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d="M48.9,43.6c0,4.9-4,8.9-8.9,8.9s-8.9-4-8.9-8.9S40,27.5,40,27.5S48.9,38.7,48.9,43.6z"/> <path id="TopInit" fill="#FFFFFF" d="M13,10.8c5-5.3,10.7-8.5,18.3-9.8c11.2-1.8,9.2-1.4,17.6,0C58.3,2.7,66,6,69,13.1V-2.7L13-2.8V10.8z"/> <path id="TopBulb" fill="#FFFFFF" d="M13,10.8c5-5.3,14.8-4,18.3,2.3c4.3,7.7,13.8,7.6,17.6,0c3.4-7,17.1-7.1,20.1,0V-2.7L13-2.8V10.8z" style="visibility: hidden"/> <path id="TopBulbSm" fill="#FFFFFF" d="M13,10.8c5-5.3,18.5-14,23.3-8.8c3.6,3.9,3.9,4.5,7.6,0c5-6,22.1,3.9,25.1,11V-2.7L13-2.8V10.8z" style="visibility: hidden"/> <path id="TopRound" fill="#FFFFFF" d="M13,10.8c5-5.3,10.6-6,18.3-6.8c6.5-0.7,10.5-0.8,17.6,0C58.4,5.1,66,6,69,13.1V-2.7L13-2.8V10.8z" style="visibility: hidden"/> </g> </svg> </div> </div> <div class="card__count-container"> <div class="card__count-text"> <span class="card__count-text--big">250</span> Million </div> </div> <div class="card__stuff-container"> <div class="card__stuff-icon"> <svg version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 13 13"> <path fill="#6a7a87" d="M9.4,2L9.2,2.3v0.4v7.6v0.4L9.4,11H3.6l0.3-0.3v-0.4V2.7V2.3L3.6,2H9.4 M12,1H1l1.8,1.7v7.6L1,12h11l-1.8-1.7V2.7L12,1L12,1z"/> <line fill="none" stroke="#6a7a87" class="st0" x1="3" y1="6.5" x2="10" y2="6.5"/> </svg> </div> <div class="card__stuff-text"> Gallons of oil</div> </div> </div> <div class="card card--tree"> <div class="card__svg-container"> <div class="card__svg-wrapper"> <svg version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 80 80"> <circle cx="40" cy="40" r="39" fill="#6abf60"/> <g id="Branches"> <polygon id="topBranches" fill="#FFFFFF" points="40.1,19.8 51.2,43.1 29,43.1"/> <polygon id="botBranches" fill="#FFFFFF" points="40,28 52,54.3 28,54.3"/> </g> <rect id="Trunk" x="37.7" y="53.8" fill="#FFFFFF" width="4.7" height="6"/> <rect id="Particle" x="37.9" y="54.3" fill="#FFFFFF" width="2" height="2"/> <polygon id="Axe" fill="#FFFFFF" points="0.7,5.3 7.3,5.3 7.3,10.2 4,20.3 0.7,10.2"/> </svg> </div> </div> <div class="card__count-container"> <div class="card__count-text"> <span class="card__count-text--big">10</span> Million </div> </div> <div class="card__stuff-container"> <div class="card__stuff-icon"> <svg version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 13 13"> <polygon fill="none" stroke="#6a7a87" points="3.5,1.5 5.5,1.5 5.5,5 9.5,1.5 9.5,9 11,11.5 2,11.5 3.5,9 "/> </svg> </div> <div class="card__stuff-text"> Trees cut </div> </div> </div> <div class="card card--water"> <div class="card__svg-container"> <div class="card__svg-wrapper"> <svg version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 80 80"> <circle cx="40" cy="40" r="39" fill="#60cbe7"/> <g id="waveGroup"> <path id="waveTop" fill="#FFFFFF" d="M93,34.1c-3.5,0-5.8-1.1-8.1-4.1h0c-1.6,3-4.9,4.3-8.4,4.3c-3.5,0-6.1-1.3-8.4-4.3h0c-1.6,3-5.1,4.1-8.6,4.1 c-3.5,0-6.6-2-8.6-4.6v0c-2,2.6-4.5,4.3-8,4.3c-3.5,0-6-1.7-8-4.3v0c-2,2.6-5.1,4.5-8.6,4.5c-3.5,0-6.3-1.1-8.5-4.1h0 c-1.6,3-4.9,4.3-8.4,4.3C6,34.3,3.3,33,1.1,30h0c-1.6,3-4.5,4.1-8,4.1c-3.5,0-6-2-8-4.6v0c-2,2.6-5.5,4.3-9,4.3c-3.5,0-6-1.7-9-4.3 v6.6c3,1.5,5.6,2.3,8.6,2.3s6.2-0.9,8.5-2.3c2.2,1.5,5.4,2.3,8.5,2.3s6.1-0.9,8.4-2.3c2.2,1.5,5.4,2.3,8.4,2.3s6.1-0.9,8.4-2.3 c2.2,1.5,5.4,2.3,8.4,2.3s6.1-0.9,8.4-2.3c2.2,1.5,5.3,2.3,8.4,2.3s6.1-0.9,8.4-2.3c2.2,1.5,5.3,2.3,8.4,2.3s6.1-0.9,8.4-2.3 c2.2,1.5,5.3,2.3,8.4,2.3s6.1-0.9,8.4-2.3c2.2,1.5,5,2.3,8,2.3s6-0.9,8-2.3v-6.6C100,32.1,96.5,34.1,93,34.1z"/> <path id="waveBot" fill="#FFFFFF" d="M98,46.1c-3.5,0-5.8-1.1-8.1-4.1h0c-1.6,3-4.9,4.3-8.4,4.3c-3.5,0-6.1-1.3-8.4-4.3h0c-1.6,3-5.1,4.1-8.6,4.1 c-3.5,0-6.6-2-8.6-4.6v0c-2,2.6-4.5,4.3-8,4.3c-3.5,0-6-1.7-8-4.3v0c-2,2.6-5.1,4.5-8.6,4.5c-3.5,0-6.3-1.1-8.5-4.1h0 c-1.6,3-4.9,4.3-8.4,4.3C11,46.3,8.3,45,6.1,42h0c-1.6,3-4.5,4.1-8,4.1c-3.5,0-6-2-8-4.6v0c-2,2.6-5.5,4.3-9,4.3c-3.5,0-6-1.7-9-4.3 v6.6c3,1.5,5.6,2.3,8.6,2.3s6.2-0.9,8.5-2.3c2.2,1.5,5.4,2.3,8.5,2.3s6.1-0.9,8.4-2.3c2.2,1.5,5.4,2.3,8.4,2.3s6.1-0.9,8.4-2.3 c2.2,1.5,5.4,2.3,8.4,2.3c3,0,6.1-0.9,8.4-2.3c2.2,1.5,5.3,2.3,8.4,2.3s6.1-0.9,8.4-2.3c2.2,1.5,5.3,2.3,8.4,2.3 c3,0,6.1-0.9,8.4-2.3c2.2,1.5,5.3,2.3,8.4,2.3s6.1-0.9,8.4-2.3c2.2,1.5,5,2.3,8,2.3s6-0.9,8-2.3v-6.6C105,44.1,101.5,46.1,98,46.1z" /> </g> </svg> </div> </div> <div class="card__count-container"> <div class="card__count-text"> <span class="card__count-text--big">One</span> Billion </div> </div> <div class="card__stuff-container"> <div class="card__stuff-icon"> <svg version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 13 13"> <path fill="none" stroke="#6a7a87" d="M1,1.5c0.9,0,0.9,2,1.8,2c0.9,0,0.9-2,1.8-2c0.9,0,0.9,2,1.8,2c0.9,0,0.9-2,1.8-2c0.9,0,0.9,2,1.8,2s0.9-2,1.8-2"/> <path fill="none" stroke="#6a7a87" d="M1,5.5c0.9,0,0.9,2,1.8,2c0.9,0,0.9-2,1.8-2c0.9,0,0.9,2,1.8,2c0.9,0,0.9-2,1.8-2c0.9,0,0.9,2,1.8,2s0.9-2,1.8-2"/> <path fill="none" stroke="#6a7a87" d="M1,9.5c0.9,0,0.9,2,1.8,2c0.9,0,0.9-2,1.8-2c0.9,0,0.9,2,1.8,2c0.9,0,0.9-2,1.8-2c0.9,0,0.9,2,1.8,2s0.9-2,1.8-2"/> </svg> </div> <div class="card__stuff-text"> Gallons of water</div> </div> </div> </section> <script> "use strict"; function newAnimationObj() { var timeline = arguments.length <= 0 || arguments[0] === undefined ? new TimelineMax() : arguments[0]; var obj = {}; obj.last = false; obj.start = function () { obj.last = false; timeline.resume(); }; obj.stop = function () { obj.last = true; }; return obj; } var newOilAnimation = function newOilAnimation() { var oilTL = new TimelineMax({ repeat: -1, repeatDelay: 0.3 }); var oilObj = newAnimationObj(oilTL); oilTL.to("#myTeardrop", 0.3, { y: 55, ease: Power3.easeIn }).set("#myTeardrop", { y: -53 }).to("#myTeardrop", 0.8, { y: -24, ease: Power4.easeIn }).to("#TopInit", 0.8, { morphSVG: { shape: "#TopBulb" }, ease: Power4.easeIn }, "-=0.8").to("#TopInit", 0.17, { morphSVG: { shape: "#TopBulbSm" }, ease: Power0.easeOut }).to("#TopInit", 0.03, { morphSVG: { shape: "#TopInit" }, ease: Power0.easeOut }).to("#TopInit", 0.05, { morphSVG: { shape: "#TopRound" 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ease: Power0.easeNone }, "-=0.20").set("#Particle", { autoAlpha: 0 }).set("#Branches", { transformOrigin: '100% 100%' }).to("#Branches", 0.3, { rotation: 90, y: 7, ease: Bounce.easeOut }, "+=0.05").to("#Branches", 0.5, { x: 28, ease: SlowMo.ease.config(0.5, 0.8, false) }, "+=0.1").to("#Trunk", 0.2, { scaleY: 0, ease: SlowMo.ease.config(0.1, 0.7, true) }, "+=0.1").set("#Branches", { x: 0, y: 0, rotation: 0 }).set("#topBranches", { scale: 0.1, y: 10 }).set("#botBranches", { scale: 0.1 }).to("#botBranches", 0.2, { scale: 1, ease: Power2.easeOut }).to("#topBranches", 0.2, { scale: 1, ease: Power2.easeOut }, "-=0.15").to("#topBranches", 0.25, { y: 0, ease: Back.easeOut.config(3), onComplete: function onComplete() { if (treeObj.last == true) treeTL.pause(); } }, "-=0.15").invalidate(); treeTL.pause(); return treeObj; }; var newWaveAnimation = function newWaveAnimation() { var waveTL = new TimelineMax({ repeat: -1, repeatDelay: 0.3 }); var waveObj = newAnimationObj(waveTL); var xDur = 2; var dx = 16.5; TweenMax.set("#waveGroup", { transformOrigin: '50% 50%' }); waveTL.to("#waveGroup", 0.25, { rotation: -3, ease: Power2.easeOut }).to("#waveGroup", 1.5, { rotation: 0, ease: Elastic.easeOut.config(2, 0.2) }).to("#waveTop", xDur, { x: dx, ease: Power0.easeNone }, "0").to("#waveBot", xDur, { x: -dx, ease: Power0.easeNone, onComplete: function onComplete() { if (waveObj.last == true) waveTL.pause(); } }, "0").invalidate(); waveTL.pause(); return waveObj; }; var waveAnimation = newWaveAnimation(); var treeAnimation = newTreeAnimation(); var oilAnimation = newOilAnimation(); setTimeout(function () { treeAnimation.start(); treeAnimation.stop(); }, 300); //TweenMax.globalTimeScale(0.5); $(document).on("mouseenter touchstart", ".card", function (e) { if (e.currentTarget.classList[1] == "card--water") { waveAnimation.start(); } if (e.currentTarget.classList[1] == "card--tree") { treeAnimation.start(); } if (e.currentTarget.classList[1] == "card--oil") { oilAnimation.start(); } }); 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