It doesn't work for me, After uncheck, it goes to bg-primary class... I needo something else than bootstrap and jQuery?
Rola Aguilera Salazar () - 7 years ago - Reply 0
Hi there, thanks for the share. It looks great.
Is there a way I can have the tick be a minus before it's ticked? ie. glyphicon be glyphicon-minus until active, then go to the glyphicon-ok?
Scott Crawford () - 7 years ago - Reply 0
Hi, I added this to my form. And it all seemed to work fine, but unfortunatly it does not work completely as I want it. When clicked the glypicon does not disapear. It seems that the opacity 0 in css is not recognized in any browser. I would like to add the code but I don't think I can paste it in this field?
Mike () - 7 years ago - Reply 0
How do you show checkbox as disabled and not allow clicking on it?
Toto Kotunjo () - 8 years ago - Reply 0
hi. can i ask a question? how can i checkbox size down?
Lee Geun-Yeol (MyHealingLife) () - 8 years ago - Reply 0
since we're using bootstrap .btn classes -- .btn-sm and .btn-xs will make them smaller. example: <label class="btn btn-xs btn-success">...</label>
hellotecho () - 8 years ago - Reply 0
When I submit the form using this and I encounter some validation error, it does not repopulate the selected radio visually, how do I fix this?
John Mark Acuesta () - 8 years ago - Reply 0
how can i use some thing from the glyphicon-s without giiting thim hide
omar sabbah () - 9 years ago - Reply 0
omar, not exactly sure, but i think you are asking how make glyphicons on the unselected items visible? -- if so, in the css, change to opacity of span.glyphicon to something that is visible. example: .btn span.glyphicon { opacity: 0.5;} then the unselected buttons will show your glyphicons slightly faded.
hellotecho () - 9 years ago - Reply 0