Bootstrap 4.1.1 Snippet by masrooriclick

<link href="//maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/4.1.1/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" id="bootstrap-css"> <script src="//maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/4.1.1/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script> <script src="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.2.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <!------ Include the above in your HEAD tag ----------> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <h2>The Future of Events Beyond 2022</h2> <p>Covid-19’s impact on traditional event planning Most of us are familiar with the myriad of traditional event formats that existed before the pandemic. In fact, attending a couple of industry-focused trade shows, conferences and corporate dinner and dances would be part of the fiscal work calendar. Even before the pandemic, industries would have adopted different event layouts depending on the agenda of the event and the demographic of the attendees. With professional industries engaging audiences through in-person events and entertainment industries incorporating a blend of digital and physical strategies to capture the market. The pandemic has essentially pushed the <a href="https://www.tembusuevents.com.sg">events management industry</a> into challenging spheres and as the industry tries to configure their next steps they’ve all had to tackle with the repercussions of the lockdowns differently. They have taken the onus to pivoting their strategies or uphauling the business model in order to survive but implications within the industry itself would differ from firm to firm. The shared implications would include reduced capacities due to social distancing and the complete cancellations of MICE events due to lockdowns and so in order to stay afloat, event management companies had to rapidly innovate.</p> <img src="https://tembusuevents.com.sg/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Social-distancing-as-a-priority.jpg"> <h3>Social distancing</h3> <p> as a priority Needless to say, the new-normal includes a bout of policies and regulations that prioritizes public health and safety. Due to the dominant need for businesses to continuously engage with their clients, <a href="https://www.tembusuevents.com.sg/special-events/">new event strategies</a> would be planned around optimising connectivity while staying safe. Luckily for the events management industry, staffers usually come from a diverse mix of work experiences and the community is filled with personnels that are multi-faceted. If anything, this pandemic has provided an opportunity for creatives within the industry to test the limits of their imagination as they figure out ways to service their clients using the best of both worlds – digital and traditional methods. Regardless, social distancing will remain a priority for a long time and so industry-makers will have to figure out how to optimize event line-ups for maximum engagement while ensuring all safety protocols are upheld.</p> <img src="https://tembusuevents.com.sg/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/The-mainstream-adoption-of-hybrid-events.jpg"> <h3>The mainstream adoption of hybrid events</h3> <p> Hybrid events are a bridge between live and virtual events, usually peppered with elements of technology in its delivery. Hybrid events were beginning to take root just before the pandemic but with lockdowns and restriction on international travels, its adoption was accelerated and made mainstream. The crux of a hybrid event is in its accessibility and the ability to connect with its audience no matter where they are. A common misconception of hybrid events is that it’s filled with quirky, advanced technology such as augmented reality and virtual reality, where participants would get to see holograms popping around the event space. More often than not, a hybrid event is in its ability to seamlessly integrate technology to facilitate interactivity between offsite participants and the live audience. Hybrid events can be very appealing as its interconnectivity allows it to have increased reach and attendance as the lowered barriers to entry makes it easier for those who are time-starved to attend at their own convenience.</p> <img src="https://tembusuevents.com.sg/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/Virtual-events-and-virtual-events-only.jpg"> <h3>Virtual events and virtual events only</h3> <p> Most of us have relied on teleconferencing softwares to get us through work-from-home during lockdowns, companies have also relied on these softwares to hold large capacity webinars that essentially replaced annual trade conferences with a fully <a href="https://www.tembusuevents.com.sg/virtual-events/">digital presence</a>. As technologies like virtual and augmented reality become more commercialised and pervasive, adoption will happen at a monumental speed where most households would be equipped with the necessary set-up to be fully work-functional from home. Virtual events can have a comparative advantage to physical events, with a greater online presence, virtual events Singapore can source a larger following and more sponsorships while reducing costs for the organising committee as traditional overheads like rental, set-up and tear-down costs and manpower need not be accounted for.</p> </div> </div>

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