Bootstrap 3.0.0 Snippet by evarevirus

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100 * boxIndex : 0; cords = ((index * dimensionPercentage) - cordsOffset) + '%'; // Calculating top coords. topCords = isFinite(dimensionPercentage * boxIndex) ? dimensionPercentage * boxIndex + '%' : 0 + '%'; //Calculating mix of colors. boxColor = createColor(initialBoxColor, initialBoxColorAlt, (index / (boxAmount - 1))); // Asigning all of the calculated values to the box. $(this).css({ "top": topCords, "right": cords, "background": boxColor }); // Styling first and last box so we can easily indentify them. if (index == 0) { $('.box:last-child').css('border-left', '5px solid' + boxColor); } else if (index == (boxAmount - 1)) { $('.box:first-child').css('border-right', '5px solid' + boxColor); } if ($('#showHex').is(':checked')) { $(this).text(boxColor); } // This little guy helps us know if we need to send our boxes to the new row. if ($(this).data('num') % boxAmountRow == 0) { boxIndex += 1; } }); } $('#boxNum').on('change', function() { boxAmount = $(this).val(); initiateBoxes(); }); //ty u/Ob101010 for teaching me about event delegation <3 $('.colorPickers').on('change', '.colorPicker', function() { initialBoxColor = $('#colorPicker1').val(); initialBoxColorAlt = $('#colorPicker2').val(); initiateBoxes(); }); $('#showHex').on('change', function() { initiateBoxes(); }); function createColor(color, colorAlt, ratio) { var endColor =''; color = color.substring(1); colorAlt = colorAlt.substring(1); var toHex = function(x) { x = x.toString(16); return (x.length == 1) ? '0' + x : x; }; for (var i = 0; i < color.length; i += 2) {if (window.CP.shouldStopExecution(2)){break;}if (window.CP.shouldStopExecution(2)){break;} var calculated = Math.ceil(parseInt(color.substring(i, i + 2), 16) * ratio + parseInt(colorAlt.substring(i, i + 2), 16) * (1 - ratio)); endColor += toHex(calculated > 255 ? 255 : calculated); } window.CP.exitedLoop(2); window.CP.exitedLoop(2); return '#' + endColor; } /* LETS GO */ initiateBoxes(); /* GRADIENT-TEXT JS */ function gradText(r,n,t){r.jquery&&(r=r[0]);var e=r.innerHTML,a=e.match(/\x20/g)?e.match(/\x20/g).length:0;for(r.innerHTML="",i=0,skip=0;i<e.length;i++){if (window.CP.shouldStopExecution(3)){break;}if (window.CP.shouldStopExecution(3)){break;}" "==e[i]?(skip+=1,r.innerHTML+=e[i]):(gradColor=createColor(n,t,(i-skip)/(e.length-a-1)),r.innerHTML+='<span style="color:'+gradColor+'">'+e[i]+"</span>")} window.CP.exitedLoop(3); window.CP.exitedLoop(3); }function createColor(r,n,t){var i="";r=r.substring(1),n=n.substring(1);for(var e=function(r){return r=r.toString(16),1==r.length?"0"+r:r},a=0;a<r.length;a+=2){if (window.CP.shouldStopExecution(4)){break;}if (window.CP.shouldStopExecution(4)){break;}var o=Math.ceil(parseInt(r.substring(a,a+2),16)*t+parseInt(n.substring(a,a+2),16)*(1-t));i+=e(o>255?255:o)} window.CP.exitedLoop(4); window.CP.exitedLoop(4); return"#"+i} gradText(document.getElementsByClassName('libLink')[0],'#ffa500','#FF00FF'); //# sourceURL=pen.js </script> </body></html>

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