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<div class="slide__item"> <div class="slide__inner"> <img class="slide__img slide__img--small" src="https://tympanus.net/Development/ElasticCircleSlideshow/img/small/2.png" alt="Some image" /> <button class="action action--open" aria-label="View details"><i class="fa fa-plus"></i></button> </div> </div> <div class="slide__content"> <div class="slide__content-scroller"> <img class="slide__img slide__img--large" src="img/2.png" alt="Some image" /> <div class="slide__details"> <h2 class="slide__title slide__title--main">Grapeseed Skin Oil</h2> <p class="slide__description">Moisture control for all skin types</p> <div> <span class="slide__price slide__price--large">$19</span> <button class="button button--buy">Add to cart</button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="slide"> <h2 class="slide__title slide__title--preview">Jojoba Skin Oil <span class="slide__price">$35</span></h2> <div class="slide__item"> <div class="slide__inner"> <img class="slide__img slide__img--small" 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src="https://tympanus.net/Development/ElasticCircleSlideshow/img/small/4.png" alt="Some image" /> <button class="action action--open" aria-label="View details"><i class="fa fa-plus"></i></button> </div> </div> <div class="slide__content"> <div class="slide__content-scroller"> <img class="slide__img slide__img--large" src="https://tympanus.net/Development/ElasticCircleSlideshow/img/4.png" alt="Some image" /> <div class="slide__details"> <h2 class="slide__title slide__title--main">Amaranth Skin Oil</h2> <p class="slide__description">Rich hydration for mature skin</p> <div> <span class="slide__price slide__price--large">$29</span> <button class="button button--buy">Add to cart</button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="slide"> <h2 class="slide__title slide__title--preview">Argan Skin Oil <span class="slide__price">$59</span></h2> <div class="slide__item"> <div class="slide__inner"> <img class="slide__img slide__img--small" src="https://tympanus.net/Development/ElasticCircleSlideshow/img/small/5.png" alt="Some image" /> <button class="action action--open" aria-label="View details"><i class="fa fa-plus"></i></button> </div> </div> <div class="slide__content"> <div class="slide__content-scroller"> <img class="slide__img slide__img--large" src="https://tympanus.net/Development/ElasticCircleSlideshow/img/5.png" alt="Some image" /> <div class="slide__details"> <h2 class="slide__title slide__title--main">Argan Skin Oil</h2> <p class="slide__description">Moisture for problematic & dry skin</p> <div> <span class="slide__price slide__price--large">$59</span> <button class="button button--buy">Add to cart</button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="slide"> <h2 class="slide__title slide__title--preview">Avocado Skin Oil <span class="slide__price">$39</span></h2> <div class="slide__item"> <div class="slide__inner"> <img class="slide__img slide__img--small" src="https://tympanus.net/Development/ElasticCircleSlideshow/img/small/6.png" alt="Some image" /> <button class="action action--open" aria-label="View details"><i class="fa fa-plus"></i></button> </div> </div> <div class="slide__content"> <div class="slide__content-scroller"> <img class="slide__img slide__img--large" src="https://tympanus.net/Development/ElasticCircleSlideshow/img/6.png" alt="Some image" /> <div class="slide__details"> <h2 class="slide__title slide__title--main">Avocado Skin Oil</h2> <p class="slide__description">Deep repair for stressed skin</p> <div> <span class="slide__price slide__price--large">$39</span> <button class="button button--buy">Add to cart</button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <button class="action action--close" aria-label="Close"><i class="fa fa-close"></i></button> </div> <!-- Related demos --> <section class="content content--related"> <p>&copy by <a target="_blank" href="https://codepen.io/HarshHS/">Harsh Sharma</a> <a target="_blank" 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docElem.clientWidth, docElem.scrollWidth, docElem.offsetWidth), docHeight = Math.max(bodyEl.scrollHeight, bodyEl.offsetHeight, docElem.clientHeight, docElem.scrollHeight, docElem.offsetHeight); function scrollY() { return window.pageYOffset || docElem.scrollTop; } function extend( a, b ) { for( var key in b ) {if (window.CP.shouldStopExecution(1)){break;} if( b.hasOwnProperty( key ) ) { a[key] = b[key]; } } window.CP.exitedLoop(1); return a; } /** * Circle Slideshow */ function CircleSlideshow(el, options) { this.el = el; this.options = extend( {}, this.options ); extend( this.options, options ); // items this.items = [].slice.call(this.el.querySelectorAll('.slide')); // total items this.itemsTotal = this.items.length; if( this.itemsTotal < 2 ) return; // content close control this.closeCtrl = this.el.querySelector('.action--close'); // index of current slide this.current = 0; // all items are closed initially this.isClosed = true; this._init(); } CircleSlideshow.prototype.options = {}; CircleSlideshow.prototype._init = function() { // add navigation ctrls and left & right circles to the DOM this.navLeftCtrl = document.createElement('button'); this.navLeftCtrl.className = 'navbutton navbutton--next'; this.navLeftCtrl.setAttribute('aria-label', 'Next item'); this.navLeftCtrl.innerHTML = '<svg width="100px" height="30px" viewBox="0 0 100 30"><polyline class="navbutton__line" fill="none" stroke="#6CD84E" stroke-width="5" points="69.821,3.795 92.232,26.205 0,26.205"/></svg>'; this.navRightCtrl = document.createElement('button'); this.navRightCtrl.className = 'navbutton navbutton--prev'; this.navRightCtrl.setAttribute('aria-label', 'Previous item'); this.navRightCtrl.innerHTML = '<svg width="100px" height="30px" viewBox="0 0 100 30"><polyline class="navbutton__line" fill="none" stroke="#6CD84E" stroke-width="5" points="30.179,26.205 7.768,3.795 100,3.795"/></svg>'; this.el.insertBefore(this.navLeftCtrl, this.el.firstChild); this.el.insertBefore(this.navRightCtrl, this.el.firstChild); var leftCircle = document.createElement('div'), rightCircle = document.createElement('div'); leftCircle.className = 'deco deco--circle deco--circle-left'; rightCircle.className = 'deco deco--circle deco--circle-right'; this.el.insertBefore(leftCircle, this.el.firstChild); this.el.insertBefore(rightCircle, this.el.firstChild); this.circles = {left: leftCircle, right: rightCircle}; dynamics.css(this.circles.left, {scale: 0.8}); dynamics.css(this.circles.right, {scale: 0.8}); // add the expander element per slide (.deco--expander) this.items.forEach(function(item) { var expanderEl = document.createElement('div'); expanderEl.className = 'deco deco--circle deco--expander'; var slideEl = item.querySelector('.slide__item'); slideEl.insertBefore(expanderEl, slideEl.firstChild); }); // position current item: classie.add(this.items[this.current], 'slide--current'); // event binding this._initEvents(); }; CircleSlideshow.prototype._initEvents = function() { var self = this; // slideshow navigation this.navRightCtrl.addEventListener('click', function() { self._navigate('left'); }); this.navLeftCtrl.addEventListener('click', function() { self._navigate('right'); }); // opening items this.items.forEach(function(item) { item.querySelector('.action--open').addEventListener('click', function(ev) { self._openContent(item); ev.target.blur(); }); }); // closing items this.closeCtrl.addEventListener('click', function() { self._closeContent(); }); // keyboard navigation events document.addEventListener('keydown', function(ev) { var keyCode = ev.keyCode || ev.which; switch (keyCode) { case 37: self._navigate('left'); break; case 39: self._navigate('right'); break; case 13: // enter if( self.isExpanded ) return; self._openContent(self.items[self.current]); break; case 27: // esc if( self.isClosed ) return; self._closeContent(); break; } }); // swipe navigation // from http://stackoverflow.com/a/23230280 this.el.addEventListener('touchstart', handleTouchStart, false); this.el.addEventListener('touchmove', handleTouchMove, false); var xDown = null; var yDown = null; function handleTouchStart(evt) { xDown = evt.touches[0].clientX; yDown = evt.touches[0].clientY; }; function handleTouchMove(evt) { if ( ! xDown || ! yDown ) { return; } var xUp = evt.touches[0].clientX; var yUp = evt.touches[0].clientY; var xDiff = xDown - xUp; var yDiff = yDown - yUp; if ( Math.abs( xDiff ) > Math.abs( yDiff ) ) {/*most significant*/ if ( xDiff > 0 ) { /* left swipe */ if( !self.isExpanded ) { self._navigate('right'); } } else { /* right swipe */ if( !self.isExpanded ) { self._navigate('left'); } } } /* reset values */ xDown = null; yDown = null; }; }; CircleSlideshow.prototype._navigate = function(dir) { if( this.isExpanded ) { return false; } this._moveCircles(dir); var self = this, itemCurrent = this.items[this.current], currentEl = itemCurrent.querySelector('.slide__item'), currentTitleEl = itemCurrent.querySelector('.slide__title'); // update new current value if( dir === 'right' ) { this.current = this.current < this.itemsTotal-1 ? this.current + 1 : 0; } else { this.current = this.current > 0 ? this.current - 1 : this.itemsTotal-1; } var itemNext = this.items[this.current], nextEl = itemNext.querySelector('.slide__item'), nextTitleEl = itemNext.querySelector('.slide__title'); // animate the current element out dynamics.animate(currentEl, { translateX: dir === 'right' ? -1*currentEl.offsetWidth : currentEl.offsetWidth, scale: 0.7 }, { type: dynamics.spring, duration: 2000, friction: 600, complete: function() { dynamics.css(itemCurrent, { visibility: 'hidden' }); } } ); // animate the current title out dynamics.animate(currentTitleEl, { translateX: dir === 'right' ? -250 : 250, opacity: 0 }, { type: dynamics.bezier, points: [{"x":0,"y":0,"cp":[{"x":0.2,"y":1}]},{"x":1,"y":1,"cp":[{"x":0.3,"y":1}]}], duration: 450 } ); // set the right properties for the next element to come in dynamics.css(itemNext, {visibility: 'visible'}); dynamics.css(nextEl, {translateX: dir === 'right' ? nextEl.offsetWidth : -1*nextEl.offsetWidth, scale: 0.7}); // animate the next element in dynamics.animate(nextEl, { translateX: 0 }, { type: dynamics.spring, duration: 3000, friction: 700, frequency: 500, complete: function() { self.items.forEach(function(item) { classie.remove(item, 'slide--current'); }); classie.add(itemNext, 'slide--current'); } } ); // set the right properties for the next title to come in dynamics.css(nextTitleEl, { translateX: dir === 'right' ? 250 : -250, opacity: 0 }); // animate the next title in dynamics.animate(nextTitleEl, { translateX: 0, opacity: 1 }, { type: dynamics.bezier, points: [{"x":0,"y":0,"cp":[{"x":0.2,"y":1}]},{"x":1,"y":1,"cp":[{"x":0.3,"y":1}]}], duration: 1000 } ); }; CircleSlideshow.prototype._moveCircles = function(dir) { var animProps = { type: dynamics.easeIn, duration: 100, complete: function(el) { dynamics.animate(el, { translateX: 0, scale: 0.8 }, { type: dynamics.spring, duration: 1000, friction: 300 } ); } }; dynamics.animate(this.circles.right, { translateX: dir === 'right' ? -this.circles.right.offsetWidth/3 : this.circles.right.offsetWidth/3, scale: 0.9 }, animProps ); dynamics.animate(this.circles.left, { translateX: dir === 'right' ? -this.circles.left.offsetWidth/3 : this.circles.left.offsetWidth/3, scale: 0.9 }, animProps ); }; CircleSlideshow.prototype._openContent = function(item) { this.isExpanded = true; this.isClosed = false; this.expandedItem = item; var self = this, expanderEl = item.querySelector('.deco--expander'), scaleVal = Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(docWidth, 2) + Math.pow(docHeight, 2)) / expanderEl.offsetWidth), smallImgEl = item.querySelector('.slide__img--small'), contentEl = item.querySelector('.slide__content'), largeImgEl = contentEl.querySelector('.slide__img--large'), titleEl = contentEl.querySelector('.slide__title--main'), descriptionEl = contentEl.querySelector('.slide__description'), priceEl = contentEl.querySelector('.slide__price'), buyEl = contentEl.querySelector('.button--buy'); // add slide--open class to the item classie.add(item, 'slide--open'); // prevent scrolling bodyEl.style.top = -scrollY() + 'px'; classie.add(bodyEl, 'lockscroll'); // position the content elements: // - image (large image) dynamics.css(largeImgEl, {translateY : 800, opacity: 0}); // - title dynamics.css(titleEl, {translateY : 600, opacity: 0}); // - description dynamics.css(descriptionEl, {translateY : 400, opacity: 0}); // - price dynamics.css(priceEl, {translateY : 400, opacity: 0}); // - buy button dynamics.css(buyEl, {translateY : 400, opacity: 0}); // animate (scale up) the expander element dynamics.animate(expanderEl, { scaleX : scaleVal, scaleY : scaleVal }, { type: dynamics.bezier, points: [{"x":0,"y":0,"cp":[{"x":0.5,"y":1}]},{"x":1,"y":1,"cp":[{"x":0.5,"y":1}]}], duration: 1700 } ); // animate the small image out dynamics.animate(smallImgEl, { translateY : -600, opacity : 0 }, { type: dynamics.bezier, points: [{"x":0,"y":0,"cp":[{"x":0.2,"y":1}]},{"x":1,"y":1,"cp":[{"x":0.3,"y":1}]}], duration: 300, delay: 75 } ); // animate the large image in dynamics.animate(largeImgEl, { translateY : 0, opacity : 1 }, { type: dynamics.bezier, points: [{"x":0,"y":0,"cp":[{"x":0.2,"y":1}]},{"x":1,"y":1,"cp":[{"x":0.3,"y":1}]}], duration: 1000, delay: 300 } ); // animate the title element in dynamics.animate(titleEl, { translateY : 0, opacity : 1 }, { type: dynamics.bezier, points: [{"x":0,"y":0,"cp":[{"x":0.2,"y":1}]},{"x":1,"y":1,"cp":[{"x":0.3,"y":1}]}], duration: 1000, delay: 400 } ); // animate the description element in dynamics.animate(descriptionEl, { translateY : 0, opacity : 1 }, { type: dynamics.bezier, points: [{"x":0,"y":0,"cp":[{"x":0.2,"y":1}]},{"x":1,"y":1,"cp":[{"x":0.3,"y":1}]}], duration: 1000, delay: 500 } ); // animate the price element in dynamics.animate(priceEl, { translateY : 0, opacity : 1 }, { type: dynamics.bezier, points: [{"x":0,"y":0,"cp":[{"x":0.2,"y":1}]},{"x":1,"y":1,"cp":[{"x":0.3,"y":1}]}], duration: 1000, delay: 600 } ); // animate the buy element in dynamics.animate(buyEl, { translateY : 0, opacity : 1 }, { type: dynamics.bezier, points: [{"x":0,"y":0,"cp":[{"x":0.2,"y":1}]},{"x":1,"y":1,"cp":[{"x":0.3,"y":1}]}], duration: 1000, delay: 700, complete: function() { // add .noscroll to body and .scrollable to .slide__content classie.add(bodyEl, 'noscroll'); classie.add(contentEl, 'scrollable'); // force redraw (chrome) contentEl.style.display = 'none'; contentEl.offsetHeight; contentEl.style.display = 'block'; // allow scrolling classie.remove(bodyEl, 'lockscroll'); } } ); }; CircleSlideshow.prototype._closeContent = function() { this.isClosed = true; var self = this, item = this.expandedItem, expanderEl = item.querySelector('.deco--expander'), smallImgEl = item.querySelector('.slide__img--small'), contentEl = item.querySelector('.slide__content'), largeImgEl = contentEl.querySelector('.slide__img--large'), titleEl = contentEl.querySelector('.slide__title--main'), descriptionEl = contentEl.querySelector('.slide__description'), priceEl = contentEl.querySelector('.slide__price'), buyEl = contentEl.querySelector('.button--buy'); // add slide--close class to the item classie.add(item, 'slide--close'); // remove .noscroll from body and .scrollable from .slide__content classie.remove(bodyEl, 'noscroll'); classie.remove(contentEl, 'scrollable'); // animate the buy element out dynamics.stop(buyEl); dynamics.animate(buyEl, { translateY : 400, opacity : 0 }, { type: dynamics.bezier, points: [{"x":0,"y":0,"cp":[{"x":0.2,"y":1}]},{"x":1,"y":1,"cp":[{"x":0.3,"y":1}]}], duration: 1000 } ); // animate the price element out dynamics.stop(priceEl); dynamics.animate(priceEl, { translateY : 400, opacity : 0 }, { type: dynamics.bezier, points: [{"x":0,"y":0,"cp":[{"x":0.2,"y":1}]},{"x":1,"y":1,"cp":[{"x":0.3,"y":1}]}], duration: 1000 } ); // animate the description element out dynamics.stop(descriptionEl); dynamics.animate(descriptionEl, { translateY : 400, opacity : 0 }, { type: dynamics.bezier, points: [{"x":0,"y":0,"cp":[{"x":0.2,"y":1}]},{"x":1,"y":1,"cp":[{"x":0.3,"y":1}]}], duration: 1000, delay: 100 } ); // animate the title element out dynamics.stop(titleEl); dynamics.animate(titleEl, { translateY : 600, opacity : 0 }, { type: dynamics.bezier, points: [{"x":0,"y":0,"cp":[{"x":0.2,"y":1}]},{"x":1,"y":1,"cp":[{"x":0.3,"y":1}]}], duration: 1000, delay: 200 } ); // animate the large image out dynamics.animate(largeImgEl, { translateY : 800, opacity : 0 }, { type: dynamics.bezier, points: [{"x":0,"y":0,"cp":[{"x":0.2,"y":1}]},{"x":1,"y":1,"cp":[{"x":0.3,"y":1}]}], duration: 500, delay: 300, complete: function() { // remove slide--open class to the item classie.remove(item, 'slide--open'); // remove slide--close class to the item classie.remove(item, 'slide--close'); // allow scrolling classie.remove(bodyEl, 'lockscroll'); self.isExpanded = false; } } ); // animate the small image in dynamics.animate(smallImgEl, { translateY : 0, opacity : 1 }, { type: dynamics.bezier, points: [{"x":0,"y":0,"cp":[{"x":0.2,"y":1}]},{"x":1,"y":1,"cp":[{"x":0.3,"y":1}]}], duration: 700, delay: 500 } ); // animate (scale down) the expander element dynamics.animate(expanderEl, { scaleX : 1, scaleY : 1 }, { type: dynamics.bezier, points: [{"x":0,"y":0,"cp":[{"x":0.5,"y":1}]},{"x":1,"y":1,"cp":[{"x":0.5,"y":1}]}], duration: 700, delay: 250 } ); }; window.CircleSlideshow = CircleSlideshow; })(window); (function() { document.documentElement.className = 'js'; var slideshow = new CircleSlideshow(document.getElementById('slideshow')); })(); //# sourceURL=pen.js </script> </body></html>

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