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<p>The liver has an impact on every element of human health and well-being due to its numerous functions. In ancient India, this was well-known, and Ayurvedic physicians devised a variety of ways to prevent and <a href="https://levanzafoodandherbals.com/product/hepaza-6/">heal fatty liver</a>. Their knowledge of liver illness and treatment options has led to some of the most effective home cures for liver disorders.</p>
<p><a href="https://herbalayurvediccompany.wordpress.com/2021/11/11/top-7-ayurvedic-detox-heal-your-fatty-liver-remedies-tips/"><img src="https://herbalayurvediccompany.files.wordpress.com/2021/11/best-medicine-for-fatty-liver-2.jpg?w=600"></a></p>
<p><strong>Top 7 Ayurvedic Liver Tips And Remedies:</strong></p>
<p><strong>1. Thistle (Milk Thistle):</strong></p>
<p>Milk thistle, which has recently gained popularity as a <a href="https://levanzafoodandherbals.com/product/hepaza-6/">liver detox</a>, has been demonstrated to reduce liver inflammation. Recent studies have found that it can help restore chemical-induced liver damage and protect the liver from toxicity during chemotherapy. It is utilised in most natural medications and home treatments for liver health because it is non-toxic and can be used for months.</p>
<p><strong>Also see</strong>: <a href="https://levanzafoodandherbals.com/2021/08/20/best-ayurvedic-company-in-india/">Ayurvedic Manufacturing Company</a></p>
<p><strong>2. Turmeric Extract</strong>: Turmeric or haldi is well-known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Turmeric extract looks to be so strong that it has been proved to protect against liver injury, safeguarding your liver from damage caused by toxins, according to studies. This could be excellent news for patients who take powerful diabetic or other health-related medicines that can harm the liver over time. It’s no surprise that it’s a common element in most <a href="https://levanzafoodandherbals.com/2021/07/19/ayurvedic-medicine-for-liver/">ayurvedic medicine for liver</a>.</p>
<p><strong>Formulae for Bitters No.3:</strong></p>
<p>To make bitters formulations, many Ayurvedic practitioners blend barberry, turmeric, dandelion, celandine, goldenseal, gentian, chiretta, and/or neem. To promote liver function, cleansing, and digestion, these are often given as tea or diluted extracts 20 to 30 minutes before a meal. Consumption of beans, green vegetables (particularly bitter salad greens), and cabbage family members is also beneficial. Chlorophyll-rich green leafy vegetables can also absorb a lot of pollutants from the circulation</p>
<p><strong>4. Aloe Vera Juice</strong></p>: Aloe vera juice is hydrating and high in phytonutrients, making it good for the liver. It’s a thick, sticky liquid derived from the aloe vera plant’s leaf. Staying hydrated helps the body detox by allowing pollutants to be flushed out. The liver is less stressed as a result of this.</p>
<p><strong>5. Bhumi-amala</strong>: In Sanskrit, Bhumi Amla (Phyllanthus niruri) is known as ‘Dukong anak’ and ‘Bhumi Amalaki.’ The entire plant has therapeutic benefits, and Bhumi Amla, according to Ayurveda, is beneficial for indigestion and acidity because to its pitta balancing abilities. Due to its proven antioxidant and antiviral properties, 2-4 teaspoons of Bhumi Amla Juice per day can aid in the management of liver problems.</p>
<p><strong>6. Triphala Juice</strong>: Triphala is a blend of three medicinal plants native to India: amla, bibhitaki, and haritaki. It is one of the most well-known traditional Ayurvedic formulations. It is commonly used as an Ayurvedic liver medicine since it helps to regulate metabolism and bowel movements. Triphala’s digestive advantages lower the toxic load on the liver, and it’s also high in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory substances that protect the liver. Triphala juice is a sweet and healthful juice that can be consumed on a regular basis.</p>
<p><strong>7.Punarnava</strong>: Punarnava, also known as Hogweed, Sterling, Tarvine in English, Mukarati Kirei in Tamil, Raktakunda, and Shothaghni in Sanskrit, is a medicinal herb used to treat kidney problems in Ayurveda. Its powerful detoxifying and purifying properties, on the other hand, make it one of the most effective <a href="https://levanzafoodandherbals.com/2021/03/12/best-medicine-for-fatty-liver/">Ayurvedic treatments for fatty liver</a> and other liver illnesses. Punarnava can be taken with milk or water, or as directed by an ayurvedic physician, and it can also be combined with other herbs, as in numerous formulations.</p>
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