326 3.1.0
Bootstrap Carousel with text
277 3.3.0
JS Typewriter (Text Animation)
176 3.1.0
Caption hover effect text
106 3.3.0
Bootstrap Fade Carousel Touch Slider with Text Animation
104 3.3.0
Text Animation Boostrap
101 4.1.1
Bootstrap Images to Left and Right with Text and Heading
98 3.1.0
Social Icons / Font Awesome with hover
87 3.0.3
Text animation (see @ codepen.io)
86 3.1.0
Tall Footer With Gradient Image
79 3.3.0
Stylish input ( Using Icon Font )
74 3.0.0
Cool Alerts Alternate Color
69 3.3.0
Bootstrap Slide Carousel Touch Slider with Text Animation