"Bootstrap Javascript Form Validation"
Bootstrap 3.3.0 Snippet by eddyone

<link href="//maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.0/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" id="bootstrap-css"> <script src="//maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.0/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script> <script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.1.min.js"></script> <!------ Include the above in your HEAD tag ----------> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <h2>Webenlance's javascript form validation for bootstrap</h2> <p>Please Hit like if you love this</p> <a href="webenlance.com" target="blank">Webenlance</a> </div> </div> <form class="form-horizontal simple-validation" id="frmExample" novalidate> <div class="form-group required"> <label for="name" class="col-sm-2 control-label">Name</label> <div class="col-sm-10"> <input type="text" class="form-control" id="name" placeholder="Enter your name" data-title="Please enter your name"> </div> </div> <div class="form-group required"> <label for="emailaddress" class="col-sm-2 control-label">Email</label> <div class="col-sm-10"> <input type="email" class="form-control" id="emailaddress" placeholder="Enter email" data-title="Please enter a valid Email"> </div> </div> <div class="form-group required"> <label for="age" class="col-sm-2 control-label">Age</label> <div class="col-sm-10"> <input type="number" class="form-control" id="age" placeholder="Enter your age" data-title="Age required - Only numeric values allowed"> </div> </div> <div class="form-group required"> <label for="income" class="col-sm-2 control-label">Income</label> <div class="col-sm-10"> <input type="text" class="form-control float" id="income" placeholder="Enter your income" data-title="Income field required - Only numeric or decimal values allowed"> </div> </div> <div class="form-group required"> <label for="password" class="col-sm-2 control-label">Password</label> <div class="col-sm-10"> <input type="password" class="form-control regex" id="password" placeholder="Enter password" data-title="Password required" data-regex="^[^\s]{6,20}$" data-regex-title="Please a enter a password 6 - 20 characters in length"> </div> </div> <div class="form-group required"> <label for="passwordConfirm" class="col-sm-2 control-label">Confirm</label> <div class="col-sm-10"> <input type="password" class="form-control match" id="passwordConfirm" placeholder="Enter password confirmation" data-title="Confirmation password required" data-match="password" data-match-title="Your password and confirmation password do not match"> </div> </div> <div class="form-group"> <label for="terms" class="col-sm-2 control-label required">Terms</label> <div class="col-sm-10"> <div class="checkbox"> <label> <input type="checkbox" name="checkme" id="terms" class="required" data-title="You must agree to the terms"> Check Me </label> </div> </div> </div> <div class="form-group"> <div class="col-sm-offset-2 col-sm-10"> <div class="frmPrc hide"> <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" disabled="disabled"><i class="fa fa-spinner fa-spin"></i> Processing</button> </div> <div class="frmBtn"> <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary"><i class="fa fa-save"></i> Submit</button> <button type="submit" class="btn btn-danger delete"><i class="fa fa-trash"></i> Delete</button> </div> </div> </div> </form>
.required label, label.required{ font-weight:bold; } .required label:before, label.required:before{ color:#c00; content:"* "; }
var Validate = { 'date': function(value){ return !(/Invalid|NaN/).test(new Date(value)); }, 'dateTime': function(value){ return !(/Invalid|NaN/).test(new Date(value)); }, 'email': function(value){ return (/^[_a-zA-Z0-9\-]+((\.[_a-zA-Z0-9\-]+)*|(\+[_a-zA-Z0-9\-]+)*)*@[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+(\.[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+)*(\.[a-zA-Z]{2,4})$/i).test(value); }, 'float': function(value){ return (/^[\-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+$/).test(value); }, 'integer': function (value){ return (/^\d+$/).test(value); }, 'slug': function(value){ // at least 3 alpha numerics no spaces and no periods return (/[\w]{3,}[\-]?$/).test(value) && !(/\s/).test(value) && !(/\./).test(value); } }; // !FormButtons /** * @hint Global FormButtons object which defines the class or id used by the submit and processing button holders */ var FormButtons = { "process" : "frmPrc", "submit" : "frmBtn" }; /** * @hint Pass in a form and bind the submit event to the validation process (validateForm) */ function simpleValidation(form,doAlert){ if (form === undefined) return false; if (doAlert === undefined) doAlert = false; // continue window.jQuery(form).submit(function () { var o = { message : '', err : [], checks : [] }; // handle the form buttons show and hide functionality formButtons(true,this); // loop thru each input o = validateForm(this); // run extra validation if exists try{ var e = window[window.jQuery(this).data('extend-validation')]; if(typeof(e) === 'function'){ o = e(window.jQuery(this),o); } } catch(a){/* ignore error */} // notification or submit if (o.err.length) { o.form = this; // focus and select on required field if (doAlert){ window.alert('Attention:' + o.message.replace(/<li>/gm,'\n').replace(/<\/li>/gm,'')); formButtons(false,this); } else { openDialog(o); } return false; } else { // submit form return true; } }); } /** * @hint The validation process bound by simpleValidation or calling directly, requires passing a form */ function validateForm(form){ var o = { message : '', err : [], checks : [], form : form }; window.jQuery(form).find('.required input,.required select,.required textarea,input.required, select.required, textarea.required').each(function () { // get the type and name var me = window.jQuery(this), type = me.attr('type'), name = me.attr('name'), label = me.parents('.control-group, .form-group').find('label'); // skip me if I am disabled if (this.disabled) return; // handle tinymce if (me.hasClass('mceEditor') && window.tinyMCE !== undefined ) window.tinyMCE.get(this.id).save(); // auto save any mceEditor value back to textarea if ( ((type === 'checkbox' || type === 'radio') && !window.jQuery('input[name='+name+']').is(':checked') && o.checks.indexOf(name) < 0) || ((type === 'email' || me.hasClass('email')) && !Validate.email(me.val())) || ((type === 'number' || me.hasClass('integer')) && !Validate.integer(me.val())) || (me.hasClass('float') && !Validate.float(me.val())) || ((me.hasClass('timepicker') || me.hasClass('time')) && !Validate.dateTime(me.val())) || ((me.hasClass('datepicker') || me.hasClass('date') || me.hasClass('datetime')) && !Validate.date(me.val())) || (me.hasClass('slug') && !Validate.slug(me.val())) || me.val() === '' || (me.hasClass('match') && me.data('match') && me.val() !== window.jQuery('#' + me.data('match')).val()) || (me.hasClass('regex') && me.data('regex') && !this.value.match(new RegExp(me.data('regex')))) ){ if (me.val() !== '' && me.data('regex-title') && !this.value.match(new RegExp(me.data('regex')))){ o.message += '<li>' + me.data('regex-title') + '</li>'; }else if (me.val() !== '' && me.hasClass('match') && me.data('match-title')){ o.message += '<li>' + me.data('match-title') + '</li>'; }else if (me.data('title')){ o.message += '<li>' + me.data('title') + '</li>'; }else if (me.attr('title')){ o.message += '<li>' + me.attr('title') + '</li>'; }else{ o.message += '<li>' + (label.length === 0 ? name : label.text()) + ' is a required field</li>'; } o.err.push(me); // push to the checks array so we only evaluate once o.checks.push(name); } }); return o; } /** * @hint Checks if a dialog div exists and if not it creates it */ function createDialog(o){ // create if not exists if(document.getElementById('dialog') === null){ window.jQuery('body').append('<div id="dialog"></div>'); } // we might have been called while one is open if so close me else if (document.getElementById('dialog').style.display !== 'none'){ window.jQuery('body') .find('#dialog, .modal-backdrop').remove().end() .append('<div id="dialog"></div>'); } // get it so we can add it and remove all classes to make sure we start fresh var dl = window.jQuery('#dialog').removeClass().addClass('modal'); // handle if fade on if (o.dofade === true) dl.addClass('fade'); // handle if extra class if (o.dialogclass !== '') dl.addClass(o.dialogclass); } /** * @hint Create dialog header */ function createDialogHeader(o){ var headingTag = (getBootstrapVersion() >= 3 ? "h4" : "h3"); return (o.noheader === false ? '<div class="modal-header"><a href="#" class="close" data-dismiss="modal">×</a><'+ headingTag + ' class="modal-title">' + (o.header || 'Attention') + '</'+ headingTag + '></div>' : ''); } /** * @hint Create dialog body */ function createDialogBody(o){ var bodyClass = (o.noerror === false ? 'text-error' :''), bodyStyle = "", asList = o.message.indexOf('<li>') !== -1 && o.message.indexOf('<ul>') === -1, tag = asList === true ? 'ul' : 'div', height = 0; if (o.noheader === false) height += 70; if (o.nofooter === false) height += 70; // check for width/ height settings if (getBootstrapVersion() >= 3){ // bs 3 the height and width is on the modal-body if (o.width !== 0) bodyStyle += 'width:' + o.width + 'px;'; if (o.height !== 0) bodyStyle += 'height:' + (o.height - height) + 'px;'; } else{ if (o.maxheight === true) bodyStyle = "max-height:100% !important;"; if (o.height !== 0) bodyStyle += 'height:' + (o.height - height) + 'px;'; } if (bodyStyle !== '') bodyStyle = 'style="' + bodyStyle + '"'; return '<div class="modal-body"' + bodyStyle + '>' + '<'+ tag + ' class="' + bodyClass +'">' + o.message + '</' + tag + '>' + '</div>'; } /** * @hint Create dialog footer */ function createDialogFooter(o,withActions){ var str = '', fa = getFontAwesomePrefix(); if (o.nofooter !== true){ str = '<div class="modal-footer">'; // custom footer if (o.customfooter !== ''){ str += o.customfooter; } else if (withActions === true) { str += '<div class="hide"><button class="btn btn-info" disabled="disabled"><i class="'+ fa.required + fa.prefix + 'refresh ' + fa.prefix + 'spin"></i> Processing Request</button></div><div class="show">'; // include confirm button if (o.includeconfirmbtn === true) { str +='<a href="#" class="btn btn-confirm ' + o.confirmButtonColorClass + '">' + o.confirmButtonText + '</a>'; } // cancel button str += '<a href="#" class="btn ' + o.cancelButtonColorClass + '" data-dismiss="modal">' + o.cancelButtonText + '</a></div>'; } else { str += '<a href="#" class="btn ' + o.confirmButtonColorClass + '" data-dismiss="modal">' + o.confirmText + '</a>'; } str += '</div>'; } return str; } /** * @hint Set dialog defaults required */ function setDialogDefaults(o){ var defaults = { background : '', // background color applied to modal-backdrop callback : null, // function to run on Action Dialog close cancelButtonColorClass : 'btn-danger', // Default class for Cancel Button cancelButtonText : 'No', // Default text for Cancel Button confirmButtonColorClass : 'btn-primary', // Default class for Confirmation Button confirmButtonText : 'Yes', // Default text for Confirmation Button on Action Dialog confirmText : 'OK', // Default text for Confirmation Button on Regular Dialog customfooter : '', // Custom Footer destroy : true, // destroys div when closed dialogclass : '', // class that gets added to dialog div dofade : true, // animate when open dostatic : false, // modal - must close with click to button err : [], // holds an array of the fields with errors form : null, // holds the form element of the form currently being validated header : null, // custom header string height : 0, // height of dialog - applied differently depending on version includeconfirmbtn : true, // include confirm button on Action Dialog keyboard : false, // keyboard events maxheight : false, // bs version 2 property used with height message : '', // message to display in modal noerror : false, // If message is error - true sets text to red nofooter : false, // Remove footer noheader : false, // Remove header parent : null, // Parent of element that called, can be self or id of a parent width : 0 }; return window.jQuery.extend( defaults, o ); } /** * @hint Activates the dialog - all requirements and then opens */ function activateDialog(o,dl){ // overwrite dimensions if passed (only bs2) if (getBootstrapVersion() < 3){ if (o.width !== 0) dl.css({'max-width': o.width,'width': o.width,'margin-left':-(o.width/2)}); if (o.height !== 0) dl.css({'max-height':o.height,'height':o.height}); } else if (o.width !== 0){ if (o.width !== 0) dl.find('.modal-dialog').css({'max-width': o.width,'width': o.width}); } // open modal if (o.dostatic === true) dl.modal({backdrop:'static',show:true,keyboard:o.keyboard}); else dl.modal({backdrop:true,show:true,keyboard:o.keyboard}); // change color if (o.background !== '') dl.next().css('background-color',o.background); // fix for iphone view dl.on(getBootstrapEvent('shown'),function(){ if (window.innerHeight <= 480) window.jQuery(this).css({top:window.scrollY+10}); }); } /** * @hint Show/Hide form process */ function formButtons(theState,theForm){ var runGlobal = false; // this allows us to pass in and search for items with the class name instead (multiple forms in page way) if (theForm !== undefined) { // auto assign id if blank if (theForm.id === '') theForm.id = 'un_' + (new Date().getTime()); runGlobal = window.jQuery('#' + theForm.id + ' .' + FormButtons.process).length === 0; } if (runGlobal === false && theForm !== undefined) { if (theState === true) showHide(theForm.id + ' .' + FormButtons.process, theForm.id + ' .' + FormButtons.submit); else showHide(theForm.id + ' .' + FormButtons.submit, theForm.id + ' .' + FormButtons.process); } else { if (theState === true) showHide(FormButtons.process, FormButtons.submit); else showHide(FormButtons.submit, FormButtons.process); } } /** * @hint Open a dialog with actions */ function openActionDialog(o){ var d,dl; // set globals o = setDialogDefaults(o); // create dialog createDialog(o); // create dialog text d = createDialogHeader(o) + createDialogBody(o) + createDialogFooter(o,true); // insert dialog text dl = window.jQuery('#dialog').html(parseForBootstrap(d)); // activate the dialog activateDialog(o,dl); // CUSTOM PROPERTIES FOR THIS TYPE // add destroy on close if (o.destroy === true) dl.on(getBootstrapEvent('hidden'),function(){window.jQuery(this).remove();}); // confirm button action dl.find('a.btn-confirm').click(function(){ // hide/show buttons var btnProcess = dl.find('.modal-footer div.hide'), btnSubmit = dl.find('.modal-footer div.show'); if (getBootstrapVersion() >= 3){ btnProcess.removeClass('hide'); btnSubmit.removeClass('show').addClass('hide'); } else { btnProcess.show(); btnSubmit.hide(); } // is function if (o.callback && typeof(o.callback) === 'function'){ o.callback(o.parent || dl); // is link }else if (o.parent !== null && typeof(o.parent) === 'object' && o.parent.href !== 'undefined'){ if(o.parent.target.indexOf('blank') >= 0 || o.parent.target.indexOf('new') >= 0){ var newWindow = window.open(o.parent.href, '_blank'); newWindow.focus(); dl.modal('hide'); }else{ window.location=o.parent.href; } // is form }else if (o.parent !== null){ formButtons(true); var frm = document[o.parent] || document.getElementById(o.parent); if (frm !== undefined) frm.submit(); } return false; }); } /** * @hint Open a dialog */ function openDialog(o){ var d,dl; // set globals o = setDialogDefaults(o); // create dialog createDialog(o); // create dialog text d = createDialogHeader(o) + createDialogBody(o) + createDialogFooter(o,false); // insert dialog text dl = window.jQuery('#dialog').html(parseForBootstrap(d)); // activate the dialog activateDialog(o,dl); // CUSTOM PROPERTIES FOR THIS TYPE if (o.err.length > 0 && o.form !== null){ dl.on(getBootstrapEvent('hidden'),function(){ formButtons(false,o.form); o.err[0].focus().select(); if (o.destroy === true) window.jQuery(this).remove(); }); } else { // add destroy on close if (o.destroy === true) dl.on(getBootstrapEvent('hidden'),function(){window.jQuery(this).remove();}); } } /** * @hint Gets the Font Awesome icon prefix to use */ function getFontAwesomePrefix(){ var fa = {required:'',prefix:'icon-'}; if (getFontAwesomeVersion() >= 4) fa = {required:'fa ',prefix:'fa-'}; return fa; } /** * @hint Gets the event to listen for depending on Bootstrap Version */ function getBootstrapEvent(event){ if (getBootstrapVersion() >= 3) event += '.bs.modal'; return event; } /** * @hint Prepares a modal depending on Bootstrap Version */ function parseForBootstrap(d){ // check if we define a bootstrap version and it is higher than or equal to 3 if (getBootstrapVersion() >= 3) d = '<div class="modal-dialog"><div class="modal-content">' + d.replace('text-error','text-danger') + '</div></div>'; return d; } /** * @hint Show/Hide elements - pass 2 elements and there view state will be toggled */ function showHide(a, b){ if (getBootstrapVersion() >= 3){ window.jQuery('#' + b).addClass('hide'); window.jQuery('#' + a).removeClass('hide'); }else{ window.jQuery('#' + b).hide(); window.jQuery('#' + a).show(); } } /** * @hint Return Bootstrap Version defined by global variable BootstrapVersion - defaults to 3 */ function getBootstrapVersion(){ return (typeof(BootstrapVersion) === 'number' ? BootstrapVersion : 3); } /** * @hint Return FontAwesome Version defined by global variable FontAwesomeVersion - defaults to 4 */ function getFontAwesomeVersion(){ return (typeof(FontAwesomeVersion) === 'number' ? FontAwesomeVersion : 4); } // !Initialize window.jQuery(function(){ // !Simple form validation with modal window.jQuery('form.simple-validation').each(function(){ simpleValidation(this,false); }); // !Simple form validation with alert window.jQuery('form.simple-validation-alert').each(function(){ simpleValidation(this,true); }); });

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