Bootstrap 3.0.0 Snippet by evarevirus

<link href="//netdna.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.0.0/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" id="bootstrap-css"> <script src="//netdna.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.0.0/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script> <script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.1.min.js"></script> <!------ Include the above in your HEAD tag ----------> <html> <body> <div id='container'> <canvas id="canvas"> 啊哦,你的浏览器不支持canvas. Sorry~ </canvas> <span id="blue" onclick="blue()"></span> <span id="purple" onclick="purple()"></span> <span id="black" onclick="black()"></span> </div> </body> </html> <script> var canvas,ctx; var vertexes = []; var diffPt = [];var autoDiff = 1000; var verNum = 250; var canvasW = window.innerWidth+40; var addListener = function( e, str, func ) { if( e.addEventListener ) { e.addEventListener( str, func, false ); }else if( e.attachEvent ) { e.attachEvent( "on" + str, func ); }else { } }; addListener( window, "load", init ); function resize(){ canvasW = document.getElementById('container').offsetWidth + 40; initCanvas(canvasW,window.innerHeight); var cW = canvas.width; var cH = canvas.height; for(var i = 0;i < verNum;i++) vertexes[i] = new Vertex(cW / (verNum -1) * i , cH / 2,cH/2); initDiffPt(); var win_3 = window.innerWidth/3; } function init(){ resize(); var FPS =30; var interval = 1000 / FPS >> 0; var timer = setInterval( update, interval ); if ( window.addEventListener ) addListener( window, "DOMMouseScroll", wheelHandler ); addListener( window, "mousewheel", wheelHandler ); addListener(window,"resize",resize); canvas.onmousedown=function(e) { //div.innerHTML=e.clientX+":"+e.clientY; //var mx = document.getElementById("mx"); //alert(1); var mouseX,mouseY; if (e) { mouseX = e.pageX; mouseY = e.pageY; }else { mouseX = event.x + document.body.scrollLeft; mouseY = event.y + document.body.scrollTop; } if(window.innerHeight/2 - mouseY < 50 && window.innerHeight/2 - mouseY> -50) //diffPt[150] = autoDiff; { autoDiff = 1000; if(mouseX<canvas.width-2){ xx = 1 + Math.floor((verNum - 2) * mouseX / canvas.width); diffPt[xx] = autoDiff; } } } } var wheelHandler = function( e ) { var s = ( e.detail ) ? -e.detail : e.wheelDelta; s > 0 ? ( dd > 15 ? dd-- : dd=dd) : ( dd < 50 ? dd++ : dd=dd ); }; function initDiffPt(){ for(var i=0;i<verNum;i++) diffPt[i]= 0; } var xx = 150; var dd = 15; function update(){ //ctx.rect(50,20,280,620); //ctx.stroke(); //ctx.clip(); ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); autoDiff -= autoDiff*0.9; diffPt[xx] = autoDiff; //左侧 //差分,使得每个点都是上一个点的下一次的解,由于差分函数出来的解是一个曲线,且每次迭代后,曲线相加的结果形成了不断地波浪 for(var i=xx-1;i>0;i--) { var d = xx-i; if(d > dd)d=dd; diffPt[i] -= (diffPt[i]-diffPt[i+1])*(1-0.01*d); } //右侧 for(var i=xx+1;i<verNum;i++) { var d = i-xx; if(d > dd)d=dd; diffPt[i] -= (diffPt[i]-diffPt[i-1])*(1-0.01*d); } //更新点Y坐标 for(var i = 0;i < vertexes.length;i++){ vertexes[i].updateY(diffPt[i]); } draw(); } var color1="#6ca0f6"; var color2 = "#367aec"; function draw(){ ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(0,window.innerHeight); ctx.fillStyle=color1; ctx.lineTo(vertexes[0].x,vertexes[0].y); for(var i = 1;i < vertexes.length;i++){ ctx.lineTo(vertexes[i].x,vertexes[i].y); } ctx.lineTo(canvas.width,window.innerHeight); ctx.lineTo(0,window.innerHeight); ctx.fill(); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(0,window.innerHeight); ctx.fillStyle=color2; ctx.lineTo(vertexes[0].x+15,vertexes[0].y+5); for(var i = 1;i < vertexes.length;i++){ ctx.lineTo(vertexes[i].x+15,vertexes[i].y+5); } ctx.lineTo(canvas.width,window.innerHeight); ctx.lineTo(0,window.innerHeight); ctx.fill(); ctx.fillStyle="#777"; ctx.font="12px sans-serif"; ctx.textBaseline="top"; ctx.fillText("Click on the surface of the liquid",70,canvas.height/2-20); ctx.fillStyle="#fff"; ctx.fillText("Use mouse wheel to change the viscosity",70,canvas.height/2+15); ctx.fillText("滚轮改变粘稠度 / Viscosity: "+((dd-15)*20/7).toFixed(2)+"%",70,canvas.height-20); } function initCanvas(width,height){ canvas = document.getElementById("canvas"); canvas.width = width; canvas.height = height; ctx = canvas.getContext("2d"); } function Vertex(x,y,baseY){ this.baseY = baseY; this.x = x; this.y = y; this.vy = 0; this.targetY = 0; this.friction = 0.15; this.deceleration = 0.95; } Vertex.prototype.updateY = function(diffVal){ this.targetY = diffVal + this.baseY; this.vy += this.targetY - this.y this.y += this.vy * this.friction; this.vy *= this.deceleration; } var blue = function(){ color1 = "#6ca0f6"; color2 = "#367aec"; } var black = function(){ color1 = "#595959"; color2 = "#000000"; } var purple = function(){ color1 = "#ff92ec"; color2 = "#f727d2"; } </script>
html{ overflow:hidden; } body{ margin:0px; } canvas{ margin-left:-40px; } span{ height:7px; width:20px; display:inline-block; cursor:pointer; position:absolute; top:0px; transition: height 0.2s; -o-transition: height 0.2s; -moz-transition: height 0.2s; -webkit-transition: height 0.2s; } span:hover{ height:12px; } #blue{ background-color:#367aec; left:30px; } #purple{ background-color:#f727d2; left:50px; } #black{ background-color:#000000; left:70px; } #container{ width:100%; }

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