 3, this.r / 3); ctx.fillRect(this.x + this.r / 2.5, this.y - this.r / 1.1, this.r / 3, this.r / 3); // surf board ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(this.x - this.r, this.y - this.r * 1.1); ctx.lineTo(this.x + this.r, this.y - this.r * 1.1); ctx.stroke(); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(this.x - this.r / 1.3, this.y - this.r * 1.1); ctx.lineTo(this.x - this.r / 1.2, this.y - this.r * 1.3); ctx.stroke(); // light and mes if (canvas.carBehavior >= 1) { ctx.fillStyle = 'yellow'; ctx.globalAlpha = 0.6; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(this.x + this.r, this.y - this.r / 3); ctx.lineTo(this.x + this.r * 4, this.y - this.r / 3 - this.r / 3); ctx.lineTo(this.x + this.r * 4, this.y); ctx.closePath(); ctx.fill(); ctx.fillStyle = 'white'; ctx.font = this.fontSize + "px sans-selif"; ctx.textAlign = 'center'; ctx.textBaseline = 'middle'; ctx.fillText(this.text, this.x, this.y - this.r * 2); } ctx.restore(); } updatePosition() { this.v.x += (canvas.width / 2 - this.x) * 0.3; this.v.x *= 0.9; this.x += this.v.x; if (canvas.suns[0].y > canvas.height) { canvas.carBehavior = 1; this.time = new Time(new Date()); } } forwardPosition() { this.y += this.v.y; if (this.y < canvas.height - canvas.height / 5) { this.v.y += 0.5; this.y += this.v.y; } else { this.y = canvas.height - canvas.height / 5; } this.v.x += 0.8; this.x += this.v.x; } collWall() { if (this.x + this.r > canvas.width) { this.coll = true; this.text += '!'; this.x = canvas.width - this.r; this.v.x *= -0.9; this.v.y = Math.sin(Tool.randomNumber(180, 270) * Math.PI / 180) * 10; } } wrapPosition() { if (this.y < 0) { canvas.carBehavior = 2; this.time = new Time(new Date()); this.x = 0 - this.r; this.y = canvas.height - canvas.height / 5; } } returnPosition() { this.v.x += 1; if (this.x > this.r * 1.5 && this.x < this.r * 2.5) { this.v.x = 0; this.text = '???'; } this.x += this.v.x; } render() { this.draw(); if (canvas.carBehavior === 0) { this.updatePosition(); } if (canvas.carBehavior === 1) { const e = this.time.getElapsedTime(); if (e > 1000) { this.forwardPosition(); this.collWall(); this.wrapPosition(); } } if (canvas.carBehavior === 2) { this.returnPosition(); const e = this.time.getElapsedTime(); if (e > 2000) { this.time = new Time(new Date()); canvas.carBehavior = 3; } } if (canvas.carBehavior === 3) { this.text = "o(`w')o"; const e = this.time.getElapsedTime(); if (e > 500) { this.forwardPosition(); if (this.x + this.r > canvas.width) { this.x = canvas.width - this.r; this.v.x *= -1; this.v.y = Math.sin(Tool.randomNumber(270, 270) * Math.PI / 180) * 20; } } } if (this.y < 0) { canvas.init(); } } } /* Ground class */ class Ground { constructor(ctx, x, y) { this.ctx = ctx; this.init(x, y); } init(x, y, c, i) { this.x = x; this.y = 0; this.c = 'rgb(166, 66, 94)'; this.i = i; this.vy = 0; } draw() { const ctx = this.ctx; ctx.save(); ctx.fillStyle = this.c; ctx.fillRect(this.x, this.y, canvas.width, canvas.height); ctx.restore(); } updateParams() { this.vy += ((canvas.height - canvas.height / 5) - this.y) * 0.3; this.vy *= 0.8; this.y += this.vy; } render() { this.draw(); this.updateParams(); } } /* Tree class. */ class Tree { constructor(ctx, x, y, c) { this.ctx = ctx; this.init(x, y, c); } init(x, y, c) { this.x = x; this.y = 0; this.vy = 0; this.h = Tool.randomNumber(100, 150); this.c = 'rgb(166, 66, 94)'; this.rad = Tool.randomNumber(130, 150); } draw() { const ctx = this.ctx; ctx.save(); ctx.fillStyle = this.c; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(this.x + this.h / 20, this.y); ctx.lineTo(this.x, this.y - this.h); ctx.lineTo(this.x - this.h / 20, this.y); ctx.fill(); ctx.translate(this.x, this.y - this.h); ctx.rotate(this.rad * Math.PI / 180); ctx.translate(-this.x, -this.y + this.h); for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { ctx.translate(this.x, this.y - this.h); ctx.rotate(-60 * Math.PI / 180); ctx.translate(-this.x, -this.y + this.h); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(this.x, this.y - this.h); ctx.quadraticCurveTo(this.x + this.h / 4, this.y - this.h - this.h / 2, this.x + this.h / 2, this.y - this.h); ctx.quadraticCurveTo(this.x + this.h / 4, this.y - this.h - this.h / 6, this.x, this.y - this.h); ctx.fill(); } ctx.translate(this.x, this.y - this.h); ctx.rotate(this.rad * Math.PI / 180); ctx.translate(-this.x, -this.y + this.h); for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { ctx.translate(this.x, this.y - this.h); ctx.rotate(-60 * Math.PI / 180); ctx.translate(-this.x, -this.y + this.h); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(this.x, this.y - this.h); ctx.quadraticCurveTo(this.x - this.h / 4, this.y - this.h - this.h / 2, this.x - this.h / 2, this.y - this.h); ctx.quadraticCurveTo(this.x - this.h / 4, this.y - this.h - this.h / 6, this.x, this.y - this.h); ctx.fill(); } ctx.restore(); } wrapPosition() { if (this.x + this.h / 2 < 0) this.x = canvas.width + this.h / 2; } updatePosition() { this.x -= 0.1; } updateParams() { this.vy += ((canvas.height - canvas.height / 5) - this.y) * 0.3; this.vy *= 0.8; this.y += this.vy; } render() { this.draw(); this.updatePosition(); this.updateParams(); this.wrapPosition(); } } /* Sun Class */ class Sun { constructor(ctx, x, y) { this.ctx = ctx; this.init(x, y); } init(x, y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.r = 0; this.maxR = Tool.randomNumber(150, 250); this.vr = 0; this.c = { r: Tool.randomNumber(200, 255), g: Tool.randomNumber(200, 255), b: Tool.randomNumber(0, 50), a: 1 }; } draw() { const ctx = this.ctx; ctx.save(); ctx.globalCompositeOperation = 'lighter'; ctx.fillStyle = Tool.gradientColor(this.ctx, this.c.r, this.c.g, this.c.b, this.c.a, this.x, this.y, this.r); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(this.x, this.y, this.r, 0, Math.PI * 2, false); ctx.fill(); ctx.restore(); } updateParams() { this.vr += (this.maxR - this.r) * 0.3; this.vr *= 0.8; this.r += this.vr; this.y += 0.5; } render() { this.draw(); this.updateParams(); } } (function () { "use strict"; window.addEventListener("load", function () { canvas = new Canvas(true); canvas.init(); function render() { window.requestAnimationFrame(function () { gradientBackground(); canvas.render(); render(); }); } render(); // event window.addEventListener("resize", function () { canvas.resize(); }, false); }); })();

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