294 3.1.0
Buttons with Built-in Loading Indicators
272 3.3.0
Animated Vertical Bootstrap Carousel on Mouse scroll and Swipe
199 3.3.0
Loading button effect (no JS)
196 3.3.0
Creative Animated Loading
185 4.0.0
Landing Page Template with animated carousel
183 3.3.0
Creative User Profile #User-Interface #User #Profile #jquery #Social #contact #accordion
153 3.1.0
Smooth animated thumbnails
152 3.3.0
Animated radios & checkboxes (noJS)
140 4.1.1
loading circle
139 3.3.0
Loading Button
121 4.1.1
Animated 3d social icon in css3
116 4.1.1
Creative Princing Table