"Event Panels"
Bootstrap 3.3.0 Snippet by kruthi

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.event-primary h2 {margin-top:10px} .nopadding { padding: 0 !important } time { display: inline-block; width: 100%; color: rgb(255, 255, 255); padding: 5px; text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; } time.pink { background-color: rgb(197, 44, 102); } time.purple { background-color: rgb(165, 82, 167) } time.dkblue { background-color: #336699; } time.blue_green { background-color: #148aa5 } time.blue_violet { background-color: #3714a4} time.brown { background-color: #964B00} time.crimson { background-color: #a50516} time.deep_pink { background-color: #fb3c8f} time.forest_green { background-color: #1b4f15} time.fuchsia { background-color: #a51497} time.gray { background-color: #686868} time.green { background-color: #3aa03a} time.hotpink { background-color: #ff0080} time.lemon { background-color: #fee233} time.ligh_blue { background-color: #8bbdeb} time.light_red { background-color: #fc6a6c} time.lime { background-color: #c1fd33} time.lime_green { background-color: #2bfd2f} time.magenta { background-color: #fc1cad} time.maroon { background-color: #7f2b14} time.midnight { background-color: #000066} time.olive { background-color: #2b4726} time.orange { background-color: #fd7222} time.orange_red { background-color: #fc331c} time.orange_yellow { background-color: #ffcc00} time.peach { background-color: #FFE5B4} time.pink { background-color: #fc5ab8} time.purple { background-color: #af31f2} time.red { background-color: #fc0d1b} time.red_orange { background-color: #d7462c } time.salmon { background-color: #f69e94} time.tan { background-color: #f2ddbf} time.teal { background-color: #2b8a6d} time.violet { background-color: #6b28ce} time.violet_blue { background-color: #6041fa} time.white { background-color: #ffffff} time.yellow { background-color: #feee35} time.yellow_green { background-color: #defd35} time.yellow_orange { background-color: #fec42e} .time { background-color: rgb(165, 82, 167); } time > span { display: none; } time > .day { display: block; font-size: 4em; font-weight: 100; line-height: 1; } time > .month { display: block; font-size: 24pt; font-weight: 900; line-height: 1; } .nopadding {padding:0 !important;margin:0!important;} .panel-primary > .panel-footer { color: #fff!important ; background-color: #337ab7; border-color: #337ab7; } .panel-primary > .panel-footer p,.panel-primary a {color:#FFF}

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