"Nav Top Tab & Nav Tab"
Bootstrap 3.3.0 Snippet by iammahesh

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$.fn.refreshMe = function(opts){ var $this = this, defaults = { ms:1500, parentSelector:'.panel', started:function(){}, completed:function(){} }, settings = $.extend(defaults, opts); var par = this.parents(settings.parentSelector); var panelToRefresh = par.find('.refresh-container'); var dataToRefresh = par.find('.refresh-data'); var ms = settings.ms; var started = settings.started; //function before timeout var completed = settings.completed; //function after timeout $this.click(function(){ $this.addClass("fa-spin"); panelToRefresh.show(); if (dataToRefresh) { started(dataToRefresh); } setTimeout(function(){ if (dataToRefresh) { completed(dataToRefresh); } panelToRefresh.fadeOut(800); $this.removeClass("fa-spin"); },ms); return false; })//click }/* end function refreshMe */ $(document).ready(function(){ $('#refresh1').refreshMe({ started:function(ele){ele.html("Getting new data..")}, completed:function(ele){ele.html("This is the new data after refresh..")} }); });

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