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<h1>A Complete Guide to Gomed Stone</h1>
<p>Gomed stone which is popular for its color and association with the Rahu planet is worn to bring prosperity and happiness in life. Gomeda, Gomedha, and Gomed all are the names of the hessonite stones. It is a semi-precious gemstone from the garnet mineral family found in a different variety of brown to honey-colored. The garnet mineral is known as the <a href="https://www.navratan.com/categories/hessonite-gomed">birthstone of January month</a>. When it comes to the benefits of this stone then it is worn to get power, wealth, name, and success in business, career, and life. One of the most important benefits of this stone is that this stone is used to eliminate the negative effect of the Rahu planet. Rahu and Ketu, are two dangerous planets on earth. The negative effects of this planet can make a person's life hell. In terms of benefits, The stone has many astrological benefits. If the Planet Rahu is at the best place in your horoscope then it will give you benefits and if the placement of Rahu is in the negative or wrong house then it will show the malefic effect of the planet. That's why it is recommended to consult an astrologer before wearing the stone. He will check for the place of Rahu in your horoscope if they found everything correct then they will suggest you a real hessonite stone to make your life wonderful. In case if they found some issues in your horoscope regarding the place of Rahu then for that reason they will recommend you to wear the Hessonite stone. It will protect you from the evil effects of this planet. </p>
<p>When it comes to the placement of the Rahu planet then if the Rahu planet is placed in 3, 6, 10, 11 houses in your horoscope then It is considered as the benefic or favored position of the planet. The rest of the placement will be malefic for the wearer. Let's discuss the chemical composition of this stone. Hessonite or Gomed stone is known as the common grossular with the formula Ca3Al2Si3O12. If we talk about the name of the stone then the word hessonite is derived from the Greek word 'hesson' that means inferior. The reason behind this name is that it is not as dense as others. The gravity level for this stone is 3.64 to 3.69. The hardness of the stone is equal to the quartz. In this article, we are here to give the focus on the benefits of wearing the Gomed stone.</p>
<h2><a href="https://www.navratan.com/blog/incredible-benefits-of-wearing-a-gomed-or-hessonite-stone">Benefits of Hessonite Stone</a>:</h2>
<p>This mystical stone has many more things attached to it. When one wears the stone after consulting the astrologer for the placement of Rahu in the horoscope then it will show the positive or benefic effects. It gives many good results that bring happiness and prosperity in life. Now, You can have a look at the benefits of the stone. </p>
<li>When a person wears this stone then there are more chances of getting sudden gains of money in life. If you are leading a business then here you can get more profit with less investment. </li>
<li>The malefic effects of the planet are reduced so that doesn't affect the wearer. If the Rahu is not in the favor then this stone can protect you from the malefic effects of the planet.</li>
<li>When it comes to maternal benefits then it also helps the partner to live a happy life. It works as a booster in the hurdles of marriage.</li>
<li>It can help you to save more money with less investment. It will increase or boost your financial or economical condition.</li>
<li>By <a href="https://www.navratan.com/blog/how-to-wear-a-gomed-or-hessonite-stone">wearing the Hessonite stone</a>, One will be able to do journeys and charities.</li>
<li>It helps you to fight against your problems in life. The person who wears the store will be able to think more clearly, which will boost speed to solve any serious issues.</li>
<li>You can start new ventures in your life and by wearing this stone you can get success in all these types of ventures.</li>
<li>If you are facing some legal issues then this gomed stone can help you to win legal matters and you can win over hidden enemies. </li>
<li>To get mental peace one can wear the stone. It also protects you from the effect of black magic.</li>
<h2>Buy Hessonite Stone in India</h2>
<p>To buy premium quality Hessonite stone online in India, You just need to visit Navratan - The Online Gem Bazar. Here you can get all the wide range of products at the best price. Shop Now!!!</p>

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