"form builder"
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Object.setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass) : subClass.__proto__ = superClass; } var layout = { elements: [{ type: 'row', elements: [{ type: 'col', props: { xsCols: 3, smCols: 3, mdCols: 3, lgCols: 3 }, elements: [{ type: "textbox", label: "Enter some shit", value: "some shit" }, { type: "dropdown", label: "Please choose a thing", items: [{ label: 'not a thing', value: '1', selected: false }, { label: 'a thing', value: '2', selected: true }] }, { type: 'yesNo', label: "Do you like shit?", value: "yes" }] }] }] }; var Row = function (_React$Component) { _inherits(Row, _React$Component); function Row(props) { _classCallCheck(this, Row); var _this = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _React$Component.call(this, props)); _this.state = { cols: props.cols }; _this.addCol = _this.addCol.bind(_this); return _this; } Row.prototype.addCol = function addCol() { this.setState(function (prevState, props) { var els = prevState.cols.elements; els.push({ type: 'col', props: { xsCols: 3, smCols: 3, mdCols: 3, lgCols: 3 }, elements: [] }); return els; }); }; Row.prototype.render = function render() { var styles = { // minHeight: 30, // border: "2px dashed black", // backgroundColor: "#ccc", // margin: 5, // padding: 15 }; return React.createElement( 'div', { className: 'row', style: styles }, this.state.cols.elements.map(function (col, i) { return React.createElement(Col, { checks: col, xsCols: col.props.xsCols, smCols: col.props.smCols, mdCols: col.props.mdCols, lgCols: col.props.lgCols }); }), React.createElement( 'div', { style: { clear: "both" } }, React.createElement( 'center', null, React.createElement( 'button', { className: 'addCol', onClick: this.addCol }, 'Add column' ) ) ) ); }; return Row; }(React.Component); var Col = function (_React$Component2) { _inherits(Col, _React$Component2); function Col(props) { _classCallCheck(this, Col); var _this2 = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _React$Component2.call(this, props)); var xsCols = 12 / props.xsCols; var smCols = 12 / props.smCols; var mdCols = 12 / props.mdCols; var lgCols = 12 / props.lgCols; _this2.state = { checks: props.checks, xsCols: xsCols, smCols: smCols, mdCols: mdCols, lgCols: lgCols }; _this2.narrower = _this2.narrower.bind(_this2); _this2.wider = _this2.wider.bind(_this2); _this2.addCheck = _this2.addCheck.bind(_this2); return _this2; } Col.prototype.narrower = function narrower() { this.setState(function (prevState, props) { return { xsCols: prevState.xsCols == 1 ? 1 : prevState.xsCols - 1, smCols: prevState.smCols == 1 ? 1 : prevState.smCols - 1, mdCols: prevState.mdCols == 1 ? 1 : prevState.mdCols - 1, lgCols: prevState.lgCols == 1 ? 1 : prevState.lgCols - 1 }; }); }; Col.prototype.wider = function wider() { this.setState(function (prevState, props) { return { xsCols: prevState.xsCols == 12 ? 12 : prevState.xsCols + 1, smCols: prevState.smCols == 12 ? 12 : prevState.smCols + 1, mdCols: prevState.mdCols == 12 ? 12 : prevState.mdCols + 1, lgCols: prevState.lgCols == 12 ? 12 : prevState.lgCols + 1 }; }); }; Col.prototype.addCheck = function addCheck(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); var checkType = e.target.value; e.target.value = 'none'; this.setState(function (prevState, props) { var checks = prevState.checks.elements; if (checkType == 'textbox') { checks.push({ type: "textbox" }); } else if (checkType == 'dropdown') { checks.push({ type: "dropdown", items: [{ label: '', value: '', selected: false }] }); } else if (checkType == 'yesNo') { checks.push({ type: "yesNo", items: [{ label: '', value: '' }] }); } return checks; }); }; Col.prototype.render = function render() { var _this3 = this; var styles = { // minHeight: 30, // border: "2px dashed black", // backgroundColor: "#eee", // padding: 10, // marginBottom: 15 }; var classes = 'col-xs-' + this.state.xsCols + ' col-sm-' + this.state.smCols + ' col-md-' + this.state.mdCols + ' col-lg-' + this.state.lgCols; var checks = []; this.state.checks.elements.map(function (check, i) { if (check.type == 'textbox') { checks.push(React.createElement(CheckTextBox, { config: check })); } else if (check.type == 'dropdown') { checks.push(React.createElement(CheckDropDown, { config: check })); } else if (check.type == 'yesNo') { checks.push(React.createElement(CheckYesNo, { config: check })); } }); return React.createElement( 'div', { className: classes }, React.createElement( 'div', { className: 'col', style: styles }, React.createElement( 'div', { className: 'colSizer' }, 'Width: ', React.createElement( 'button', { onClick: this.narrower }, '-' ), React.createElement( 'button', { onClick: this.wider }, '+' ) ), React.createElement( 'div', { className: 'checks' }, checks.map(function (check, i) { return React.createElement( 'div', { className: 'checkWrapper' }, check ); }) ), React.createElement( 'form', { className: 'addCheck form-inline', style: { border: "1px dashed black", textAlign: "center", padding: 5 } }, React.createElement( 'label', { className: 'mr-sm-2', 'for': 'inlineFormCustomSelect' }, 'Add field' ), ' ', React.createElement( 'select', { onChange: this.addCheck, className: 'custom-select mb-2 mr-sm-2 mb-sm-0', id: 'inlineFormCustomSelect', ref: function ref(input) { return _this3.checkType = input; } }, React.createElement( 'option', { value: 'none', selected: true }, 'Choose...' ), React.createElement( 'option', { value: 'textbox' }, 'Textbox' ), React.createElement( 'option', { value: 'dropdown' }, 'Dropdown' ), React.createElement( 'option', { value: 'yesNo' }, 'Yes / No' ) ), ' ' ) ) ); }; return Col; }(React.Component); var CheckTextBox = function (_React$Component3) { _inherits(CheckTextBox, _React$Component3); function CheckTextBox(props) { _classCallCheck(this, CheckTextBox); var _this4 = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _React$Component3.call(this, props)); _this4.state = { config: props.config, edit: false }; _this4.saveConfig = _this4.saveConfig.bind(_this4); _this4.editCheck = _this4.editCheck.bind(_this4); return _this4; } CheckTextBox.prototype.editCheck = function editCheck(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); this.setState(function (prevState, props) { return { edit: true }; }); }; CheckTextBox.prototype.saveConfig = function saveConfig(e) { var _this5 = this; e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); this.setState(function (prevState, props) { return { config: { type: 'textbox', label: _this5.refs.label.value, value: _this5.refs.defaultValue.value }, edit: false }; }); }; CheckTextBox.prototype.render = function render() { if (!this.state.config.label || this.state.edit) { return React.createElement( 'form', { onSubmit: this.saveConfig }, React.createElement( 'div', { className: 'form-group' }, React.createElement( 'label', null, 'Please set a label' ), React.createElement('input', { ref: 'label', className: 'form-control', type: 'text', placeholder: 'ie: Email address', value: this.state.config.label }) ), React.createElement( 'div', { className: 'form-group' }, React.createElement( 'label', null, 'Default value (optional)' ), React.createElement('input', { ref: 'defaultValue', className: 'form-control', type: 'text', placeholder: 'ie: hi@me.com', value: this.state.config.value }) ), React.createElement( 'button', { type: 'submit', className: 'btn btn-sm btn-primary' }, 'Save' ) ); } else { return React.createElement( 'div', { className: 'form-group' }, React.createElement( 'label', null, this.state.config.label ), React.createElement( 'button', { className: 'btnEdit btn btn-xs btn-primary pull-right', onClick: this.editCheck }, 'Edit' ), React.createElement('input', { className: 'form-control', type: 'text', value: this.state.config.value }) ); } }; return CheckTextBox; }(React.Component); var CheckDropDown = function (_React$Component4) { _inherits(CheckDropDown, _React$Component4); function CheckDropDown(props) { _classCallCheck(this, CheckDropDown); var _this6 = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _React$Component4.call(this, props)); _this6.state = { config: props.config, edit: false }; _this6.saveConfig = _this6.saveConfig.bind(_this6); _this6.editCheck = _this6.editCheck.bind(_this6); return _this6; } CheckDropDown.prototype.editCheck = function editCheck(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); this.setState(function (prevState, props) { return { edit: true }; }); }; CheckDropDown.prototype.saveConfig = function saveConfig(e) { var _this7 = this; e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); this.setState(function (prevState, props) { return { config: { type: 'textbox', label: _this7.refs.label.value, items: [{ label: _this7.refs.defaultLabel.value, value: _this7.refs.defaultValue.value, selected: _this7.refs.defaultSelected.value }] }, edit: false }; }); }; CheckDropDown.prototype.render = function render() { var options = []; this.state.config.items.map(function (item, i) { options.push(React.createElement( 'option', { selected: item.selected, value: item.value }, item.label )); }); if (!this.state.config.label || this.state.edit) { return React.createElement( 'form', { onSubmit: this.saveConfig }, React.createElement( 'div', { className: 'form-group' }, React.createElement( 'label', null, 'Please set a label' ), React.createElement('input', { ref: 'label', className: 'form-control', type: 'text', placeholder: 'ie: Make a selection', value: this.state.config.label }) ), React.createElement( 'div', { className: 'form-group' }, React.createElement( 'label', null, 'Options' ), this.state.config.items.map(function (item, i) { return React.createElement( 'div', null, React.createElement('input', { ref: 'defaultLabel', className: 'form-control', type: 'text', placeholder: 'Option label', value: item.label }), React.createElement('input', { ref: 'defaultValue', className: 'form-control', type: 'text', placeholder: 'Option value', value: item.value }), 'Pre-selected? ', React.createElement('input', { ref: 'defaultSelected', type: 'checkbox', selected: item.selected }) ); }) ), React.createElement( 'button', { type: 'submit', className: 'btn btn-sm btn-primary' }, 'Save' ) ); } else { return React.createElement( 'div', { className: 'form-group' }, React.createElement( 'label', null, this.state.config.label ), React.createElement( 'button', { className: 'btnEdit btn btn-xs btn-primary pull-right', onClick: this.editCheck }, 'Edit' ), React.createElement( 'select', { className: 'form-control' }, options ) ); } }; return CheckDropDown; }(React.Component); var CheckYesNo = function (_React$Component5) { _inherits(CheckYesNo, _React$Component5); function CheckYesNo(props) { _classCallCheck(this, CheckYesNo); var _this8 = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _React$Component5.call(this, props)); _this8.state = { config: props.config, edit: false }; _this8.saveConfig = _this8.saveConfig.bind(_this8); _this8.editCheck = _this8.editCheck.bind(_this8); _this8.setValue = _this8.setValue.bind(_this8); return _this8; } CheckYesNo.prototype.setValue = function setValue(e) { var val = "yes"; if (e.target.value == "no") { val = "no"; } this.setState(function (prevState, props) { return { config: { type: 'yesNo', label: prevState.config.label, value: val }, edit: false }; }); this.refs.yesButton.className = "btn btn-default"; this.refs.noButton.className = "btn btn-default"; e.target.className = "btn btn-default btn-primary"; }; CheckYesNo.prototype.editCheck = function editCheck(e) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); this.setState(function (prevState, props) { return { edit: true }; }); }; CheckYesNo.prototype.saveConfig = function saveConfig(e) { var _this9 = this; e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); this.setState(function (prevState, props) { return { config: { type: 'yesNo', label: _this9.refs.label.value, value: _this9.refs.defaultValue.value }, edit: false }; }); }; CheckYesNo.prototype.render = function render() { if (!this.state.config.label || this.state.edit) { return React.createElement( 'form', { onSubmit: this.saveConfig }, React.createElement( 'div', { className: 'form-group' }, React.createElement( 'label', null, 'Please set a label' ), React.createElement('input', { ref: 'label', className: 'form-control', type: 'text', placeholder: 'ie: Do you like shit?', value: this.state.config.label }) ), React.createElement( 'div', { className: 'form-group' }, React.createElement( 'label', null, 'Default value (optional)' ), React.createElement( 'select', { ref: 'defaultValue', className: 'form-control', type: 'text', value: this.state.config.value }, React.createElement( 'option', { value: '' }, 'None' ), React.createElement( 'option', { value: 'yes' }, 'Yes' ), React.createElement( 'option', { value: 'no' }, 'No' ) ) ), React.createElement( 'button', { type: 'submit', className: 'btn btn-sm btn-primary' }, 'Save' ) ); } else { var yesClass = "btn btn-default"; var noClass = "btn btn-default"; if (this.state.config.value == "yes") { yesClass = "btn btn-default btn-primary"; } if (this.state.config.value == "no") { noClass = "btn btn-default btn-primary"; } return React.createElement( 'div', { className: 'form-group' }, React.createElement( 'label', null, this.state.config.label ), React.createElement( 'button', { className: 'btnEdit btn btn-xs btn-primary pull-right', onClick: this.editCheck }, 'Edit' ), React.createElement('br', null), React.createElement( 'div', { className: 'btn-group', style: { clear: "both" }, role: 'group', 'aria-label': '...' }, React.createElement('input', { ref: 'hiddenValue', type: 'hidden', value: this.state.config.value }), React.createElement( 'button', { ref: 'yesButton', value: 'yes', type: 'button', onClick: this.setValue, className: yesClass }, 'Yes' ), React.createElement( 'button', { ref: 'noButton', value: 'no', type: 'button', onClick: this.setValue, className: noClass }, 'No' ) ) ); } }; return CheckYesNo; }(React.Component); var App = function (_React$Component6) { _inherits(App, _React$Component6); function App(props) { _classCallCheck(this, App); var _this10 = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _React$Component6.call(this, props)); _this10.state = { layout: props.layout, view: props.view }; _this10.addRow = _this10.addRow.bind(_this10); _this10.toggleView = _this10.toggleView.bind(_this10); return _this10; } App.prototype.addRow = function addRow() { this.setState(function (prevState, props) { var els = prevState.layout.elements; els.push({ type: 'row', elements: [] }); return els; }); }; App.prototype.toggleView = function toggleView() { this.setState(function (prevState, props) { var newView = "preview"; if (prevState.view == "preview") { newView = "editor"; } return { view: newView }; }); }; App.prototype.render = function render() { var viewLabel = "Preview Form"; if (this.state.view == "preview") { viewLabel = "Edit Form"; } var styleTag = ""; if (this.state.view == "editor") { styleTag = React.createElement( 'style', null, '.row ', '{', 'min-height: 30px; border: 2px dashed black; background-color: #ccc; margin: 5px; padding: 15px;', '}', '.col ', '{', 'min-height: 30px; border: 2px dashed black; background-color: #eee; padding: 10px; marginBottom: 15px;', '}', '.checkWrapper ', '{', 'border: 1px dashed grey; margin-bottom:5px; margin-top:5px; padding:5px;', '}' ); } else if (this.state.view == "preview") { styleTag = React.createElement( 'style', null, '.btnEdit, .colSizer, .addRow, .addCol, .addCheck ', '{', 'display: none;', '}', '.row ', '{', 'margin: 15px;', '}' ); } return React.createElement( 'div', null, styleTag, React.createElement( 'button', { onClick: this.toggleView, className: 'btn btn-default btn-primary', value: this.state.view }, viewLabel ), this.state.layout.elements.map(function (row, i) { return React.createElement(Row, { cols: row }); }), React.createElement( 'div', null, React.createElement( 'center', null, React.createElement( 'button', { className: 'addRow', onClick: this.addRow }, 'Add row' ) ) ) ); }; return App; }(React.Component); ReactDOM.render(React.createElement(App, { layout: layout, view: 'preview' }), document.getElementById('root')); //# sourceURL=pen.js </script> </body></html>

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