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<span class="hero__title-text">About YouTube</span>
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<h2 class="hero__mission-intro js-header-sub-logo">Our mission is to give content creators a platform to help grow their audience.</h2>
<iframe width="1040" height="585" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/GPDjgCptb1Q?fs=0" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
<p class="hero__mission">Our goal is to make Online TV and Independent TV the next big thing and grow the amount of content available.</p>
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<h2 class="abouts__section-title">Sparkk TV was founded in 2005 as VBCtv and was rebranded in May of 2014. We offer a way to watch the best Webseries online in one place but give them a more traditional TV network look and feel.
Our webseries air NEW weekly and are commecial free; New Content is added daily and all series are available On-Demand after first showing.
You can watch our shows online, using our app or on your TV via Roku (Chromecast), Apple TV (Airplay), Amazon Fire TV or your Xbox.</h2>
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<h3 class="abouts__title">Why Come To <span class="abouts__ribbon js-abouts-ribbon">Sparkk TV?</span></h3>
<p class="abouts__copy">We offer content curation to our content creators using the YouTube API, we allow you a platform to grow your webseries and give your fans/viewers and easier way to find your series while we also promote your series. All views on our site count towards your YouTube views and you monitize your own content.</p>
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<h3 class="abouts__title">Our <span class="abouts__ribbon js-abouts-ribbon">Essence</span></h3>
<p class="abouts__copy">We believe everyone should have easy, open access to information and that video is a powerful force for education, building understanding, and documenting world events, big and small.</p>
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<h3 class="abouts__title">Our <span class="abouts__ribbon js-abouts-ribbon">Promise</span></h3>
<p class="abouts__copy">We believe everyone should have a chance to be discovered, build a business and succeed on their own terms, and that people—not gatekeepers—decide what’s popular.</p>
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<h3 class="abouts__title">Our <span class="abouts__ribbon js-abouts-ribbon">Vibe</span></h3>
<p class="abouts__copy">We believe everyone should be able to find communities of support, break down barriers, transcend borders and come together around shared interests and passions.</p>
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<img class="youtube" src="//res.cloudinary.com/sparkktv/image/upload/v1550599338/developed-with-youtube-sentence-case-dark_nz16mc.png">