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function calculate() { var myBox1 = document.getElementById('box1').value; var myBox2 = document.getElementById('box2').value; var myBox3 = document.getElementById('box3').value; var myBox4 = document.getElementById('box4').placeholder; var myBox5 = document.getElementById('box5').value; var result = document.getElementById('result'); var myResult = 0; //Calcula los moles if(!myBox1.match(/\S/) && !myBox2.match(/\S/) && !myBox3.match(/\S/) && !myBox5.match(/\S/) ){ alert("Existe algun campo incompleto"); } if(myBox1.value!='' && myBox2.value!='' && !myBox3.match(/\S/) && myBox5.value!='' ){ myResult = (myBox1 * myBox2)/(myBox4 * (parseInt(myBox5)+parseInt(273.16))); } //Calcula la presión else if(!myBox1.match(/\S/) && myBox2.value!='' && myBox3.value!='' && myBox5.value!='' ){ myResult = ((myBox3 * myBox4 * (parseInt(myBox5)+parseInt(273.16)))/myBox2); } //Calcula la temperatura else if(myBox1.value!='' && myBox2.value!='' && myBox3.value!=''&& !myBox5.match(/\S/)){ myResult = (myBox1 * myBox2)/(myBox3 * myBox4); } //Calcula el volumen else if(myBox1.value!='' && !myBox2.match(/\S/) && myBox3.value!=''&& myBox5.value!='' ){ myResult = ((myBox3 * myBox4 * (parseInt(myBox5)+parseInt(273.16)))/myBox1); } result.value = myResult; /*if (myBox1 == 0 && myBox2 ==0){ result.value=''; }else{ result.value = myResult; }*/ } function clean() { document.getElementById("box1").value = ""; document.getElementById("box2").value = ""; document.getElementById("box3").value = ""; document.getElementById("box5").value = ""; document.getElementById("result").value = ""; }

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