"Revolution Slider Jquery"
Bootstrap 4.1.1 Snippet by Naveen Mandwariya

<link href="//maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/4.1.1/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" id="bootstrap-css"> <script src="//maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/4.1.1/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script> <script src="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.2.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <!------ Include the above in your HEAD tag ----------> <section> <div class="home-slider5"> <div id="thmg-slideshow" class="thmg-slideshow"> <div id='rev_slider_4_wrapper' class='rev_slider_wrapper fullwidthbanner-container' > <div id='rev_slider_4' class='rev_slider fullwidthabanner'> <ul> <li data-transition='random' data-slotamount='7' data-masterspeed='1000' data-thumb='https://i.ibb.co/y8hKWz3/home-2-slide-1.jpg'><img src='https://i.ibb.co/y8hKWz3/home-2-slide-1.jpg' data-bgfit='cover' data-bgrepeat='no-repeat' alt="banner"/> <div class="banner-overlay"></div> <div class="container"> <div class="content_slideshow"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-12"> <div class="info"> <div class='tp-caption LargeTitle sfl tp-resizeme ' data-endspeed='500' data-speed='500' data-start='1300' data-easing='Linear.easeNone' data-splitin='none' data-splitout='none' data-elementdelay='0.1' data-endelementdelay='0.1' style='z-index:3; white-space:nowrap;'> <span style="font-weight:normal; display:block; margin-bottom:20px;"> Lorem Ipsum</span> Dummy Content </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li data-transition='random' data-slotamount='7' data-masterspeed='1000' data-thumb='https://i.ibb.co/z82Gxxx/home-2-slide-3.jpg'><img src='https://i.ibb.co/z82Gxxx/home-2-slide-3.jpg' data-bgfit='cover' data-bgrepeat='no-repeat' alt="banner"/> <div class="banner-overlay"></div> <div class="container"> <div class="content_slideshow"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-12"> <div class="info"> <div class='tp-caption LargeTitle sfl tp-resizeme ' data-endspeed='500' data-speed='500' data-start='1300' data-easing='Linear.easeNone' data-splitin='none' data-splitout='none' data-elementdelay='0.1' data-endelementdelay='0.1' style='z-index:3; white-space:nowrap;'> <span style="font-weight:normal; display:block; margin-bottom:20px;"> Available For </span> Lorem ipsum dummy </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> </ul> <div class="tp-bannertimer"></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section>
.home-slider5 #thmg-slideshow { padding: 0; margin:auto; } .home-slider5 #thmg-slideshow .content_slideshow { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 15px; right: 15px; left: 2%; top: 15%; } .home-slider5 .info { width: 100%; display: block; text-align: left; position: absolute; margin-top: 20%; font-family:'Saira Condensed', sans-serif } .home-slider5 #thmg-slideshow .container {position:relative} .home-slider5 #thmg-slideshow .slotholder {position:absolute} .home-slider5 .rev_slider_wrapper { position: relative; } .home-slider5 .rev_slider { position: relative; overflow: visible; } .home-slider5 .rev_slider ul { margin: 0px; padding: 0px; list-style: none !important; list-style-type: none; background-position: 0px 0px; } .home-slider5 .rev_slider ul li, .home-slider5 .rev_slider >ul >li, .home-slider5 .rev_slider >ul >li:before { list-style: none !important; position: absolute; visibility: hidden; margin: 0px !important; padding: 0px !important; overflow-x: visible; overflow-y: visible; list-style-type: none !important; background-image: none; background-position: 0px 0px; text-indent: 0em; } .home-slider5 .tp-caption { z-index: 1; } .home-slider5 .fullwidthbanner-container { width: 100%; position: relative; padding: 0; overflow: hidden; margin: auto; } .home-slider5 .fullwidthbanner-container .fullwidthabanner { width: 100%; position: relative; margin: auto; } .tp-simpleresponsive .tp-caption { } .caption-inner {width:60%} .home-slider5 .caption-inner.left { text-align: left; width:60% } .home-slider5 .caption-inner.right { text-align: left; } .tp-caption.ExtraLargeTitle { line-height:normal; font-weight: 300; color: #0082ba; text-decoration: none; background-color: transparent; padding: 0px 0px 0px 0px; border-radius: 0px 0px 0px 0px; font-size: 18px; text-align: left; letter-spacing: 0px; } .tp-caption.slide2 { color: #FFF; } .tp-caption.ExtraLargeTitle span { display: inline-block; margin: auto; letter-spacing:1px; font-size:24px; font-weight: 400; color:#e05c0b; text-transform:uppercase } .tp-caption.LargeTitle { font-weight: 700; color:#fff; text-decoration: none; background-color: transparent; padding: 5px 0px 10px 0px; font-size:72px; text-align: left; letter-spacing:1px; line-height: 34px; text-transform:uppercase } .tp-caption.LargeTitle span { color: #fff; line-height: 85px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 20px; border-radius: 5px; text-align: left; display: inline-block; font-weight:normal; font-size: 52px; letter-spacing:1px } .view-more { padding: 10px 35px; font-size: 12px; text-transform: uppercase; font-weight: bold; color: #EEE; border: 1px #EEE solid; } .buy-btn { padding: 15px 20px 12px 20px; font-size: 18px; text-transform: uppercase; font-weight: 400; color: #121212; letter-spacing: 1px!important; display: inline-block; border:none; margin-top: 45px; float: left; background: #bb0511 ; border-radius:0px; border-bottom:3px #eeca06 solid } .buy-btn:hover { background: #bb0511; color: #333; border: 1px #bb0511 solid; } .buy-btn:hover:after { color: #333; } .buy-btn:after { content: '\f0da'; font-family: FontAwesome; display: inline-block !important; margin-left: 10px; color: #333; font-size: 14px; } .tp-caption.Title { font-size:22px; line-height: 27px; font-weight: 300; text-transform: uppercase; color: #fff; text-decoration: none; background-color: transparent; padding: 20px 0px 0px 0px; text-align: left; margin: auto; letter-spacing: 1px; } .home-slider5 .tp-bullets { z-index: 1000; position: absolute; opacity: 1; } .home-slider5 .tp-bullets.hidebullets { opacity: 0; } .home-slider5 .tparrows { opacity: 1; } .home-slider5 .tparrows.hidearrows { /*-ms-filter: "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=0)"; -moz-opacity: 0; -khtml-opacity: 0; opacity: 0;*/ } .home-slider5 .tp-leftarrow { z-index: 100; cursor: pointer; position: relative; width: 30px; height: 30px; background:#bb0511; } .home-slider5 .tp-leftarrow:before { content: "\f104"; font-family: 'FontAwesome'; font-size:24px; color:#ffffff; } .home-slider5 .tp-rightarrow:before { content: "\f105"; font-family: 'FontAwesome'; font-size: 24px; color:#ffffff; } .home-slider5 .tp-rightarrow { z-index: 100; cursor: pointer; position: relative; width: 30px; height: 30px; background:#bb0511; } .home-slider5 .rev_slider_wrapper .tp-leftarrow.default { z-index: 100; cursor: pointer; left: -45px !important; opacity: 0px; visibility: hidden; transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out; } .home-slider5 .rev_slider_wrapper:hover .tp-leftarrow.default { z-index: 100; cursor: pointer; left: 15px !important; opacity: 1px; visibility: visible; transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out; } .home-slider5 .rev_slider_wrapper .tp-rightarrow.default { z-index: 100; cursor: pointer; right: -45px !important; opacity: 0px; visibility: hidden; transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out; } .home-slider5 .rev_slider_wrapper:hover .tp-rightarrow.default { z-index: 100; cursor: pointer; right: 15px !important; opacity: 1px; visibility: visible; transition: all 0.3s ease-in-out; } .home-slider5 .tp-bullets.tp-thumbs { /*z-index: 1000; */ position: absolute; padding: 3px; background-color: #fff; width: 500px; height: 50px; /* THE DIMENSIONS OF THE THUMB CONTAINER */ margin-top: -50px; vertical-align: top; display: none; } .home-slider5 .fullwidthbanner-container .tp-thumbs { padding: 3px; margin: auto -160px !important; } .home-slider5 .tp-bullets.tp-thumbs .tp-mask { width: 500px; height: 50px; /* THE DIMENSIONS OF THE THUMB CONTAINER */ overflow: hidden; position: relative; } .home-slider5 .tp-bullets.tp-thumbs .tp-mask .tp-thumbcontainer { width: 500px; position: absolute; } .home-slider5 .tp-bullets.tp-thumbs .bullet { width: 100px; height: 50px; /* THE DIMENSION OF A SINGLE THUMB */ cursor: pointer; overflow: hidden; background: none; margin: 0; float: left; } .home-slider5 .tp-bullets.tp-thumbs .bullet:hover, .tp-bullets.tp-thumbs .bullet.selected { opacity: 1; } .home-slider5 .tp-simpleresponsive ul { list-style: none; padding: 0; margin: 0; } .home-slider5 .tp-simpleresponsive >ul li { list-style: none; position: absolute; visibility: hidden; } /* CAPTION SLIDELINK **/ .home-slider5 .tp-leftarrow.default, .home-slider5 .tp-rightarrow.default { font-family: FontAwesome; font-size: 11px; font-weight: normal; height: 50px; width: 50px; text-align: center; line-height: 50px; } .tp-leftarrow:hover:before { color: #000; } .tp-rightarrow:hover:before { color: #000; } .tp-leftarrow:hover .tp-leftarrow:before{ color:#000; } .home-slider5 .tp-leftarrow.default:hover, .home-slider5 .tp-rightarrow.default:hover { background-color: #ffffff; color: #000 !important; } .home-slider5 .forcefullwidth_wrapper_tp_banner, .fullwidthbanner-container { max-width: 100%; left: 0 !important; margin: auto !important; overflow: hidden; } @media only screen and (min-width: 320px) and (max-width: 479px) { .home-slider5 .tp-button { padding: 2px 5px 2px; line-height: 20px !important; font-size: 10px !important; } .home-slider5 #thmg-slideshow .content_slideshow {left:10%; top:0} .home-slider5 .info {margin-top:10%} .tp-caption.ExtraLargeTitle span {font-size:16px!important} .tp-caption.LargeTitle {font-size:26px!important; line-height:1.1em!important; margin-top:10px!important} .tp-caption.LargeTitle span {font-size:26px!important;} .tp-caption.Title {display:none} .buy-btn {font-size:13px!important; padding:10px!important; display:none} } @media only screen and (min-width: 480px) and (max-width: 767px) { .home-slider5 #thmg-slideshow .content_slideshow {left:5%; top:0} .home-slider5 .info {margin-top:9%} .tp-caption.ExtraLargeTitle span {font-size:16px!important} .tp-caption.LargeTitle {font-size:30px!important; line-height:1.1em!important; margin-top:10px!important} .tp-caption.LargeTitle span {font-size:36px!important;} .tp-caption.Title {font-size:21px!important} .buy-btn {font-size:13px!important; padding:10px!important; display:none} } @media only screen and (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 992px) { .home-slider5 .side-home-banner { text-align: center; display: inline-block; width: 100%; } }
(function(t, e) { "use strict"; function n() { if (!i.READY) { i.event.determineEventTypes(); for (var t in i.gestures) i.gestures.hasOwnProperty(t) && i.detection.register(i.gestures[t]); i.event.onTouch(i.DOCUMENT, i.EVENT_MOVE, i.detection.detect), i.event.onTouch(i.DOCUMENT, i.EVENT_END, i.detection.detect), i.READY = !0 } } var i = function(t, e) { return new i.Instance(t, e || {}) }; i.defaults = { stop_browser_behavior: { userSelect: "none", touchAction: "none", touchCallout: "none", contentZooming: "none", userDrag: "none", tapHighlightColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0)" } }, i.HAS_POINTEREVENTS = navigator.pointerEnabled || navigator.msPointerEnabled, i.HAS_TOUCHEVENTS = "ontouchstart" in t, i.MOBILE_REGEX = /mobile|tablet|ip(ad|hone|od)|android/i, i.NO_MOUSEEVENTS = i.HAS_TOUCHEVENTS && navigator.userAgent.match(i.MOBILE_REGEX), i.EVENT_TYPES = {}, i.DIRECTION_DOWN = "down", i.DIRECTION_LEFT = "left", i.DIRECTION_UP = "up", i.DIRECTION_RIGHT = "right", i.POINTER_MOUSE = "mouse", i.POINTER_TOUCH = "touch", i.POINTER_PEN = "pen", i.EVENT_START = "start", i.EVENT_MOVE = "move", i.EVENT_END = "end", i.DOCUMENT = document, i.plugins = {}, i.READY = !1, i.Instance = function(t, e) { var r = this; return n(), this.element = t, this.enabled = !0, this.options = i.utils.extend(i.utils.extend({}, i.defaults), e || {}), this.options.stop_browser_behavior && i.utils.stopDefaultBrowserBehavior(this.element, this.options.stop_browser_behavior), i.event.onTouch(t, i.EVENT_START, function(t) { r.enabled && i.detection.startDetect(r, t) }), this }, i.Instance.prototype = { on: function(t, e) { for (var n = t.split(" "), i = 0; n.length > i; i++) this.element.addEventListener(n[i], e, !1); return this }, off: function(t, e) { for (var n = t.split(" "), i = 0; n.length > i; i++) this.element.removeEventListener(n[i], e, !1); return this }, trigger: function(t, e) { var n = i.DOCUMENT.createEvent("Event"); n.initEvent(t, !0, !0), n.gesture = e; var r = this.element; return i.utils.hasParent(e.target, r) && (r = e.target), r.dispatchEvent(n), this }, enable: function(t) { return this.enabled = t, this } }; var r = null, o = !1, s = !1; i.event = { bindDom: function(t, e, n) { for (var i = e.split(" "), r = 0; i.length > r; r++) t.addEventListener(i[r], n, !1) }, onTouch: function(t, e, n) { var a = this; this.bindDom(t, i.EVENT_TYPES[e], function(c) { var u = c.type.toLowerCase(); if (!u.match(/mouse/) || !s) { (u.match(/touch/) || u.match(/pointerdown/) || u.match(/mouse/) && 1 === c.which) && (o = !0), u.match(/touch|pointer/) && (s = !0); var h = 0; o && (i.HAS_POINTEREVENTS && e != i.EVENT_END ? h = i.PointerEvent.updatePointer(e, c) : u.match(/touch/) ? h = c.touches.length : s || (h = u.match(/up/) ? 0 : 1), h > 0 && e == i.EVENT_END ? e = i.EVENT_MOVE : h || (e = i.EVENT_END), h || null === r ? r = c : c = r, n.call(i.detection, a.collectEventData(t, e, c)), i.HAS_POINTEREVENTS && e == i.EVENT_END && (h = i.PointerEvent.updatePointer(e, c))), h || (r = null, o = !1, s = !1, i.PointerEvent.reset()) } }) }, determineEventTypes: function() { var t; t = i.HAS_POINTEREVENTS ? i.PointerEvent.getEvents() : i.NO_MOUSEEVENTS ? ["touchstart", "touchmove", "touchend touchcancel"] : ["touchstart mousedown", "touchmove mousemove", "touchend touchcancel mouseup"], i.EVENT_TYPES[i.EVENT_START] = t[0], i.EVENT_TYPES[i.EVENT_MOVE] = t[1], i.EVENT_TYPES[i.EVENT_END] = t[2] }, getTouchList: function(t) { return i.HAS_POINTEREVENTS ? i.PointerEvent.getTouchList() : t.touches ? t.touches : [{ identifier: 1, pageX: t.pageX, pageY: t.pageY, target: t.target }] }, collectEventData: function(t, e, n) { var r = this.getTouchList(n, e), o = i.POINTER_TOUCH; return (n.type.match(/mouse/) || i.PointerEvent.matchType(i.POINTER_MOUSE, n)) && (o = i.POINTER_MOUSE), { center: i.utils.getCenter(r), timeStamp: (new Date).getTime(), target: n.target, touches: r, eventType: e, pointerType: o, srcEvent: n, preventDefault: function() { this.srcEvent.preventManipulation && this.srcEvent.preventManipulation(), this.srcEvent.preventDefault && this.srcEvent.preventDefault() }, stopPropagation: function() { this.srcEvent.stopPropagation() }, stopDetect: function() { return i.detection.stopDetect() } } } }, i.PointerEvent = { pointers: {}, getTouchList: function() { var t = this, e = []; return Object.keys(t.pointers).sort().forEach(function(n) { e.push(t.pointers[n]) }), e }, updatePointer: function(t, e) { return t == i.EVENT_END ? this.pointers = {} : (e.identifier = e.pointerId, this.pointers[e.pointerId] = e), Object.keys(this.pointers).length }, matchType: function(t, e) { if (!e.pointerType) return !1; var n = {}; return n[i.POINTER_MOUSE] = e.pointerType == e.MSPOINTER_TYPE_MOUSE || e.pointerType == i.POINTER_MOUSE, n[i.POINTER_TOUCH] = e.pointerType == e.MSPOINTER_TYPE_TOUCH || e.pointerType == i.POINTER_TOUCH, n[i.POINTER_PEN] = e.pointerType == e.MSPOINTER_TYPE_PEN || e.pointerType == i.POINTER_PEN, n[t] }, getEvents: function() { return ["pointerdown MSPointerDown", "pointermove MSPointerMove", "pointerup pointercancel MSPointerUp MSPointerCancel"] }, reset: function() { this.pointers = {} } }, i.utils = { extend: function(t, n, i) { for (var r in n) t[r] !== e && i || (t[r] = n[r]); return t }, hasParent: function(t, e) { for (; t;) { if (t == e) return !0; t = t.parentNode } return !1 }, getCenter: function(t) { for (var e = [], n = [], i = 0, r = t.length; r > i; i++) e.push(t[i].pageX), n.push(t[i].pageY); return { pageX: (Math.min.apply(Math, e) + Math.max.apply(Math, e)) / 2, pageY: (Math.min.apply(Math, n) + Math.max.apply(Math, n)) / 2 } }, getVelocity: function(t, e, n) { return { x: Math.abs(e / t) || 0, y: Math.abs(n / t) || 0 } }, getAngle: function(t, e) { var n = e.pageY - t.pageY, i = e.pageX - t.pageX; return 180 * Math.atan2(n, i) / Math.PI }, getDirection: function(t, e) { var n = Math.abs(t.pageX - e.pageX), r = Math.abs(t.pageY - e.pageY); return n >= r ? t.pageX - e.pageX > 0 ? i.DIRECTION_LEFT : i.DIRECTION_RIGHT : t.pageY - e.pageY > 0 ? i.DIRECTION_UP : i.DIRECTION_DOWN }, getDistance: function(t, e) { var n = e.pageX - t.pageX, i = e.pageY - t.pageY; return Math.sqrt(n * n + i * i) }, getScale: function(t, e) { return t.length >= 2 && e.length >= 2 ? this.getDistance(e[0], e[1]) / this.getDistance(t[0], t[1]) : 1 }, getRotation: function(t, e) { return t.length >= 2 && e.length >= 2 ? this.getAngle(e[1], e[0]) - this.getAngle(t[1], t[0]) : 0 }, isVertical: function(t) { return t == i.DIRECTION_UP || t == i.DIRECTION_DOWN }, stopDefaultBrowserBehavior: function(t, e) { var n, i = ["webkit", "khtml", "moz", "ms", "o", ""]; if (e && t.style) { for (var r = 0; i.length > r; r++) for (var o in e) e.hasOwnProperty(o) && (n = o, i[r] && (n = i[r] + n.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + n.substring(1)), t.style[n] = e[o]); "none" == e.userSelect && (t.onselectstart = function() { return !1 }) } } }, i.detection = { gestures: [], current: null, previous: null, stopped: !1, startDetect: function(t, e) { this.current || (this.stopped = !1, this.current = { inst: t, startEvent: i.utils.extend({}, e), lastEvent: !1, name: "" }, this.detect(e)) }, detect: function(t) { if (this.current && !this.stopped) { t = this.extendEventData(t); for (var e = this.current.inst.options, n = 0, r = this.gestures.length; r > n; n++) { var o = this.gestures[n]; if (!this.stopped && e[o.name] !== !1 && o.handler.call(o, t, this.current.inst) === !1) { this.stopDetect(); break } } return this.current && (this.current.lastEvent = t), t.eventType == i.EVENT_END && !t.touches.length - 1 && this.stopDetect(), t } }, stopDetect: function() { this.previous = i.utils.extend({}, this.current), this.current = null, this.stopped = !0 }, extendEventData: function(t) { var e = this.current.startEvent; if (e && (t.touches.length != e.touches.length || t.touches === e.touches)) { e.touches = []; for (var n = 0, r = t.touches.length; r > n; n++) e.touches.push(i.utils.extend({}, t.touches[n])) } var o = t.timeStamp - e.timeStamp, s = t.center.pageX - e.center.pageX, a = t.center.pageY - e.center.pageY, c = i.utils.getVelocity(o, s, a); return i.utils.extend(t, { deltaTime: o, deltaX: s, deltaY: a, velocityX: c.x, velocityY: c.y, distance: i.utils.getDistance(e.center, t.center), angle: i.utils.getAngle(e.center, t.center), direction: i.utils.getDirection(e.center, t.center), scale: i.utils.getScale(e.touches, t.touches), rotation: i.utils.getRotation(e.touches, t.touches), startEvent: e }), t }, register: function(t) { var n = t.defaults || {}; return n[t.name] === e && (n[t.name] = !0), i.utils.extend(i.defaults, n, !0), t.index = t.index || 1e3, this.gestures.push(t), this.gestures.sort(function(t, e) { return t.index < e.index ? -1 : t.index > e.index ? 1 : 0 }), this.gestures } }, i.gestures = i.gestures || {}, i.gestures.Hold = { name: "hold", index: 10, defaults: { hold_timeout: 500, hold_threshold: 1 }, timer: null, handler: function(t, e) { switch (t.eventType) { case i.EVENT_START: clearTimeout(this.timer), i.detection.current.name = this.name, this.timer = setTimeout(function() { "hold" == i.detection.current.name && e.trigger("hold", t) }, e.options.hold_timeout); break; case i.EVENT_MOVE: t.distance > e.options.hold_threshold && clearTimeout(this.timer); break; case i.EVENT_END: clearTimeout(this.timer) } } }, i.gestures.Tap = { name: "tap", index: 100, defaults: { tap_max_touchtime: 250, tap_max_distance: 10, tap_always: !0, doubletap_distance: 20, doubletap_interval: 300 }, handler: function(t, e) { if (t.eventType == i.EVENT_END) { var n = i.detection.previous, r = !1; if (t.deltaTime > e.options.tap_max_touchtime || t.distance > e.options.tap_max_distance) return; n && "tap" == n.name && t.timeStamp - n.lastEvent.timeStamp < e.options.doubletap_interval && t.distance < e.options.doubletap_distance && (e.trigger("doubletap", t), r = !0), (!r || e.options.tap_always) && (i.detection.current.name = "tap", e.trigger(i.detection.current.name, t)) } } }, i.gestures.Swipe = { name: "swipe", index: 40, defaults: { swipe_max_touches: 1, swipe_velocity: .7 }, handler: function(t, e) { if (t.eventType == i.EVENT_END) { if (e.options.swipe_max_touches > 0 && t.touches.length > e.options.swipe_max_touches) return; (t.velocityX > e.options.swipe_velocity || t.velocityY > e.options.swipe_velocity) && (e.trigger(this.name, t), e.trigger(this.name + t.direction, t)) } } }, i.gestures.Drag = { name: "drag", index: 50, defaults: { drag_min_distance: 10, drag_max_touches: 1, drag_block_horizontal: !1, drag_block_vertical: !1, drag_lock_to_axis: !1, drag_lock_min_distance: 25 }, triggered: !1, handler: function(t, n) { if (i.detection.current.name != this.name && this.triggered) return n.trigger(this.name + "end", t), this.triggered = !1, e; if (!(n.options.drag_max_touches > 0 && t.touches.length > n.options.drag_max_touches)) switch (t.eventType) { case i.EVENT_START: this.triggered = !1; break; case i.EVENT_MOVE: if (t.distance < n.options.drag_min_distance && i.detection.current.name != this.name) return; i.detection.current.name = this.name, (i.detection.current.lastEvent.drag_locked_to_axis || n.options.drag_lock_to_axis && n.options.drag_lock_min_distance <= t.distance) && (t.drag_locked_to_axis = !0); var r = i.detection.current.lastEvent.direction; t.drag_locked_to_axis && r !== t.direction && (t.direction = i.utils.isVertical(r) ? 0 > t.deltaY ? i.DIRECTION_UP : i.DIRECTION_DOWN : 0 > t.deltaX ? i.DIRECTION_LEFT : i.DIRECTION_RIGHT), this.triggered || (n.trigger(this.name + "start", t), this.triggered = !0), n.trigger(this.name, t), n.trigger(this.name + t.direction, t), (n.options.drag_block_vertical && i.utils.isVertical(t.direction) || n.options.drag_block_horizontal && !i.utils.isVertical(t.direction)) && t.preventDefault(); break; case i.EVENT_END: this.triggered && n.trigger(this.name + "end", t), this.triggered = !1 } } }, i.gestures.Transform = { name: "transform", index: 45, defaults: { transform_min_scale: .01, transform_min_rotation: 1, transform_always_block: !1 }, triggered: !1, handler: function(t, n) { if (i.detection.current.name != this.name && this.triggered) return n.trigger(this.name + "end", t), this.triggered = !1, e; if (!(2 > t.touches.length)) switch (n.options.transform_always_block && t.preventDefault(), t.eventType) { case i.EVENT_START: this.triggered = !1; break; case i.EVENT_MOVE: var r = Math.abs(1 - t.scale), o = Math.abs(t.rotation); if (n.options.transform_min_scale > r && n.options.transform_min_rotation > o) return; i.detection.current.name = this.name, this.triggered || (n.trigger(this.name + "start", t), this.triggered = !0), n.trigger(this.name, t), o > n.options.transform_min_rotation && n.trigger("rotate", t), r > n.options.transform_min_scale && (n.trigger("pinch", t), n.trigger("pinch" + (1 > t.scale ? "in" : "out"), t)); break; case i.EVENT_END: this.triggered && n.trigger(this.name + "end", t), this.triggered = !1 } } }, i.gestures.Touch = { name: "touch", index: -1 / 0, defaults: { prevent_default: !1, prevent_mouseevents: !1 }, handler: function(t, n) { return n.options.prevent_mouseevents && t.pointerType == i.POINTER_MOUSE ? (t.stopDetect(), e) : (n.options.prevent_default && t.preventDefault(), t.eventType == i.EVENT_START && n.trigger(this.name, t), e) } }, i.gestures.Release = { name: "release", index: 1 / 0, handler: function(t, e) { t.eventType == i.EVENT_END && e.trigger(this.name, t) } }, "object" == typeof module && "object" == typeof module.exports ? module.exports = i : (t.Hammer = i, "function" == typeof t.define && t.define.amd && t.define("hammer", [], function() { return i })) })(this), function(t, e) { "use strict"; t !== e && (Hammer.event.bindDom = function(n, i, r) { t(n).on(i, function(t) { var n = t.originalEvent || t; n.pageX === e && (n.pageX = t.pageX, n.pageY = t.pageY), n.target || (n.target = t.target), n.which === e && (n.which = n.button), n.preventDefault || (n.preventDefault = t.preventDefault), n.stopPropagation || (n.stopPropagation = t.stopPropagation), r.call(this, n) }) }, Hammer.Instance.prototype.on = function(e, n) { return t(this.element).on(e, n) }, Hammer.Instance.prototype.off = function(e, n) { return t(this.element).off(e, n) }, Hammer.Instance.prototype.trigger = function(e, n) { var i = t(this.element); return i.has(n.target).length && (i = t(n.target)), i.trigger({ type: e, gesture: n }) }, t.fn.hammer = function(e) { return this.each(function() { var n = t(this), i = n.data("hammer"); i ? i && e && Hammer.utils.extend(i.options, e) : n.data("hammer", new Hammer(this, e || {})) }) }) }(window.jQuery || window.Zepto); (function(t) { "use strict"; var e = t.GreenSockGlobals || t; if (!e.TweenLite) { var i, s, r, n, a, o = function(t) { var i, s = t.split("."), r = e; for (i = 0; s.length > i; i++) r[s[i]] = r = r[s[i]] || {}; return r }, l = o("com.greensock"), h = 1e-10, _ = [].slice, u = function() {}, m = function() { var t = Object.prototype.toString, e = t.call([]); return function(i) { return null != i && (i instanceof Array || "object" == typeof i && !!i.push && t.call(i) === e) } }(), f = {}, p = function(i, s, r, n) { this.sc = f[i] ? f[i].sc : [], f[i] = this, this.gsClass = null, this.func = r; var a = []; this.check = function(l) { for (var h, _, u, m, c = s.length, d = c; --c > -1;)(h = f[s[c]] || new p(s[c], [])).gsClass ? (a[c] = h.gsClass, d--) : l && h.sc.push(this); if (0 === d && r) for (_ = ("com.greensock." + i).split("."), u = _.pop(), m = o(_.join("."))[u] = this.gsClass = r.apply(r, a), n && (e[u] = m, "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define((t.GreenSockAMDPath ? t.GreenSockAMDPath + "/" : "") + i.split(".").join("/"), [], function() { return m }) : "undefined" != typeof module && module.exports && (module.exports = m)), c = 0; this.sc.length > c; c++) this.sc[c].check() }, this.check(!0) }, c = t._gsDefine = function(t, e, i, s) { return new p(t, e, i, s) }, d = l._class = function(t, e, i) { return e = e || function() {}, c(t, [], function() { return e }, i), e }; c.globals = e; var v = [0, 0, 1, 1], g = [], T = d("easing.Ease", function(t, e, i, s) { this._func = t, this._type = i || 0, this._power = s || 0, this._params = e ? v.concat(e) : v }, !0), w = T.map = {}, P = T.register = function(t, e, i, s) { for (var r, n, a, o, h = e.split(","), _ = h.length, u = (i || "easeIn,easeOut,easeInOut").split(","); --_ > -1;) for (n = h[_], r = s ? d("easing." + n, null, !0) : l.easing[n] || {}, a = u.length; --a > -1;) o = u[a], w[n + "." + o] = w[o + n] = r[o] = t.getRatio ? t : t[o] || new t }; for (r = T.prototype, r._calcEnd = !1, r.getRatio = function(t) { if (this._func) return this._params[0] = t, this._func.apply(null, this._params); var e = this._type, i = this._power, s = 1 === e ? 1 - t : 2 === e ? t : .5 > t ? 2 * t : 2 * (1 - t); return 1 === i ? s *= s : 2 === i ? s *= s * s : 3 === i ? s *= s * s * s : 4 === i && (s *= s * s * s * s), 1 === e ? 1 - s : 2 === e ? s : .5 > t ? s / 2 : 1 - s / 2 }, i = ["Linear", "Quad", "Cubic", "Quart", "Quint,Strong"], s = i.length; --s > -1;) r = i[s] + ",Power" + s, P(new T(null, null, 1, s), r, "easeOut", !0), P(new T(null, null, 2, s), r, "easeIn" + (0 === s ? ",easeNone" : "")), P(new T(null, null, 3, s), r, "easeInOut"); w.linear = l.easing.Linear.easeIn, w.swing = l.easing.Quad.easeInOut; var y = d("events.EventDispatcher", function(t) { this._listeners = {}, this._eventTarget = t || this }); r = y.prototype, r.addEventListener = function(t, e, i, s, r) { r = r || 0; var o, l, h = this._listeners[t], _ = 0; for (null == h && (this._listeners[t] = h = []), l = h.length; --l > -1;) o = h[l], o.c === e && o.s === i ? h.splice(l, 1) : 0 === _ && r > o.pr && (_ = l + 1); h.splice(_, 0, { c: e, s: i, up: s, pr: r }), this !== n || a || n.wake() }, r.removeEventListener = function(t, e) { var i, s = this._listeners[t]; if (s) for (i = s.length; --i > -1;) if (s[i].c === e) return s.splice(i, 1), void 0 }, r.dispatchEvent = function(t) { var e, i, s, r = this._listeners[t]; if (r) for (e = r.length, i = this._eventTarget; --e > -1;) s = r[e], s.up ? s.c.call(s.s || i, { type: t, target: i }) : s.c.call(s.s || i) }; var b = t.requestAnimationFrame, k = t.cancelAnimationFrame, A = Date.now || function() { return (new Date).getTime() }, S = A(); for (i = ["ms", "moz", "webkit", "o"], s = i.length; --s > -1 && !b;) b = t[i[s] + "RequestAnimationFrame"], k = t[i[s] + "CancelAnimationFrame"] || t[i[s] + "CancelRequestAnimationFrame"]; d("Ticker", function(t, e) { var i, s, r, o, l, h = this, _ = A(), m = e !== !1 && b, f = function(t) { S = A(), h.time = (S - _) / 1e3; var e, n = h.time - l; (!i || n > 0 || t === !0) && (h.frame++, l += n + (n >= o ? .004 : o - n), e = !0), t !== !0 && (r = s(f)), e && h.dispatchEvent("tick") }; y.call(h), h.time = h.frame = 0, h.tick = function() { f(!0) }, h.sleep = function() { null != r && (m && k ? k(r) : clearTimeout(r), s = u, r = null, h === n && (a = !1)) }, h.wake = function() { null !== r && h.sleep(), s = 0 === i ? u : m && b ? b : function(t) { return setTimeout(t, 0 | 1e3 * (l - h.time) + 1) }, h === n && (a = !0), f(2) }, h.fps = function(t) { return arguments.length ? (i = t, o = 1 / (i || 60), l = this.time + o, h.wake(), void 0) : i }, h.useRAF = function(t) { return arguments.length ? (h.sleep(), m = t, h.fps(i), void 0) : m }, h.fps(t), setTimeout(function() { m && (!r || 5 > h.frame) && h.useRAF(!1) }, 1500) }), r = l.Ticker.prototype = new l.events.EventDispatcher, r.constructor = l.Ticker; var x = d("core.Animation", function(t, e) { if (this.vars = e = e || {}, this._duration = this._totalDuration = t || 0, this._delay = Number(e.delay) || 0, this._timeScale = 1, this._active = e.immediateRender === !0, this.data = e.data, this._reversed = e.reversed === !0, Q) { a || n.wake(); var i = this.vars.useFrames ? G : Q; i.add(this, i._time), this.vars.paused && this.paused(!0) } }); n = x.ticker = new l.Ticker, r = x.prototype, r._dirty = r._gc = r._initted = r._paused = !1, r._totalTime = r._time = 0, r._rawPrevTime = -1, r._next = r._last = r._onUpdate = r._timeline = r.timeline = null, r._paused = !1; var C = function() { a && A() - S > 2e3 && n.wake(), setTimeout(C, 2e3) }; C(), r.play = function(t, e) { return arguments.length && this.seek(t, e), this.reversed(!1).paused(!1) }, r.pause = function(t, e) { return arguments.length && this.seek(t, e), this.paused(!0) }, r.resume = function(t, e) { return arguments.length && this.seek(t, e), this.paused(!1) }, r.seek = function(t, e) { return this.totalTime(Number(t), e !== !1) }, r.restart = function(t, e) { return this.reversed(!1).paused(!1).totalTime(t ? -this._delay : 0, e !== !1, !0) }, r.reverse = function(t, e) { return arguments.length && this.seek(t || this.totalDuration(), e), this.reversed(!0).paused(!1) }, r.render = function() {}, r.invalidate = function() { return this }, r.isActive = function() { var t, e = this._timeline, i = this._startTime; return !e || !this._gc && !this._paused && e.isActive() && (t = e.rawTime()) >= i && i + this.totalDuration() / this._timeScale > t }, r._enabled = function(t, e) { return a || n.wake(), this._gc = !t, this._active = this.isActive(), e !== !0 && (t && !this.timeline ? this._timeline.add(this, this._startTime - this._delay) : !t && this.timeline && this._timeline._remove(this, !0)), !1 }, r._kill = function() { return this._enabled(!1, !1) }, r.kill = function(t, e) { return this._kill(t, e), this }, r._uncache = function(t) { for (var e = t ? this : this.timeline; e;) e._dirty = !0, e = e.timeline; return this }, r._swapSelfInParams = function(t) { for (var e = t.length, i = t.concat(); --e > -1;) "{self}" === t[e] && (i[e] = this); return i }, r.eventCallback = function(t, e, i, s) { if ("on" === (t || "").substr(0, 2)) { var r = this.vars; if (1 === arguments.length) return r[t]; null == e ? delete r[t] : (r[t] = e, r[t + "Params"] = m(i) && -1 !== i.join("").indexOf("{self}") ? this._swapSelfInParams(i) : i, r[t + "Scope"] = s), "onUpdate" === t && (this._onUpdate = e) } return this }, r.delay = function(t) { return arguments.length ? (this._timeline.smoothChildTiming && this.startTime(this._startTime + t - this._delay), this._delay = t, this) : this._delay }, r.duration = function(t) { return arguments.length ? (this._duration = this._totalDuration = t, this._uncache(!0), this._timeline.smoothChildTiming && this._time > 0 && this._time < this._duration && 0 !== t && this.totalTime(this._totalTime * (t / this._duration), !0), this) : (this._dirty = !1, this._duration) }, r.totalDuration = function(t) { return this._dirty = !1, arguments.length ? this.duration(t) : this._totalDuration }, r.time = function(t, e) { return arguments.length ? (this._dirty && this.totalDuration(), this.totalTime(t > this._duration ? this._duration : t, e)) : this._time }, r.totalTime = function(t, e, i) { if (a || n.wake(), !arguments.length) return this._totalTime; if (this._timeline) { if (0 > t && !i && (t += this.totalDuration()), this._timeline.smoothChildTiming) { this._dirty && this.totalDuration(); var s = this._totalDuration, r = this._timeline; if (t > s && !i && (t = s), this._startTime = (this._paused ? this._pauseTime : r._time) - (this._reversed ? s - t : t) / this._timeScale, r._dirty || this._uncache(!1), r._timeline) for (; r._timeline;) r._timeline._time !== (r._startTime + r._totalTime) / r._timeScale && r.totalTime(r._totalTime, !0), r = r._timeline } this._gc && this._enabled(!0, !1), (this._totalTime !== t || 0 === this._duration) && this.render(t, e, !1) } return this }, r.progress = r.totalProgress = function(t, e) { return arguments.length ? this.totalTime(this.duration() * t, e) : this._time / this.duration() }, r.startTime = function(t) { return arguments.length ? (t !== this._startTime && (this._startTime = t, this.timeline && this.timeline._sortChildren && this.timeline.add(this, t - this._delay)), this) : this._startTime }, r.timeScale = function(t) { if (!arguments.length) return this._timeScale; if (t = t || h, this._timeline && this._timeline.smoothChildTiming) { var e = this._pauseTime, i = e || 0 === e ? e : this._timeline.totalTime(); this._startTime = i - (i - this._startTime) * this._timeScale / t } return this._timeScale = t, this._uncache(!1) }, r.reversed = function(t) { return arguments.length ? (t != this._reversed && (this._reversed = t, this.totalTime(this._timeline && !this._timeline.smoothChildTiming ? this.totalDuration() - this._totalTime : this._totalTime, !0)), this) : this._reversed }, r.paused = function(t) { if (!arguments.length) return this._paused; if (t != this._paused && this._timeline) { a || t || n.wake(); var e = this._timeline, i = e.rawTime(), s = i - this._pauseTime; !t && e.smoothChildTiming && (this._startTime += s, this._uncache(!1)), this._pauseTime = t ? i : null, this._paused = t, this._active = this.isActive(), !t && 0 !== s && this._initted && this.duration() && this.render(e.smoothChildTiming ? this._totalTime : (i - this._startTime) / this._timeScale, !0, !0) } return this._gc && !t && this._enabled(!0, !1), this }; var R = d("core.SimpleTimeline", function(t) { x.call(this, 0, t), this.autoRemoveChildren = this.smoothChildTiming = !0 }); r = R.prototype = new x, r.constructor = R, r.kill()._gc = !1, r._first = r._last = null, r._sortChildren = !1, r.add = r.insert = function(t, e) { var i, s; if (t._startTime = Number(e || 0) + t._delay, t._paused && this !== t._timeline && (t._pauseTime = t._startTime + (this.rawTime() - t._startTime) / t._timeScale), t.timeline && t.timeline._remove(t, !0), t.timeline = t._timeline = this, t._gc && t._enabled(!0, !0), i = this._last, this._sortChildren) for (s = t._startTime; i && i._startTime > s;) i = i._prev; return i ? (t._next = i._next, i._next = t) : (t._next = this._first, this._first = t), t._next ? t._next._prev = t : this._last = t, t._prev = i, this._timeline && this._uncache(!0), this }, r._remove = function(t, e) { return t.timeline === this && (e || t._enabled(!1, !0), t.timeline = null, t._prev ? t._prev._next = t._next : this._first === t && (this._first = t._next), t._next ? t._next._prev = t._prev : this._last === t && (this._last = t._prev), this._timeline && this._uncache(!0)), this }, r.render = function(t, e, i) { var s, r = this._first; for (this._totalTime = this._time = this._rawPrevTime = t; r;) s = r._next, (r._active || t >= r._startTime && !r._paused) && (r._reversed ? r.render((r._dirty ? r.totalDuration() : r._totalDuration) - (t - r._startTime) * r._timeScale, e, i) : r.render((t - r._startTime) * r._timeScale, e, i)), r = s }, r.rawTime = function() { return a || n.wake(), this._totalTime }; var D = d("TweenLite", function(e, i, s) { if (x.call(this, i, s), this.render = D.prototype.render, null == e) throw "Cannot tween a null target."; this.target = e = "string" != typeof e ? e : D.selector(e) || e; var r, n, a, o = e.jquery || e.length && e !== t && e[0] && (e[0] === t || e[0].nodeType && e[0].style && !e.nodeType), l = this.vars.overwrite; if (this._overwrite = l = null == l ? j[D.defaultOverwrite] : "number" == typeof l ? l >> 0 : j[l], (o || e instanceof Array || e.push && m(e)) && "number" != typeof e[0]) for (this._targets = a = _.call(e, 0), this._propLookup = [], this._siblings = [], r = 0; a.length > r; r++) n = a[r], n ? "string" != typeof n ? n.length && n !== t && n[0] && (n[0] === t || n[0].nodeType && n[0].style && !n.nodeType) ? (a.splice(r--, 1), this._targets = a = a.concat(_.call(n, 0))) : (this._siblings[r] = B(n, this, !1), 1 === l && this._siblings[r].length > 1 && q(n, this, null, 1, this._siblings[r])) : (n = a[r--] = D.selector(n), "string" == typeof n && a.splice(r + 1, 1)) : a.splice(r--, 1); else this._propLookup = {}, this._siblings = B(e, this, !1), 1 === l && this._siblings.length > 1 && q(e, this, null, 1, this._siblings); (this.vars.immediateRender || 0 === i && 0 === this._delay && this.vars.immediateRender !== !1) && this.render(-this._delay, !1, !0) }, !0), E = function(e) { return e.length && e !== t && e[0] && (e[0] === t || e[0].nodeType && e[0].style && !e.nodeType) }, I = function(t, e) { var i, s = {}; for (i in t) F[i] || i in e && "x" !== i && "y" !== i && "width" !== i && "height" !== i && "className" !== i && "border" !== i || !(!N[i] || N[i] && N[i]._autoCSS) || (s[i] = t[i], delete t[i]); t.css = s }; r = D.prototype = new x, r.constructor = D, r.kill()._gc = !1, r.ratio = 0, r._firstPT = r._targets = r._overwrittenProps = r._startAt = null, r._notifyPluginsOfEnabled = !1, D.version = "1.11.5", D.defaultEase = r._ease = new T(null, null, 1, 1), D.defaultOverwrite = "auto", D.ticker = n, D.autoSleep = !0, D.selector = t.$ || t.jQuery || function(e) { return t.$ ? (D.selector = t.$, t.$(e)) : t.document ? t.document.getElementById("#" === e.charAt(0) ? e.substr(1) : e) : e }; var O = D._internals = { isArray: m, isSelector: E }, N = D._plugins = {}, L = D._tweenLookup = {}, U = 0, F = O.reservedProps = { ease: 1, delay: 1, overwrite: 1, onComplete: 1, onCompleteParams: 1, onCompleteScope: 1, useFrames: 1, runBackwards: 1, startAt: 1, onUpdate: 1, onUpdateParams: 1, onUpdateScope: 1, onStart: 1, onStartParams: 1, onStartScope: 1, onReverseComplete: 1, onReverseCompleteParams: 1, onReverseCompleteScope: 1, onRepeat: 1, onRepeatParams: 1, onRepeatScope: 1, easeParams: 1, yoyo: 1, immediateRender: 1, repeat: 1, repeatDelay: 1, data: 1, paused: 1, reversed: 1, autoCSS: 1 }, j = { none: 0, all: 1, auto: 2, concurrent: 3, allOnStart: 4, preexisting: 5, "true": 1, "false": 0 }, G = x._rootFramesTimeline = new R, Q = x._rootTimeline = new R; Q._startTime = n.time, G._startTime = n.frame, Q._active = G._active = !0, x._updateRoot = function() { if (Q.render((n.time - Q._startTime) * Q._timeScale, !1, !1), G.render((n.frame - G._startTime) * G._timeScale, !1, !1), !(n.frame % 120)) { var t, e, i; for (i in L) { for (e = L[i].tweens, t = e.length; --t > -1;) e[t]._gc && e.splice(t, 1); 0 === e.length && delete L[i] } if (i = Q._first, (!i || i._paused) && D.autoSleep && !G._first && 1 === n._listeners.tick.length) { for (; i && i._paused;) i = i._next; i || n.sleep() } } }, n.addEventListener("tick", x._updateRoot); var B = function(t, e, i) { var s, r, n = t._gsTweenID; if (L[n || (t._gsTweenID = n = "t" + U++)] || (L[n] = { target: t, tweens: [] }), e && (s = L[n].tweens, s[r = s.length] = e, i)) for (; --r > -1;) s[r] === e && s.splice(r, 1); return L[n].tweens }, q = function(t, e, i, s, r) { var n, a, o, l; if (1 === s || s >= 4) { for (l = r.length, n = 0; l > n; n++) if ((o = r[n]) !== e) o._gc || o._enabled(!1, !1) && (a = !0); else if (5 === s) break; return a } var _, u = e._startTime + h, m = [], f = 0, p = 0 === e._duration; for (n = r.length; --n > -1;)(o = r[n]) === e || o._gc || o._paused || (o._timeline !== e._timeline ? (_ = _ || $(e, 0, p), 0 === $(o, _, p) && (m[f++] = o)) : u >= o._startTime && o._startTime + o.totalDuration() / o._timeScale > u && ((p || !o._initted) && 2e-10 >= u - o._startTime || (m[f++] = o))); for (n = f; --n > -1;) o = m[n], 2 === s && o._kill(i, t) && (a = !0), (2 !== s || !o._firstPT && o._initted) && o._enabled(!1, !1) && (a = !0); return a }, $ = function(t, e, i) { for (var s = t._timeline, r = s._timeScale, n = t._startTime; s._timeline;) { if (n += s._startTime, r *= s._timeScale, s._paused) return -100; s = s._timeline } return n /= r, n > e ? n - e : i && n === e || !t._initted && 2 * h > n - e ? h : (n += t.totalDuration() / t._timeScale / r) > e + h ? 0 : n - e - h }; r._init = function() { var t, e, i, s, r = this.vars, n = this._overwrittenProps, a = this._duration, o = r.immediateRender, l = r.ease; if (r.startAt) { if (this._startAt && this._startAt.render(-1, !0), r.startAt.overwrite = 0, r.startAt.immediateRender = !0, this._startAt = D.to(this.target, 0, r.startAt), o) if (this._time > 0) this._startAt = null; else if (0 !== a) return } else if (r.runBackwards && 0 !== a) if (this._startAt) this._startAt.render(-1, !0), this._startAt = null; else { i = {}; for (s in r) F[s] && "autoCSS" !== s || (i[s] = r[s]); if (i.overwrite = 0, i.data = "isFromStart", this._startAt = D.to(this.target, 0, i), r.immediateRender) { if (0 === this._time) return } else this._startAt.render(-1, !0) } if (this._ease = l ? l instanceof T ? r.easeParams instanceof Array ? l.config.apply(l, r.easeParams) : l : "function" == typeof l ? new T(l, r.easeParams) : w[l] || D.defaultEase : D.defaultEase, this._easeType = this._ease._type, this._easePower = this._ease._power, this._firstPT = null, this._targets) for (t = this._targets.length; --t > -1;) this._initProps(this._targets[t], this._propLookup[t] = {}, this._siblings[t], n ? n[t] : null) && (e = !0); else e = this._initProps(this.target, this._propLookup, this._siblings, n); if (e && D._onPluginEvent("_onInitAllProps", this), n && (this._firstPT || "function" != typeof this.target && this._enabled(!1, !1)), r.runBackwards) for (i = this._firstPT; i;) i.s += i.c, i.c = -i.c, i = i._next; this._onUpdate = r.onUpdate, this._initted = !0 }, r._initProps = function(e, i, s, r) { var n, a, o, l, h, _; if (null == e) return !1; this.vars.css || e.style && e !== t && e.nodeType && N.css && this.vars.autoCSS !== !1 && I(this.vars, e); for (n in this.vars) { if (_ = this.vars[n], F[n]) _ && (_ instanceof Array || _.push && m(_)) && -1 !== _.join("").indexOf("{self}") && (this.vars[n] = _ = this._swapSelfInParams(_, this)); else if (N[n] && (l = new N[n])._onInitTween(e, this.vars[n], this)) { for (this._firstPT = h = { _next: this._firstPT, t: l, p: "setRatio", s: 0, c: 1, f: !0, n: n, pg: !0, pr: l._priority }, a = l._overwriteProps.length; --a > -1;) i[l._overwriteProps[a]] = this._firstPT; (l._priority || l._onInitAllProps) && (o = !0), (l._onDisable || l._onEnable) && (this._notifyPluginsOfEnabled = !0) } else this._firstPT = i[n] = h = { _next: this._firstPT, t: e, p: n, f: "function" == typeof e[n], n: n, pg: !1, pr: 0 }, h.s = h.f ? e[n.indexOf("set") || "function" != typeof e["get" + n.substr(3)] ? n : "get" + n.substr(3)]() : parseFloat(e[n]), h.c = "string" == typeof _ && "=" === _.charAt(1) ? parseInt(_.charAt(0) + "1", 10) * Number(_.substr(2)) : Number(_) - h.s || 0; h && h._next && (h._next._prev = h) } return r && this._kill(r, e) ? this._initProps(e, i, s, r) : this._overwrite > 1 && this._firstPT && s.length > 1 && q(e, this, i, this._overwrite, s) ? (this._kill(i, e), this._initProps(e, i, s, r)) : o }, r.render = function(t, e, i) { var s, r, n, a, o = this._time, l = this._duration; if (t >= l) this._totalTime = this._time = l, this.ratio = this._ease._calcEnd ? this._ease.getRatio(1) : 1, this._reversed || (s = !0, r = "onComplete"), 0 === l && (a = this._rawPrevTime, (0 === t || 0 > a || a === h) && a !== t && (i = !0, a > h && (r = "onReverseComplete")), this._rawPrevTime = a = !e || t || 0 === a ? t : h); else if (1e-7 > t) this._totalTime = this._time = 0, this.ratio = this._ease._calcEnd ? this._ease.getRatio(0) : 0, (0 !== o || 0 === l && this._rawPrevTime > h) && (r = "onReverseComplete", s = this._reversed), 0 > t ? (this._active = !1, 0 === l && (this._rawPrevTime >= 0 && (i = !0), this._rawPrevTime = a = !e || t || 0 === this._rawPrevTime ? t : h)) : this._initted || (i = !0); else if (this._totalTime = this._time = t, this._easeType) { var _ = t / l, u = this._easeType, m = this._easePower; (1 === u || 3 === u && _ >= .5) && (_ = 1 - _), 3 === u && (_ *= 2), 1 === m ? _ *= _ : 2 === m ? _ *= _ * _ : 3 === m ? _ *= _ * _ * _ : 4 === m && (_ *= _ * _ * _ * _), this.ratio = 1 === u ? 1 - _ : 2 === u ? _ : .5 > t / l ? _ / 2 : 1 - _ / 2 } else this.ratio = this._ease.getRatio(t / l); if (this._time !== o || i) { if (!this._initted) { if (this._init(), !this._initted || this._gc) return; this._time && !s ? this.ratio = this._ease.getRatio(this._time / l) : s && this._ease._calcEnd && (this.ratio = this._ease.getRatio(0 === this._time ? 0 : 1)) } for (this._active || !this._paused && this._time !== o && t >= 0 && (this._active = !0), 0 === o && (this._startAt && (t >= 0 ? this._startAt.render(t, e, i) : r || (r = "_dummyGS")), this.vars.onStart && (0 !== this._time || 0 === l) && (e || this.vars.onStart.apply(this.vars.onStartScope || this, this.vars.onStartParams || g))), n = this._firstPT; n;) n.f ? n.t[n.p](n.c * this.ratio + n.s) : n.t[n.p] = n.c * this.ratio + n.s, n = n._next; this._onUpdate && (0 > t && this._startAt && this._startTime && this._startAt.render(t, e, i), e || (this._time !== o || s) && this._onUpdate.apply(this.vars.onUpdateScope || this, this.vars.onUpdateParams || g)), r && (this._gc || (0 > t && this._startAt && !this._onUpdate && this._startTime && this._startAt.render(t, e, i), s && (this._timeline.autoRemoveChildren && this._enabled(!1, !1), this._active = !1), !e && this.vars[r] && this.vars[r].apply(this.vars[r + "Scope"] || this, this.vars[r + "Params"] || g), 0 === l && this._rawPrevTime === h && a !== h && (this._rawPrevTime = 0))) } }, r._kill = function(t, e) { if ("all" === t && (t = null), null == t && (null == e || e === this.target)) return this._enabled(!1, !1); e = "string" != typeof e ? e || this._targets || this.target : D.selector(e) || e; var i, s, r, n, a, o, l, h; if ((m(e) || E(e)) && "number" != typeof e[0]) for (i = e.length; --i > -1;) this._kill(t, e[i]) && (o = !0); else { if (this._targets) { for (i = this._targets.length; --i > -1;) if (e === this._targets[i]) { a = this._propLookup[i] || {}, this._overwrittenProps = this._overwrittenProps || [], s = this._overwrittenProps[i] = t ? this._overwrittenProps[i] || {} : "all"; break } } else { if (e !== this.target) return !1; a = this._propLookup, s = this._overwrittenProps = t ? this._overwrittenProps || {} : "all" } if (a) { l = t || a, h = t !== s && "all" !== s && t !== a && ("object" != typeof t || !t._tempKill); for (r in l)(n = a[r]) && (n.pg && n.t._kill(l) && (o = !0), n.pg && 0 !== n.t._overwriteProps.length || (n._prev ? n._prev._next = n._next : n === this._firstPT && (this._firstPT = n._next), n._next && (n._next._prev = n._prev), n._next = n._prev = null), delete a[r]), h && (s[r] = 1); !this._firstPT && this._initted && this._enabled(!1, !1) } } return o }, r.invalidate = function() { return this._notifyPluginsOfEnabled && D._onPluginEvent("_onDisable", this), this._firstPT = null, this._overwrittenProps = null, this._onUpdate = null, this._startAt = null, this._initted = this._active = this._notifyPluginsOfEnabled = !1, this._propLookup = this._targets ? {} : [], this }, r._enabled = function(t, e) { if (a || n.wake(), t && this._gc) { var i, s = this._targets; if (s) for (i = s.length; --i > -1;) this._siblings[i] = B(s[i], this, !0); else this._siblings = B(this.target, this, !0) } return x.prototype._enabled.call(this, t, e), this._notifyPluginsOfEnabled && this._firstPT ? D._onPluginEvent(t ? "_onEnable" : "_onDisable", this) : !1 }, D.to = function(t, e, i) { return new D(t, e, i) }, D.from = function(t, e, i) { return i.runBackwards = !0, i.immediateRender = 0 != i.immediateRender, new D(t, e, i) }, D.fromTo = function(t, e, i, s) { return s.startAt = i, s.immediateRender = 0 != s.immediateRender && 0 != i.immediateRender, new D(t, e, s) }, D.delayedCall = function(t, e, i, s, r) { return new D(e, 0, { delay: t, onComplete: e, onCompleteParams: i, onCompleteScope: s, onReverseComplete: e, onReverseCompleteParams: i, onReverseCompleteScope: s, immediateRender: !1, useFrames: r, overwrite: 0 }) }, D.set = function(t, e) { return new D(t, 0, e) }, D.getTweensOf = function(t, e) { if (null == t) return []; t = "string" != typeof t ? t : D.selector(t) || t; var i, s, r, n; if ((m(t) || E(t)) && "number" != typeof t[0]) { for (i = t.length, s = []; --i > -1;) s = s.concat(D.getTweensOf(t[i], e)); for (i = s.length; --i > -1;) for (n = s[i], r = i; --r > -1;) n === s[r] && s.splice(i, 1) } else for (s = B(t).concat(), i = s.length; --i > -1;)(s[i]._gc || e && !s[i].isActive()) && s.splice(i, 1); return s }, D.killTweensOf = D.killDelayedCallsTo = function(t, e, i) { "object" == typeof e && (i = e, e = !1); for (var s = D.getTweensOf(t, e), r = s.length; --r > -1;) s[r]._kill(i, t) }; var M = d("plugins.TweenPlugin", function(t, e) { this._overwriteProps = (t || "").split(","), this._propName = this._overwriteProps[0], this._priority = e || 0, this._super = M.prototype }, !0); if (r = M.prototype, M.version = "1.10.1", M.API = 2, r._firstPT = null, r._addTween = function(t, e, i, s, r, n) { var a, o; return null != s && (a = "number" == typeof s || "=" !== s.charAt(1) ? Number(s) - i : parseInt(s.charAt(0) + "1", 10) * Number(s.substr(2))) ? (this._firstPT = o = { _next: this._firstPT, t: t, p: e, s: i, c: a, f: "function" == typeof t[e], n: r || e, r: n }, o._next && (o._next._prev = o), o) : void 0 }, r.setRatio = function(t) { for (var e, i = this._firstPT, s = 1e-6; i;) e = i.c * t + i.s, i.r ? e = 0 | e + (e > 0 ? .5 : -.5) : s > e && e > -s && (e = 0), i.f ? i.t[i.p](e) : i.t[i.p] = e, i = i._next }, r._kill = function(t) { var e, i = this._overwriteProps, s = this._firstPT; if (null != t[this._propName]) this._overwriteProps = []; else for (e = i.length; --e > -1;) null != t[i[e]] && i.splice(e, 1); for (; s;) null != t[s.n] && (s._next && (s._next._prev = s._prev), s._prev ? (s._prev._next = s._next, s._prev = null) : this._firstPT === s && (this._firstPT = s._next)), s = s._next; return !1 }, r._roundProps = function(t, e) { for (var i = this._firstPT; i;)(t[this._propName] || null != i.n && t[i.n.split(this._propName + "_").join("")]) && (i.r = e), i = i._next }, D._onPluginEvent = function(t, e) { var i, s, r, n, a, o = e._firstPT; if ("_onInitAllProps" === t) { for (; o;) { for (a = o._next, s = r; s && s.pr > o.pr;) s = s._next; (o._prev = s ? s._prev : n) ? o._prev._next = o: r = o, (o._next = s) ? s._prev = o : n = o, o = a } o = e._firstPT = r } for (; o;) o.pg && "function" == typeof o.t[t] && o.t[t]() && (i = !0), o = o._next; return i }, M.activate = function(t) { for (var e = t.length; --e > -1;) t[e].API === M.API && (N[(new t[e])._propName] = t[e]); return !0 }, c.plugin = function(t) { if (!(t && t.propName && t.init && t.API)) throw "illegal plugin definition."; var e, i = t.propName, s = t.priority || 0, r = t.overwriteProps, n = { init: "_onInitTween", set: "setRatio", kill: "_kill", round: "_roundProps", initAll: "_onInitAllProps" }, a = d("plugins." + i.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + i.substr(1) + "Plugin", function() { M.call(this, i, s), this._overwriteProps = r || [] }, t.global === !0), o = a.prototype = new M(i); o.constructor = a, a.API = t.API; for (e in n) "function" == typeof t[e] && (o[n[e]] = t[e]); return a.version = t.version, M.activate([a]), a }, i = t._gsQueue) { for (s = 0; i.length > s; s++) i[s](); for (r in f) f[r].func || t.console.log("GSAP encountered missing dependency: com.greensock." + r) } a = !1 } })(window); (window._gsQueue || (window._gsQueue = [])).push(function() { "use strict"; window._gsDefine("TimelineLite", ["core.Animation", "core.SimpleTimeline", "TweenLite"], function(t, e, i) { var s = function(t) { e.call(this, t), this._labels = {}, this.autoRemoveChildren = this.vars.autoRemoveChildren === !0, this.smoothChildTiming = this.vars.smoothChildTiming === !0, this._sortChildren = !0, this._onUpdate = this.vars.onUpdate; var i, s, r = this.vars; for (s in r) i = r[s], a(i) && -1 !== i.join("").indexOf("{self}") && (r[s] = this._swapSelfInParams(i)); a(r.tweens) && this.add(r.tweens, 0, r.align, r.stagger) }, r = 1e-10, n = i._internals.isSelector, a = i._internals.isArray, o = [], h = function(t) { var e, i = {}; for (e in t) i[e] = t[e]; return i }, l = function(t, e, i, s) { t._timeline.pause(t._startTime), e && e.apply(s || t._timeline, i || o) }, _ = o.slice, u = s.prototype = new e; return s.version = "1.11.5", u.constructor = s, u.kill()._gc = !1, u.to = function(t, e, s, r) { return e ? this.add(new i(t, e, s), r) : this.set(t, s, r) }, u.from = function(t, e, s, r) { return this.add(i.from(t, e, s), r) }, u.fromTo = function(t, e, s, r, n) { return e ? this.add(i.fromTo(t, e, s, r), n) : this.set(t, r, n) }, u.staggerTo = function(t, e, r, a, o, l, u, p) { var f, c = new s({ onComplete: l, onCompleteParams: u, onCompleteScope: p, smoothChildTiming: this.smoothChildTiming }); for ("string" == typeof t && (t = i.selector(t) || t), n(t) && (t = _.call(t, 0)), a = a || 0, f = 0; t.length > f; f++) r.startAt && (r.startAt = h(r.startAt)), c.to(t[f], e, h(r), f * a); return this.add(c, o) }, u.staggerFrom = function(t, e, i, s, r, n, a, o) { return i.immediateRender = 0 != i.immediateRender, i.runBackwards = !0, this.staggerTo(t, e, i, s, r, n, a, o) }, u.staggerFromTo = function(t, e, i, s, r, n, a, o, h) { return s.startAt = i, s.immediateRender = 0 != s.immediateRender && 0 != i.immediateRender, this.staggerTo(t, e, s, r, n, a, o, h) }, u.call = function(t, e, s, r) { return this.add(i.delayedCall(0, t, e, s), r) }, u.set = function(t, e, s) { return s = this._parseTimeOrLabel(s, 0, !0), null == e.immediateRender && (e.immediateRender = s === this._time && !this._paused), this.add(new i(t, 0, e), s) }, s.exportRoot = function(t, e) { t = t || {}, null == t.smoothChildTiming && (t.smoothChildTiming = !0); var r, n, a = new s(t), o = a._timeline; for (null == e && (e = !0), o._remove(a, !0), a._startTime = 0, a._rawPrevTime = a._time = a._totalTime = o._time, r = o._first; r;) n = r._next, e && r instanceof i && r.target === r.vars.onComplete || a.add(r, r._startTime - r._delay), r = n; return o.add(a, 0), a }, u.add = function(r, n, o, h) { var l, _, u, p, f, c; if ("number" != typeof n && (n = this._parseTimeOrLabel(n, 0, !0, r)), !(r instanceof t)) { if (r instanceof Array || r && r.push && a(r)) { for (o = o || "normal", h = h || 0, l = n, _ = r.length, u = 0; _ > u; u++) a(p = r[u]) && (p = new s({ tweens: p })), this.add(p, l), "string" != typeof p && "function" != typeof p && ("sequence" === o ? l = p._startTime + p.totalDuration() / p._timeScale : "start" === o && (p._startTime -= p.delay())), l += h; return this._uncache(!0) } if ("string" == typeof r) return this.addLabel(r, n); if ("function" != typeof r) throw "Cannot add " + r + " into the timeline; it is not a tween, timeline, function, or string."; r = i.delayedCall(0, r) } if (e.prototype.add.call(this, r, n), (this._gc || this._time === this._duration) && !this._paused && this._duration < this.duration()) for (f = this, c = f.rawTime() > r._startTime; f._timeline;) c && f._timeline.smoothChildTiming ? f.totalTime(f._totalTime, !0) : f._gc && f._enabled(!0, !1), f = f._timeline; return this }, u.remove = function(e) { if (e instanceof t) return this._remove(e, !1); if (e instanceof Array || e && e.push && a(e)) { for (var i = e.length; --i > -1;) this.remove(e[i]); return this } return "string" == typeof e ? this.removeLabel(e) : this.kill(null, e) }, u._remove = function(t, i) { e.prototype._remove.call(this, t, i); var s = this._last; return s ? this._time > s._startTime + s._totalDuration / s._timeScale && (this._time = this.duration(), this._totalTime = this._totalDuration) : this._time = this._totalTime = this._duration = this._totalDuration = 0, this }, u.append = function(t, e) { return this.add(t, this._parseTimeOrLabel(null, e, !0, t)) }, u.insert = u.insertMultiple = function(t, e, i, s) { return this.add(t, e || 0, i, s) }, u.appendMultiple = function(t, e, i, s) { return this.add(t, this._parseTimeOrLabel(null, e, !0, t), i, s) }, u.addLabel = function(t, e) { return this._labels[t] = this._parseTimeOrLabel(e), this }, u.addPause = function(t, e, i, s) { return this.call(l, ["{self}", e, i, s], this, t) }, u.removeLabel = function(t) { return delete this._labels[t], this }, u.getLabelTime = function(t) { return null != this._labels[t] ? this._labels[t] : -1 }, u._parseTimeOrLabel = function(e, i, s, r) { var n; if (r instanceof t && r.timeline === this) this.remove(r); else if (r && (r instanceof Array || r.push && a(r))) for (n = r.length; --n > -1;) r[n] instanceof t && r[n].timeline === this && this.remove(r[n]); if ("string" == typeof i) return this._parseTimeOrLabel(i, s && "number" == typeof e && null == this._labels[i] ? e - this.duration() : 0, s); if (i = i || 0, "string" != typeof e || !isNaN(e) && null == this._labels[e]) null == e && (e = this.duration()); else { if (n = e.indexOf("="), -1 === n) return null == this._labels[e] ? s ? this._labels[e] = this.duration() + i : i : this._labels[e] + i; i = parseInt(e.charAt(n - 1) + "1", 10) * Number(e.substr(n + 1)), e = n > 1 ? this._parseTimeOrLabel(e.substr(0, n - 1), 0, s) : this.duration() } return Number(e) + i }, u.seek = function(t, e) { return this.totalTime("number" == typeof t ? t : this._parseTimeOrLabel(t), e !== !1) }, u.stop = function() { return this.paused(!0) }, u.gotoAndPlay = function(t, e) { return this.play(t, e) }, u.gotoAndStop = function(t, e) { return this.pause(t, e) }, u.render = function(t, e, i) { this._gc && this._enabled(!0, !1); var s, n, a, h, l, _ = this._dirty ? this.totalDuration() : this._totalDuration, u = this._time, p = this._startTime, f = this._timeScale, c = this._paused; if (t >= _ ? (this._totalTime = this._time = _, this._reversed || this._hasPausedChild() || (n = !0, h = "onComplete", 0 === this._duration && (0 === t || 0 > this._rawPrevTime || this._rawPrevTime === r) && this._rawPrevTime !== t && this._first && (l = !0, this._rawPrevTime > r && (h = "onReverseComplete"))), this._rawPrevTime = this._duration || !e || t || 0 === this._rawPrevTime ? t : r, t = _ + 1e-4) : 1e-7 > t ? (this._totalTime = this._time = 0, (0 !== u || 0 === this._duration && (this._rawPrevTime > r || 0 > t && this._rawPrevTime >= 0)) && (h = "onReverseComplete", n = this._reversed), 0 > t ? (this._active = !1, 0 === this._duration && this._rawPrevTime >= 0 && this._first && (l = !0), this._rawPrevTime = t) : (this._rawPrevTime = this._duration || !e || t || 0 === this._rawPrevTime ? t : r, t = 0, this._initted || (l = !0))) : this._totalTime = this._time = this._rawPrevTime = t, this._time !== u && this._first || i || l) { if (this._initted || (this._initted = !0), this._active || !this._paused && this._time !== u && t > 0 && (this._active = !0), 0 === u && this.vars.onStart && 0 !== this._time && (e || this.vars.onStart.apply(this.vars.onStartScope || this, this.vars.onStartParams || o)), this._time >= u) for (s = this._first; s && (a = s._next, !this._paused || c);)(s._active || s._startTime <= this._time && !s._paused && !s._gc) && (s._reversed ? s.render((s._dirty ? s.totalDuration() : s._totalDuration) - (t - s._startTime) * s._timeScale, e, i) : s.render((t - s._startTime) * s._timeScale, e, i)), s = a; else for (s = this._last; s && (a = s._prev, !this._paused || c);)(s._active || u >= s._startTime && !s._paused && !s._gc) && (s._reversed ? s.render((s._dirty ? s.totalDuration() : s._totalDuration) - (t - s._startTime) * s._timeScale, e, i) : s.render((t - s._startTime) * s._timeScale, e, i)), s = a; this._onUpdate && (e || this._onUpdate.apply(this.vars.onUpdateScope || this, this.vars.onUpdateParams || o)), h && (this._gc || (p === this._startTime || f !== this._timeScale) && (0 === this._time || _ >= this.totalDuration()) && (n && (this._timeline.autoRemoveChildren && this._enabled(!1, !1), this._active = !1), !e && this.vars[h] && this.vars[h].apply(this.vars[h + "Scope"] || this, this.vars[h + "Params"] || o))) } }, u._hasPausedChild = function() { for (var t = this._first; t;) { if (t._paused || t instanceof s && t._hasPausedChild()) return !0; t = t._next } return !1 }, u.getChildren = function(t, e, s, r) { r = r || -9999999999; for (var n = [], a = this._first, o = 0; a;) r > a._startTime || (a instanceof i ? e !== !1 && (n[o++] = a) : (s !== !1 && (n[o++] = a), t !== !1 && (n = n.concat(a.getChildren(!0, e, s)), o = n.length))), a = a._next; return n }, u.getTweensOf = function(t, e) { for (var s = i.getTweensOf(t), r = s.length, n = [], a = 0; --r > -1;)(s[r].timeline === this || e && this._contains(s[r])) && (n[a++] = s[r]); return n }, u._contains = function(t) { for (var e = t.timeline; e;) { if (e === this) return !0; e = e.timeline } return !1 }, u.shiftChildren = function(t, e, i) { i = i || 0; for (var s, r = this._first, n = this._labels; r;) r._startTime >= i && (r._startTime += t), r = r._next; if (e) for (s in n) n[s] >= i && (n[s] += t); return this._uncache(!0) }, u._kill = function(t, e) { if (!t && !e) return this._enabled(!1, !1); for (var i = e ? this.getTweensOf(e) : this.getChildren(!0, !0, !1), s = i.length, r = !1; --s > -1;) i[s]._kill(t, e) && (r = !0); return r }, u.clear = function(t) { var e = this.getChildren(!1, !0, !0), i = e.length; for (this._time = this._totalTime = 0; --i > -1;) e[i]._enabled(!1, !1); return t !== !1 && (this._labels = {}), this._uncache(!0) }, u.invalidate = function() { for (var t = this._first; t;) t.invalidate(), t = t._next; return this }, u._enabled = function(t, i) { if (t === this._gc) for (var s = this._first; s;) s._enabled(t, !0), s = s._next; return e.prototype._enabled.call(this, t, i) }, u.duration = function(t) { return arguments.length ? (0 !== this.duration() && 0 !== t && this.timeScale(this._duration / t), this) : (this._dirty && this.totalDuration(), this._duration) }, u.totalDuration = function(t) { if (!arguments.length) { if (this._dirty) { for (var e, i, s = 0, r = this._last, n = 999999999999; r;) e = r._prev, r._dirty && r.totalDuration(), r._startTime > n && this._sortChildren && !r._paused ? this.add(r, r._startTime - r._delay) : n = r._startTime, 0 > r._startTime && !r._paused && (s -= r._startTime, this._timeline.smoothChildTiming && (this._startTime += r._startTime / this._timeScale), this.shiftChildren(-r._startTime, !1, -9999999999), n = 0), i = r._startTime + r._totalDuration / r._timeScale, i > s && (s = i), r = e; this._duration = this._totalDuration = s, this._dirty = !1 } return this._totalDuration } return 0 !== this.totalDuration() && 0 !== t && this.timeScale(this._totalDuration / t), this }, u.usesFrames = function() { for (var e = this._timeline; e._timeline;) e = e._timeline; return e === t._rootFramesTimeline }, u.rawTime = function() { return this._paused ? this._totalTime : (this._timeline.rawTime() - this._startTime) * this._timeScale }, s }, !0) }), window._gsDefine && window._gsQueue.pop()(); (window._gsQueue || (window._gsQueue = [])).push(function() { "use strict"; window._gsDefine("plugins.CSSPlugin", ["plugins.TweenPlugin", "TweenLite"], function(t, e) { var i, r, s, n, a = function() { t.call(this, "css"), this._overwriteProps.length = 0, this.setRatio = a.prototype.setRatio }, o = {}, l = a.prototype = new t("css"); l.constructor = a, a.version = "1.11.5", a.API = 2, a.defaultTransformPerspective = 0, l = "px", a.suffixMap = { top: l, right: l, bottom: l, left: l, width: l, height: l, fontSize: l, padding: l, margin: l, perspective: l, lineHeight: "" }; var h, u, _, p, f, c, d = /(?:\d|\-\d|\.\d|\-\.\d)+/g, m = /(?:\d|\-\d|\.\d|\-\.\d|\+=\d|\-=\d|\+=.\d|\-=\.\d)+/g, g = /(?:\+=|\-=|\-|\b)[\d\-\.]+[a-zA-Z0-9]*(?:%|\b)/gi, v = /[^\d\-\.]/g, y = /(?:\d|\-|\+|=|#|\.)*/g, T = /opacity *= *([^)]*)/, x = /opacity:([^;]*)/, w = /alpha\(opacity *=.+?\)/i, b = /^(rgb|hsl)/, P = /([A-Z])/g, S = /-([a-z])/gi, R = /(^(?:url\(\"|url\())|(?:(\"\))$|\)$)/gi, k = function(t, e) { return e.toUpperCase() }, C = /(?:Left|Right|Width)/i, A = /(M11|M12|M21|M22)=[\d\-\.e]+/gi, O = /progid\:DXImageTransform\.Microsoft\.Matrix\(.+?\)/i, D = /,(?=[^\)]*(?:\(|$))/gi, M = Math.PI / 180, L = 180 / Math.PI, N = {}, X = document, I = X.createElement("div"), E = X.createElement("img"), F = a._internals = { _specialProps: o }, Y = navigator.userAgent, z = function() { var t, e = Y.indexOf("Android"), i = X.createElement("div"); return _ = -1 !== Y.indexOf("Safari") && -1 === Y.indexOf("Chrome") && (-1 === e || Number(Y.substr(e + 8, 1)) > 3), f = _ && 6 > Number(Y.substr(Y.indexOf("Version/") + 8, 1)), p = -1 !== Y.indexOf("Firefox"), /MSIE ([0-9]{1,}[\.0-9]{0,})/.exec(Y) && (c = parseFloat(RegExp.$1)), i.innerHTML = "<a style='top:1px;opacity:.55;'>a</a>", t = i.getElementsByTagName("a")[0], t ? /^0.55/.test(t.style.opacity) : !1 }(), U = function(t) { return T.test("string" == typeof t ? t : (t.currentStyle ? t.currentStyle.filter : t.style.filter) || "") ? parseFloat(RegExp.$1) / 100 : 1 }, B = function(t) { }, j = "", W = "", V = function(t, e) { e = e || I; var i, r, s = e.style; if (void 0 !== s[t]) return t; for (t = t.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + t.substr(1), i = ["O", "Moz", "ms", "Ms", "Webkit"], r = 5; --r > -1 && void 0 === s[i[r] + t];); return r >= 0 ? (W = 3 === r ? "ms" : i[r], j = "-" + W.toLowerCase() + "-", W + t) : null }, q = X.defaultView ? X.defaultView.getComputedStyle : function() {}, H = a.getStyle = function(t, e, i, r, s) { var n; return z || "opacity" !== e ? (!r && t.style[e] ? n = t.style[e] : (i = i || q(t, null)) ? (t = i.getPropertyValue(e.replace(P, "-$1").toLowerCase()), n = t || i.length ? t : i[e]) : t.currentStyle && (n = t.currentStyle[e]), null == s || n && "none" !== n && "auto" !== n && "auto auto" !== n ? n : s) : U(t) }, Q = function(t, e, i, r, s) { if ("px" === r || !r) return i; if ("auto" === r || !i) return 0; var n, a = C.test(e), o = t, l = I.style, h = 0 > i; return h && (i = -i), "%" === r && -1 !== e.indexOf("border") ? n = i / 100 * (a ? t.clientWidth : t.clientHeight) : (l.cssText = "border:0 solid red;position:" + H(t, "position") + ";line-height:0;", "%" !== r && o.appendChild ? l[a ? "borderLeftWidth" : "borderTopWidth"] = i + r : (o = t.parentNode || X.body, l[a ? "width" : "height"] = i + r), o.appendChild(I), n = parseFloat(I[a ? "offsetWidth" : "offsetHeight"]), o.removeChild(I), 0 !== n || s || (n = Q(t, e, i, r, !0))), h ? -n : n }, Z = function(t, e, i) { if ("absolute" !== H(t, "position", i)) return 0; var r = "left" === e ? "Left" : "Top", s = H(t, "margin" + r, i); return t["offset" + r] - (Q(t, e, parseFloat(s), s.replace(y, "")) || 0) }, $ = function(t, e) { var i, r, s = {}; if (e = e || q(t, null)) if (i = e.length) for (; --i > -1;) s[e[i].replace(S, k)] = e.getPropertyValue(e[i]); else for (i in e) s[i] = e[i]; else if (e = t.currentStyle || t.style) for (i in e) "string" == typeof i && void 0 === s[i] && (s[i.replace(S, k)] = e[i]); return z || (s.opacity = U(t)), r = be(t, e, !1), s.rotation = r.rotation, s.skewX = r.skewX, s.scaleX = r.scaleX, s.scaleY = r.scaleY, s.x = r.x, s.y = r.y, we && (s.z = r.z, s.rotationX = r.rotationX, s.rotationY = r.rotationY, s.scaleZ = r.scaleZ), s.filters && delete s.filters, s }, G = function(t, e, i, r, s) { var n, a, o, l = {}, h = t.style; for (a in i) "cssText" !== a && "length" !== a && isNaN(a) && (e[a] !== (n = i[a]) || s && s[a]) && -1 === a.indexOf("Origin") && ("number" == typeof n || "string" == typeof n) && (l[a] = "auto" !== n || "left" !== a && "top" !== a ? "" !== n && "auto" !== n && "none" !== n || "string" != typeof e[a] || "" === e[a].replace(v, "") ? n : 0 : Z(t, a), void 0 !== h[a] && (o = new _e(h, a, h[a], o))); if (r) for (a in r) "className" !== a && (l[a] = r[a]); return { difs: l, firstMPT: o } }, K = { width: ["Left", "Right"], height: ["Top", "Bottom"] }, J = ["marginLeft", "marginRight", "marginTop", "marginBottom"], te = function(t, e, i) { var r = parseFloat("width" === e ? t.offsetWidth : t.offsetHeight), s = K[e], n = s.length; for (i = i || q(t, null); --n > -1;) r -= parseFloat(H(t, "padding" + s[n], i, !0)) || 0, r -= parseFloat(H(t, "border" + s[n] + "Width", i, !0)) || 0; return r }, ee = function(t, e) { (null == t || "" === t || "auto" === t || "auto auto" === t) && (t = "0 0"); var i = t.split(" "), r = -1 !== t.indexOf("left") ? "0%" : -1 !== t.indexOf("right") ? "100%" : i[0], s = -1 !== t.indexOf("top") ? "0%" : -1 !== t.indexOf("bottom") ? "100%" : i[1]; return null == s ? s = "0" : "center" === s && (s = "50%"), ("center" === r || isNaN(parseFloat(r)) && -1 === (r + "").indexOf("=")) && (r = "50%"), e && (e.oxp = -1 !== r.indexOf("%"), e.oyp = -1 !== s.indexOf("%"), e.oxr = "=" === r.charAt(1), e.oyr = "=" === s.charAt(1), e.ox = parseFloat(r.replace(v, "")), e.oy = parseFloat(s.replace(v, ""))), r + " " + s + (i.length > 2 ? " " + i[2] : "") }, ie = function(t, e) { return "string" == typeof t && "=" === t.charAt(1) ? parseInt(t.charAt(0) + "1", 10) * parseFloat(t.substr(2)) : parseFloat(t) - parseFloat(e) }, re = function(t, e) { return null == t ? e : "string" == typeof t && "=" === t.charAt(1) ? parseInt(t.charAt(0) + "1", 10) * Number(t.substr(2)) + e : parseFloat(t) }, se = function(t, e, i, r) { var s, n, a, o, l = 1e-6; return null == t ? o = e : "number" == typeof t ? o = t : (s = 360, n = t.split("_"), a = Number(n[0].replace(v, "")) * (-1 === t.indexOf("rad") ? 1 : L) - ("=" === t.charAt(1) ? 0 : e), n.length && (r && (r[i] = e + a), -1 !== t.indexOf("short") && (a %= s, a !== a % (s / 2) && (a = 0 > a ? a + s : a - s)), -1 !== t.indexOf("_cw") && 0 > a ? a = (a + 9999999999 * s) % s - (0 | a / s) * s : -1 !== t.indexOf("ccw") && a > 0 && (a = (a - 9999999999 * s) % s - (0 | a / s) * s)), o = e + a), l > o && o > -l && (o = 0), o }, ne = { aqua: [0, 255, 255], lime: [0, 255, 0], silver: [192, 192, 192], black: [0, 0, 0], maroon: [128, 0, 0], teal: [0, 128, 128], blue: [0, 0, 255], navy: [0, 0, 128], white: [255, 255, 255], fuchsia: [255, 0, 255], olive: [128, 128, 0], yellow: [255, 255, 0], orange: [255, 165, 0], gray: [128, 128, 128], purple: [128, 0, 128], green: [0, 128, 0], red: [255, 0, 0], pink: [255, 192, 203], cyan: [0, 255, 255], transparent: [255, 255, 255, 0] }, ae = function(t, e, i) { return t = 0 > t ? t + 1 : t > 1 ? t - 1 : t, 0 | 255 * (1 > 6 * t ? e + 6 * (i - e) * t : .5 > t ? i : 2 > 3 * t ? e + 6 * (i - e) * (2 / 3 - t) : e) + .5 }, oe = function(t) { var e, i, r, s, n, a; return t && "" !== t ? "number" == typeof t ? [t >> 16, 255 & t >> 8, 255 & t] : ("," === t.charAt(t.length - 1) && (t = t.substr(0, t.length - 1)), ne[t] ? ne[t] : "#" === t.charAt(0) ? (4 === t.length && (e = t.charAt(1), i = t.charAt(2), r = t.charAt(3), t = "#" + e + e + i + i + r + r), t = parseInt(t.substr(1), 16), [t >> 16, 255 & t >> 8, 255 & t]) : "hsl" === t.substr(0, 3) ? (t = t.match(d), s = Number(t[0]) % 360 / 360, n = Number(t[1]) / 100, a = Number(t[2]) / 100, i = .5 >= a ? a * (n + 1) : a + n - a * n, e = 2 * a - i, t.length > 3 && (t[3] = Number(t[3])), t[0] = ae(s + 1 / 3, e, i), t[1] = ae(s, e, i), t[2] = ae(s - 1 / 3, e, i), t) : (t = t.match(d) || ne.transparent, t[0] = Number(t[0]), t[1] = Number(t[1]), t[2] = Number(t[2]), t.length > 3 && (t[3] = Number(t[3])), t)) : ne.black }, le = "(?:\\b(?:(?:rgb|rgba|hsl|hsla)\\(.+?\\))|\\B#.+?\\b"; for (l in ne) le += "|" + l + "\\b"; le = RegExp(le + ")", "gi"); var he = function(t, e, i, r) { if (null == t) return function(t) { return t }; var s, n = e ? (t.match(le) || [""])[0] : "", a = t.split(n).join("").match(g) || [], o = t.substr(0, t.indexOf(a[0])), l = ")" === t.charAt(t.length - 1) ? ")" : "", h = -1 !== t.indexOf(" ") ? " " : ",", u = a.length, _ = u > 0 ? a[0].replace(d, "") : ""; return u ? s = e ? function(t) { var e, p, f, c; if ("number" == typeof t) t += _; else if (r && D.test(t)) { for (c = t.replace(D, "|").split("|"), f = 0; c.length > f; f++) c[f] = s(c[f]); return c.join(",") } if (e = (t.match(le) || [n])[0], p = t.split(e).join("").match(g) || [], f = p.length, u > f--) for (; u > ++f;) p[f] = i ? p[0 | (f - 1) / 2] : a[f]; return o + p.join(h) + h + e + l + (-1 !== t.indexOf("inset") ? " inset" : "") } : function(t) { var e, n, p; if ("number" == typeof t) t += _; else if (r && D.test(t)) { for (n = t.replace(D, "|").split("|"), p = 0; n.length > p; p++) n[p] = s(n[p]); return n.join(",") } if (e = t.match(g) || [], p = e.length, u > p--) for (; u > ++p;) e[p] = i ? e[0 | (p - 1) / 2] : a[p]; return o + e.join(h) + l } : function(t) { return t } }, ue = function(t) { return t = t.split(","), function(e, i, r, s, n, a, o) { var l, h = (i + "").split(" "); for (o = {}, l = 0; 4 > l; l++) o[t[l]] = h[l] = h[l] || h[(l - 1) / 2 >> 0]; return s.parse(e, o, n, a) } }, _e = (F._setPluginRatio = function(t) { this.plugin.setRatio(t); for (var e, i, r, s, n = this.data, a = n.proxy, o = n.firstMPT, l = 1e-6; o;) e = a[o.v], o.r ? e = e > 0 ? 0 | e + .5 : 0 | e - .5 : l > e && e > -l && (e = 0), o.t[o.p] = e, o = o._next; if (n.autoRotate && (n.autoRotate.rotation = a.rotation), 1 === t) for (o = n.firstMPT; o;) { if (i = o.t, i.type) { if (1 === i.type) { for (s = i.xs0 + i.s + i.xs1, r = 1; i.l > r; r++) s += i["xn" + r] + i["xs" + (r + 1)]; i.e = s } } else i.e = i.s + i.xs0; o = o._next } }, function(t, e, i, r, s) { this.t = t, this.p = e, this.v = i, this.r = s, r && (r._prev = this, this._next = r) }), pe = (F._parseToProxy = function(t, e, i, r, s, n) { var a, o, l, h, u, _ = r, p = {}, f = {}, c = i._transform, d = N; for (i._transform = null, N = e, r = u = i.parse(t, e, r, s), N = d, n && (i._transform = c, _ && (_._prev = null, _._prev && (_._prev._next = null))); r && r !== _;) { if (1 >= r.type && (o = r.p, f[o] = r.s + r.c, p[o] = r.s, n || (h = new _e(r, "s", o, h, r.r), r.c = 0), 1 === r.type)) for (a = r.l; --a > 0;) l = "xn" + a, o = r.p + "_" + l, f[o] = r.data[l], p[o] = r[l], n || (h = new _e(r, l, o, h, r.rxp[l])); r = r._next } return { proxy: p, end: f, firstMPT: h, pt: u } }, F.CSSPropTween = function(t, e, r, s, a, o, l, h, u, _, p) { this.t = t, this.p = e, this.s = r, this.c = s, this.n = l || e, t instanceof pe || n.push(this.n), this.r = h, this.type = o || 0, u && (this.pr = u, i = !0), this.b = void 0 === _ ? r : _, this.e = void 0 === p ? r + s : p, a && (this._next = a, a._prev = this) }), fe = a.parseComplex = function(t, e, i, r, s, n, a, o, l, u) { i = i || n || "", a = new pe(t, e, 0, 0, a, u ? 2 : 1, null, !1, o, i, r), r += ""; var _, p, f, c, g, v, y, T, x, w, P, S, R = i.split(", ").join(",").split(" "), k = r.split(", ").join(",").split(" "), C = R.length, A = h !== !1; for ((-1 !== r.indexOf(",") || -1 !== i.indexOf(",")) && (R = R.join(" ").replace(D, ", ").split(" "), k = k.join(" ").replace(D, ", ").split(" "), C = R.length), C !== k.length && (R = (n || "").split(" "), C = R.length), a.plugin = l, a.setRatio = u, _ = 0; C > _; _++) if (c = R[_], g = k[_], T = parseFloat(c), T || 0 === T) a.appendXtra("", T, ie(g, T), g.replace(m, ""), A && -1 !== g.indexOf("px"), !0); else if (s && ("#" === c.charAt(0) || ne[c] || b.test(c))) S = "," === g.charAt(g.length - 1) ? ")," : ")", c = oe(c), g = oe(g), x = c.length + g.length > 6, x && !z && 0 === g[3] ? (a["xs" + a.l] += a.l ? " transparent" : "transparent", a.e = a.e.split(k[_]).join("transparent")) : (z || (x = !1), a.appendXtra(x ? "rgba(" : "rgb(", c[0], g[0] - c[0], ",", !0, !0).appendXtra("", c[1], g[1] - c[1], ",", !0).appendXtra("", c[2], g[2] - c[2], x ? "," : S, !0), x && (c = 4 > c.length ? 1 : c[3], a.appendXtra("", c, (4 > g.length ? 1 : g[3]) - c, S, !1))); else if (v = c.match(d)) { if (y = g.match(m), !y || y.length !== v.length) return a; for (f = 0, p = 0; v.length > p; p++) P = v[p], w = c.indexOf(P, f), a.appendXtra(c.substr(f, w - f), Number(P), ie(y[p], P), "", A && "px" === c.substr(w + P.length, 2), 0 === p), f = w + P.length; a["xs" + a.l] += c.substr(f) } else a["xs" + a.l] += a.l ? " " + c : c; if (-1 !== r.indexOf("=") && a.data) { for (S = a.xs0 + a.data.s, _ = 1; a.l > _; _++) S += a["xs" + _] + a.data["xn" + _]; a.e = S + a["xs" + _] } return a.l || (a.type = -1, a.xs0 = a.e), a.xfirst || a }, ce = 9; for (l = pe.prototype, l.l = l.pr = 0; --ce > 0;) l["xn" + ce] = 0, l["xs" + ce] = ""; l.xs0 = "", l._next = l._prev = l.xfirst = l.data = l.plugin = l.setRatio = l.rxp = null, l.appendXtra = function(t, e, i, r, s, n) { var a = this, o = a.l; return a["xs" + o] += n && o ? " " + t : t || "", i || 0 === o || a.plugin ? (a.l++, a.type = a.setRatio ? 2 : 1, a["xs" + a.l] = r || "", o > 0 ? (a.data["xn" + o] = e + i, a.rxp["xn" + o] = s, a["xn" + o] = e, a.plugin || (a.xfirst = new pe(a, "xn" + o, e, i, a.xfirst || a, 0, a.n, s, a.pr), a.xfirst.xs0 = 0), a) : (a.data = { s: e + i }, a.rxp = {}, a.s = e, a.c = i, a.r = s, a)) : (a["xs" + o] += e + (r || ""), a) }; var de = function(t, e) { e = e || {}, this.p = e.prefix ? V(t) || t : t, o[t] = o[this.p] = this, this.format = e.formatter || he(e.defaultValue, e.color, e.collapsible, e.multi), e.parser && (this.parse = e.parser), this.clrs = e.color, this.multi = e.multi, this.keyword = e.keyword, this.dflt = e.defaultValue, this.pr = e.priority || 0 }, me = F._registerComplexSpecialProp = function(t, e, i) { "object" != typeof e && (e = { parser: i }); var r, s, n = t.split(","), a = e.defaultValue; for (i = i || [a], r = 0; n.length > r; r++) e.prefix = 0 === r && e.prefix, e.defaultValue = i[r] || a, s = new de(n[r], e) }, ge = function(t) { if (!o[t]) { var e = t.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + t.substr(1) + "Plugin"; me(t, { parser: function(t, i, r, s, n, a, l) { var h = (window.GreenSockGlobals || window).com.greensock.plugins[e]; return h ? (h._cssRegister(), o[r].parse(t, i, r, s, n, a, l)) : (B("Error: " + e + " js file not loaded."), n) } }) } }; l = de.prototype, l.parseComplex = function(t, e, i, r, s, n) { var a, o, l, h, u, _, p = this.keyword; if (this.multi && (D.test(i) || D.test(e) ? (o = e.replace(D, "|").split("|"), l = i.replace(D, "|").split("|")) : p && (o = [e], l = [i])), l) { for (h = l.length > o.length ? l.length : o.length, a = 0; h > a; a++) e = o[a] = o[a] || this.dflt, i = l[a] = l[a] || this.dflt, p && (u = e.indexOf(p), _ = i.indexOf(p), u !== _ && (i = -1 === _ ? l : o, i[a] += " " + p)); e = o.join(", "), i = l.join(", ") } return fe(t, this.p, e, i, this.clrs, this.dflt, r, this.pr, s, n) }, l.parse = function(t, e, i, r, n, a) { return this.parseComplex(t.style, this.format(H(t, this.p, s, !1, this.dflt)), this.format(e), n, a) }, a.registerSpecialProp = function(t, e, i) { me(t, { parser: function(t, r, s, n, a, o) { var l = new pe(t, s, 0, 0, a, 2, s, !1, i); return l.plugin = o, l.setRatio = e(t, r, n._tween, s), l }, priority: i }) }; var ve = "scaleX,scaleY,scaleZ,x,y,z,skewX,rotation,rotationX,rotationY,perspective".split(","), ye = V("transform"), Te = j + "transform", xe = V("transformOrigin"), we = null !== V("perspective"), be = function(t, e, i, r) { if (t._gsTransform && i && !r) return t._gsTransform; var s, n, o, l, h, u, _, p, f, c, d, m, g, v = i ? t._gsTransform || { skewY: 0 } : { skewY: 0 }, y = 0 > v.scaleX, T = 2e-5, x = 1e5, w = 179.99, b = w * M, P = we ? parseFloat(H(t, xe, e, !1, "0 0 0").split(" ")[2]) || v.zOrigin || 0 : 0; for (ye ? s = H(t, Te, e, !0) : t.currentStyle && (s = t.currentStyle.filter.match(A), s = s && 4 === s.length ? [s[0].substr(4), Number(s[2].substr(4)), Number(s[1].substr(4)), s[3].substr(4), v.x || 0, v.y || 0].join(",") : ""), n = (s || "").match(/(?:\-|\b)[\d\-\.e]+\b/gi) || [], o = n.length; --o > -1;) l = Number(n[o]), n[o] = (h = l - (l |= 0)) ? (0 | h * x + (0 > h ? -.5 : .5)) / x + l : l; if (16 === n.length) { var S = n[8], R = n[9], k = n[10], C = n[12], O = n[13], D = n[14]; if (v.zOrigin && (D = -v.zOrigin, C = S * D - n[12], O = R * D - n[13], D = k * D + v.zOrigin - n[14]), !i || r || null == v.rotationX) { var N, X, I, E, F, Y, z, U = n[0], B = n[1], j = n[2], W = n[3], V = n[4], q = n[5], Q = n[6], Z = n[7], $ = n[11], G = Math.atan2(Q, k), K = -b > G || G > b; v.rotationX = G * L, G && (E = Math.cos(-G), F = Math.sin(-G), N = V * E + S * F, X = q * E + R * F, I = Q * E + k * F, S = V * -F + S * E, R = q * -F + R * E, k = Q * -F + k * E, $ = Z * -F + $ * E, V = N, q = X, Q = I), G = Math.atan2(S, U), v.rotationY = G * L, G && (Y = -b > G || G > b, E = Math.cos(-G), F = Math.sin(-G), N = U * E - S * F, X = B * E - R * F, I = j * E - k * F, R = B * F + R * E, k = j * F + k * E, $ = W * F + $ * E, U = N, B = X, j = I), G = Math.atan2(B, q), v.rotation = G * L, G && (z = -b > G || G > b, E = Math.cos(-G), F = Math.sin(-G), U = U * E + V * F, X = B * E + q * F, q = B * -F + q * E, Q = j * -F + Q * E, B = X), z && K ? v.rotation = v.rotationX = 0 : z && Y ? v.rotation = v.rotationY = 0 : Y && K && (v.rotationY = v.rotationX = 0), v.scaleX = (0 | Math.sqrt(U * U + B * B) * x + .5) / x, v.scaleY = (0 | Math.sqrt(q * q + R * R) * x + .5) / x, v.scaleZ = (0 | Math.sqrt(Q * Q + k * k) * x + .5) / x, v.skewX = 0, v.perspective = $ ? 1 / (0 > $ ? -$ : $) : 0, v.x = C, v.y = O, v.z = D } } else if (!(we && !r && n.length && v.x === n[4] && v.y === n[5] && (v.rotationX || v.rotationY) || void 0 !== v.x && "none" === H(t, "display", e))) { var J = n.length >= 6, te = J ? n[0] : 1, ee = n[1] || 0, ie = n[2] || 0, re = J ? n[3] : 1; v.x = n[4] || 0, v.y = n[5] || 0, u = Math.sqrt(te * te + ee * ee), _ = Math.sqrt(re * re + ie * ie), p = te || ee ? Math.atan2(ee, te) * L : v.rotation || 0, f = ie || re ? Math.atan2(ie, re) * L + p : v.skewX || 0, c = u - Math.abs(v.scaleX || 0), d = _ - Math.abs(v.scaleY || 0), Math.abs(f) > 90 && 270 > Math.abs(f) && (y ? (u *= -1, f += 0 >= p ? 180 : -180, p += 0 >= p ? 180 : -180) : (_ *= -1, f += 0 >= f ? 180 : -180)), m = (p - v.rotation) % 180, g = (f - v.skewX) % 180, (void 0 === v.skewX || c > T || -T > c || d > T || -T > d || m > -w && w > m && false | m * x || g > -w && w > g && false | g * x) && (v.scaleX = u, v.scaleY = _, v.rotation = p, v.skewX = f), we && (v.rotationX = v.rotationY = v.z = 0, v.perspective = parseFloat(a.defaultTransformPerspective) || 0, v.scaleZ = 1) } v.zOrigin = P; for (o in v) T > v[o] && v[o] > -T && (v[o] = 0); return i && (t._gsTransform = v), v }, Pe = function(t) { var e, i, r = this.data, s = -r.rotation * M, n = s + r.skewX * M, a = 1e5, o = (0 | Math.cos(s) * r.scaleX * a) / a, l = (0 | Math.sin(s) * r.scaleX * a) / a, h = (0 | Math.sin(n) * -r.scaleY * a) / a, u = (0 | Math.cos(n) * r.scaleY * a) / a, _ = this.t.style, p = this.t.currentStyle; if (p) { i = l, l = -h, h = -i, e = p.filter, _.filter = ""; var f, d, m = this.t.offsetWidth, g = this.t.offsetHeight, v = "absolute" !== p.position, x = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(M11=" + o + ", M12=" + l + ", M21=" + h + ", M22=" + u, w = r.x, b = r.y; if (null != r.ox && (f = (r.oxp ? .01 * m * r.ox : r.ox) - m / 2, d = (r.oyp ? .01 * g * r.oy : r.oy) - g / 2, w += f - (f * o + d * l), b += d - (f * h + d * u)), v ? (f = m / 2, d = g / 2, x += ", Dx=" + (f - (f * o + d * l) + w) + ", Dy=" + (d - (f * h + d * u) + b) + ")") : x += ", sizingMethod='auto expand')", _.filter = -1 !== e.indexOf("DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Matrix(") ? e.replace(O, x) : x + " " + e, (0 === t || 1 === t) && 1 === o && 0 === l && 0 === h && 1 === u && (v && -1 === x.indexOf("Dx=0, Dy=0") || T.test(e) && 100 !== parseFloat(RegExp.$1) || -1 === e.indexOf("gradient(" && e.indexOf("Alpha")) && _.removeAttribute("filter")), !v) { var P, S, R, k = 8 > c ? 1 : -1; for (f = r.ieOffsetX || 0, d = r.ieOffsetY || 0, r.ieOffsetX = Math.round((m - ((0 > o ? -o : o) * m + (0 > l ? -l : l) * g)) / 2 + w), r.ieOffsetY = Math.round((g - ((0 > u ? -u : u) * g + (0 > h ? -h : h) * m)) / 2 + b), ce = 0; 4 > ce; ce++) S = J[ce], P = p[S], i = -1 !== P.indexOf("px") ? parseFloat(P) : Q(this.t, S, parseFloat(P), P.replace(y, "")) || 0, R = i !== r[S] ? 2 > ce ? -r.ieOffsetX : -r.ieOffsetY : 2 > ce ? f - r.ieOffsetX : d - r.ieOffsetY, _[S] = (r[S] = Math.round(i - R * (0 === ce || 2 === ce ? 1 : k))) + "px" } } }, Se = function() { var t, e, i, r, s, n, a, o, l, h, u, _, f, c, d, m, g, v, y, T, x, w, b, P = this.data, S = this.t.style, R = P.rotation * M, k = P.scaleX, C = P.scaleY, A = P.scaleZ, O = P.perspective; if (p) { var D = 1e-4; D > k && k > -D && (k = A = 2e-5), D > C && C > -D && (C = A = 2e-5), !O || P.z || P.rotationX || P.rotationY || (O = 0) } if (R || P.skewX) v = Math.cos(R), y = Math.sin(R), t = v, s = y, P.skewX && (R -= P.skewX * M, v = Math.cos(R), y = Math.sin(R)), e = -y, n = v; else { if (!(P.rotationY || P.rotationX || 1 !== A || O)) return S[ye] = "translate3d(" + P.x + "px," + P.y + "px," + P.z + "px)" + (1 !== k || 1 !== C ? " scale(" + k + "," + C + ")" : ""), void 0; t = n = 1, e = s = 0 } u = 1, i = r = a = o = l = h = _ = f = c = 0, d = O ? -1 / O : 0, m = P.zOrigin, g = 1e5, R = P.rotationY * M, R && (v = Math.cos(R), y = Math.sin(R), l = u * -y, f = d * -y, i = t * y, a = s * y, u *= v, d *= v, t *= v, s *= v), R = P.rotationX * M, R && (v = Math.cos(R), y = Math.sin(R), T = e * v + i * y, x = n * v + a * y, w = h * v + u * y, b = c * v + d * y, i = e * -y + i * v, a = n * -y + a * v, u = h * -y + u * v, d = c * -y + d * v, e = T, n = x, h = w, c = b), 1 !== A && (i *= A, a *= A, u *= A, d *= A), 1 !== C && (e *= C, n *= C, h *= C, c *= C), 1 !== k && (t *= k, s *= k, l *= k, f *= k), m && (_ -= m, r = i * _, o = a * _, _ = u * _ + m), r = (T = (r += P.x) - (r |= 0)) ? (0 | T * g + (0 > T ? -.5 : .5)) / g + r : r, o = (T = (o += P.y) - (o |= 0)) ? (0 | T * g + (0 > T ? -.5 : .5)) / g + o : o, _ = (T = (_ += P.z) - (_ |= 0)) ? (0 | T * g + (0 > T ? -.5 : .5)) / g + _ : _, S[ye] = "matrix3d(" + [(0 | t * g) / g, (0 | s * g) / g, (0 | l * g) / g, (0 | f * g) / g, (0 | e * g) / g, (0 | n * g) / g, (0 | h * g) / g, (0 | c * g) / g, (0 | i * g) / g, (0 | a * g) / g, (0 | u * g) / g, (0 | d * g) / g, r, o, _, O ? 1 + -_ / O : 1].join(",") + ")" }, Re = function(t) { var e, i, r, s, n, a = this.data, o = this.t, l = o.style; return a.rotationX || a.rotationY || a.z || a.force3D ? (this.setRatio = Se, Se.call(this, t), void 0) : (a.rotation || a.skewX ? (e = a.rotation * M, i = e - a.skewX * M, r = 1e5, s = a.scaleX * r, n = a.scaleY * r, l[ye] = "matrix(" + (0 | Math.cos(e) * s) / r + "," + (0 | Math.sin(e) * s) / r + "," + (0 | Math.sin(i) * -n) / r + "," + (0 | Math.cos(i) * n) / r + "," + a.x + "," + a.y + ")") : l[ye] = "matrix(" + a.scaleX + ",0,0," + a.scaleY + "," + a.x + "," + a.y + ")", void 0) }; me("transform,scale,scaleX,scaleY,scaleZ,x,y,z,rotation,rotationX,rotationY,rotationZ,skewX,skewY,shortRotation,shortRotationX,shortRotationY,shortRotationZ,transformOrigin,transformPerspective,directionalRotation,parseTransform,force3D", { parser: function(t, e, i, r, n, a, o) { if (r._transform) return n; var l, h, u, _, p, f, c, d = r._transform = be(t, s, !0, o.parseTransform), m = t.style, g = 1e-6, v = ve.length, y = o, T = {}; if ("string" == typeof y.transform && ye) u = m.cssText, m[ye] = y.transform, m.display = "block", l = be(t, null, !1), m.cssText = u; else if ("object" == typeof y) { if (l = { scaleX: re(null != y.scaleX ? y.scaleX : y.scale, d.scaleX), scaleY: re(null != y.scaleY ? y.scaleY : y.scale, d.scaleY), scaleZ: re(y.scaleZ, d.scaleZ), x: re(y.x, d.x), y: re(y.y, d.y), z: re(y.z, d.z), perspective: re(y.transformPerspective, d.perspective) }, c = y.directionalRotation, null != c) if ("object" == typeof c) for (u in c) y[u] = c[u]; else y.rotation = c; l.rotation = se("rotation" in y ? y.rotation : "shortRotation" in y ? y.shortRotation + "_short" : "rotationZ" in y ? y.rotationZ : d.rotation, d.rotation, "rotation", T), we && (l.rotationX = se("rotationX" in y ? y.rotationX : "shortRotationX" in y ? y.shortRotationX + "_short" : d.rotationX || 0, d.rotationX, "rotationX", T), l.rotationY = se("rotationY" in y ? y.rotationY : "shortRotationY" in y ? y.shortRotationY + "_short" : d.rotationY || 0, d.rotationY, "rotationY", T)), l.skewX = null == y.skewX ? d.skewX : se(y.skewX, d.skewX), l.skewY = null == y.skewY ? d.skewY : se(y.skewY, d.skewY), (h = l.skewY - d.skewY) && (l.skewX += h, l.rotation += h) } for (we && null != y.force3D && (d.force3D = y.force3D, f = !0), p = d.force3D || d.z || d.rotationX || d.rotationY || l.z || l.rotationX || l.rotationY || l.perspective, p || null == y.scale || (l.scaleZ = 1); --v > -1;) i = ve[v], _ = l[i] - d[i], (_ > g || -g > _ || null != N[i]) && (f = !0, n = new pe(d, i, d[i], _, n), i in T && (n.e = T[i]), n.xs0 = 0, n.plugin = a, r._overwriteProps.push(n.n)); return _ = y.transformOrigin, (_ || we && p && d.zOrigin) && (ye ? (f = !0, i = xe, _ = (_ || H(t, i, s, !1, "50% 50%")) + "", n = new pe(m, i, 0, 0, n, -1, "transformOrigin"), n.b = m[i], n.plugin = a, we ? (u = d.zOrigin, _ = _.split(" "), d.zOrigin = (_.length > 2 && (0 === u || "0px" !== _[2]) ? parseFloat(_[2]) : u) || 0, n.xs0 = n.e = m[i] = _[0] + " " + (_[1] || "50%") + " 0px", n = new pe(d, "zOrigin", 0, 0, n, -1, n.n), n.b = u, n.xs0 = n.e = d.zOrigin) : n.xs0 = n.e = m[i] = _) : ee(_ + "", d)), f && (r._transformType = p || 3 === this._transformType ? 3 : 2), n }, prefix: !0 }), me("boxShadow", { defaultValue: "0px 0px 0px 0px #999", prefix: !0, color: !0, multi: !0, keyword: "inset" }), me("borderRadius", { defaultValue: "0px", parser: function(t, e, i, n, a) { e = this.format(e); var o, l, h, u, _, p, f, c, d, m, g, v, y, T, x, w, b = ["borderTopLeftRadius", "borderTopRightRadius", "borderBottomRightRadius", "borderBottomLeftRadius"], P = t.style; for (d = parseFloat(t.offsetWidth), m = parseFloat(t.offsetHeight), o = e.split(" "), l = 0; b.length > l; l++) this.p.indexOf("border") && (b[l] = V(b[l])), _ = u = H(t, b[l], s, !1, "0px"), -1 !== _.indexOf(" ") && (u = _.split(" "), _ = u[0], u = u[1]), p = h = o[l], f = parseFloat(_), v = _.substr((f + "").length), y = "=" === p.charAt(1), y ? (c = parseInt(p.charAt(0) + "1", 10), p = p.substr(2), c *= parseFloat(p), g = p.substr((c + "").length - (0 > c ? 1 : 0)) || "") : (c = parseFloat(p), g = p.substr((c + "").length)), "" === g && (g = r[i] || v), g !== v && (T = Q(t, "borderLeft", f, v), x = Q(t, "borderTop", f, v), "%" === g ? (_ = 100 * (T / d) + "%", u = 100 * (x / m) + "%") : "em" === g ? (w = Q(t, "borderLeft", 1, "em"), _ = T / w + "em", u = x / w + "em") : (_ = T + "px", u = x + "px"), y && (p = parseFloat(_) + c + g, h = parseFloat(u) + c + g)), a = fe(P, b[l], _ + " " + u, p + " " + h, !1, "0px", a); return a }, prefix: !0, formatter: he("0px 0px 0px 0px", !1, !0) }), me("backgroundPosition", { defaultValue: "0 0", parser: function(t, e, i, r, n, a) { var o, l, h, u, _, p, f = "background-position", d = s || q(t, null), m = this.format((d ? c ? d.getPropertyValue(f + "-x") + " " + d.getPropertyValue(f + "-y") : d.getPropertyValue(f) : t.currentStyle.backgroundPositionX + " " + t.currentStyle.backgroundPositionY) || "0 0"), g = this.format(e); if (-1 !== m.indexOf("%") != (-1 !== g.indexOf("%")) && (p = H(t, "backgroundImage").replace(R, ""), p && "none" !== p)) { for (o = m.split(" "), l = g.split(" "), E.setAttribute("src", p), h = 2; --h > -1;) m = o[h], u = -1 !== m.indexOf("%"), u !== (-1 !== l[h].indexOf("%")) && (_ = 0 === h ? t.offsetWidth - E.width : t.offsetHeight - E.height, o[h] = u ? parseFloat(m) / 100 * _ + "px" : 100 * (parseFloat(m) / _) + "%"); m = o.join(" ") } return this.parseComplex(t.style, m, g, n, a) }, formatter: ee }), me("backgroundSize", { defaultValue: "0 0", formatter: ee }), me("perspective", { defaultValue: "0px", prefix: !0 }), me("perspectiveOrigin", { defaultValue: "50% 50%", prefix: !0 }), me("transformStyle", { prefix: !0 }), me("backfaceVisibility", { prefix: !0 }), me("userSelect", { prefix: !0 }), me("margin", { parser: ue("marginTop,marginRight,marginBottom,marginLeft") }), me("padding", { parser: ue("paddingTop,paddingRight,paddingBottom,paddingLeft") }), me("clip", { defaultValue: "rect(0px,0px,0px,0px)", parser: function(t, e, i, r, n, a) { var o, l, h; return 9 > c ? (l = t.currentStyle, h = 8 > c ? " " : ",", o = "rect(" + l.clipTop + h + l.clipRight + h + l.clipBottom + h + l.clipLeft + ")", e = this.format(e).split(",").join(h)) : (o = this.format(H(t, this.p, s, !1, this.dflt)), e = this.format(e)), this.parseComplex(t.style, o, e, n, a) } }), me("textShadow", { defaultValue: "0px 0px 0px #999", color: !0, multi: !0 }), me("autoRound,strictUnits", { parser: function(t, e, i, r, s) { return s } }), me("border", { defaultValue: "0px solid #000", parser: function(t, e, i, r, n, a) { return this.parseComplex(t.style, this.format(H(t, "borderTopWidth", s, !1, "0px") + " " + H(t, "borderTopStyle", s, !1, "solid") + " " + H(t, "borderTopColor", s, !1, "#000")), this.format(e), n, a) }, color: !0, formatter: function(t) { var e = t.split(" "); return e[0] + " " + (e[1] || "solid") + " " + (t.match(le) || ["#000"])[0] } }), me("borderWidth", { parser: ue("borderTopWidth,borderRightWidth,borderBottomWidth,borderLeftWidth") }), me("float,cssFloat,styleFloat", { parser: function(t, e, i, r, s) { var n = t.style, a = "cssFloat" in n ? "cssFloat" : "styleFloat"; return new pe(n, a, 0, 0, s, -1, i, !1, 0, n[a], e) } }); var ke = function(t) { var e, i = this.t, r = i.filter || H(this.data, "filter"), s = 0 | this.s + this.c * t; 100 === s && (-1 === r.indexOf("atrix(") && -1 === r.indexOf("radient(") && -1 === r.indexOf("oader(") ? (i.removeAttribute("filter"), e = !H(this.data, "filter")) : (i.filter = r.replace(w, ""), e = !0)), e || (this.xn1 && (i.filter = r = r || "alpha(opacity=" + s + ")"), -1 === r.indexOf("opacity") ? 0 === s && this.xn1 || (i.filter = r + " alpha(opacity=" + s + ")") : i.filter = r.replace(T, "opacity=" + s)) }; me("opacity,alpha,autoAlpha", { defaultValue: "1", parser: function(t, e, i, r, n, a) { var o = parseFloat(H(t, "opacity", s, !1, "1")), l = t.style, h = "autoAlpha" === i; return "string" == typeof e && "=" === e.charAt(1) && (e = ("-" === e.charAt(0) ? -1 : 1) * parseFloat(e.substr(2)) + o), h && 1 === o && "hidden" === H(t, "visibility", s) && 0 !== e && (o = 0), z ? n = new pe(l, "opacity", o, e - o, n) : (n = new pe(l, "opacity", 100 * o, 100 * (e - o), n), n.xn1 = h ? 1 : 0, l.zoom = 1, n.type = 2, n.b = "alpha(opacity=" + n.s + ")", n.e = "alpha(opacity=" + (n.s + n.c) + ")", n.data = t, n.plugin = a, n.setRatio = ke), h && (n = new pe(l, "visibility", 0, 0, n, -1, null, !1, 0, 0 !== o ? "inherit" : "hidden", 0 === e ? "hidden" : "inherit"), n.xs0 = "inherit", r._overwriteProps.push(n.n), r._overwriteProps.push(i)), n } }); var Ce = function(t, e) { e && (t.removeProperty ? t.removeProperty(e.replace(P, "-$1").toLowerCase()) : t.removeAttribute(e)) }, Ae = function(t) { if (this.t._gsClassPT = this, 1 === t || 0 === t) { this.t.className = 0 === t ? this.b : this.e; for (var e = this.data, i = this.t.style; e;) e.v ? i[e.p] = e.v : Ce(i, e.p), e = e._next; 1 === t && this.t._gsClassPT === this && (this.t._gsClassPT = null) } else this.t.className !== this.e && (this.t.className = this.e) }; me("className", { parser: function(t, e, r, n, a, o, l) { var h, u, _, p, f, c = t.className, d = t.style.cssText; if (a = n._classNamePT = new pe(t, r, 0, 0, a, 2), a.setRatio = Ae, a.pr = -11, i = !0, a.b = c, u = $(t, s), _ = t._gsClassPT) { for (p = {}, f = _.data; f;) p[f.p] = 1, f = f._next; _.setRatio(1) } return t._gsClassPT = a, a.e = "=" !== e.charAt(1) ? e : c.replace(RegExp("\\s*\\b" + e.substr(2) + "\\b"), "") + ("+" === e.charAt(0) ? " " + e.substr(2) : ""), n._tween._duration && (t.className = a.e, h = G(t, u, $(t), l, p), t.className = c, a.data = h.firstMPT, t.style.cssText = d, a = a.xfirst = n.parse(t, h.difs, a, o)), a } }); var Oe = function(t) { if ((1 === t || 0 === t) && this.data._totalTime === this.data._totalDuration && "isFromStart" !== this.data.data) { var e, i, r, s, n = this.t.style, a = o.transform.parse; if ("all" === this.e) n.cssText = "", s = !0; else for (e = this.e.split(","), r = e.length; --r > -1;) i = e[r], o[i] && (o[i].parse === a ? s = !0 : i = "transformOrigin" === i ? xe : o[i].p), Ce(n, i); s && (Ce(n, ye), this.t._gsTransform && delete this.t._gsTransform) } }; for (me("clearProps", { parser: function(t, e, r, s, n) { return n = new pe(t, r, 0, 0, n, 2), n.setRatio = Oe, n.e = e, n.pr = -10, n.data = s._tween, i = !0, n } }), l = "bezier,throwProps,physicsProps,physics2D".split(","), ce = l.length; ce--;) ge(l[ce]); l = a.prototype, l._firstPT = null, l._onInitTween = function(t, e, o) { if (!t.nodeType) return !1; this._target = t, this._tween = o, this._vars = e, h = e.autoRound, i = !1, r = e.suffixMap || a.suffixMap, s = q(t, ""), n = this._overwriteProps; var l, p, c, d, m, g, v, y, T, w = t.style; if (u && "" === w.zIndex && (l = H(t, "zIndex", s), ("auto" === l || "" === l) && (w.zIndex = 0)), "string" == typeof e && (d = w.cssText, l = $(t, s), w.cssText = d + ";" + e, l = G(t, l, $(t)).difs, !z && x.test(e) && (l.opacity = parseFloat(RegExp.$1)), e = l, w.cssText = d), this._firstPT = p = this.parse(t, e, null), this._transformType) { for (T = 3 === this._transformType, ye ? _ && (u = !0, "" === w.zIndex && (v = H(t, "zIndex", s), ("auto" === v || "" === v) && (w.zIndex = 0)), f && (w.WebkitBackfaceVisibility = this._vars.WebkitBackfaceVisibility || (T ? "visible" : "hidden"))) : w.zoom = 1, c = p; c && c._next;) c = c._next; y = new pe(t, "transform", 0, 0, null, 2), this._linkCSSP(y, null, c), y.setRatio = T && we ? Se : ye ? Re : Pe, y.data = this._transform || be(t, s, !0), n.pop() } if (i) { for (; p;) { for (g = p._next, c = d; c && c.pr > p.pr;) c = c._next; (p._prev = c ? c._prev : m) ? p._prev._next = p: d = p, (p._next = c) ? c._prev = p : m = p, p = g } this._firstPT = d } return !0 }, l.parse = function(t, e, i, n) { var a, l, u, _, p, f, c, d, m, g, v = t.style; for (a in e) f = e[a], l = o[a], l ? i = l.parse(t, f, a, this, i, n, e) : (p = H(t, a, s) + "", m = "string" == typeof f, "color" === a || "fill" === a || "stroke" === a || -1 !== a.indexOf("Color") || m && b.test(f) ? (m || (f = oe(f), f = (f.length > 3 ? "rgba(" : "rgb(") + f.join(",") + ")"), i = fe(v, a, p, f, !0, "transparent", i, 0, n)) : !m || -1 === f.indexOf(" ") && -1 === f.indexOf(",") ? (u = parseFloat(p), c = u || 0 === u ? p.substr((u + "").length) : "", ("" === p || "auto" === p) && ("width" === a || "height" === a ? (u = te(t, a, s), c = "px") : "left" === a || "top" === a ? (u = Z(t, a, s), c = "px") : (u = "opacity" !== a ? 0 : 1, c = "")), g = m && "=" === f.charAt(1), g ? (_ = parseInt(f.charAt(0) + "1", 10), f = f.substr(2), _ *= parseFloat(f), d = f.replace(y, "")) : (_ = parseFloat(f), d = m ? f.substr((_ + "").length) || "" : ""), "" === d && (d = a in r ? r[a] : c), f = _ || 0 === _ ? (g ? _ + u : _) + d : e[a], c !== d && "" !== d && (_ || 0 === _) && (u || 0 === u) && (u = Q(t, a, u, c), "%" === d ? (u /= Q(t, a, 100, "%") / 100, e.strictUnits !== !0 && (p = u + "%")) : "em" === d ? u /= Q(t, a, 1, "em") : (_ = Q(t, a, _, d), d = "px"), g && (_ || 0 === _) && (f = _ + u + d)), g && (_ += u), !u && 0 !== u || !_ && 0 !== _ ? void 0 !== v[a] && (f || "NaN" != f + "" && null != f) ? (i = new pe(v, a, _ || u || 0, 0, i, -1, a, !1, 0, p, f), i.xs0 = "none" !== f || "display" !== a && -1 === a.indexOf("Style") ? f : p) : B("invalid " + a + " tween value: " + e[a]) : (i = new pe(v, a, u, _ - u, i, 0, a, h !== !1 && ("px" === d || "zIndex" === a), 0, p, f), i.xs0 = d)) : i = fe(v, a, p, f, !0, null, i, 0, n)), n && i && !i.plugin && (i.plugin = n); return i }, l.setRatio = function(t) { var e, i, r, s = this._firstPT, n = 1e-6; if (1 !== t || this._tween._time !== this._tween._duration && 0 !== this._tween._time) if (t || this._tween._time !== this._tween._duration && 0 !== this._tween._time || this._tween._rawPrevTime === -1e-6) for (; s;) { if (e = s.c * t + s.s, s.r ? e = e > 0 ? 0 | e + .5 : 0 | e - .5 : n > e && e > -n && (e = 0), s.type) if (1 === s.type) if (r = s.l, 2 === r) s.t[s.p] = s.xs0 + e + s.xs1 + s.xn1 + s.xs2; else if (3 === r) s.t[s.p] = s.xs0 + e + s.xs1 + s.xn1 + s.xs2 + s.xn2 + s.xs3; else if (4 === r) s.t[s.p] = s.xs0 + e + s.xs1 + s.xn1 + s.xs2 + s.xn2 + s.xs3 + s.xn3 + s.xs4; else if (5 === r) s.t[s.p] = s.xs0 + e + s.xs1 + s.xn1 + s.xs2 + s.xn2 + s.xs3 + s.xn3 + s.xs4 + s.xn4 + s.xs5; else { for (i = s.xs0 + e + s.xs1, r = 1; s.l > r; r++) i += s["xn" + r] + s["xs" + (r + 1)]; s.t[s.p] = i } else -1 === s.type ? s.t[s.p] = s.xs0 : s.setRatio && s.setRatio(t); else s.t[s.p] = e + s.xs0; s = s._next } else for (; s;) 2 !== s.type ? s.t[s.p] = s.b : s.setRatio(t), s = s._next; else for (; s;) 2 !== s.type ? s.t[s.p] = s.e : s.setRatio(t), s = s._next }, l._enableTransforms = function(t) { this._transformType = t || 3 === this._transformType ? 3 : 2, this._transform = this._transform || be(this._target, s, !0) }, l._linkCSSP = function(t, e, i, r) { return t && (e && (e._prev = t), t._next && (t._next._prev = t._prev), t._prev ? t._prev._next = t._next : this._firstPT === t && (this._firstPT = t._next, r = !0), i ? i._next = t : r || null !== this._firstPT || (this._firstPT = t), t._next = e, t._prev = i), t }, l._kill = function(e) { var i, r, s, n = e; if (e.autoAlpha || e.alpha) { n = {}; for (r in e) n[r] = e[r]; n.opacity = 1, n.autoAlpha && (n.visibility = 1) } return e.className && (i = this._classNamePT) && (s = i.xfirst, s && s._prev ? this._linkCSSP(s._prev, i._next, s._prev._prev) : s === this._firstPT && (this._firstPT = i._next), i._next && this._linkCSSP(i._next, i._next._next, s._prev), this._classNamePT = null), t.prototype._kill.call(this, n) }; var De = function(t, e, i) { var r, s, n, a; if (t.slice) for (s = t.length; --s > -1;) De(t[s], e, i); else for (r = t.childNodes, s = r.length; --s > -1;) n = r[s], a = n.type, n.style && (e.push($(n)), i && i.push(n)), 1 !== a && 9 !== a && 11 !== a || !n.childNodes.length || De(n, e, i) }; return a.cascadeTo = function(t, i, r) { var s, n, a, o = e.to(t, i, r), l = [o], h = [], u = [], _ = [], p = e._internals.reservedProps; for (t = o._targets || o.target, De(t, h, _), o.render(i, !0), De(t, u), o.render(0, !0), o._enabled(!0), s = _.length; --s > -1;) if (n = G(_[s], h[s], u[s]), n.firstMPT) { n = n.difs; for (a in r) p[a] && (n[a] = r[a]); l.push(e.to(_[s], i, n)) } return l }, t.activate([a]), a }, !0) }), window._gsDefine && window._gsQueue.pop()(); function revslider_showDoubleJqueryError(e) { var t = "Revolution Slider Error: You have some jquery.js library include that comes after the revolution files js include."; t += "<br> This includes make eliminates the revolution slider libraries, and make it not work."; t += "<br><br> To fix it you can:<br>    1. In the Slider Settings -> Troubleshooting set option: <strong><b>Put JS Includes To Body</b></strong> option to true."; t += "<br>    2. Find the double jquery.js include and remove it."; t = "<span style='font-size:16px;color:#BC0C06;'>" + t + "</span>"; jQuery(e).show().html(t) }(function(e, t) { function n(e) { var t = [], n; var r = window.location.href.slice(window.location.href.indexOf(e) + 1).split("_"); for (var i = 0; i < r.length; i++) { r[i] = r[i].replace("%3D", "="); n = r[i].split("="); t.push(n[0]); t[n[0]] = n[1] } return t } function r(n, i) { try { if (i.hideThumbsUnderResoluition != 0 && i.navigationType == "thumb") { if (i.hideThumbsUnderResoluition > e(window).width()) e(".tp-bullets").css({ display: "none" }); else e(".tp-bullets").css({ display: "block" }) } } catch (s) {} n.find(".defaultimg").each(function(t) { g(e(this), i) }); var o = n.parent(); if (e(window).width() < i.hideSliderAtLimit) { n.trigger("stoptimer"); if (o.css("display") != "none") o.data("olddisplay", o.css("display")); o.css({ display: "none" }) } else { if (n.is(":hidden")) { if (o.data("olddisplay") != t && o.data("olddisplay") != "undefined" && o.data("olddisplay") != "none") o.css({ display: o.data("olddisplay") }); else o.css({ display: "block" }); n.trigger("restarttimer"); setTimeout(function() { r(n, i) }, 150) } } var u = 0; if (i.forceFullWidth == "on") u = 0 - i.container.parent().offset().left; try { n.parent().find(".tp-bannershadow").css({ width: i.width, left: u }) } catch (s) {} var a = n.find(">ul >li:eq(" + i.act + ") .slotholder"); var f = n.find(">ul >li:eq(" + i.next + ") .slotholder"); S(n, i); f.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 0 }); a.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 1 }); f.find(".defaultimg").each(function() { var n = e(this); if (n.data("kenburn") != t) n.data("kenburn").restart() }); var l = n.find(">ul >li:eq(" + i.next + ")"); V(l, i, true); m(n, i) } function s() { var e = ["android", "webos", "iphone", "ipad", "blackberry", "Android", "webos", , "iPod", "iPhone", "iPad", "Blackberry", "BlackBerry"]; var t = false; for (i in e) { if (navigator.userAgent.split(e[i]).length > 1) { t = true } } return t } function o(t, n) { var r = e('<div style="display:none;"/>').appendTo(e("body")); r.html("<!--[if " + (n || "") + " IE " + (t || "") + "]><a> </a><![endif]-->"); var i = r.find("a").length; r.remove(); return i } function u(e, t) { C(t, e) } function a(n, r) { var i = n.parent(); if (r.navigationType == "thumb" || r.navsecond == "both") { i.append('<div class="tp-bullets tp-thumbs ' + r.navigationStyle + '"><div class="tp-mask"><div class="tp-thumbcontainer"></div></div></div>') } var s = i.find(".tp-bullets.tp-thumbs .tp-mask .tp-thumbcontainer"); var o = s.parent(); o.width(r.thumbWidth * r.thumbAmount); o.height(r.thumbHeight); o.parent().width(r.thumbWidth * r.thumbAmount); o.parent().height(r.thumbHeight); n.find(">ul:first >li").each(function(e) { var i = n.find(">ul:first >li:eq(" + e + ")"); var o = i.find(".defaultimg").css("backgroundColor"); if (i.data("thumb") != t) var u = i.data("thumb"); else var u = i.find("img:first").attr("src"); s.append('<div class="bullet thumb" style="background-color:' + o + ";position:relative;width:" + r.thumbWidth + "px;height:" + r.thumbHeight + "px;background-image:url(" + u + ') !important;background-size:cover;background-position:center center;"></div>'); var a = s.find(".bullet:first") }); var a = 10; s.find(".bullet").each(function(t) { var i = e(this); if (t == r.slideamount - 1) i.addClass("last"); if (t == 0) i.addClass("first"); i.width(r.thumbWidth); i.height(r.thumbHeight); if (a < i.outerWidth(true)) a = i.outerWidth(true); i.on('click',function() { if (r.transition == 0 && i.index() != r.act) { r.next = i.index(); u(r, n) } }) }); var c = a * n.find(">ul:first >li").length; var h = s.parent().width(); r.thumbWidth = a; if (h < c) { e(document).mousemove(function(t) { e("body").data("mousex", t.pageX) }); s.parent().mouseenter(function() { var t = e(this); t.addClass("over"); var r = t.offset(); var i = e("body").data("mousex") - r.left; var s = t.width(); var o = t.find(".bullet:first").outerWidth(true); var u = o * n.find(">ul:first >li").length; var a = u - s + 15; var f = a / s; i = i - 30; var c = 0 - i * f; if (c > 0) c = 0; if (c < 0 - u + s) c = 0 - u + s; l(t, c, 200) }); s.parent().mousemove(function() { var t = e(this); var r = t.offset(); var i = e("body").data("mousex") - r.left; var s = t.width(); var o = t.find(".bullet:first").outerWidth(true); var u = o * n.find(">ul:first >li").length - 1; var a = u - s + 15; var f = a / s; i = i - 3; if (i < 6) i = 0; if (i + 3 > s - 6) i = s; var c = 0 - i * f; if (c > 0) c = 0; if (c < 0 - u + s) c = 0 - u + s; l(t, c, 0) }); s.parent().mouseleave(function() { var t = e(this); t.removeClass("over"); f(n) }) } } function f(e) { var t = e.parent().find(".tp-bullets.tp-thumbs .tp-mask .tp-thumbcontainer"); var n = t.parent(); var r = n.offset(); var i = n.find(".bullet:first").outerWidth(true); var s = n.find(".bullet.selected").index() * i; var o = n.width(); var i = n.find(".bullet:first").outerWidth(true); var u = i * e.find(">ul:first >li").length; var a = u - o; var f = a / o; var c = 0 - s; if (c > 0) c = 0; if (c < 0 - u + o) c = 0 - u + o; if (!n.hasClass("over")) { l(n, c, 200) } } function l(e, t, n) { TweenLite.to(e.find(".tp-thumbcontainer"), .2, { left: t, ease: Power3.easeOut, overwrite: "auto" }) } function c(t, n) { if (n.navigationType == "bullet" || n.navigationType == "both") { t.parent().append('<div class="tp-bullets simplebullets ' + n.navigationStyle + '"></div>') } var r = t.parent().find(".tp-bullets"); t.find(">ul:first >li").each(function(e) { var n = t.find(">ul:first >li:eq(" + e + ") img:first").attr("src"); r.append('<div class="bullet"></div>'); var i = r.find(".bullet:first") }); r.find(".bullet").each(function(r) { var i = e(this); if (r == n.slideamount - 1) i.addClass("last"); if (r == 0) i.addClass("first"); i.on('click',function() { var e = false; if (n.navigationArrows == "withbullet" || n.navigationArrows == "nexttobullets") { if (i.index() - 1 == n.act) e = true } else { if (i.index() == n.act) e = true } if (n.transition == 0 && !e) { if (n.navigationArrows == "withbullet" || n.navigationArrows == "nexttobullets") { n.next = i.index() - 1 } else { n.next = i.index() } u(n, t) } }) }); r.append('<div class="tpclear"></div>'); m(t, n) } function h(e, n) { var r = e.find(".tp-bullets"); var i = ""; var s = n.navigationStyle; if (n.navigationArrows == "none") i = "visibility:hidden;display:none"; n.soloArrowStyle = "default"; if (n.navigationArrows != "none" && n.navigationArrows != "nexttobullets") s = n.soloArrowStyle; e.parent().append('<div style="' + i + '" class="tp-leftarrow tparrows ' + s + '"></div>'); e.parent().append('<div style="' + i + '" class="tp-rightarrow tparrows ' + s + '"></div>'); e.parent().find(".tp-rightarrow").on('click',function() { if (n.transition == 0) { if (e.data("showus") != t && e.data("showus") != -1) n.next = e.data("showus") - 1; else n.next = n.next + 1; e.data("showus", -1); if (n.next >= n.slideamount) n.next = 0; if (n.next < 0) n.next = 0; if (n.act != n.next) u(n, e) } }); e.parent().find(".tp-leftarrow").on('click', function() { if (n.transition == 0) { n.next = n.next - 1; n.leftarrowpressed = 1; if (n.next < 0) n.next = n.slideamount - 1; u(n, e) } }); m(e, n) } function p(n, r) { e(document).keydown(function(e) { if (r.transition == 0 && e.keyCode == 39) { if (n.data("showus") != t && n.data("showus") != -1) r.next = n.data("showus") - 1; else r.next = r.next + 1; n.data("showus", -1); if (r.next >= r.slideamount) r.next = 0; if (r.next < 0) r.next = 0; if (r.act != r.next) u(r, n) } if (r.transition == 0 && e.keyCode == 37) { r.next = r.next - 1; r.leftarrowpressed = 1; if (r.next < 0) r.next = r.slideamount - 1; u(r, n) } }); m(n, r) } function d(t, n) { if (n.touchenabled == "on") { var r = Hammer(t, { drag_block_vertical: n.drag_block_vertical, drag_lock_to_axis: true, swipe_velocity: n.swipe_velocity, swipe_max_touches: n.swipe_max_touches, swipe_min_touches: n.swipe_min_touches, prevent_default: false }); r.on("swipeleft", function() { if (n.transition == 0) { n.next = n.next + 1; if (n.next == n.slideamount) n.next = 0; u(n, t) } }); r.on("swiperight", function() { if (n.transition == 0) { n.next = n.next - 1; n.leftarrowpressed = 1; if (n.next < 0) n.next = n.slideamount - 1; u(n, t) } }); r.on("swipeup", function() { e("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: t.offset().top + t.height() + "px" }) }); r.on("swipedown", function() { e("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: t.offset().top - e(window).height() + "px" }) }) } } function v(e, t) { var n = e.parent().find(".tp-bullets"); var r = e.parent().find(".tparrows"); if (n == null) { e.append('<div class=".tp-bullets"></div>'); var n = e.parent().find(".tp-bullets") } if (r == null) { e.append('<div class=".tparrows"></div>'); var r = e.parent().find(".tparrows") } e.data("hidethumbs", t.hideThumbs); n.addClass("hidebullets"); r.addClass("hidearrows"); if (s()) { e.hammer().on("touch", function() { e.addClass("hovered"); if (t.onHoverStop == "on") e.trigger("stoptimer"); clearTimeout(e.data("hidethumbs")); n.removeClass("hidebullets"); r.removeClass("hidearrows") }); e.hammer().on("release", function() { e.removeClass("hovered"); e.trigger("playtimer"); if (!e.hasClass("hovered") && !n.hasClass("hovered")) e.data("hidethumbs", setTimeout(function() { n.addClass("hidebullets"); r.addClass("hidearrows"); e.trigger("playtimer") }, t.hideNavDelayOnMobile)) }) } else { n.on('hover',function() { t.overnav = true; if (t.onHoverStop == "on") e.trigger("stoptimer"); n.addClass("hovered"); clearTimeout(e.data("hidethumbs")); n.removeClass("hidebullets"); r.removeClass("hidearrows") }, function() { t.overnav = false; e.trigger("playtimer"); n.removeClass("hovered"); if (!e.hasClass("hovered") && !n.hasClass("hovered")) e.data("hidethumbs", setTimeout(function() { n.addClass("hidebullets"); r.addClass("hidearrows") }, t.hideThumbs)) }); r.on('hover',function() { t.overnav = true; if (t.onHoverStop == "on") e.trigger("stoptimer"); n.addClass("hovered"); clearTimeout(e.data("hidethumbs")); n.removeClass("hidebullets"); r.removeClass("hidearrows") }, function() { t.overnav = false; e.trigger("playtimer"); n.removeClass("hovered") }); e.on("mouseenter", function() { e.addClass("hovered"); if (t.onHoverStop == "on") e.trigger("stoptimer"); clearTimeout(e.data("hidethumbs")); n.removeClass("hidebullets"); r.removeClass("hidearrows") }); e.on("mouseleave", function() { e.removeClass("hovered"); e.trigger("playtimer"); if (!e.hasClass("hovered") && !n.hasClass("hovered")) e.data("hidethumbs", setTimeout(function() { n.addClass("hidebullets"); r.addClass("hidearrows") }, t.hideThumbs)) }) } } function m(t, n) { var r = t.parent(); var i = r.find(".tp-bullets"); if (n.navigationType == "thumb") { i.find(".thumb").each(function(t) { var r = e(this); r.css({ width: n.thumbWidth * n.bw + "px", height: n.thumbHeight * n.bh + "px" }) }); var s = i.find(".tp-mask"); s.width(n.thumbWidth * n.thumbAmount * n.bw); s.height(n.thumbHeight * n.bh); s.parent().width(n.thumbWidth * n.thumbAmount * n.bw); s.parent().height(n.thumbHeight * n.bh) } var o = r.find(".tp-leftarrow"); var u = r.find(".tp-rightarrow"); if (n.navigationType == "thumb" && n.navigationArrows == "nexttobullets") n.navigationArrows = "solo"; if (n.navigationArrows == "nexttobullets") { o.prependTo(i).css({ "float": "left" }); u.insertBefore(i.find(".tpclear")).css({ "float": "left" }) } var a = 0; if (n.forceFullWidth == "on") a = 0 - n.container.parent().offset().left; if (n.navigationArrows != "none" && n.navigationArrows != "nexttobullets") { o.css({ position: "absolute" }); u.css({ position: "absolute" }); if (n.soloArrowLeftValign == "center") o.css({ top: "50%", marginTop: n.soloArrowLeftVOffset - Math.round(o.innerHeight() / 2) + "px" }); 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if (n.soloArrowRightHalign == "left") u.css({ left: 0 + n.soloArrowRightHOffset + a + "px" }); if (n.soloArrowRightHalign == "right") u.css({ right: 0 + n.soloArrowRightHOffset - a + "px" }); if (o.position() != null) o.css({ top: Math.round(parseInt(o.position().top, 0)) + "px" }); if (u.position() != null) u.css({ top: Math.round(parseInt(u.position().top, 0)) + "px" }) } if (n.navigationArrows == "none") { o.css({ visibility: "hidden" }); u.css({ visibility: "hidden" }) } if (n.navigationVAlign == "center") i.css({ top: "50%", marginTop: n.navigationVOffset - Math.round(i.innerHeight() / 2) + "px" }); if (n.navigationVAlign == "bottom") i.css({ bottom: 0 + n.navigationVOffset + "px" }); if (n.navigationVAlign == "top") i.css({ top: 0 + n.navigationVOffset + "px" }); if (n.navigationHAlign == "center") i.css({ left: "50%", marginLeft: a + n.navigationHOffset - Math.round(i.innerWidth() / 2) + "px" }); if (n.navigationHAlign == "left") i.css({ left: 0 + n.navigationHOffset + a + "px" }); if (n.navigationHAlign == "right") i.css({ right: 0 + n.navigationHOffset - a + "px" }) } function g(n, r) { r.container.closest(".forcefullwidth_wrapper_tp_banner").find(".tp-fullwidth-forcer").css({ height: r.container.height() }); r.container.closest(".rev_slider_wrapper").css({ height: r.container.height() }); r.width = parseInt(r.container.width(), 0); r.height = parseInt(r.container.height(), 0); r.bw = r.width / r.startwidth; r.bh = r.height / r.startheight; if (r.bh > r.bw) r.bh = r.bw; if (r.bh < r.bw) r.bw = r.bh; if (r.bw < r.bh) r.bh = r.bw; if (r.bh > 1) { r.bw = 1; r.bh = 1 } if (r.bw > 1) { r.bw = 1; r.bh = 1 } r.height = Math.round(r.startheight * (r.width / r.startwidth)); if (r.height > r.startheight && r.autoHeight != "on") r.height = r.startheight; if (r.fullScreen == "on") { r.height = r.bw * r.startheight; var i = r.container.parent().width(); var s = e(window).height(); if (r.fullScreenOffsetContainer != t) { try { var o = r.fullScreenOffsetContainer.split(","); e.each(o, function(t, n) { s = s - e(n).outerHeight(true); if (s < r.minFullScreenHeight) s = r.minFullScreenHeight }) } catch (u) {} } r.container.parent().height(s); r.container.css({ height: "100%" }); r.height = s } else { r.container.height(r.height) } r.slotw = Math.ceil(r.width / r.slots); if (r.fullSreen == "on") r.sloth = Math.ceil(e(window).height() / r.slots); else r.sloth = Math.ceil(r.height / r.slots); if (r.autoHeight == "on") r.sloth = Math.ceil(n.height() / r.slots) } function y(n, r) { n.find(".tp-caption").each(function() { e(this).addClass(e(this).data("transition")); e(this).addClass("start") }); n.find(">ul:first").css({ overflow: "hidden", width: "100%", height: "100%", maxHeight: n.parent().css("maxHeight") }); if (r.autoHeight == "on") { n.find(">ul:first").css({ overflow: "hidden", width: "100%", height: "100%", maxHeight: "none" }); n.css({ maxHeight: "none" }); n.parent().css({ maxHeight: "none" }) } n.find(">ul:first >li").each(function(n) { var r = e(this); r.css({ width: "100%", height: "100%", overflow: "hidden" }); if (r.data("link") != t) { var i = r.data("link"); var s = "_self"; var o = 60; if (r.data("slideindex") == "back") o = 0; var u = r.data("linktoslide"); if (r.data("target") != t) s = r.data("target"); if (i == "slide") { r.append('<div class="tp-caption sft slidelink" style="width:100%;height:100%;z-index:' + o + ';" data-x="0" data-y="0" data-linktoslide="' + u + '" data-start="0"><a style="width:100%;height:100%;display:block"><span style="width:100%;height:100%;display:block"></span></a></div>') } else { u = "no"; r.append('<div class="tp-caption sft slidelink" style="width:100%;height:100%;z-index:' + o + ';" data-x="0" data-y="0" data-linktoslide="' + u + '" data-start="0"><a style="width:100%;height:100%;display:block" target="' + s + '" href="' + i + '"><span style="width:100%;height:100%;display:block"></span></a></div>') } } }); n.parent().css({ overflow: "visible" }); n.find(">ul:first >li >img").each(function(n) { var i = e(this); i.addClass("defaultimg"); if (i.data("lazyload") != t && i.data("lazydone") != 1) {} else { g(i, r) } i.wrap('<div class="slotholder" style="width:100%;height:100%;"' + 'data-duration="' + i.data("duration") + '"' + 'data-zoomstart="' + i.data("zoomstart") + '"' + 'data-zoomend="' + i.data("zoomend") + '"' + 'data-rotationstart="' + i.data("rotationstart") + '"' + 'data-rotationend="' + i.data("rotationend") + '"' + 'data-ease="' + i.data("ease") + '"' + 'data-duration="' + i.data("duration") + '"' + 'data-bgpositionend="' + i.data("bgpositionend") + '"' + 'data-bgposition="' + i.data("bgposition") + '"' + 'data-duration="' + i.data("duration") + '"' + 'data-kenburns="' + i.data("kenburns") + '"' + 'data-easeme="' + i.data("ease") + '"' + 'data-bgfit="' + i.data("bgfit") + '"' + 'data-bgfitend="' + i.data("bgfitend") + '"' + 'data-owidth="' + i.data("owidth") + '"' + 'data-oheight="' + i.data("oheight") + '"' + "></div>"); if (r.dottedOverlay != "none" && r.dottedOverlay != t) i.closest(".slotholder").append('<div class="tp-dottedoverlay ' + r.dottedOverlay + '"></div>'); var s = i.attr("src"); var u = i.data("lazyload"); var a = i.data("bgfit"); var f = i.data("bgrepeat"); var l = i.data("bgposition"); if (a == t) a = "cover"; if (f == t) f = "no-repeat"; if (l == t) l = "center center"; var c = i.closest(".slotholder"); i.replaceWith('<div class="tp-bgimg defaultimg" data-lazyload="' + i.data("lazyload") + '" data-bgfit="' + a + '"data-bgposition="' + l + '" data-bgrepeat="' + f + '" data-lazydone="' + i.data("lazydone") + '" src="' + s + '" data-src="' + s + '" style="background-color:' + i.css("backgroundColor") + ";background-repeat:" + f + ";background-image:url(" + s + ");background-size:" + a + ";background-position:" + l + ';width:100%;height:100%;"></div>'); if (o(8)) { c.find(".tp-bgimg").css({ backgroundImage: "none", "background-image": "none" }); c.find(".tp-bgimg").append('<img class="ieeightfallbackimage defaultimg" src="' + s + '" style="width:100%">') } i.css({ opacity: 0 }); i.data("li-id", n) }) } function b(e, n, r, i) { var s = e; var u = s.find(".defaultimg"); var a = s.data("zoomstart"); var f = s.data("rotationstart"); if (u.data("currotate") != t) f = u.data("currotate"); if (u.data("curscale") != t) a = u.data("curscale"); g(u, n); var l = u.data("src"); var c = u.css("background-color"); var h = n.width; var p = n.height; if (n.autoHeight == "on") p = n.container.height(); var d = u.data("fxof"); if (d == t) d = 0; fullyoff = 0; var v = 0; var m = u.data("bgfit"); var y = u.data("bgrepeat"); var b = u.data("bgposition"); if (m == t) m = "cover"; if (y == t) y = "no-repeat"; if (b == t) b = "center center"; if (s.data("kenburns") == "on") { m = a; if (m.toString().length < 4) m = D(m, s, n) } if (o(8)) { var w = l; l = "" } if (i == "horizontal") { if (!r) var v = 0 - n.slotw; for (var S = 0; S < n.slots; S++) { s.append('<div class="slot" style="position:absolute;' + "top:" + (0 + fullyoff) + "px;" + "left:" + (d + S * n.slotw) + "px;" + "overflow:hidden;width:" + n.slotw + "px;" + "height:" + p + 'px">' + '<div class="slotslide" style="position:absolute;' + "top:0px;left:" + v + "px;" + "width:" + n.slotw + "px;" + "height:" + p + 'px;overflow:hidden;">' + '<div style="background-color:' + c + ";" + "position:absolute;top:0px;" + "left:" + (0 - S * n.slotw) + "px;" + "width:" + h + "px;height:" + p + "px;" + "background-image:url(" + l + ");" + "background-repeat:" + y + ";" + "background-size:" + m + ";background-position:" + b + ';">' + "</div></div></div>"); if (a != t && f != t) TweenLite.set(s.find(".slot").last(), { rotationZ: f }); if (o(8)) { s.find(".slot ").last().find(".slotslide").append('<img class="ieeightfallbackimage" src="' + w + '" style="width:100%;height:auto">'); E(s, n) } } } else { if (!r) var v = 0 - n.sloth; for (var S = 0; S < n.slots + 2; S++) { s.append('<div class="slot" style="position:absolute;' + "top:" + (fullyoff + S * n.sloth) + "px;" + "left:" + d + "px;" + "overflow:hidden;" + "width:" + h + "px;" + "height:" + n.sloth + 'px">' + '<div class="slotslide" style="position:absolute;' + "top:" + v + "px;" + "left:0px;width:" + h + "px;" + "height:" + n.sloth + "px;" + 'overflow:hidden;">' + '<div style="background-color:' + c + ";" + "position:absolute;" + "top:" + (0 - S * n.sloth) + "px;" + "left:0px;" + "width:" + h + "px;height:" + p + "px;" + "background-image:url(" + l + ");" + "background-repeat:" + y + ";" + "background-size:" + m + ";background-position:" + b + ';">' + "</div></div></div>"); if (a != t && f != t) TweenLite.set(s.find(".slot").last(), { rotationZ: f }); if (o(8)) { s.find(".slot ").last().find(".slotslide").append('<img class="ieeightfallbackimage" src="' + w + '" style="width:100%;height:auto;">'); E(s, n) } } } } function w(e, n, r) { var i = e; var s = i.find(".defaultimg"); var u = i.data("zoomstart"); var a = i.data("rotationstart"); if (s.data("currotate") != t) a = s.data("currotate"); if (s.data("curscale") != t) u = s.data("curscale") * 100; g(s, n); var f = s.data("src"); var l = s.css("backgroundColor"); var c = n.width; var h = n.height; if (n.autoHeight == "on") h = n.container.height(); var p = s.data("fxof"); if (p == t) p = 0; fullyoff = 0; var d = 0; if (o(8)) { var v = f; f = "" } var m = 0; if (n.sloth > n.slotw) m = n.sloth; else m = n.slotw; if (!r) { var d = 0 - m } n.slotw = m; n.sloth = m; var y = 0; var b = 0; var w = s.data("bgfit"); var S = s.data("bgrepeat"); var x = s.data("bgposition"); if (w == t) w = "cover"; if (S == t) S = "no-repeat"; if (x == t) x = "center center"; if (i.data("kenburns") == "on") { w = u; if (w.toString().length < 4) w = D(w, i, n) } for (var T = 0; T < n.slots; T++) { b = 0; for (var N = 0; N < n.slots; N++) { i.append('<div class="slot" ' + 'style="position:absolute;' + "top:" + (fullyoff + b) + "px;" + "left:" + (p + y) + "px;" + "width:" + m + "px;" + "height:" + m + "px;" + 'overflow:hidden;">' + '<div class="slotslide" data-x="' + y + '" data-y="' + b + '" ' + 'style="position:absolute;' + "top:" + 0 + "px;" + "left:" + 0 + "px;" + "width:" + m + "px;" + "height:" + m + "px;" + 'overflow:hidden;">' + '<div style="position:absolute;' + "top:" + (0 - b) + "px;" + "left:" + (0 - y) + "px;" + "width:" + c + "px;" + "height:" + h + "px;" + "background-color:" + l + ";" + "background-image:url(" + f + ");" + "background-repeat:" + S + ";" + "background-size:" + w + ";background-position:" + x + ';">' + "</div></div></div>"); b = b + m; if (o(8)) { i.find(".slot ").last().find(".slotslide").append('<img src="' + v + '">'); E(i, n) } if (u != t && a != t) TweenLite.set(i.find(".slot").last(), { rotationZ: a }) } y = y + m } } function E(e, t) { if (o(8)) { var n = e.find(".ieeightfallbackimage"); var r = n.width(), i = n.height(); if (t.startwidth / t.startheight < e.data("owidth") / e.data("oheight")) n.css({ width: "auto", height: "100%" }); else n.css({ width: "100%", height: "auto" }); setTimeout(function() { var r = n.width(), i = n.height(); if (e.data("bgposition") == "center center") n.css({ position: "absolute", top: t.height / 2 - i / 2 + "px", left: t.width / 2 - r / 2 + "px" }); if (e.data("bgposition") == "center top" || e.data("bgposition") == "top center") n.css({ position: "absolute", top: "0px", left: t.width / 2 - r / 2 + "px" }); if (e.data("bgposition") == "center bottom" || e.data("bgposition") == "bottom center") n.css({ position: "absolute", bottom: "0px", left: t.width / 2 - r / 2 + "px" }); if (e.data("bgposition") == "right top" || e.data("bgposition") == "top right") n.css({ position: "absolute", top: "0px", right: "0px" }); if (e.data("bgposition") == "right bottom" || e.data("bgposition") == "bottom right") n.css({ position: "absolute", bottom: "0px", right: "0px" }); if (e.data("bgposition") == "right center" || e.data("bgposition") == "center right") n.css({ position: "absolute", top: t.height / 2 - i / 2 + "px", right: "0px" }); if (e.data("bgposition") == "left bottom" || e.data("bgposition") == "bottom left") n.css({ position: "absolute", bottom: "0px", left: "0px" }); if (e.data("bgposition") == "left center" || e.data("bgposition") == "center left") n.css({ position: "absolute", top: t.height / 2 - i / 2 + "px", left: "0px" }) }, 20) } } function S(n, r, i) { if (i == t) i == 80; setTimeout(function() { n.find(".slotholder .slot").each(function() { clearTimeout(e(this).data("tout")); e(this).remove() }); r.transition = 0 }, i) } function x(n, r) { n.find("img, .defaultimg").each(function(n) { var i = e(this); if (i.data("lazyload") != i.attr("src") && r < 3 && i.data("lazyload") != t && i.data("lazyload") != "undefined") { if (i.data("lazyload") != t && i.data("lazyload") != "undefined") { i.attr("src", i.data("lazyload")); var s = new Image; s.onload = function(e) { i.data("lazydone", 1); if (i.hasClass("defaultimg")) T(i, s) }; s.error = function() { i.data("lazydone", 1) }; s.src = i.attr("src"); if (s.complete) { if (i.hasClass("defaultimg")) T(i, s); i.data("lazydone", 1) } } } else { if ((i.data("lazyload") === t || i.data("lazyload") === "undefined") && i.data("lazydone") != 1) { var s = new Image; s.onload = function() { if (i.hasClass("defaultimg")) T(i, s); i.data("lazydone", 1) }; s.error = function() { i.data("lazydone", 1) }; if (i.attr("src") != t && i.attr("src") != "undefined") { s.src = i.attr("src") } else s.src = i.data("src"); if (s.complete) { if (i.hasClass("defaultimg")) { T(i, s) } i.data("lazydone", 1) } } } }) } function T(e, t) { var n = e.closest("li"); var r = t.width; var i = t.height; n.data("owidth", r); n.data("oheight", i); n.find(".slotholder").data("owidth", r); n.find(".slotholder").data("oheight", i); n.data("loadeddone", 1) } function C(e, n) { try { var r = e.find(">ul:first-child >li:eq(" + n.act + ")") } catch (i) { var r = e.find(">ul:first-child >li:eq(1)") } n.lastslide = n.act; var s = e.find(">ul:first-child >li:eq(" + n.next + ")"); var u = s.find(".defaultimg"); n.bannertimeronpause = true; e.trigger("stoptimer"); n.cd = 0; if (u.data("lazyload") != t && u.data("lazyload") != "undefined" && u.data("lazydone") != 1) { if (!o(8)) u.css({ backgroundImage: 'url("' + s.find(".defaultimg").data("lazyload") + '")' }); else { u.attr("src", s.find(".defaultimg").data("lazyload")) } u.data("src", s.find(".defaultimg").data("lazyload")); u.data("lazydone", 1); u.data("orgw", 0); s.data("loadeddone", 1); TweenLite.set(e.find(".tp-loader"), { display: "block", opacity: 0 }); TweenLite.to(e.find(".tp-loader"), .3, { autoAlpha: 1 }); N(s, function() { k(n, u, e) }, n) } else { if (s.data("loadeddone") === t) { s.data("loadeddone", 1); N(s, function() { k(n, u, e) }, n) } else k(n, u, e) } } function k(e, t, n) { e.bannertimeronpause = false; e.cd = 0; n.trigger("nulltimer"); TweenLite.to(n.find(".tp-loader"), .3, { autoAlpha: 0 }); g(t, e); m(n, e); g(t, e); L(n, e) } function L(n, r) { function x() { e.each(v, function(e, t) { if (t[0] == p || t[8] == p) { l = t[1]; d = t[2]; y = E } E = E + 1 }) } n.trigger("revolution.slide.onbeforeswap"); r.transition = 1; r.videoplaying = false; try { var i = n.find(">ul:first-child >li:eq(" + r.act + ")") } catch (s) { var i = n.find(">ul:first-child >li:eq(1)") } r.lastslide = r.act; var u = n.find(">ul:first-child >li:eq(" + r.next + ")"); var a = i.find(".slotholder"); var f = u.find(".slotholder"); i.css({ visibility: "visible" }); u.css({ visibility: "visible" }); if (f.data("kenburns") == "on") M(n, r); if (r.ie) { if (p == "boxfade") p = "boxslide"; if (p == "slotfade-vertical") p = "slotzoom-vertical"; if (p == "slotfade-horizontal") p = "slotzoom-horizontal" } if (u.data("delay") != t) { r.cd = 0; r.delay = u.data("delay") } else { r.delay = r.origcd } n.trigger("restarttimer"); i.css({ left: "0px", top: "0px" }); u.css({ left: "0px", top: "0px" }); if (u.data("differentissplayed") == "prepared") { u.data("differentissplayed", "done"); u.data("transition", u.data("savedtransition")); u.data("slotamount", u.data("savedslotamount")); u.data("masterspeed", u.data("savedmasterspeed")) } if (u.data("fstransition") != t && u.data("differentissplayed") != "done") { u.data("savedtransition", u.data("transition")); u.data("savedslotamount", u.data("slotamount")); u.data("savedmasterspeed", u.data("masterspeed")); u.data("transition", u.data("fstransition")); u.data("slotamount", u.data("fsslotamount")); u.data("masterspeed", u.data("fsmasterspeed")); u.data("differentissplayed", "prepared") } var l = 0; var c = u.data("transition").split(","); var h = u.data("nexttransid"); if (h == t) { h = 0; u.data("nexttransid", h) } else { h = h + 1; if (h == c.length) h = 0; u.data("nexttransid", h) } var p = c[h]; var d = 0; if (p == "slidehorizontal") { p = "slideleft"; if (r.leftarrowpressed == 1) p = "slideright" } if (p == "slidevertical") { p = "slideup"; if (r.leftarrowpressed == 1) p = "slidedown" } var v = [ ["boxslide", 0, 1, 10, 0, "box", false, null, 0], ["boxfade", 1, 0, 10, 0, "box", false, null, 1], ["slotslide-horizontal", 2, 0, 0, 200, "horizontal", true, false, 2], ["slotslide-vertical", 3, 0, 0, 200, "vertical", true, false, 3], ["curtain-1", 4, 3, 0, 0, "horizontal", true, true, 4], ["curtain-2", 5, 3, 0, 0, "horizontal", true, true, 5], ["curtain-3", 6, 3, 25, 0, "horizontal", true, true, 6], ["slotzoom-horizontal", 7, 0, 0, 400, "horizontal", true, true, 7], ["slotzoom-vertical", 8, 0, 0, 0, "vertical", true, true, 8], ["slotfade-horizontal", 9, 0, 0, 500, "horizontal", true, null, 9], ["slotfade-vertical", 10, 0, 0, 500, "vertical", true, null, 10], ["fade", 11, 0, 1, 300, "horizontal", true, null, 11], ["slideleft", 12, 0, 1, 0, "horizontal", true, true, 12], ["slideup", 13, 0, 1, 0, "horizontal", true, true, 13], ["slidedown", 14, 0, 1, 0, "horizontal", true, true, 14], ["slideright", 15, 0, 1, 0, "horizontal", true, true, 15], ["papercut", 16, 0, 0, 600, "", null, null, 16], ["3dcurtain-horizontal", 17, 0, 20, 100, "vertical", false, true, 17], ["3dcurtain-vertical", 18, 0, 10, 100, "horizontal", false, true, 18], ["cubic", 19, 0, 20, 600, "horizontal", false, true, 19], ["cube", 19, 0, 20, 600, "horizontal", false, true, 20], ["flyin", 20, 0, 4, 600, "vertical", false, true, 21], ["turnoff", 21, 0, 1, 1600, "horizontal", false, true, 22], ["incube", 22, 0, 20, 600, "horizontal", false, true, 23], ["cubic-horizontal", 23, 0, 20, 500, "vertical", false, true, 24], ["cube-horizontal", 23, 0, 20, 500, "vertical", false, true, 25], ["incube-horizontal", 24, 0, 20, 500, "vertical", false, true, 26], ["turnoff-vertical", 25, 0, 1, 1600, "horizontal", false, true, 27], ["fadefromright", 12, 1, 1, 0, "horizontal", true, true, 28], ["fadefromleft", 15, 1, 1, 0, "horizontal", true, true, 29], ["fadefromtop", 14, 1, 1, 0, "horizontal", true, true, 30], ["fadefrombottom", 13, 1, 1, 0, "horizontal", true, true, 31], ["fadetoleftfadefromright", 12, 2, 1, 0, "horizontal", true, true, 32], ["fadetorightfadetoleft", 15, 2, 1, 0, "horizontal", true, true, 33], ["fadetobottomfadefromtop", 14, 2, 1, 0, "horizontal", true, true, 34], ["fadetotopfadefrombottom", 13, 2, 1, 0, "horizontal", true, true, 35], ["parallaxtoright", 12, 3, 1, 0, "horizontal", true, true, 36], ["parallaxtoleft", 15, 3, 1, 0, "horizontal", true, true, 37], ["parallaxtotop", 14, 3, 1, 0, "horizontal", true, true, 38], ["parallaxtobottom", 13, 3, 1, 0, "horizontal", true, true, 39], ["scaledownfromright", 12, 4, 1, 0, "horizontal", true, true, 40], ["scaledownfromleft", 15, 4, 1, 0, "horizontal", true, true, 41], ["scaledownfromtop", 14, 4, 1, 0, "horizontal", true, true, 42], ["scaledownfrombottom", 13, 4, 1, 0, "horizontal", true, true, 43], ["zoomout", 13, 5, 1, 0, "horizontal", true, true, 44], ["zoomin", 13, 6, 1, 0, "horizontal", true, true, 45], ["notransition", 26, 0, 1, 0, "horizontal", true, null, 46] ]; var m = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45]; var g = [16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27]; var l = 0; var d = 1; var y = 0; var E = 0; var S = new Array; if (p == "random") { p = Math.round(Math.random() * v.length - 1); if (p > v.length - 1) p = v.length - 1 } if (p == "random-static") { p = Math.round(Math.random() * m.length - 1); if (p > m.length - 1) p = m.length - 1; p = m[p] } if (p == "random-premium") { p = Math.round(Math.random() * g.length - 1); if (p > g.length - 1) p = g.length - 1; p = g[p] } if (r.isJoomla == true && p == 16) { p = Math.round(Math.random() * g.length - 2) + 1; if (p > g.length - 1) p = g.length - 1; p = g[p] } x(); if (o(8) && l > 15 && l < 28) { p = Math.round(Math.random() * m.length - 1); if (p > m.length - 1) p = m.length - 1; p = m[p]; E = 0; x() } var T = -1; if (r.leftarrowpressed == 1 || r.act > r.next) T = 1; r.leftarrowpressed = 0; if (l > 26) l = 26; if (l < 0) l = 0; var N = 300; if (u.data("masterspeed") != t && u.data("masterspeed") > 99 && u.data("masterspeed") < 4001) N = u.data("masterspeed"); S = v[y]; n.parent().find(".bullet").each(function() { var t = e(this); t.removeClass("selected"); if (r.navigationArrows == "withbullet" || r.navigationArrows == "nexttobullets") { if (t.index() - 1 == r.next) t.addClass("selected") } else { if (t.index() == r.next) t.addClass("selected") } }); n.find(">li").each(function() { var t = e(this); if (t.index != r.act && t.index != r.next) t.css({ "z-index": 16 }) }); i.css({ "z-index": 18 }); u.css({ "z-index": 20 }); u.css({ opacity: 0 }); if (i.index() != u.index() && r.firststart != 1) { Q(i, r) } V(u, r); if (u.data("slotamount") == t || u.data("slotamount") < 1) { r.slots = Math.round(Math.random() * 12 + 4); if (p == "boxslide") r.slots = Math.round(Math.random() * 6 + 3); else if (p == "flyin") r.slots = Math.round(Math.random() * 4 + 1) } else { r.slots = u.data("slotamount") } if (u.data("rotate") == t) r.rotate = 0; else if (u.data("rotate") == 999) r.rotate = Math.round(Math.random() * 360); else r.rotate = u.data("rotate"); if (!e.support.transition || r.ie || r.ie9) r.rotate = 0; if (r.firststart == 1) { i.css({ opacity: 0 }); r.firststart = 0 } N = N + S[4]; if ((l == 4 || l == 5 || l == 6) && r.slots < 3) r.slots = 3; if (S[3] != 0) r.slots = Math.min(r.slots, S[3]); if (l == 9) r.slots = r.width / 20; if (l == 10) r.slots = r.height / 20; if (S[5] == "box") { if (S[7] != null) w(a, r, S[7]); if (S[6] != null) w(f, r, S[6]) } else if (S[5] == "vertical" || S[5] == "horizontal") { if (S[7] != null) b(a, r, S[7], S[5]); if (S[6] != null) b(f, r, S[6], S[5]) } if (l < 12 || l > 16) u.css({ opacity: 1 }); if (l == 0) { f.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 0 }); var C = Math.ceil(r.height / r.sloth); var k = 0; f.find(".slotslide").each(function(t) { var s = e(this); k = k + 1; if (k == C) k = 0; TweenLite.fromTo(s, N / 600, { opacity: 0, top: 0 - r.sloth, left: 0 - r.slotw, rotation: r.rotate }, { opacity: 1, transformPerspective: 600, top: 0, left: 0, scale: 1, rotation: 0, delay: (t * 15 + k * 30) / 1500, ease: Power2.easeOut, onComplete: function() { if (t == r.slots * r.slots - 1) { F(n, r, f, a, u, i) } } }) }) } if (l == 1) { f.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 0 }); var L; f.find(".slotslide").each(function(t) { var n = e(this); rand = Math.random() * N + 300; rand2 = Math.random() * 500 + 200; if (rand + rand2 > L) L = rand2 + rand2; TweenLite.fromTo(n, rand / 1e3, { opacity: 0, transformPerspective: 600, rotation: r.rotate }, { opacity: 1, ease: Power2.easeInOut, rotation: 0, delay: rand2 / 1e3 }) }); setTimeout(function() { F(n, r, f, a, u, i) }, N + 300) } if (l == 2) { f.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 0 }); a.find(".slotslide").each(function() { var t = e(this); TweenLite.to(t, N / 1e3, { left: r.slotw, rotation: 0 - r.rotate, onComplete: function() { F(n, r, f, a, u, i) } }) }); f.find(".slotslide").each(function() { var t = e(this); TweenLite.fromTo(t, N / 1e3, { left: 0 - r.slotw, rotation: r.rotate, transformPerspective: 600 }, { left: 0, rotation: 0, ease: Power2.easeOut, onComplete: function() { F(n, r, f, a, u, i) } }) }) } if (l == 3) { f.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 0 }); a.find(".slotslide").each(function() { var t = e(this); TweenLite.to(t, N / 1e3, { top: r.sloth, rotation: r.rotate, transformPerspective: 600, onComplete: function() { F(n, r, f, a, u, i) } }) }); f.find(".slotslide").each(function() { var t = e(this); TweenLite.fromTo(t, N / 1e3, { top: 0 - r.sloth, rotation: r.rotate, transformPerspective: 600 }, { top: 0, rotation: 0, ease: Power2.easeOut, onComplete: function() { F(n, r, f, a, u, i) } }) }) } if (l == 4 || l == 5) { f.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 0 }); setTimeout(function() { a.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 0 }) }, 100); var A = N / 1e3; var O = A; a.find(".slotslide").each(function(t) { var n = e(this); var i = t * A / r.slots; if (l == 5) i = (r.slots - t - 1) * A / r.slots / 1.5; TweenLite.to(n, A * 3, { transformPerspective: 600, top: 0 + r.height, opacity: .5, rotation: r.rotate, ease: Power2.easeInOut, delay: i }) }); f.find(".slotslide").each(function(t) { var s = e(this); var o = t * A / r.slots; if (l == 5) o = (r.slots - t - 1) * A / r.slots / 1.5; TweenLite.fromTo(s, A * 3, { top: 0 - r.height, opacity: .5, rotation: r.rotate, transformPerspective: 600 }, { top: 0, opacity: 1, rotation: 0, ease: Power2.easeInOut, delay: o, onComplete: function() { if (t == r.slots - 1) { F(n, r, f, a, u, i) } } }) }) } if (l == 6) { if (r.slots < 2) r.slots = 2; f.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 0 }); setTimeout(function() { a.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 0 }) }, 100); a.find(".slotslide").each(function(t) { var n = e(this); if (t < r.slots / 2) var i = (t + 2) * 60; else var i = (2 + r.slots - t) * 60; TweenLite.to(n, (N + i) / 1e3, { top: 0 + r.height, opacity: 1, rotation: r.rotate, transformPerspective: 600, ease: Power2.easeInOut }) }); f.find(".slotslide").each(function(t) { var s = e(this); if (t < r.slots / 2) var o = (t + 2) * 60; else var o = (2 + r.slots - t) * 60; TweenLite.fromTo(s, (N + o) / 1e3, { top: 0 - r.height, opacity: 1, rotation: r.rotate, transformPerspective: 600 }, { top: 0, opacity: 1, rotation: 0, ease: Power2.easeInOut, onComplete: function() { if (t == Math.round(r.slots / 2)) { F(n, r, f, a, u, i) } } }) }) } if (l == 7) { N = N * 2; f.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 0 }); setTimeout(function() { a.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 0 }) }, 100); a.find(".slotslide").each(function() { var t = e(this).find("div"); TweenLite.to(t, N / 1e3, { left: 0 - r.slotw / 2 + "px", top: 0 - r.height / 2 + "px", width: r.slotw * 2 + "px", height: r.height * 2 + "px", opacity: 0, rotation: r.rotate, transformPerspective: 600, ease: Power2.easeOut }) }); f.find(".slotslide").each(function(t) { var s = e(this).find("div"); TweenLite.fromTo(s, N / 1e3, { left: 0, top: 0, opacity: 0, transformPerspective: 600 }, { left: 0 - t * r.slotw + "px", ease: Power2.easeOut, top: 0 + "px", width: r.width, height: r.height, opacity: 1, rotation: 0, delay: .1, onComplete: function() { F(n, r, f, a, u, i) } }) }) } if (l == 8) { N = N * 3; f.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 0 }); a.find(".slotslide").each(function() { var t = e(this).find("div"); TweenLite.to(t, N / 1e3, { left: 0 - r.width / 2 + "px", top: 0 - r.sloth / 2 + "px", width: r.width * 2 + "px", height: r.sloth * 2 + "px", transformPerspective: 600, opacity: 0, rotation: r.rotate }) }); f.find(".slotslide").each(function(t) { var s = e(this).find("div"); TweenLite.fromTo(s, N / 1e3, { left: 0, top: 0, opacity: 0, transformPerspective: 600 }, { left: 0 + "px", top: 0 - t * r.sloth + "px", width: f.find(".defaultimg").data("neww") + "px", height: f.find(".defaultimg").data("newh") + "px", opacity: 1, rotation: 0, onComplete: function() { F(n, r, f, a, u, i) } }) }) } if (l == 9 || l == 10) { f.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 0 }); var _ = 0; f.find(".slotslide").each(function(t) { var n = e(this); _++; TweenLite.fromTo(n, N / 1e3, { opacity: 0, transformPerspective: 600, left: 0, top: 0 }, { opacity: 1, ease: Power2.easeInOut, delay: t * 4 / 1e3 }) }); setTimeout(function() { F(n, r, f, a, u, i) }, N + _ * 4) } if (l == 11 || l == 26) { f.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 0, position: "relative" }); var _ = 0; if (l == 26) N = 0; f.find(".slotslide").each(function(t) { var n = e(this); TweenLite.fromTo(n, N / 1e3, { opacity: 0 }, { opacity: 1, ease: Power2.easeInOut }) }); setTimeout(function() { F(n, r, f, a, u, i) }, N + 15) } if (l == 12 || l == 13 || l == 14 || l == 15) { setTimeout(function() { a.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 0 }) }, 100); f.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 0 }); var D = r.width; var P = r.height; var H = f.find(".slotslide"); if (r.fullWidth == "on" || r.fullSreen == "on") { D = H.width(); P = H.height() } var B = 0; var j = 0; if (l == 12) B = D; else if (l == 15) B = 0 - D; else if (l == 13) j = P; else if (l == 14) j = 0 - P; var I = 1; var q = 1; var R = 1; var U = Power2.easeInOut; var z = Power2.easeInOut; var W = N / 1e3; var X = W; if (d == 1) I = 0; if (d == 2) I = 0; if (d == 3) { U = Power2.easeInOut; z = Power1.easeInOut; i.css({ position: "absolute", "z-index": 20 }); u.css({ position: "absolute", "z-index": 15 }); W = N / 1200 } if (d == 4 || d == 5) q = .6; if (d == 6) q = 1.4; if (d == 5 || d == 6) { R = 1.4; I = 0; D = 0; P = 0; B = 0; j = 0 } if (d == 6) R = .6; TweenLite.fromTo(H, W, { left: B, top: j, scale: R, opacity: I, rotation: r.rotate }, { opacity: 1, rotation: 0, left: 0, top: 0, scale: 1, ease: z, onComplete: function() { F(n, r, f, a, u, i); i.css({ position: "absolute", "z-index": 18 }); u.css({ position: "absolute", "z-index": 20 }) } }); var $ = a.find(".slotslide"); if (d == 4 || d == 5) { D = 0; P = 0 } if (d != 1) { if (l == 12) TweenLite.to($, X, { left: 0 - D + "px", scale: q, opacity: I, rotation: r.rotate, ease: U }); else if (l == 15) TweenLite.to($, X, { left: D + "px", scale: q, opacity: I, rotation: r.rotate, ease: U }); else if (l == 13) TweenLite.to($, X, { top: 0 - P + "px", scale: q, opacity: I, rotation: r.rotate, ease: U }); else if (l == 14) TweenLite.to($, X, { top: P + "px", scale: q, opacity: I, rotation: r.rotate, ease: U }) } u.css({ opacity: 1 }) } if (l == 16) { i.css({ position: "absolute", "z-index": 20 }); u.css({ position: "absolute", "z-index": 15 }); i.wrapInner('<div class="tp-half-one" style="position:relative; width:100%;height:100%"></div>'); i.find(".tp-half-one").clone(true).appendTo(i).addClass("tp-half-two"); i.find(".tp-half-two").removeClass("tp-half-one"); var D = r.width; var P = r.height; if (r.autoHeight == "on") P = n.height(); i.find(".tp-half-one .defaultimg").wrap('<div class="tp-papercut" style="width:' + D + "px;height:" + P + 'px;"></div>'); i.find(".tp-half-two .defaultimg").wrap('<div class="tp-papercut" style="width:' + D + "px;height:" + P + 'px;"></div>'); i.find(".tp-half-two .defaultimg").css({ position: "absolute", top: "-50%" }); i.find(".tp-half-two .tp-caption").wrapAll('<div style="position:absolute;top:-50%;left:0px"></div>'); TweenLite.set(i.find(".tp-half-two"), { width: D, height: P, overflow: "hidden", zIndex: 15, position: "absolute", top: P / 2, left: "0px", transformPerspective: 600, transformOrigin: "center bottom" }); TweenLite.set(i.find(".tp-half-one"), { width: D, height: P / 2, overflow: "visible", zIndex: 10, position: "absolute", top: "0px", left: "0px", transformPerspective: 600, transformOrigin: "center top" }); var J = i.find(".defaultimg"); var K = Math.round(Math.random() * 20 - 10); var G = Math.round(Math.random() * 20 - 10); var Y = Math.round(Math.random() * 20 - 10); var Z = Math.random() * .4 - .2; var et = Math.random() * .4 - .2; var tt = Math.random() * 1 + 1; var nt = Math.random() * 1 + 1; TweenLite.fromTo(i.find(".tp-half-one"), N / 1e3, { width: D, height: P / 2, position: "absolute", top: "0px", left: "0px", transformPerspective: 600, transformOrigin: "center top" }, { scale: tt, rotation: K, y: 0 - P - P / 4, ease: Power2.easeInOut }); setTimeout(function() { TweenLite.set(i.find(".tp-half-one"), { overflow: "hidden" }) }, 50); TweenLite.fromTo(i.find(".tp-half-one"), N / 2e3, { opacity: 1, transformPerspective: 600, transformOrigin: "center center" }, { opacity: 0, delay: N / 2e3 }); TweenLite.fromTo(i.find(".tp-half-two"), N / 1e3, { width: D, height: P, overflow: "hidden", position: "absolute", top: P / 2, left: "0px", transformPerspective: 600, transformOrigin: "center bottom" }, { scale: nt, rotation: G, y: P + P / 4, ease: Power2.easeInOut }); TweenLite.fromTo(i.find(".tp-half-two"), N / 2e3, { opacity: 1, transformPerspective: 600, transformOrigin: "center center" }, { opacity: 0, delay: N / 2e3 }); if (i.html() != null) TweenLite.fromTo(u, (N - 200) / 1e3, { opacity: 0, scale: .8, x: r.width * Z, y: P * et, rotation: Y, transformPerspective: 600, transformOrigin: "center center" }, { rotation: 0, scale: 1, x: 0, y: 0, opacity: 1, ease: Power2.easeInOut }); f.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 1 }); setTimeout(function() { i.css({ position: "absolute", "z-index": 18 }); u.css({ position: "absolute", "z-index": 20 }); f.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 1 }); a.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 0 }); if (i.find(".tp-half-one").length > 0) { i.find(".tp-half-one .defaultimg").unwrap(); i.find(".tp-half-one .slotholder").unwrap() } i.find(".tp-half-two").remove(); r.transition = 0; r.act = r.next }, N); u.css({ opacity: 1 }) } if (l == 17) { f.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 0 }); f.find(".slotslide").each(function(t) { var s = e(this); TweenLite.fromTo(s, N / 800, { opacity: 0, rotationY: 0, scale: .9, rotationX: -110, transformPerspective: 600, transformOrigin: "center center" }, { opacity: 1, top: 0, left: 0, scale: 1, rotation: 0, rotationX: 0, rotationY: 0, ease: Power3.easeOut, delay: t * .06, onComplete: function() { if (t == r.slots - 1) F(n, r, f, a, u, i) } }) }) } if (l == 18) { f.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 0 }); f.find(".slotslide").each(function(t) { var s = e(this); TweenLite.fromTo(s, N / 500, { opacity: 0, rotationY: 310, scale: .9, rotationX: 10, transformPerspective: 600, transformOrigin: "center center" }, { opacity: 1, top: 0, left: 0, scale: 1, rotation: 0, rotationX: 0, rotationY: 0, ease: Power3.easeOut, delay: t * .06, onComplete: function() { if (t == r.slots - 1) F(n, r, f, a, u, i) } }) }) } if (l == 19 || l == 22) { f.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 0 }); setTimeout(function() { a.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 0 }) }, 100); var rt = u.css("z-index"); var it = i.css("z-index"); var st = 90; var I = 1; if (T == 1) st = -90; if (l == 19) { var ot = "center center -" + r.height / 2; I = 0 } else { var ot = "center center " + r.height / 2 } TweenLite.fromTo(f, N / 2e3, { transformPerspective: 600, z: 0, x: 0, rotationY: 0 }, { rotationY: 1, ease: Power1.easeInOut, z: -40 }); TweenLite.fromTo(f, N / 2e3, { transformPerspective: 600, z: -40, rotationY: 1 }, { rotationY: 0, z: 0, ease: Power1.easeInOut, x: 0, delay: 3 * (N / 4e3) }); TweenLite.fromTo(a, N / 2e3, { transformPerspective: 600, z: 0, x: 0, rotationY: 0 }, { rotationY: 1, x: 0, ease: Power1.easeInOut, z: -40 }); TweenLite.fromTo(a, N / 2e3, { transformPerspective: 600, z: -40, x: 0, rotationY: 1 }, { rotationY: 0, z: 0, x: 0, ease: Power1.easeInOut, delay: 3 * (N / 4e3) }); f.find(".slotslide").each(function(t) { var s = e(this); TweenLite.fromTo(s, N / 1e3, { left: 0, rotationY: r.rotate, opacity: I, top: 0, scale: .8, transformPerspective: 600, transformOrigin: ot, rotationX: st }, { left: 0, rotationY: 0, opacity: 1, top: 0, z: 0, scale: 1, rotationX: 0, delay: t * 50 / 1e3, ease: Power2.easeInOut, onComplete: function() { if (t == r.slots - 1) F(n, r, f, a, u, i) } }); TweenLite.to(s, .1, { opacity: 1, delay: t * 50 / 1e3 + N / 3e3 }) }); a.find(".slotslide").each(function(t) { var s = e(this); var o = -90; if (T == 1) o = 90; TweenLite.fromTo(s, N / 1e3, { opacity: 1, rotationY: 0, top: 0, z: 0, scale: 1, transformPerspective: 600, transformOrigin: ot, rotationX: 0 }, { opacity: 1, rotationY: r.rotate, top: 0, scale: .8, rotationX: o, delay: t * 50 / 1e3, ease: Power2.easeInOut, onComplete: function() { if (t == r.slots - 1) F(n, r, f, a, u, i) } }); TweenLite.to(s, .1, { opacity: 0, delay: t * 50 / 1e3 + (N / 1e3 - N / 1e4) }) }) } if (l == 20) { f.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 0 }); setTimeout(function() { a.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 0 }) }, 100); var rt = u.css("z-index"); var it = i.css("z-index"); if (T == 1) { var ut = -r.width; var st = 70; var ot = "left center -" + r.height / 2 } else { var ut = r.width; var st = -70; var ot = "right center -" + r.height / 2 } f.find(".slotslide").each(function(t) { var s = e(this); TweenLite.fromTo(s, N / 1500, { left: ut, rotationX: 40, z: -600, opacity: I, top: 0, transformPerspective: 600, transformOrigin: ot, rotationY: st }, { left: 0, delay: t * 50 / 1e3, ease: Power2.easeInOut }); TweenLite.fromTo(s, N / 1e3, { rotationX: 40, z: -600, opacity: I, top: 0, scale: 1, transformPerspective: 600, transformOrigin: ot, rotationY: st }, { rotationX: 0, opacity: 1, top: 0, z: 0, scale: 1, rotationY: 0, delay: t * 50 / 1e3, ease: Power2.easeInOut, onComplete: function() { if (t == r.slots - 1) F(n, r, f, a, u, i) } }); TweenLite.to(s, .1, { opacity: 1, delay: t * 50 / 1e3 + N / 2e3 }) }); a.find(".slotslide").each(function(t) { var s = e(this); if (T != 1) { var o = -r.width; var l = 70; var c = "left center -" + r.height / 2 } else { var o = r.width; var l = -70; var c = "right center -" + r.height / 2 } TweenLite.fromTo(s, N / 1e3, { opacity: 1, rotationX: 0, top: 0, z: 0, scale: 1, left: 0, transformPerspective: 600, transformOrigin: c, rotationY: 0 }, { opacity: 1, rotationX: 40, top: 0, z: -600, left: o, scale: .8, rotationY: l, delay: t * 50 / 1e3, ease: Power2.easeInOut, onComplete: function() { if (t == r.slots - 1) F(n, r, f, a, u, i) } }); TweenLite.to(s, .1, { opacity: 0, delay: t * 50 / 1e3 + (N / 1e3 - N / 1e4) }) }) } if (l == 21 || l == 25) { f.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 0 }); setTimeout(function() { a.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 0 }) }, 100); var rt = u.css("z-index"); var it = i.css("z-index"); if (T == 1) { var ut = -r.width; var st = 110; if (l == 25) { var ot = "center top 0"; rot2 = -st; st = r.rotate } else { var ot = "left center 0"; rot2 = r.rotate } } else { var ut = r.width; var st = -110; if (l == 25) { var ot = "center bottom 0"; rot2 = -st; st = r.rotate } else { var ot = "right center 0"; rot2 = r.rotate } } f.find(".slotslide").each(function(t) { var s = e(this); TweenLite.fromTo(s, N / 1500, { left: 0, rotationX: rot2, z: 0, opacity: 0, top: 0, scale: 1, transformPerspective: 600, transformOrigin: ot, rotationY: st }, { left: 0, rotationX: 0, top: 0, z: 0, scale: 1, rotationY: 0, delay: t * 100 / 1e3 + N / 1e4, ease: Power2.easeInOut, onComplete: function() { if (t == r.slots - 1) F(n, r, f, a, u, i) } }); TweenLite.to(s, .3, { opacity: 1, delay: t * 100 / 1e3 + N * .2 / 2e3 + N / 1e4 }) }); if (T != 1) { var ut = -r.width; var st = 90; if (l == 25) { var ot = "center top 0"; rot2 = -st; st = r.rotate } else { var ot = "left center 0"; rot2 = r.rotate } } else { var ut = r.width; var st = -90; if (l == 25) { var ot = "center bottom 0"; rot2 = -st; st = r.rotate } else { var ot = "right center 0"; rot2 = r.rotate } } a.find(".slotslide").each(function(t) { var n = e(this); TweenLite.fromTo(n, N / 3e3, { left: 0, rotationX: 0, z: 0, opacity: 1, top: 0, scale: 1, transformPerspective: 600, transformOrigin: ot, rotationY: 0 }, { left: 0, rotationX: rot2, top: 0, z: 0, scale: 1, rotationY: st, delay: t * 100 / 1e3, ease: Power1.easeInOut }); TweenLite.to(n, .2, { opacity: 0, delay: t * 50 / 1e3 + (N / 3e3 - N / 1e4) }) }) } if (l == 23 || l == 24) { f.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 0 }); setTimeout(function() { a.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 0 }) }, 100); var rt = u.css("z-index"); var it = i.css("z-index"); var st = -90; if (T == 1) st = 90; var I = 1; if (l == 23) { var ot = "center center -" + r.width / 2; I = 0 } else { var ot = "center center " + r.width / 2 } var at = 0; TweenLite.fromTo(f, N / 2e3, { transformPerspective: 600, z: 0, x: 0, rotationY: 0 }, { rotationY: 1, ease: Power1.easeInOut, z: -90 }); TweenLite.fromTo(f, N / 2e3, { transformPerspective: 600, z: -90, rotationY: 1 }, { rotationY: 0, z: 0, ease: Power1.easeInOut, x: 0, delay: 3 * (N / 4e3) }); TweenLite.fromTo(a, N / 2e3, { transformPerspective: 600, z: 0, x: 0, rotationY: 0 }, { rotationY: 1, x: 0, ease: Power1.easeInOut, z: -90 }); TweenLite.fromTo(a, N / 2e3, { transformPerspective: 600, z: -90, x: 0, rotationY: 1 }, { rotationY: 0, z: 0, x: 0, ease: Power1.easeInOut, delay: 3 * (N / 4e3) }); f.find(".slotslide").each(function(t) { var s = e(this); TweenLite.fromTo(s, N / 1e3, { left: at, rotationX: r.rotate, opacity: I, top: 0, scale: 1, transformPerspective: 600, transformOrigin: ot, rotationY: st }, { left: 0, rotationX: 0, opacity: 1, top: 0, z: 0, scale: 1, rotationY: 0, delay: t * 50 / 1e3, ease: Power2.easeInOut, onComplete: function() { if (t == r.slots - 1) F(n, r, f, a, u, i) } }); TweenLite.to(s, .1, { opacity: 1, delay: t * 50 / 1e3 + N / 3e3 }) }); st = 90; if (T == 1) st = -90; a.find(".slotslide").each(function(t) { var s = e(this); TweenLite.fromTo(s, N / 1e3, { left: 0, opacity: 1, rotationX: 0, top: 0, z: 0, scale: 1, transformPerspective: 600, transformOrigin: ot, rotationY: 0 }, { left: at, opacity: 1, rotationX: r.rotate, top: 0, scale: 1, rotationY: st, delay: t * 50 / 1e3, ease: Power2.easeInOut, onComplete: function() { if (t == r.slots - 1) F(n, r, f, a, u, i) } }); TweenLite.to(s, .1, { opacity: 0, delay: t * 50 / 1e3 + (N / 1e3 - N / 1e4) }) }) } var ft = {}; ft.slideIndex = r.next + 1; n.trigger("revolution.slide.onchange", ft); setTimeout(function() { n.trigger("revolution.slide.onafterswap") }, N); n.trigger("revolution.slide.onvideostop") } function A(e, t) {} function O(t, n) { t.find(">ul:first-child >li").each(function() { var t = e(this); for (var r = 0; r < 10; r++) t.find(".rs-parallaxlevel-" + r).wrapAll('<div style="position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;width:100%;height:100%;" class="tp-parallax-container" data-parallaxlevel="' + n.parallaxLevels[r] + '"></div>') }); t.on("mousemove.hoverdir, mouseleave.hoverdir", function(n) { switch (n.type) { case "mousemove": var r = t.offset().top, i = t.offset().left, s = r + t.height() / 2, o = i + t.width() / 2, u = o - n.pageX, a = s - n.pageY; e(".tp-parallax-container").each(function() { var t = e(this), n = parseInt(t.data("parallaxlevel"), 0) / 100, r = u * n, i = a * n; TweenLite.to(t, .2, { x: r, y: i, ease: Power3.easeOut }) }); break; case "mouseleave": e(".tp-parallax-container").each(function() { var t = e(this); TweenLite.to(t, .4, { x: 0, y: 0, ease: Power3.easeOut }) }); break } }); window.ondeviceorientation = function(n) { var r = Math.round(n.beta || 0), i = Math.round(n.gamma || 0), s = 360 / t.width() * i, o = 180 / t.height() * r; e(".tp-parallax-container").each(function() { var t = e(this), n = parseInt(t.data("parallaxlevel"), 0) / 100, r = s * n, i = o * n; TweenLite.to(t, .2, { x: r, y: i, ease: Power3.easeOut }) }) }; e(window).on("deviceorientation", { option: n, cont: t }, function(e) { var t = e.data.option; var n = e.data.container; if (!t.desktop && e.beta !== null && e.gamma !== null) { var r = (e.beta || 0) / MAGIC_NUMBER; var i = (e.gamma || 0) / MAGIC_NUMBER; var s = window.innerHeight > window.innerWidth } }) } function M(n, r) { try { var i = n.find(">ul:first-child >li:eq(" + r.act + ")") } catch (s) { var i = n.find(">ul:first-child >li:eq(1)") } r.lastslide = r.act; var o = n.find(">ul:first-child >li:eq(" + r.next + ")"); var u = i.find(".slotholder"); var a = o.find(".slotholder"); a.find(".defaultimg").each(function() { var n = e(this); if (n.data("kenburn") != t) n.data("kenburn").restart(); TweenLite.killTweensOf(n, false); TweenLite.set(n, { scale: 1, rotationZ: 0 }); n.data("bgposition", a.data("bgposition")); n.data("currotate", a.data("rotationstart")); n.data("curscale", a.data("bgfit")) }) } function _(n, r) { try { var i = n.find(">ul:first-child >li:eq(" + r.act + ")") } catch (s) { var i = n.find(">ul:first-child >li:eq(1)") } r.lastslide = r.act; var u = n.find(">ul:first-child >li:eq(" + r.next + ")"); var a = i.find(".slotholder"); var f = u.find(".slotholder"); var l = f.data("bgposition"), c = f.data("bgpositionend"), h = f.data("zoomstart") / 100, p = f.data("zoomend") / 100, d = f.data("rotationstart"), v = f.data("rotationend"), m = f.data("bgfit"), g = f.data("bgfitend"), y = f.data("easeme"), b = f.data("duration") / 1e3; if (m == t) m = 100; if (g == t) g = 100; m = D(m, f, r); g = D(g, f, r); if (h == t) h = 1; if (p == t) p = 1; if (d == t) d = 0; if (v == t) v = 0; if (h < 1) h = 1; if (p < 1) p = 1; f.find(".defaultimg").each(function() { var t = e(this); t.data("kenburn", TweenLite.fromTo(t, b, { transformPerspective: 1200, backgroundSize: m, z: 0, backgroundPosition: l, rotationZ: d }, { yoyo: 2, rotationZ: v, ease: y, backgroundSize: g, backgroundPosition: c, onUpdate: function() { t.data("bgposition", t.css("backgroundPosition")); if (!o(8)) t.data("currotate", j(t)); if (!o(8)) t.data("curscale", t.css("backgroundSize")) } })) }) } function D(e, t, n) { var r = t.data("owidth"); var i = t.data("oheight"); var s = n.container.width() / r; var o = i * s; var u = o / n.container.height() * e; return e + "% " + u + "%" } function P(e) { var t = e.css("-webkit-transform") || e.css("-moz-transform") || e.css("-ms-transform") || e.css("-o-transform") || e.css("transform"); return t } function H(e) { return e.replace(/^matrix(3d)?\((.*)\)$/, "$2").split(/, /) } function B(e) { var t = H(P(e)), n = 1; if (t[0] !== "none") { var r = t[0], i = t[1], s = 10; n = Math.round(Math.sqrt(r * r + i * i) * s) / s } return n } function j(e) { var t = e.css("-webkit-transform") || e.css("-moz-transform") || e.css("-ms-transform") || e.css("-o-transform") || e.css("transform"); if (t !== "none") { var n = t.split("(")[1].split(")")[0].split(","); var r = n[0]; var i = n[1]; var s = Math.round(Math.atan2(i, r) * (180 / Math.PI)) } else { var s = 0 } return s < 0 ? s += 360 : s } function F(e, t, n, r, i, s) { S(e, t); n.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 1 }); if (i.index() != s.index()) r.find(".defaultimg").css({ opacity: 0 }); t.act = t.next; f(e); if (n.data("kenburns") == "on") _(e, t) } function I(t) { var n = t.target.getVideoEmbedCode(); var r = e("#" + n.split('id="')[1].split('"')[0]); var i = r.closest(".tp-simpleresponsive"); var s = r.parent().data("player"); if (t.data == YT.PlayerState.PLAYING) { var o = i.find(".tp-bannertimer"); var u = o.data("opt"); if (r.closest(".tp-caption").data("volume") == "mute") s.mute(); u.videoplaying = true; i.trigger("stoptimer"); i.trigger("revolution.slide.onvideoplay") } else { var o = i.find(".tp-bannertimer"); var u = o.data("opt"); if (t.data != -1) { u.videoplaying = false; i.trigger("playtimer"); i.trigger("revolution.slide.onvideostop") } } if (t.data == 0 && u.nextslideatend == true) u.container.revnext() } function q(e, t, n) { if (e.addEventListener) e.addEventListener(t, n, false); else e.attachEvent(t, n, false) } function R(t, n) { var r = $f(t); var i = e("#" + t); var s = i.closest(".tp-simpleresponsive"); r.addEvent("ready", function(e) { if (n) r.api("play"); r.addEvent("play", function(e) { var t = s.find(".tp-bannertimer"); var n = t.data("opt"); n.videoplaying = true; s.trigger("stoptimer"); if (i.closest(".tp-caption").data("volume") == "mute") r.api("setVolume", "0") }); r.addEvent("finish", function(e) { var t = s.find(".tp-bannertimer"); var n = t.data("opt"); n.videoplaying = false; s.trigger("playtimer"); s.trigger("revolution.slide.onvideoplay"); if (n.nextslideatend == true) n.container.revnext() }); r.addEvent("pause", function(e) { var t = s.find(".tp-bannertimer"); var n = t.data("opt"); n.videoplaying = false; s.trigger("playtimer"); s.trigger("revolution.slide.onvideostop") }) }) } function U(e, t) { var n = t.width(); var r = t.height(); var i = e.data("mediaAspect"); var s = n / r; e.css({ position: "absolute" }); var o = e.find("video"); if (s < i) { e.width(r * i).height(r); e.css("top", 0).css("left", -(r * i - n) / 2).css("height", r) } else { e.width(n).height(n / i); e.css("top", -(n / i - r) / 2).css("left", 0).css("height", n / i) } } function z() { var e = new Object; e.x = 0; e.y = 0; e.rotationX = 0; e.rotationY = 0; e.rotationZ = 0; e.scale = 1; e.scaleX = 1; e.scaleY = 1; e.skewX = 0; e.skewY = 0; e.opacity = 0; e.transformOrigin = "center, center"; e.transformPerspective = 400; e.rotation = 0; return e } function W(t, n) { var r = n.split(";"); e.each(r, function(e, n) { n = n.split(":"); var r = n[0], i = n[1]; if (r == "rotationX") t.rotationX = parseInt(i, 0); if (r == "rotationY") t.rotationY = parseInt(i, 0); if (r == "rotationZ") t.rotationZ = parseInt(i, 0); if (r == "rotationZ") t.rotation = parseInt(i, 0); if (r == "scaleX") t.scaleX = parseFloat(i); if (r == "scaleY") t.scaleY = parseFloat(i); if (r == "opacity") t.opacity = parseFloat(i); if (r == "skewX") t.skewX = parseInt(i, 0); if (r == "skewY") t.skewY = parseInt(i, 0); if (r == "x") t.x = parseInt(i, 0); if (r == "y") t.y = parseInt(i, 0); if (r == "z") t.z = parseInt(i, 0); if (r == "transformOrigin") t.transformOrigin = i.toString(); if (r == "transformPerspective") t.transformPerspective = parseInt(i, 0) }); return t } function X(t) { var n = t.split("animation:"); var r = new Object; r.animation = W(z(), n[1]); var i = n[0].split(";"); e.each(i, function(e, t) { t = t.split(":"); var n = t[0], i = t[1]; if (n == "typ") r.typ = i; if (n == "speed") r.speed = parseInt(i, 0) / 1e3; if (n == "start") r.start = parseInt(i, 0) / 1e3; if (n == "elementdelay") r.elementdelay = parseFloat(i); if (n == "ease") r.ease = i }); return r } function V(n, r, i) { var o = 0; var u = 0; n.find(".tp-caption").each(function(n) { o = r.width / 2 - r.startwidth * r.bw / 2; var a = r.bw; var f = r.bh; if (r.fullScreen == "on") u = r.height / 2 - r.startheight * r.bh / 2; if (r.autoHeight == "on") u = r.container.height() / 2 - r.startheight * r.bh / 2; if (u < 0) u = 0; var l = e(this); var c = 0; if (r.width < r.hideCaptionAtLimit && l.data("captionhidden") == "on") { l.addClass("tp-hidden-caption"); c = 1 } else { if (r.width < r.hideAllCaptionAtLimit || r.width < r.hideAllCaptionAtLilmit) { l.addClass("tp-hidden-caption"); c = 1 } else { l.removeClass("tp-hidden-caption") } } if (c == 0) { if (l.data("linktoslide") != t && !l.hasClass("hasclicklistener")) { l.addClass("hasclicklistener"); l.css({ cursor: "pointer" }); if (l.data("linktoslide") != "no") { l.on('click', function() { var t = e(this); var n = t.data("linktoslide"); if (n != "next" && n != "prev") { r.container.data("showus", n); r.container.parent().find(".tp-rightarrow").on() } else if (n == "next") r.container.parent().find(".tp-rightarrow").on(); else if (n == "prev") r.container.parent().find(".tp-leftarrow").on() }) } } if (o < 0) o = 0; var h = "iframe" + Math.round(Math.random() * 1e3 + 1); if (l.find("iframe").length > 0 || l.find("video").length > 0) { if (l.data("autoplayonlyfirsttime") == true || l.data("autoplayonlyfirsttime") == "true") { l.data("autoplay", true) } l.find("iframe").each(function() { var n = e(this); if (s()) { var o = n.attr("src"); n.attr("src", ""); n.attr("src", o) } r.nextslideatend = l.data("nextslideatend"); if (l.data("thumbimage") != t && l.data("thumbimage").length > 2 && l.data("autoplay") != true && !i) { l.find(".tp-thumb-image").remove(); l.append('<div class="tp-thumb-image" style="cursor:pointer; position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;width:100%;height:100%;background-image:url(' + l.data("thumbimage") + '); background-size:cover"></div>') } if (n.attr("src").toLowerCase().indexOf("youtube") >= 0) { if (!n.hasClass("HasListener")) { try { n.attr("id", h); var u; var a = setInterval(function() { if (YT != t) if (typeof YT.Player != t && typeof YT.Player != "undefined") { if (l.data("autoplay") == true) { u = new YT.Player(h, { events: { onStateChange: I, onReady: function(e) { e.target.playVideo() } } }) } else u = new YT.Player(h, { events: { onStateChange: I } }); n.addClass("HasListener"); l.data("player", u); clearInterval(a) } }, 100) } catch (f) {} } else { if (l.data("autoplay") == true) { var u = l.data("player"); l.data("timerplay", setTimeout(function() { if (l.data("forcerewind") == "on") u.seekTo(0); u.playVideo() }, l.data("start"))) } } l.find(".tp-thumb-image").on('click', function() { TweenLite.to(e(this), .3, { opacity: 0, ease: Power3.easeInOut, onComplete: function() { l.find(".tp-thumb-image").remove() } }); var t = l.data("player"); t.playVideo() }) } else { if (n.attr("src").toLowerCase().indexOf("vimeo") >= 0) { if (!n.hasClass("HasListener")) { n.addClass("HasListener"); n.attr("id", h); var c = n.attr("src"); var p = {}, d = c, v = /([^&=]+)=([^&]*)/g, m; while (m = v.exec(d)) { p[decodeURIComponent(m[1])] = decodeURIComponent(m[2]) } if (p["player_id"] != t) c = c.replace(p["player_id"], h); else c = c + "&player_id=" + h; try { c = c.replace("api=0", "api=1") } catch (f) {} c = c + "&api=1"; n.attr("src", c); var u = l.find("iframe")[0]; var g = setInterval(function() { if ($f != t) if (typeof $f(h).api != t && typeof $f(h).api != "undefined") { $f(u).addEvent("ready", function() { R(h, l.data("autoplay")) }); clearInterval(g) } }, 100) } else { if (l.data("autoplay") == true) { var n = l.find("iframe"); var y = n.attr("id"); var g = setInterval(function() { if ($f != t) if (typeof $f(y).api != t && typeof $f(y).api != "undefined") { var e = $f(y); l.data("timerplay", setTimeout(function() { if (l.data("forcerewind") == "on") e.api("seekTo", 0); e.api("play") }, l.data("start"))); clearInterval(g) } }, 100) } } l.find(".tp-thumb-image").on('click', function() { TweenLite.to(e(this), .3, { opacity: 0, ease: Power3.easeInOut, onComplete: function() { l.find(".tp-thumb-image").remove() } }); var n = l.find("iframe"); var r = n.attr("id"); var i = setInterval(function() { if ($f != t) if (typeof $f(r).api != t && typeof $f(r).api != "undefined") { var e = $f(r); e.api("play"); clearInterval(i) } }, 100) }) } } }); if (l.find("video").length > 0) { l.find("video").each(function(n) { var i = e(this); var s = this; if (!i.parent().hasClass("html5vid")) { i.wrap('<div class="html5vid" style="position:relative;top:0px;left:0px;width:auto;height:auto"></div>') } var o = e(this).parent(); if (s.addEventListener) s.addEventListener("loadedmetadata", function() { o.data("metaloaded", 1) }); else s.attachEvent("loadedmetadata", function() { o.data("metaloaded", 1) }); if (!i.hasClass("HasListener")) { i.addClass("HasListener"); s.addEventListener("play", function() { o.addClass("videoisplaying"); o.find(".tp-poster").remove(); if (l.data("volume") == "mute") s.muted = true; r.container.trigger("revolution.slide.onvideoplay"); r.videoplaying = true; r.container.trigger("stoptimer") }); s.addEventListener("pause", function() { o.removeClass("videoisplaying"); r.videoplaying = false; r.container.trigger("playtimer"); r.container.trigger("revolution.slide.onvideostop") }); s.addEventListener("ended", function() { o.removeClass("videoisplaying"); r.videoplaying = false; r.container.trigger("playtimer"); r.container.trigger("revolution.slide.onvideostop"); if (r.nextslideatend == true) r.container.revnext() }) } if (i.attr("poster") != t && o.find(".tp-poster").length == 0) o.append('<div class="tp-poster" style="position:absolute;z-index:1;width:100%;height:100%;top:0px;left:0px;background:url(' + i.attr("poster") + '); background-position:center center;background-size:100%;background-repeat:no-repeat;"></div>'); if (i.attr("control") == t && o.find(".tp-video-play-button").length == 0) { o.append('<div class="tp-video-play-button"><i class="revicon-right-dir"></i><div class="tp-revstop"></div></div>'); o.find(".tp-video-play-button").on('click', function() { if (o.hasClass("videoisplaying")) s.pause(); else s.play() }) } if (i.attr("control") == t) { o.find("video, .tp-poster").on('click', function() { if (o.hasClass("videoisplaying")) s.pause(); else s.play() }) } if (l.data("forcecover") == 1) { U(o, r.container); o.addClass("fullcoveredvideo"); l.addClass("fullcoveredvideo") } if (l.data("forcecover") == 1 || l.hasClass("fullscreenvideo")) { o.css({ width: "100%", height: "100%" }) } var u = false; if (l.data("autoplayonlyfirsttime") == true || l.data("autoplayonlyfirsttime") == "true") u = true; clearInterval(o.data("interval")); o.data("interval", setInterval(function() { if (o.data("metaloaded") == 1 || s.duration != NaN) { clearInterval(o.data("interval")); if (l.data("dottedoverlay") != "none" && l.data("dottedoverlay") != t) if (l.find(".tp-dottedoverlay").length != 1) o.append('<div class="tp-dottedoverlay ' + l.data("dottedoverlay") + '"></div>'); var n = 16 / 9; if (l.data("aspectratio") == "4:3") n = 4 / 3; o.data("mediaAspect", n); if (o.closest(".tp-caption").data("forcecover") == 1) { U(o, r.container); o.addClass("fullcoveredvideo") } i.css({ display: "block" }); r.nextslideatend = l.data("nextslideatend"); if (l.data("autoplay") == true || u == true) { var a = e("body").find("#" + r.container.attr("id")).find(".tp-bannertimer"); setTimeout(function() { r.videoplaying = true; r.container.trigger("stoptimer") }, 200); if (l.data("forcerewind") == "on" && !o.hasClass("videoisplaying")) if (s.currentTime > 0) s.currentTime = 0; if (l.data("volume") == "mute") s.muted = true; o.data("timerplay", setTimeout(function() { if (l.data("forcerewind") == "on" && !o.hasClass("videoisplaying")) if (s.currentTime > 0) s.currentTime = 0; if (l.data("volume") == "mute") s.muted = true; setTimeout(function() { s.play() }, 500) }, 10 + l.data("start"))) } if (o.data("ww") == t) o.data("ww", i.attr("width")); if (o.data("hh") == t) o.data("hh", i.attr("height")); if (!l.hasClass("fullscreenvideo") && l.data("forcecover") == 1) { try { o.width(o.data("ww") * r.bw); o.height(o.data("hh") * r.bh) } catch (f) {} } clearInterval(o.data("interval")) } }), 100) }) } if (l.data("autoplay") == true) { var p = e("body").find("#" + r.container.attr("id")).find(".tp-bannertimer"); setTimeout(function() { r.videoplaying = true; r.container.trigger("stoptimer") }, 200); r.videoplaying = true; r.container.trigger("stoptimer"); if (l.data("autoplayonlyfirsttime") == true || l.data("autoplayonlyfirsttime") == "true") { l.data("autoplay", false); l.data("autoplayonlyfirsttime", false) } } } var d = 0; var v = 0; if (l.find("img").length > 0) { var m = l.find("img"); if (m.data("ww") == t) m.data("ww", m.width()); if (m.data("hh") == t) m.data("hh", m.height()); var g = m.data("ww"); var y = m.data("hh"); m.width(g * r.bw); m.height(y * r.bh); d = m.width(); v = m.height() } else { if (l.find("iframe").length > 0 || l.find("video").length > 0) { var b = false; var m = l.find("iframe"); if (m.length == 0) { m = l.find("video"); b = true } m.css({ display: "block" }); if (l.data("ww") == t) l.data("ww", m.width()); if (l.data("hh") == t) l.data("hh", m.height()); var g = l.data("ww"); var y = l.data("hh"); var w = l; if (w.data("fsize") == t) w.data("fsize", parseInt(w.css("font-size"), 0) || 0); if (w.data("pt") == t) w.data("pt", parseInt(w.css("paddingTop"), 0) || 0); if (w.data("pb") == t) w.data("pb", parseInt(w.css("paddingBottom"), 0) || 0); if (w.data("pl") == t) w.data("pl", parseInt(w.css("paddingLeft"), 0) || 0); if (w.data("pr") == t) w.data("pr", parseInt(w.css("paddingRight"), 0) || 0); if (w.data("mt") == t) w.data("mt", parseInt(w.css("marginTop"), 0) || 0); if (w.data("mb") == t) w.data("mb", parseInt(w.css("marginBottom"), 0) || 0); if (w.data("ml") == t) w.data("ml", parseInt(w.css("marginLeft"), 0) || 0); if (w.data("mr") == t) w.data("mr", parseInt(w.css("marginRight"), 0) || 0); if (w.data("bt") == t) w.data("bt", parseInt(w.css("borderTop"), 0) || 0); if (w.data("bb") == t) w.data("bb", parseInt(w.css("borderBottom"), 0) || 0); if (w.data("bl") == t) w.data("bl", parseInt(w.css("borderLeft"), 0) || 0); if (w.data("br") == t) w.data("br", parseInt(w.css("borderRight"), 0) || 0); if (w.data("lh") == t) w.data("lh", parseInt(w.css("lineHeight"), 0) || 0); var E = r.width; var S = r.height; if (E > r.startwidth) E = r.startwidth; if (S > r.startheight) S = r.startheight; if (!l.hasClass("fullscreenvideo")) l.css({ "font-size": w.data("fsize") * r.bw + "px", "padding-top": w.data("pt") * r.bh + "px", "padding-bottom": w.data("pb") * r.bh + "px", "padding-left": w.data("pl") * r.bw + "px", "padding-right": w.data("pr") * r.bw + "px", "margin-top": w.data("mt") * r.bh + "px", "margin-bottom": w.data("mb") * r.bh + "px", "margin-left": w.data("ml") * r.bw + "px", "margin-right": w.data("mr") * r.bw + "px", "border-top": w.data("bt") * r.bh + "px", "border-bottom": w.data("bb") * r.bh + "px", "border-left": w.data("bl") * r.bw + "px", "border-right": w.data("br") * r.bw + "px", "line-height": w.data("lh") * r.bh + "px", height: y * r.bh + "px" }); else { o = 0; u = 0; l.data("x", 0); l.data("y", 0); var x = r.height; if (r.autoHeight == "on") x = r.container.height(); l.css({ width: r.width, height: x }) } if (b == false) { m.width(g * r.bw); m.height(y * r.bh) } else if (l.data("forcecover") != 1 && !l.hasClass("fullscreenvideo")) { m.width(g * r.bw); m.height(y * r.bh) } d = m.width(); v = m.height() } else { l.find(".tp-resizeme, .tp-resizeme *").each(function() { K(e(this), r) }); if (l.hasClass("tp-resizeme")) { l.find("*").each(function() { K(e(this), r) }) } K(l, r); v = l.outerHeight(true); d = l.outerWidth(true); var T = l.outerHeight(); var N = l.css("backgroundColor"); l.find(".frontcorner").css({ borderWidth: T + "px", left: 0 - T + "px", borderRight: "0px solid transparent", borderTopColor: N }); l.find(".frontcornertop").css({ borderWidth: T + "px", left: 0 - T + "px", borderRight: "0px solid transparent", borderBottomColor: N }); l.find(".backcorner").css({ borderWidth: T + "px", right: 0 - T + "px", borderLeft: "0px solid transparent", borderBottomColor: N }); l.find(".backcornertop").css({ borderWidth: T + "px", right: 0 - T + "px", borderLeft: "0px solid transparent", borderTopColor: N }) } } if (r.fullScreenAlignForce == "on") { o = 0; u = 0 } if (l.data("voffset") == t) l.data("voffset", 0); if (l.data("hoffset") == t) l.data("hoffset", 0); var C = l.data("voffset") * a; var k = l.data("hoffset") * a; var L = r.startwidth * a; var A = r.startheight * a; if (r.fullScreenAlignForce == "on") { L = r.container.width(); A = r.container.height() } if (l.data("x") == "center" || l.data("xcenter") == "center") { l.data("xcenter", "center"); l.data("x", L / 2 - l.outerWidth(true) / 2 + k) } if (l.data("x") == "left" || l.data("xleft") == "left") { l.data("xleft", "left"); l.data("x", 0 / a + k) } if (l.data("x") == "right" || l.data("xright") == "right") { l.data("xright", "right"); l.data("x", (L - l.outerWidth(true) + k) / a) } if (l.data("y") == "center" || l.data("ycenter") == "center") { l.data("ycenter", "center"); l.data("y", A / 2 - l.outerHeight(true) / 2 + C) } if (l.data("y") == "top" || l.data("ytop") == "top") { l.data("ytop", "top"); l.data("y", 0 / r.bh + C) } if (l.data("y") == "bottom" || l.data("ybottom") == "bottom") { l.data("ybottom", "bottom"); l.data("y", (A - l.outerHeight(true) + C) / a) } if (l.data("start") == t) l.data("start", 1e3); var O = l.data("easing"); if (O == t) O = "Power1.easeOut"; var M = l.data("start") / 1e3; var _ = l.data("speed") / 1e3; if (l.data("x") == "center" || l.data("xcenter") == "center") var D = l.data("x") + o; else { var D = a * l.data("x") + o } if (l.data("y") == "center" || l.data("ycenter") == "center") var P = l.data("y") + u; else { var P = r.bh * l.data("y") + u } TweenLite.set(l, { top: P, left: D, overwrite: "auto" }); if (!i) { if (l.data("timeline") != t) l.data("timeline").clear(); function H() { setTimeout(function() { l.css({ transform: "none", "-moz-transform": "none", "-webkit-transform": "none" }) }, 100) } function B() { l.data("timer", setTimeout(function() { if (l.hasClass("fullscreenvideo")) l.css({ display: "block" }) }, l.data("start"))) } var j = new TimelineLite({ smoothChildTiming: true, onStart: B }); if (r.fullScreenAlignForce == "on") {} var F = l; if (l.data("mySplitText") != t) l.data("mySplitText").revert(); if (l.data("splitin") == "chars" || l.data("splitin") == "words" || l.data("splitin") == "lines" || l.data("splitout") == "chars" || l.data("splitout") == "words" || l.data("splitout") == "lines") { if (l.find("a").length > 0) l.data("mySplitText", new SplitText(l.find("a"), { type: "lines,words,chars", charsClass: "tp-splitted", wordsClass: "tp-splitted", linesClass: "tp-splitted" })); else l.data("mySplitText", new SplitText(l, { type: "lines,words,chars", charsClass: "tp-splitted", wordsClass: "tp-splitted", linesClass: "tp-splitted" })); l.addClass("splitted") } if (l.data("splitin") == "chars") F = l.data("mySplitText").chars; if (l.data("splitin") == "words") F = l.data("mySplitText").words; if (l.data("splitin") == "lines") F = l.data("mySplitText").lines; var q = z(); var V = z(); if (l.data("repeat") != t) repeatV = l.data("repeat"); if (l.data("yoyo") != t) yoyoV = l.data("yoyo"); if (l.data("repeatdelay") != t) repeatdelayV = l.data("repeatdelay"); if (l.hasClass("customin")) q = W(q, l.data("customin")); else if (l.hasClass("randomrotate")) { q.scale = Math.random() * 3 + 1; q.rotation = Math.round(Math.random() * 200 - 100); q.x = Math.round(Math.random() * 200 - 100); q.y = Math.round(Math.random() * 200 - 100) } else if (l.hasClass("lfr") || l.hasClass("skewfromright")) q.x = 15 + r.width; else if (l.hasClass("lfl") || l.hasClass("skewfromleft")) q.x = -15 - d; else if (l.hasClass("sfl") || l.hasClass("skewfromleftshort")) q.x = -50; else if (l.hasClass("sfr") || l.hasClass("skewfromrightshort")) q.x = 50; else if (l.hasClass("lft")) q.y = -25 - v; else if (l.hasClass("lfb")) q.y = 25 + r.height; else if (l.hasClass("sft")) q.y = -50; else if (l.hasClass("sfb")) q.y = 50; if (l.hasClass("skewfromright") || l.hasClass("skewfromrightshort")) q.skewX = -85; else if (l.hasClass("skewfromleft") || l.hasClass("skewfromleftshort")) q.skewX = 85; if (l.hasClass("fade") || l.hasClass("sft") || l.hasClass("sfl") || l.hasClass("sfb") || l.hasClass("skewfromleftshort") || l.hasClass("sfr") || l.hasClass("skewfromrightshort")) q.opacity = 0; if ($().toLowerCase() == "safari") { q.rotationX = 0; q.rotationY = 0 } var J = l.data("elementdelay") == t ? 0 : l.data("elementdelay"); V.ease = q.ease = l.data("easing") == t ? Power1.easeInOut : l.data("easing"); q.data = new Object; q.data.oldx = q.x; q.data.oldy = q.y; V.data = new Object; V.data.oldx = V.x; V.data.oldy = V.y; q.x = q.x * a; q.y = q.y * a; var Q = new TimelineLite; if (l.hasClass("customin")) { if (F != l) j.add(TweenLite.set(l, { opacity: 1, scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1, rotationX: 0, rotationY: 0, rotationZ: 0, skewX: 0, skewY: 0, z: 0, x: 0, y: 0, visibility: "visible", opacity: 1, delay: 0, overwrite: "all" })); q.visibility = "hidden"; V.visibility = "visible"; V.overwrite = "all"; V.opacity = 1; V.onComplete = H(); V.delay = M; j.add(Q.staggerFromTo(F, _, q, V, J), "frame0") } else { q.visibility = "visible"; q.transformPerspective = 600; if (F != l) j.add(TweenLite.set(l, { opacity: 1, scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1, rotationX: 0, rotationY: 0, rotationZ: 0, skewX: 0, skewY: 0, z: 0, x: 0, y: 0, visibility: "visible", opacity: 1, delay: 0, overwrite: "all" })); V.visibility = "visible"; V.delay = M; V.onComplete = H(); V.opacity = 1; if (l.hasClass("randomrotate") && F != l) { for (var n = 0; n < F.length; n++) { var Z = new Object; var et = new Object; e.extend(Z, q); e.extend(et, V); q.scale = Math.random() * 3 + 1; q.rotation = Math.round(Math.random() * 200 - 100); q.x = Math.round(Math.random() * 200 - 100); q.y = Math.round(Math.random() * 200 - 100); if (n != 0) et.delay = M + n * J; j.append(TweenLite.fromTo(F[n], _, Z, et), "frame0") } } else j.add(Q.staggerFromTo(F, _, q, V, J), "frame0") } l.data("timeline", j); var tt = new Array; if (l.data("frames") != t) { var nt = l.data("frames"); nt = nt.replace(/\s+/g, ""); nt = nt.replace("{", ""); var rt = nt.split("}"); e.each(rt, function(e, t) { if (t.length > 0) { var n = X(t); G(l, r, n, "frame" + (e + 10), a) } }) } j = l.data("timeline"); if (l.data("end") != t) { Y(l, r, l.data("end") / 1e3, q, "frame99", a) } else { Y(l, r, 999999, q, "frame99", a) } j = l.data("timeline"); l.data("timeline", j) } } if (i) { if (l.data("timeline") != t) { var it = l.data("timeline").getTweensOf(); e.each(it, function(e, n) { if (n.vars.data != t) { var r = n.vars.data.oldx * a; var i = n.vars.data.oldy * a; if (n.progress() != 1 && n.progress() != 0) { try { n.vars.x = r; n.vary.y = i } catch (s) {} } else { if (n.progress() == 1) { TweenLite.set(n.target, { x: r, y: i }) } } } }) } } }); var a = e("body").find("#" + r.container.attr("id")).find(".tp-bannertimer"); a.data("opt", r) } function $() { var e = navigator.appName, t = navigator.userAgent, n; var r = t.match(/(opera|chrome|safari|firefox|msie)\/?\s*(\.?\d+(\.\d+)*)/i); if (r && (n = t.match(/version\/([\.\d]+)/i)) != null) r[2] = n[1]; r = r ? [r[1], r[2]] : [e, navigator.appVersion, "-?"]; return r[0] } function J() { var e = navigator.appName, t = navigator.userAgent, n; var r = t.match(/(opera|chrome|safari|firefox|msie)\/?\s*(\.?\d+(\.\d+)*)/i); if (r && (n = t.match(/version\/([\.\d]+)/i)) != null) r[2] = n[1]; r = r ? [r[1], r[2]] : [e, navigator.appVersion, "-?"]; return r[1] } function K(e, n) { if (e.data("fsize") == t) e.data("fsize", parseInt(e.css("font-size"), 0) || 0); if (e.data("pt") == t) e.data("pt", parseInt(e.css("paddingTop"), 0) || 0); if (e.data("pb") == t) e.data("pb", parseInt(e.css("paddingBottom"), 0) || 0); if (e.data("pl") == t) e.data("pl", parseInt(e.css("paddingLeft"), 0) || 0); if (e.data("pr") == t) e.data("pr", parseInt(e.css("paddingRight"), 0) || 0); if (e.data("mt") == t) e.data("mt", parseInt(e.css("marginTop"), 0) || 0); if (e.data("mb") == t) e.data("mb", parseInt(e.css("marginBottom"), 0) || 0); if (e.data("ml") == t) e.data("ml", parseInt(e.css("marginLeft"), 0) || 0); if (e.data("mr") == t) e.data("mr", parseInt(e.css("marginRight"), 0) || 0); if (e.data("bt") == t) e.data("bt", parseInt(e.css("borderTopWidth"), 0) || 0); if (e.data("bb") == t) e.data("bb", parseInt(e.css("borderBottomWidth"), 0) || 0); if (e.data("bl") == t) e.data("bl", parseInt(e.css("borderLeftWidth"), 0) || 0); if (e.data("br") == t) e.data("br", parseInt(e.css("borderRightWidth"), 0) || 0); if (e.data("ls") == t) e.data("ls", parseInt(e.css("letterSpacing"), 0) || 0); if (e.data("lh") == t) e.data("lh", parseInt(e.css("lineHeight"), 0) || 0); if (e.data("minwidth") == t) e.data("minwidth", parseInt(e.css("minWidth"), 0) || 0); if (e.data("minheight") == t) e.data("minheight", parseInt(e.css("minHeight"), 0) || 0); if (e.data("maxwidth") == t) e.data("maxwidth", parseInt(e.css("maxWidth"), 0) || "none"); if (e.data("maxheight") == t) e.data("maxheight", parseInt(e.css("maxHeight"), 0) || "none"); if (e.data("wan") == t) e.data("wan", e.css("-webkit-transition")); if (e.data("moan") == t) e.data("moan", e.css("-moz-animation-transition")); if (e.data("man") == t) e.data("man", e.css("-ms-animation-transition")); if (e.data("ani") == t) e.data("ani", e.css("transition")); if (!e.hasClass("tp-splitted")) { e.css("-webkit-transition", "none"); e.css("-moz-transition", "none"); e.css("-ms-transition", "none"); e.css("transition", "none"); TweenLite.set(e, { fontSize: Math.round(e.data("fsize") * n.bw) + "px", letterSpacing: Math.floor(e.data("ls") * n.bw) + "px", paddingTop: Math.round(e.data("pt") * n.bh) + "px", paddingBottom: Math.round(e.data("pb") * n.bh) + "px", paddingLeft: Math.round(e.data("pl") * n.bw) + "px", paddingRight: Math.round(e.data("pr") * n.bw) + "px", marginTop: e.data("mt") * n.bh + "px", marginBottom: e.data("mb") * n.bh + "px", marginLeft: e.data("ml") * n.bw + "px", marginRight: e.data("mr") * n.bw + "px", borderTopWidth: Math.round(e.data("bt") * n.bh) + "px", borderBottomWidth: Math.round(e.data("bb") * n.bh) + "px", borderLeftWidth: Math.round(e.data("bl") * n.bw) + "px", borderRightWidth: Math.round(e.data("br") * n.bw) + "px", lineHeight: Math.round(e.data("lh") * n.bh) + "px", minWidth: e.data("minwidth") * n.bw + "px", minHeight: e.data("minheight") * n.bh + "px", overwrite: "auto" }); setTimeout(function() { e.css("-webkit-transition", e.data("wan")); e.css("-moz-transition", e.data("moan")); e.css("-ms-transition", e.data("man")); e.css("transition", e.data("ani")) }, 30); if (e.data("maxheight") != "none") e.css({ maxHeight: e.data("maxheight") * n.bh + "px" }); if (e.data("maxwidth") != "none") e.css({ maxWidth: e.data("maxwidth") * n.bw + "px" }) } } function Q(t, n) { t.find(".tp-caption").each(function(t) { var n = e(this); if (n.find("iframe").length > 0) { try { var r = n.find("iframe"); var i = r.attr("id"); var s = $f(i); s.api("pause"); clearTimeout(n.data("timerplay")) } catch (o) {} try { var u = n.data("player"); u.stopVideo(); clearTimeout(n.data("timerplay")) } catch (o) {} } if (n.find("video").length > 0) { try { n.find("video").each(function(t) { var n = e(this).parent(); var r = n.attr("id"); clearTimeout(n.data("timerplay")); var i = this; i.pause() }) } catch (o) {} } try { var a = n.data("timeline"); var f = a.getLabelTime("frame99"); var l = a.time(); if (f > l) { var c = a.getTweensOf(n); e.each(c, function(e, t) { if (e != 0) t.pause() }); if (n.css("opacity") != 0) a.play("frame99"); else a.progress(1, false) } } catch (o) {} }) } function G(e, n, r, i, s) { var o = e.data("timeline"); var u = new TimelineLite; var a = e; if (r.typ == "chars") a = e.data("mySplitText").chars; else if (r.typ == "words") a = e.data("mySplitText").words; else if (r.typ == "lines") a = e.data("mySplitText").lines; r.animation.ease = r.ease; if (r.animation.rotationZ != t) r.animation.rotation = r.animation.rotationZ; r.animation.data = new Object; r.animation.data.oldx = r.animation.x; r.animation.data.oldy = r.animation.y; r.animation.x = r.animation.x * s; r.animation.y = r.animation.y * s; o.add(u.staggerTo(a, r.speed, r.animation, r.elementdelay), r.start); o.addLabel(i, r.start); e.data("timeline", o) } function Y(e, n, r, i, s, o) { var u = e.data("timeline"); var a = new TimelineLite; var f = z(); var l = e.data("endspeed") == t ? e.data("speed") : e.data("endspeed"); f.ease = e.data("endeasing") == t ? Power1.easeInOut : e.data("endeasing"); l = l / 1e3; if (e.hasClass("ltr") || e.hasClass("ltl") || e.hasClass("str") || e.hasClass("stl") || e.hasClass("ltt") || e.hasClass("ltb") || e.hasClass("stt") || e.hasClass("stb") || e.hasClass("skewtoright") || e.hasClass("skewtorightshort") || e.hasClass("skewtoleft") || e.hasClass("skewtoleftshort") || e.hasClass("fadeout") || e.hasClass("randomrotateout")) { if (e.hasClass("skewtoright") || e.hasClass("skewtorightshort")) f.skewX = 35; else if (e.hasClass("skewtoleft") || e.hasClass("skewtoleftshort")) f.skewX = -35; if (e.hasClass("ltr") || e.hasClass("skewtoright")) f.x = n.width + 60; else if (e.hasClass("ltl") || e.hasClass("skewtoleft")) f.x = 0 - (n.width + 60); else if (e.hasClass("ltt")) f.y = 0 - (n.height + 60); else if (e.hasClass("ltb")) f.y = n.height + 60; else if (e.hasClass("str") || e.hasClass("skewtorightshort")) { f.x = 50; f.opacity = 0 } else if (e.hasClass("stl") || e.hasClass("skewtoleftshort")) { f.x = -50; f.opacity = 0 } else if (e.hasClass("stt")) { f.y = -50; f.opacity = 0 } else if (e.hasClass("stb")) { f.y = 50; f.opacity = 0 } else if (e.hasClass("randomrotateout")) { f.x = Math.random() * n.width; f.y = Math.random() * n.height; f.scale = Math.random() * 2 + .3; f.rotation = Math.random() * 360 - 180; f.opacity = 0 } else if (e.hasClass("fadeout")) { f.opacity = 0 } if (e.hasClass("skewtorightshort")) f.x = 270; else if (e.hasClass("skewtoleftshort")) f.x = -270; f.data = new Object; f.data.oldx = f.x; f.data.oldy = f.y; f.x = f.x * o; f.y = f.y * o; f.overwrite = "auto"; var c = e; var c = e; if (e.data("splitout") == "chars") c = e.data("mySplitText").chars; else if (e.data("splitout") == "words") c = e.data("mySplitText").words; else if (e.data("splitout") == "lines") c = e.data("mySplitText").lines; var h = e.data("endelementdelay") == t ? 0 : e.data("endelementdelay"); u.add(a.staggerTo(c, l, f, h), r) } else if (e.hasClass("customout")) { f = W(f, e.data("customout")); var c = e; if (e.data("splitout") == "chars") c = e.data("mySplitText").chars; else if (e.data("splitout") == "words") c = e.data("mySplitText").words; else if (e.data("splitout") == "lines") c = e.data("mySplitText").lines; var h = e.data("endelementdelay") == t ? 0 : e.data("endelementdelay"); f.onStart = function() { TweenLite.set(e, { transformPerspective: f.transformPerspective, transformOrigin: f.transformOrigin, overwrite: "auto" }) }; f.data = new Object; f.data.oldx = f.x; f.data.oldy = f.y; f.x = f.x * o; f.y = f.y * o; u.add(a.staggerTo(c, l, f, h), r) } else { i.delay = 0; u.add(TweenLite.to(e, l, i), r) } u.addLabel(s, r); e.data("timeline", u) } function Z(t, n) { t.children().each(function() { try { e(this).die("click") } catch (t) {} try { e(this).die("mouseenter") } catch (t) {} try { e(this).die("mouseleave") } catch (t) {} try { e(this).unbind("hover") } catch (t) {} }); try { t.die("click", "mouseenter", "mouseleave") } catch (r) {} clearInterval(n.cdint); t = null } function et(n, r) { r.cd = 0; r.loop = 0; if (r.stopAfterLoops != t && r.stopAfterLoops > -1) r.looptogo = r.stopAfterLoops; else r.looptogo = 9999999; if (r.stopAtSlide != t && r.stopAtSlide > -1) r.lastslidetoshow = r.stopAtSlide; else r.lastslidetoshow = 999; r.stopLoop = "off"; if (r.looptogo == 0) r.stopLoop = "on"; if (r.slideamount > 1 && !(r.stopAfterLoops == 0 && r.stopAtSlide == 1)) { var i = n.find(".tp-bannertimer"); n.on("stoptimer", function() { i.data("tween").pause(); if (r.hideTimerBar == "on") i.css({ visibility: "hidden" }) }); n.on("starttimer", function() { if (r.conthover != 1 && r.videoplaying != true && r.width > r.hideSliderAtLimit && r.bannertimeronpause != true && r.overnav != true) if (r.stopLoop == "on" && r.next == r.lastslidetoshow - 1) {} else { i.css({ visibility: "visible" }); i.data("tween").play() } if (r.hideTimerBar == "on") i.css({ visibility: "hidden" }) }); n.on("restarttimer", function() { if (r.stopLoop == "on" && r.next == r.lastslidetoshow - 1) {} else { i.css({ visibility: "visible" }); i.data("tween", TweenLite.fromTo(i, r.delay / 1e3, { width: "0%" }, { width: "100%", ease: Linear.easeNone, onComplete: o, delay: 1 })) } if (r.hideTimerBar == "on") i.css({ visibility: "hidden" }) }); n.on("nulltimer", function() { i.data("tween").pause(0); if (r.hideTimerBar == "on") i.css({ visibility: "hidden" }) }); function o() { if (e("body").find(n).length == 0) { Z(n, r); clearInterval(r.cdint) } if (n.data("conthover-changed") == 1) { r.conthover = n.data("conthover"); n.data("conthover-changed", 0) } r.act = r.next; r.next = r.next + 1; if (r.next > n.find(">ul >li").length - 1) { r.next = 0; r.looptogo = r.looptogo - 1; if (r.looptogo <= 0) { r.stopLoop = "on" } } if (r.stopLoop == "on" && r.next == r.lastslidetoshow - 1) { n.find(".tp-bannertimer").css({ visibility: "hidden" }); n.trigger("revolution.slide.onstop") } else { i.data("tween").restart() } C(n, r) } i.data("tween", TweenLite.fromTo(i, r.delay / 1e3, { width: "0%" }, { width: "100%", ease: Linear.easeNone, onComplete: o, delay: 1 })); i.data("opt", r); n.on('hover',function() { if (r.onHoverStop == "on" && !s()) { n.trigger("stoptimer"); n.trigger("revolution.slide.onpause"); var i = n.find(">ul >li:eq(" + r.next + ") .slotholder"); i.find(".defaultimg").each(function() { var n = e(this); if (n.data("kenburn") != t) n.data("kenburn").pause() }) } }, function() { if (n.data("conthover") != 1) { n.trigger("revolution.slide.onresume"); n.trigger("starttimer"); var i = n.find(">ul >li:eq(" + r.next + ") .slotholder"); i.find(".defaultimg").each(function() { var n = e(this); if (n.data("kenburn") != t) n.data("kenburn").play() }) } }) } } e.fn.extend({ revolution: function(i) { e.fn.revolution.defaults = { delay: 9e3, startheight: 500, startwidth: 960, fullScreenAlignForce: "off", autoHeight: "off", hideTimerBar: "off", hideThumbs: 200, hideNavDelayOnMobile: 1500, thumbWidth: 100, thumbHeight: 50, thumbAmount: 3, navigationType: "bullet", navigationArrows: "solo", hideThumbsOnMobile: "off", hideBulletsOnMobile: "off", hideArrowsOnMobile: "off", hideThumbsUnderResoluition: 0, navigationStyle: "round", navigationHAlign: "center", navigationVAlign: "bottom", navigationHOffset: 0, navigationVOffset: 20, soloArrowLeftHalign: "left", soloArrowLeftValign: "center", soloArrowLeftHOffset: 20, soloArrowLeftVOffset: 0, soloArrowRightHalign: "right", soloArrowRightValign: "center", soloArrowRightHOffset: 20, soloArrowRightVOffset: 0, keyboardNavigation: "on", touchenabled: "on", onHoverStop: "on", stopAtSlide: -1, stopAfterLoops: -1, hideCaptionAtLimit: 0, hideAllCaptionAtLimit: 0, hideSliderAtLimit: 0, shadow: 0, fullWidth: "off", fullScreen: "off", minFullScreenHeight: 0, fullScreenOffsetContainer: "", dottedOverlay: "none", forceFullWidth: "off", spinner: "spinner0", swipe_velocity: .4, swipe_max_touches: 1, swipe_min_touches: 1, drag_block_vertical: false, isJoomla: false, parallax: "off", parallaxLevels: [10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85] }; i = e.extend({}, e.fn.revolution.defaults, i); return this.each(function() { var o = i; o.desktop = !navigator.userAgent.match(/(iPhone|iPod|iPad|Android|BlackBerry|BB10|mobi|tablet|opera mini|nexus 7)/i); if (o.fullWidth != "on" && o.fullScreen != "on") o.autoHeight = "off"; if (o.fullScreen == "on") o.autoHeight = "on"; if (o.fullWidth != "on" && o.fullScreen != "on") forceFulWidth = "off"; var u = e(this); if (o.fullWidth == "on" && o.autoHeight == "off") u.css({ maxHeight: o.startheight + "px" }); if (s() && o.hideThumbsOnMobile == "on" && o.navigationType == "thumb") o.navigationType = "none"; if (s() && o.hideBulletsOnMobile == "on" && o.navigationType == "bullet") o.navigationType = "none"; if (s() && o.hideBulletsOnMobile == "on" && o.navigationType == "both") o.navigationType = "none"; if (s() && o.hideArrowsOnMobile == "on") o.navigationArrows = "none"; if (o.forceFullWidth == "on") { var f = u.parent().offset().left; var l = u.parent().css("marginBottom"); var m = u.parent().css("marginTop"); if (l == t) l = 0; if (m == t) m = 0; u.parent().wrap('<div style="position:relative;width:100%;height:auto;margin-top:' + m + ";margin-bottom:" + l + '" class="forcefullwidth_wrapper_tp_banner"></div>'); u.closest(".forcefullwidth_wrapper_tp_banner").append('<div class="tp-fullwidth-forcer" style="width:100%;height:' + u.height() + 'px"></div>'); u.css({ backgroundColor: u.parent().css("backgroundColor"), backgroundImage: u.parent().css("backgroundImage") }); u.parent().css({ left: 0 - f + "px", position: "absolute", width: e(window).width() }); o.width = e(window).width() } try { if (o.hideThumbsUnderResolution > e(window).width() && o.hideThumbsUnderResolution != 0) { u.parent().find(".tp-bullets.tp-thumbs").css({ display: "none" }) } else { u.parent().find(".tp-bullets.tp-thumbs").css({ display: "block" }) } } catch (g) {} if (!u.hasClass("revslider-initialised")) { u.addClass("revslider-initialised"); if (u.attr("id") == t) u.attr("id", "revslider-" + Math.round(Math.random() * 1e3 + 5)); o.firefox13 = false; o.ie = !e.support.opacity; o.ie9 = document.documentMode == 9; o.origcd = o.delay; var b = e.fn.jquery.split("."), w = parseFloat(b[0]), E = parseFloat(b[1]), S = parseFloat(b[2] || "0"); if (w == 1 && E < 7) { u.html('<div style="text-align:center; padding:40px 0px; font-size:20px; color:#992222;"> The Current Version of jQuery:' + b + " <br>Please update your jQuery Version to min. 1.7 in Case you wish to use the Revolution Slider Plugin</div>") } if (w > 1) o.ie = false; if (!e.support.transition) e.fn.transition = e.fn.animate; u.find(".caption").each(function() { e(this).addClass("tp-caption") }); if (s()) { u.find(".tp-caption").each(function() { if (e(this).data("autoplay") == true) e(this).data("autoplay", false) }) } var x = 0; var T = 0; var N = 0; var k = "http"; if (location.protocol === "https:") { k = "https" } u.find(".tp-caption iframe").each(function(t) { try { if (e(this).attr("src").indexOf("you") > 0 && x == 0) { x = 1; var n = document.createElement("script"); 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return (n = n || o(e, null)) ? (e = n.getPropertyValue(t.replace(u, "-$1").toLowerCase()), i = e || n.length ? e : n[t]) : e.currentStyle && (n = e.currentStyle, i = n[t]), r ? i : parseInt(i, 10) || 0 }, f = function(e) { return e.length && e[0] && (e[0].nodeType && e[0].style && !e.nodeType || e[0].length && e[0][0]) ? !0 : !1 }, l = function(e) { var t, n, r, i = [], s = e.length; for (t = 0; s > t; t++) if (n = e[t], f(n)) for (r = n.length, r = 0; n.length > r; r++) i.push(n[r]); else i.push(n); return i }, c = ")eefec303079ad17405c", h = /(?:<br>|<br\/>|<br \/>)/gi, p = s.all && !s.addEventListener, d = "<div style='position:relative;display:inline-block;" + (p ? "*display:inline;*zoom:1;'" : "'"), v = function(e) { e = e || ""; var t = -1 !== e.indexOf("++"), n = 1; return t && (e = e.split("++").join("")), function() { return d + (e ? " class='" + e + (t ? n++ : "") + "'>" : ">") } }, m = r.SplitText = t.SplitText = function(e, t) { if ("string" == typeof e && (e = m.selector(e)), !e) throw "cannot split a null element."; this.elements = f(e) ? l(e) : [e], this.chars = [], this.words = [], this.lines = [], this._originals = [], this.vars = t || {}, this.split(t) }, g = function(e, t, n, r, u) { h.test(e.innerHTML) && (e.innerHTML = e.innerHTML.replace(h, c)); var f, l, p, d, m, g, y, b, w, E, S, x, T, N = i(e), C = t.type || t.split || "chars,words,lines", k = -1 !== C.indexOf("lines") ? [] : null, L = -1 !== C.indexOf("words"), A = -1 !== C.indexOf("chars"), O = "absolute" === t.position || t.absolute === !0, M = O ? "­ " : " ", _ = -999, D = o(e), P = a(e, "paddingLeft", D), H = a(e, "borderBottomWidth", D) + a(e, "borderTopWidth", D), B = a(e, "borderLeftWidth", D) + a(e, "borderRightWidth", D), j = a(e, "paddingTop", D) + a(e, "paddingBottom", D), F = a(e, "paddingLeft", D) + a(e, "paddingRight", D), I = a(e, "textAlign", D, !0), q = e.clientHeight, R = e.clientWidth, U = N.length, z = "</div>", W = v(t.wordsClass), X = v(t.charsClass), V = -1 !== (t.linesClass || "").indexOf("++"), $ = t.linesClass; for (V && ($ = $.split("++").join("")), p = W(), d = 0; U > d; d++) g = N.charAt(d), ")" === g && N.substr(d, 20) === c ? (p += z + "<BR/>", d !== U - 1 && (p += " " + W()), d += 19) : " " === g && " " !== N.charAt(d - 1) && d !== U - 1 ? (p += z, d !== U - 1 && (p += M + W())) : p += A && " " !== g ? X() + g + "</div>" : g; for (e.innerHTML = p + z, m = e.getElementsByTagName("*"), U = m.length, y = [], d = 0; U > d; d++) y[d] = m[d]; if (k || O) for (d = 0; U > d; d++) b = y[d], l = b.parentNode === e, (l || O || A && !L) && (w = b.offsetTop, k && l && w !== _ && "BR" !== b.nodeName && (f = [], k.push(f), _ = w), O && (b._x = b.offsetLeft, b._y = w, b._w = b.offsetWidth, b._h = b.offsetHeight), k && (L !== l && A || (f.push(b), b._x -= P), l && d && (y[d - 1]._wordEnd = !0))); for (d = 0; U > d; d++) b = y[d], l = b.parentNode === e, "BR" !== b.nodeName ? (O && (S = b.style, L || l || (b._x += b.parentNode._x, b._y += b.parentNode._y), S.left = b._x + "px", S.top = b._y + "px", S.position = "absolute", S.display = "block", S.width = b._w + 1 + "px", S.height = b._h + "px"), L ? l ? r.push(b) : A && n.push(b) : l ? (e.removeChild(b), y.splice(d--, 1), U--) : !l && A && (w = !k && !O && b.nextSibling, e.appendChild(b), w || e.appendChild(s.createTextNode(" ")), n.push(b))) : k || O ? (e.removeChild(b), y.splice(d--, 1), U--) : L || e.appendChild(b); if (k) { for (O && (E = s.createElement("div"), e.appendChild(E), x = E.offsetWidth + "px", w = E.offsetParent === e ? 0 : e.offsetLeft, e.removeChild(E)), S = e.style.cssText, e.style.cssText = "display:none;"; e.firstChild;) e.removeChild(e.firstChild); for (T = !O || !L && !A, d = 0; k.length > d; d++) { for (f = k[d], E = s.createElement("div"), E.style.cssText = "display:block;text-align:" + I + ";position:" + (O ? "absolute;" : "relative;"), $ && (E.className = $ + (V ? d + 1 : "")), u.push(E), U = f.length, m = 0; U > m; m++) "BR" !== f[m].nodeName && (b = f[m], E.appendChild(b), T && (b._wordEnd || L) && E.appendChild(s.createTextNode(" ")), O && (0 === m && (E.style.top = b._y + "px", E.style.left = P + w + "px"), b.style.top = "0px", w && (b.style.left = b._x - w + "px"))); L || A || (E.innerHTML = i(E).split(String.fromCharCode(160)).join(" ")), O && (E.style.width = x, E.style.height = b._h + "px"), e.appendChild(E) } e.style.cssText = S } O && (q > e.clientHeight && (e.style.height = q - j + "px", q > e.clientHeight && (e.style.height = q + H + "px")), R > e.clientWidth && (e.style.width = R - F + "px", R > e.clientWidth && (e.style.width = R + B + "px"))) }, y = m.prototype; y.split = function(e) { this.isSplit && this.revert(), this.vars = e || this.vars, this._originals.length = this.chars.length = this.words.length = this.lines.length = 0; for (var t = 0; this.elements.length > t; t++) this._originals[t] = this.elements[t].innerHTML, g(this.elements[t], this.vars, this.chars, this.words, this.lines); return this.isSplit = !0, this }, y.revert = function() { if (!this._originals) throw "revert() call wasn't scoped properly."; for (var e = this._originals.length; --e > -1;) this.elements[e].innerHTML = this._originals[e]; return this.chars = [], this.words = [], this.lines = [], this.isSplit = !1, this }, m.selector = e.$ || e.jQuery || function(t) { return e.$ ? (m.selector = e.$, e.$(t)) : s ? s.getElementById("#" === t.charAt(0) ? t.substr(1) : t) : t } })(window || {}) jQuery(document).ready(function(){ jQuery('#rev_slider_4').show().revolution({ dottedOverlay: 'none', delay: 2000, startwidth: 1170, startheight:650, hideThumbs: 200, thumbWidth: 200, thumbHeight: 50, thumbAmount: 2, navigationType: 'thumb', navigationArrows: 'solo', navigationStyle: 'round', touchenabled: 'on', onHoverStop: 'on', swipe_velocity: 0.7, swipe_min_touches: 1, swipe_max_touches: 1, drag_block_vertical: false, spinner: 'spinner0', keyboardNavigation: 'off', navigationHAlign: 'center', navigationVAlign: 'bottom', navigationHOffset: 0, navigationVOffset: 20, soloArrowLeftHalign: 'left', soloArrowLeftValign: 'center', soloArrowLeftHOffset: 20, soloArrowLeftVOffset: 0, soloArrowRightHalign: 'right', soloArrowRightValign: 'center', soloArrowRightHOffset: 20, soloArrowRightVOffset: 0, shadow: 0, fullWidth: 'on', fullScreen: 'off', stopLoop: 'off', stopAfterLoops: -1, stopAtSlide: -1, shuffle: 'off', autoHeight: 'off', forceFullWidth: 'on', fullScreenAlignForce: 'off', minFullScreenHeight: 0, hideNavDelayOnMobile: 1500, hideThumbsOnMobile: 'off', hideBulletsOnMobile: 'off', hideArrowsOnMobile: 'off', hideThumbsUnderResolution: 0, hideSliderAtLimit: 0, hideCaptionAtLimit: 0, hideAllCaptionAtLilmit: 0, startWithSlide: 0, fullScreenOffsetContainer: '' }); });

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