Bootstrap 4.1.1 Snippet by luthfiyyahmh

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.register{ background: -webkit-linear-gradient(left, #5F9EA0, #00c6ff); margin-top: 3%; padding: 3%; } .register-left{ text-align: center; color: #fff; margin-top: 4%; } .register-left input{ border: none; border-radius: 1.5rem; padding: 2%; width: 60%; background: #f8f9fa; font-weight: bold; color: #383d41; margin-top: 30%; margin-bottom: 3%; cursor: pointer; } .register-right{ background: #f8f9fa; border-top-left-radius: 10% 50%; border-bottom-left-radius: 10% 50%; } .register-left img{ margin-top: 15%; margin-bottom: 5%; width: 25%; -webkit-animation: mover 2s infinite alternate; animation: mover 1s infinite alternate; } @-webkit-keyframes mover { 0% { transform: translateY(0); } 100% { transform: translateY(-20px); } } @keyframes mover { 0% { transform: translateY(0); } 100% { transform: translateY(-20px); } } .register-left p{ font-weight: lighter; padding: 12%; margin-top: -9%; } .register .register-form{ padding: 10%; margin-top: 10%; } .btnRegister{ float: right; margin-top: 10%; border: none; border-radius: 1.5rem; padding: 2%; background: #87CEFA ; color: #fff; font-weight: 600; width: 50%; cursor: pointer; } .register .nav-tabs{ margin-top: 3%; border: none; background: #87CEFA ; border-radius: 1.5rem; width: 28%; float: right; } .register .nav-tabs .nav-link{ padding: 2%; height: 34px; font-weight: 600; color: #fff; border-top-right-radius: 1.5rem; border-bottom-right-radius: 1.5rem; } .register .nav-tabs .nav-link:hover{ border: none; } .register .nav-tabs .nav-link.active{ width: 100px; color: #000000; border: 2px solid #87CEFA; border-top-left-radius: 1.5rem; border-bottom-left-radius: 1.5rem; } .register-heading{ text-align: center; margin-top: 8%; margin-bottom: -15%; color: #495057; }

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Questions / Comments:

In your head tag you have got the same link and scripts twice. why is that?

If you remove the doubles it does not work anymore. can you explain why?

josephina (-1) - 3 years ago - Reply -1

in your head tag you have got the same link and scripts twice. why is that?

If you remove the doubles it does not work anymore. can you explain why?

josephina (-1) - 3 years ago - Reply 0

In your head tag you have got the same link and scripts twice. why is that?

If you remove the doubles it does not work anymore. can you explain why?

josephina (-1) - 3 years ago - Reply 0

can i use this template for free on my website?

vishnuvuyyur1 () - 3 years ago - Reply 0