function checkPass()
//Store the password field objects into variables ...
var pass1 = document.getElementById('pass1');
var pass2 = document.getElementById('pass2');
//Store the Confimation Message Object ...
var message = document.getElementById('confirmMessage');
//Set the colors we will be using ...
var goodColor = "#66cc66";
var badColor = "#ff6666";
//Compare the values in the password field
//and the confirmation field
if(pass1.value == pass2.value){
//The passwords match.
//Set the color to the good color and inform
//the user that they have entered the correct password = goodColor; = goodColor;
message.innerHTML = "Passwords Match"
//The passwords do not match.
//Set the color to the bad color and
//notify the user. = badColor; = badColor;
message.innerHTML = "Passwords Do Not Match!"
function validatephone(phone)
var maintainplus = '';
var numval = phone.value
if ( numval.charAt(0)=='+' )
var maintainplus = '';
curphonevar = numval.replace(/[\\A-Za-z!"£$%^&\,*+_={};:'@#~,.Š\/<>?|`¬\]\[]/g,'');
phone.value = maintainplus + curphonevar;
var maintainplus = '';
// validates text only
function Validate(txt) {
txt.value = txt.value.replace(/[^a-zA-Z-'\n\r.]+/g, '');
// validate email
function email_validate(email)
var regMail = /^([_a-zA-Z0-9-]+)(\.[_a-zA-Z0-9-]+)*@([a-zA-Z0-9-]+\.)+([a-zA-Z]{2,3})$/;
if(regMail.test(email) == false)
document.getElementById("status").innerHTML = "<span class='warning'>Email address is not valid yet.</span>";
document.getElementById("status").innerHTML = "<span class='valid'>Thanks, you have entered a valid Email address!</span>";
// validate date of birth
function dob_validate(dob)
var regDOB = /^(\d{1,2})[-\/](\d{1,2})[-\/](\d{4})$/;
if(regDOB.test(dob) == false)
document.getElementById("statusDOB").innerHTML = "<span class='warning'>DOB is only used to verify your age.</span>";
document.getElementById("statusDOB").innerHTML = "<span class='valid'>Thanks, you have entered a valid DOB!</span>";
// validate address
function add_validate(address)
var regAdd = /^(?=.*\d)[a-zA-Z\s\d\/]+$/;
if(regAdd.test(address) == false)
document.getElementById("statusAdd").innerHTML = "<span class='warning'>Address is not valid yet.</span>";
document.getElementById("statusAdd").innerHTML = "<span class='valid'>Thanks, Address looks valid!</span>";