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<h1>Important Facts and Myths About Pearl Gem</h1>
<p>The beautiful <b>pearl gem</b> is regarded as the <b><a href ="https://www.apsense.com/article/a-brief-about-the-june-birthstone-pearl-alexandrite-and-moonstone.html">birthstone for June month</a></b> and this magical white color gem which is often called Moti in Hindi signifies the enlightenment gained through struggle. In accordance with Vedic astrology, it is believed that the pearl brings luck & wealth and bestows protection from the evil powers. While the <b>pearl gem</b> can also symbolize the simplicity, faith, and kindness of the wearer. This gorgeous gem is associated with numerous facts and myths that tell about its ancient history.</p>
<h2>Myths About Pearl Gem:</h2>
<p>To begin, we’ll reach some of the popular myths that surround pearl gems, including:</p>
<li>1. The Persian’s thought that the <a href ="https://www.navratan.com/categories/pearl-moti">pearl gems</a> were formed at the base of a rainbow made after a storm; thunder and light created flaws in the gem’s surface. </li>
<li>2. In ancient Egypt, pearls were inundated with the defunct. According to myth, Cleopatra thawed a pearl gem in a glass of wine and sipped it to confirm she can devour the population’s riches.</li>
<li>3. Ancient Japanese traditions believed that pearl gems were formed from the tears of fictitious beings such as spirits, fairies, and mermaids.</li>
<h2>Some Facts About Pearl Gem</h2>
<p>These are just a few fables. Here we have mentioned some modern myths about pearls and the important facts that you must know:</p>
<p>When it comes to the color of this <b><a href ="https://www.navratan.com/">natural organic gem</a></b> then Pearls are generally imagined as white and lustrous. However, the color of the gem doesn't always remain the same. Depending on the mollusk that produced it and the ocean that creatures lived in, pearl gemstone can range from light pink to brown. Some pearls are found in even black color.</p>
<p>There are many important facts about a <b>Pearl gem</b>. One important fact is that about 95% of pearl gems available on the earth are cultivated. They’re developed from mollusks embedded with a nuisance that begins the layering process beginning to pearl formation. The process of pearl farming is known as periculture, befalls in controlled situations in which mollusks are well-cared for. Not all the treated mollusks or living creatures produce a pearl gem and the quality of each pearl made by them varies significantly.</p>
<p>Pearl gems can also be extracted without ruining the mollusk, so an individual can produce many pearls during its lifetime. Commonly befalling pearls are quite difficult to find due to water contamination and a range of environmental determinants.</p>
<p>This truth tells a mystical <a href ="https://navratna-gemstone.blogspot.com/2021/08/all-about-pearl-moti.html">fact about pearl gems</a> and that says that pearls with perfectly round shapes are rare to find. While these are most precious, pearl gems are actually discovered in eight distinct shapes. It includes semi-round, round, drop, pear, button, baroque, circled, and oval. This implies there are different types of pearl gems to choose from.</p>