Bootstrap 3.0.0 Snippet by evarevirus

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right: 8px; } .rad-dropmenu-item.rad-settings { right: 0 !important; left: auto !important; } .rad-dropmenu-item.rad-settings:before { right: 5px !important; left: auto !important; } .rad-dropmenu-item.rad-settings > .rad-notification-item:hover { background: #fff !important; } .rad-dropmenu-item.rad-settings > .rad-notification-item i { font-size: 24px; } .rad-dropmenu-footer, .rad-dropmenu-header { display: block !important; background: #CFD8DC; text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 12px; margin: 0 !important; padding: 6px; text-align: center; } .rad-dropmenu-footer > a, .rad-dropmenu-header > a { color: white; line-height: 12px; text-decoration: none; } .rad-dropmenu-header { border-bottom: 1px solid #CFD8DC; } .rad-dropmenu-footer { border-top: 1px solid #CFD8DC; } .rad-chk-pin { margin: 0 !important; } .rad-chk-pin span { display: inline-block; position: relative; height: 20px; width: 40px; border-radius: 4px; background: crimson; border: 1px solid #f6f6f6; } .rad-chk-pin span:after { content: ""; position: absolute; background: white; width: 20px; height: 20px; border-radius: 4px; top: -1px; left: 0px; box-shadow: 0 0 0.5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12), 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.24); -webkit-transition: all .2s ease; transition: all .2s ease; } .rad-chk-pin input { display: none; } .rad-chk-pin input:checked + span { background: #23AE89; } .rad-chk-pin input:checked + span:after { left: 19px; } .hide { display: none; } .rad-option-selected { box-shadow: 0 2px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), 0 -2px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); -webkit-transform: scale(1.1); transform: scale(1.1); -webkit-transition: all .2s linear; transition: all .2s linear; } .rad-color-swatch { display: table; width: 90px; height: 25px; border-radius: 4px; } .rad-color-swatch .colors { width: 25px; height: 25px; display: table-cell; cursor: pointer; } .rad-color-swatch .colors input[type="radio"] { display: none; } .rad-color-swatch .colors:first-child { border-top-left-radius: 4px; border-bottom-left-radius: 4px; } .rad-color-swatch .colors:last-child { border-top-right-radius: 4px; border-bottom-right-radius: 4px; } .rad-sidebar { z-index: 9999; position: fixed; font-weight: 600; background: white !important; width: 225px; height: 100vh; top: 50px; left: 0; bottom: 0; box-shadow: 0 0 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14), 2px 4px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.28); -webkit-transition: all .2s ease-in-out; transition: all .2s ease-in-out; } .rad-sidebar li { text-align: left; height: 45px; font-size: 14px; font-weight: 500; letter-spacing: .025em; line-height: 1.5; } .rad-sidebar li a { text-decoration: none; display: block; color: #515d6e; } .rad-sidebar li a i { position: relative; width: 45px; line-height: 45px; text-align: center; } .rad-sidebar li a i:before { z-index: 10; position: relative; } .rad-sidebar li a > span { display: inline-block; visibility: visible; opacity: 1; padding-left: 10px; -webkit-transition: all .2s ease-in-out .2s; -webkit-transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0); transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0); text-transform: uppercase; font-size: 11px; } .rad-sidebar li:hover { background: #f2f2f2; } .rad-sidebar li:hover .icon-bg { -webkit-transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0); transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0); } .rad-sidebar li:hover a > i { color: white; } .icon-bg { position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; bottom: 0; z-index: 1; width: 100%; -webkit-transform: translate3d(-43px, 0, 0); transform: translate3d(-43px, 0, 0); -webkit-transition: all .2s ease-in-out; transition: all .2s ease-in-out; } .rad-txt-primary { color: #1C7EBB; } .rad-bg-primary { background: #1C7EBB; } .rad-txt-success { color: #23AE89; } .rad-bg-success { background: #23AE89; } .rad-txt-danger { color: #E94B3B; } .rad-bg-danger { background: #E94B3B; } .rad-txt-warning { color: #F98E33; } .rad-bg-warning { background: #F98E33; } .rad-txt-violet { color: #6A55C2; } .rad-bg-violet { background: #6A55C2; } .rad-logo-container.rad-nav-min { -webkit-transform: translate3d(-180px, 0, 0); transform: translate3d(-180px, 0, 0); } .rad-logo-container.rad-nav-min .rad-logo { opacity: 0; } .rad-logo-container.rad-nav-min + .rad-logo-hidden { opacity: 1; visibility: visible; } .rad-sidebar.rad-nav-min { width: 45px !important; } .rad-sidebar.rad-nav-min .rad-sidebar-item { opacity: 0; visibility: hidden; -webkit-transition: all .1s linear; -webkit-transform: translate3d(-200px, 0, 0); transform: translate3d(-200px, 0, 0); } .rad-sidebar.rad-nav-min .icon-bg { -webkit-transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0); transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0); } .rad-sidebar.rad-nav-min i { border: 0px; color: white; -webkit-transition: all .2s linear; transition: all .2s linear; } .rad-sidebar.rad-nav-min li:hover .icon-bg { -webkit-transform: scale(1.2, 1); transform: scale(1.2, 1); } .rad-body-wrapper { position: absolute; left: 230px; top: 75px; width: auto; right: 0; -webkit-transition: all .2s ease-in-out; transition: all .2s ease-in-out; } .rad-body-wrapper.rad-nav-min { left: 50px; } .rad-chart { height: 250px; } .rad-map { width: 100%; height: 100%; } .rad-map-container { height: 400px; position: relative; } .rad-collapse { height: 0px; padding: 0; opacity: 0; overflow: hidden; } @-webkit-keyframes rotating { from { -webkit-transform: rotate(0deg); } to { -webkit-transform: rotate(360deg); } } @-webkit-keyframes flipInX { 0% { -webkit-transform: perspective(400px) rotate3d(1, 0, 0, 90deg); -webkit-transition-timing-function: ease-in; opacity: 0; } 40% { -webkit-transform: perspective(400px) rotate3d(1, 0, 0, -20deg); -webkit-transition-timing-function: ease-in; } 60% { -webkit-transform: perspective(400px) rotate3d(1, 0, 0, 10deg); opacity: 1; } 80% { -webkit-transform: perspective(400px) rotate3d(1, 0, 0, -5deg); } 100% { -webkit-transform: perspective(400px); } } @media screen and (max-width: 450px) { .rad-info-box i { opacity: .3; } .flat-theme .rad-toggle-btn { right: 20px !important; } .flat-theme .rad-top-nav-container .links:last-child { display: none; } } @media screen and (min-width: 850px) { .rad-logo-container { height: 75px; } .rad-logo-container .rad-logo { line-height: 75px; } .rad-logo-container .rad-toggle-btn { line-height: 75px; height: auto; } .rad-top-nav-container { padding: 10px; } .rad-sidebar { top: 75px; } .rad-body-wrapper { top: 100px; } .flat-theme .rad-toggle-btn { top: 20px !important; } } @media screen and (max-width: 850px) { .flat-theme .rad-menu-badge { top: -3px; } .flat-theme .rad-toggle-btn { right: 20px !important; } .flat-theme .rad-body-wrapper { top: 125px !important; } .flat-theme .rad-sidebar { position: absolute; } .flat-theme .rad-navigation { position: absolute; } .flat-theme .rad-navigation .links > li:first-child { margin-left: 15px !important; } .flat-theme.sticky .rad-logo-container { z-index: 10000; } .flat-theme.sticky .rad-logo-container .rad-toggle-btn { color: #89949B !important; position: fixed; right: 120px !important; background: #f6f6f6; top: 11px; } .flat-theme.sticky .rad-logo-container .rad-toggle-btn:hover { background: crimson; color: #fff !important; } .flat-theme.sticky .rad-navigation { height: 50px; } .flat-theme.sticky .rad-sidebar { top: 50px; position: fixed; } .flat-theme.sticky .rad-top-nav-container { background: #FFF important; box-shadow: 0 0px 9px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 -5px 2px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1); position: fixed; left: 0; top: 0; width: 100%; z-index: 1000; } .flat-theme.sticky .links { margin-left: 50px; } .flat-theme.sticky .brand-icon { margin-left: 0px; } .flat-theme.sticky .brand-icon:hover { color: #fff; } .rad-navigation { height: 100px; } .rad-logo-container.rad-nav-min { -webkit-transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0); transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0); background: transparent; } .rad-logo-container.rad-nav-min .rad-logo { opacity: 1; } .rad-logo-container.rad-nav-min + .rad-logo-hidden { display: none; } .rad-logo-container { display: block; float: none; width: 100%; border-bottom: 1px solid #F2F2F2; } .rad-top-nav-container { display: block; float: none; height: 50px; background: white; } .rad-top-nav-container .links > li > a { font-size: 12px; } .rad-menu-badge { font-size: 10px; min-width: 15px; min-height: 15px; line-height: 15px; } .rad-sidebar { top: 100px; } .rad-sidebar.rad-nav-min { -webkit-transform: translate3d(-200px, 0, 0); transform: translate3d(-200px, 0, 0); } .rad-body-wrapper { top: 125px; position: relative; } .rad-body-wrapper.rad-nav-min { left: 0px; } } .panel { box-shadow: 0 2px 5px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.26); border-radius: 0 !important; position: relative; -webkit-transition: all .2s linear; } .panel-close { -webkit-transform: scale3d(0, 0, 0); transform: scale3d(0, 0, 0); } .panel-body { position: relative; -webkit-transition: all .2s linear; } .panel-heading { background: white !important; border-radius: 0; padding: 15px; border-bottom: 0 !important; } .panel-heading .panel-title { text-transform: uppercase; font-weight: 600; font-size: 13px; color: #515d6e; } .overlay { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; z-index: 1001; background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.75); text-align: center; } .overlay:before { content: ""; height: 100%; vertical-align: middle; width: 1px; display: inline-block; margin-left: -5px; } .overlay .overlay-content { display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; } .overlay i { display: block; position: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; color: black; } .rad-panel-action { list-style: none; display: inline-block; float: right; } .rad-panel-action li { display: inline-block; color: #515d6e; margin: 0 5px; cursor: pointer; } .rad-info-box { margin-bottom: 16px; box-shadow: 1px 1px 2px 0 #CCCCCC; padding: 20px; box-shadow: 0 2px 5px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.26); background: white !important; } .rad-info-box i { display: block; background-clip: padding-box; margin-right: 15px; height: 60px; width: 60px; border-radius: 100%; line-height: 60px; text-align: center; font-size: 4.4em; position: absolute; } .rad-info-box .value, .rad-info-box .heading { display: block; position: relative; color: #515d6e; text-align: right; z-index: 10; } .rad-info-box .heading { font-size: 1.2em; font-weight: 300; text-transform: uppercase; } .rad-info-box .value { font-size: 2.1em; font-weight: 600; margin-top: 5px; } .rad-list-group-item { margin: 5px 10px 25px 5px; } .rad-list-group-item:after { content: ""; display: table; } .rad-chat { border: 1px solid rgba(198, 198, 198, 0.5); padding: 0 10px; border-radius: 2px; position: relative; } .rad-chat-body { position: relative; } .rad-list-group-item.left .rad-chat { margin-left: 50px; } .rad-list-group-item.left .rad-chat .sm-text { float: right; } .rad-list-group-item.left .rad-chat:after { content: ""; border-top: 1px solid rgba(198, 198, 198, 0.5); border-left: 1px solid rgba(198, 198, 198, 0.5); height: 10px; width: 10px; background: white; position: absolute; left: -6px; top: 10px; -webkit-transform: rotate(-45deg); transform: rotate(-45deg); } .rad-chat-msg { font-size: 14px; color: #585f69; } .rad-list-group-item.right .rad-chat { margin-right: 50px; } .rad-list-group-item.right .rad-chat .lg-text { float: right; } .rad-list-group-item.right .rad-chat:after { content: ""; border-top: 1px solid rgba(198, 198, 198, 0.5); border-right: 1px solid rgba(198, 198, 198, 0.5); height: 10px; width: 10px; background: white; position: absolute; right: -6px; top: 10px; -webkit-transform: rotate(45deg); transform: rotate(45deg); } .rad-list-icon { position: relative; height: 40px; width: 40px; border-radius: 100%; line-height: 40px; text-align: center; color: white; top: -5px; } .icon-shadow { box-shadow: 0 0px 3px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.26); } .rad-list-img { border-radius: 100%; width: 32px; height: 32px; } .rad-list-group { position: relative; } .rad-list-group.group:before { content: ""; position: absolute; background: rgba(198, 198, 198, 0.3); top: -20px; bottom: -20px; left: 25px; width: 1px; } .rad-list-content { line-height: 1.3; margin-left: 50px; } .rad-timeline { padding: 10px 0; position: relative; } .rad-timeline:before { content: ""; position: absolute; border: 1px solid #c6c6c6; left: 50%; top: 0; height: 100%; bottom: 1px; box-shadow: 0 1px 2px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); } .rad-timeline .rad-timeline-item { list-style: none; padding: 10px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; margin-bottom: 20px; font-size: 14px; } .rad-timeline .rad-timeline-item .rad-timeline-badge { position: absolute; left: 50%; top: 0; margin-left: -15px; color: #FFF; width: 30px; height: 30px; font-size: 12px; border-radius: 100%; text-align: center; line-height: 25px; box-shadow: 0 1px 4px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); cursor: pointer; -webkit-transition: all .2s easein-out; transition: all .2s easein-out; border: 2px solid #fff; } .rad-timeline .rad-timeline-item .rad-timeline-badge span { -webkit-transition: all 200ms linear; transition: all 200ms linear; -webkit-transform: scale(0); transform: scale(0); opacity: 0; position: absolute; color: #e6e6e6; background: Grey; min-width: 70px; border-radius: 3px; } .rad-timeline .rad-timeline-item .rad-timeline-badge span.pull-right { right: 35px; } .rad-timeline .rad-timeline-item .rad-timeline-badge span.pull-left { left: 35px; } .rad-timeline .rad-timeline-item .rad-timeline-badge:hover span { opacity: 1; -webkit-transform: scale(1); transform: scale(1); } .rad-timeline .rad-timeline-item .rad-timeline-panel { position: relative; width: 40%; background: #FFF; padding: 15px; top: -20px; margin-left: 10px; border-radius: 6px; border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); } .rad-timeline .rad-timeline-item .rad-timeline-panel:after { content: ""; width: 15px; height: 15px; background: #FFF; position: absolute; top: 30px; right: -8.5px; margin-top: -10px; -webkit-transform: rotate(135deg); transform: rotate(135deg); border-top: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); border-left: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2); } .rad-timeline .rad-timeline-item:before { content: ""; display: table; } .rad-timeline .rad-timeline-item:after { content: ""; clear: both; display: block; overflow: hidden; } .rad-timeline .rad-timeline-item:first-child { margin-top: 20px; } .rad-timeline .rad-timeline-item .pull-right.rad-timeline-panel { background: #e6e6e6; margin-right: 10px; } .rad-timeline .rad-timeline-item .pull-right.rad-timeline-panel:after { content: ""; left: -8.5px; -webkit-transform: rotate(-45deg); transform: rotate(-45deg); background: #e6e6e6; } .rad-timeline-footer p { display: inline-block; font-weight: 600; color: #515d6e; } .rad-timeline-footer p i { font-size: 24px; color: crimson; } .rad-chart .morris-hover { display: none !important; } .rad-chart:hover .morris-hover { display: block !important; } .fa-spin { -webkit-animation: fa-spin .5s infinite linear; animation: fa-spin .5s infinite linear; } .brand-icon { font-size: 22px; height: 50px; display: inline-block; float: left; width: 50px; background-color: crimson; text-align: center; line-height: 50px; color: white; font-weight: 700; -webkit-transition: all .2s linear; transition: all .2s linear; margin-left: -230px; display: none; } .flat-theme body { background: #f1f2f7; } .flat-theme .brand-icon { display: inline-block; } .flat-theme .rad-logo { color: white; } .flat-theme .rad-navigation { text-align: left; } .flat-theme .rad-navigation .rad-top-nav-container { float: none !important; } .flat-theme .rad-navigation .rad-top-nav-container .links:last-child { float: none !important; } .flat-theme .rad-navigation .rad-top-nav-container .links:last-child > li > ul.rad-dropmenu-item { left: 0; } .flat-theme .rad-navigation .rad-top-nav-container .links:last-child > li > ul.rad-dropmenu-item:before { left: 8px; right: 100%; } .flat-theme .rad-navigation .rad-top-nav-container .links:last-child > li:first-child { margin-left: 30px; } .flat-theme .rad-navigation .rad-top-nav-container .links > li { text-align: center; } .flat-theme .rad-navigation .rad-top-nav-container .links > li > a { border-radius: 50%; width: 32px; height: 32px; background: #f6f6f6; 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class="rad-list-content"><strong>New Invitation</strong> <div class="md-text">Max has invited you to join Inbox</div> </div> </div> <div class="rad-list-group-item"> <div class="rad-list-icon icon-shadow rad-bg-success pull-left"><i class="fa fa-pencil"></i></div> <div class="rad-list-content"><strong>New post</strong> <div class="md-text">Created new post</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-lg-3 col-md-8 col-xs-12"> <div class="panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-heading"> <h3 class="panel-title">Donut Chart<ul class="rad-panel-action"> <li><i class="fa fa-chevron-down"></i></li> <li><i class="fa fa-rotate-right"></i></li> <li><i class="fa fa-cog"></i> <li><i class="fa fa-close"></i> </li> </ul></h3> </div> <div class="panel-body"> <div id="donutChart" class="rad-chart"></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-lg-6 col-md-12 col-xs-12"> <div class="panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-heading"> <h3 class="panel-title">Line Chart<ul 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Curabitur bibendum ornare dolor, quis ullamcorper ligula sodales at.</div> </div> </div> <div class="rad-list-group-item right"> <span class="rad-list-icon pull-right"><img class="rad-list-img" src="https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/9099c2946891970eb4739e6455400913.png" alt="sathish"></span> <div class="rad-list-content rad-chat"> <span class="lg-text">Sathish</span> <span class="sm-text"><i class="fa fa-clock-o"></i> 11:30 pm</span> <div class="rad-chat-msg">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.</div> </div> </div> <div class="rad-list-group-item left"> <span class="rad-list-icon pull-left"><img class="rad-list-img" src="https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-GXmmnYTuWkg/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAAA/oK6DEDS7grM/w56-h56/photo.jpg" alt="me" /></span> <div class="rad-list-content rad-chat"> <span class="lg-text">Me</span> <span class="sm-text"><i class="fa fa-clock-o"></i> 11:31 pm</span> <div class="rad-chat-msg">Checkout my new admin dashboard template in CSS3 <i class="fa fa-smile-o rad-txt-warning"></i></div> </div> </div> <div class="rad-list-group-item left"> <span class="rad-list-icon pull-left"><img class="rad-list-img" src="https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-GXmmnYTuWkg/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAAA/oK6DEDS7grM/w56-h56/photo.jpg" alt="me" /></span> <div class="rad-list-content rad-chat"> <span class="lg-text">Me</span> <span class="sm-text"><i class="fa fa-clock-o"></i> 11:20 pm</span> <div class="rad-chat-msg">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur bibendum ornare dolor, quis ullamcorper ligula sodales at.</div> </div> </div> <div class="rad-list-group-item right"> <span class="rad-list-icon pull-right"><img class="rad-list-img" src="https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/9099c2946891970eb4739e6455400913.png" alt="sathish"></span> <div class="rad-list-content rad-chat"> <span class="lg-text">Sathish</span> <span class="sm-text"><i class="fa fa-clock-o"></i> 11:30 pm</span> <div class="rad-chat-msg">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.</div> </div> </div> <div class="rad-list-group-item left"> <span class="rad-list-icon pull-left"><img class="rad-list-img" src="https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-GXmmnYTuWkg/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAAA/oK6DEDS7grM/w56-h56/photo.jpg" alt="me" /></span> <div class="rad-list-content rad-chat"> <span class="lg-text">Me</span> <span class="sm-text"><i class="fa fa-clock-o"></i> 11:31 pm</span> <div class="rad-chat-msg">Checkout my new admin dashboard template in CSS3 <i class="fa fa-smile-o rad-txt-warning"></i></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="panel-footer"> <div class="input-group"> <input type="text" id="rad-chat-txt" placeholder="Type a message" class="form-control" /><span class="input-group-btn"><button id="rad-chat-send" class="btn btn-info">Send</button></span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-6 col-lg-4"> <div class="panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-heading"> <h3 class="panel-title">Timeline<ul class="rad-panel-action"> <li><i class="fa fa-chevron-down"></i></li> <li><i class="fa fa-close"></i> </li> </ul></h3> </div> <div class="panel-body"> <div class="rad-timeline-body"> <ul class="rad-timeline"> <li class="rad-timeline-item"> <div class="rad-timeline-badge rad-bg-primary"><i class="fa fa-rss"></i><span class="pull-left"><i class="fa fa-clock-o"></i> 49m ago</span></div> <div class="rad-timeline-panel">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. 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Ipsa veniam delectus, ea voluptatum vero mollitia, magni voluptatem sapiente amet quidem, nemo aliquid qui minus iusto asperiores dolorem autem placeat iste!</div> </li> <li class="rad-timeline-item"> <div class="rad-timeline-badge rad-bg-violet"><i class="fa fa-stack-overflow"></i><span class="pull-left"><i class="fa fa-clock-o"></i> 13m ago</span></div> <div class="rad-timeline-panel ">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Ipsa veniam delectus, ea voluptatum vero mollitia</div> </li> <li class="rad-timeline-item"> <div class="rad-timeline-badge rad-bg-danger"><i class="fa fa-wordpress"></i><span class="pull-right"><i class="fa fa-clock-o"></i> 7m ago</span></div> <div class="rad-timeline-panel pull-right">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Ipsa veniam delectus, ea voluptatum vero mollitia, magni voluptatem sapiente amet quidem, nemo aliquid qui minus iusto asperiores dolorem autem placeat iste!. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Ipsa veniam delectus, ea voluptatum vero mollitia, magni voluptatem sapiente amet quidem, nemo aliquid qui minus iusto asperiores dolorem autem placeat iste!</div> </li> <li class="rad-timeline-item"> <div class="rad-timeline-badge rad-bg-success"><i class="fa fa-credit-card"></i><span class="pull-left"><i class="fa fa-clock-o"></i> 7m ago</span></div> <div class="rad-timeline-panel ">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Ipsa veniam delectus, ea voluptatum vero mollitia, magni voluptatem sapiente amet quidem, nemo aliquid qui minus iusto asperiores dolorem autem placeat iste!</div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="panel-footer"> <div class="rad-timeline-footer"> <p>There are many variations</p> <p class="pull-right"><i class="fa fa-comments-o"></i></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </main> <script src='//production-assets.codepen.io/assets/common/stopExecutionOnTimeout-b2a7b3fe212eaa732349046d8416e00a9dec26eb7fd347590fbced3ab38af52e.js'></script><script src='//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.3/jquery.min.js'></script><script src='//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/raphael/2.1.0/raphael-min.js'></script><script src='//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/morris.js/0.5.1/morris.min.js'></script><script src='//code.jquery.com/ui/1.11.4/jquery-ui.js'></script><script src='https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jQuery-slimScroll/1.3.3/jquery.slimscroll.min.js'></script><script src='https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/lodash.js/3.8.0/lodash.min.js'></script><script src='https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/d3/3.5.5/d3.min.js'></script><script src="https://jvectormap.com/js/jquery-jvectormap-2.0.3.min.js"></script><script src="https://jvectormap.com/js/jquery-jvectormap-world-mill-en.js"></script> <script >///Last modified 02/06/2016 //Sathish kumar //Added theming $(function() { var mapSeries = { "AF": 16.63, "AL": 11.58, "DZ": 158.97, "AO": 85.81, "AG": 1.1, "AR": 351.02, "AM": 8.83, "AU": 1219.72, "AT": 366.26, "AZ": 52.17, "BS": 7.54, "IN": 4949, "US": 852 }; 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Morris.Donut({ element: 'donutChart', data: getDonutData("Sector", "Country"), labelColor: '#23AE89', colors: ['#E67A77', '#D9DD81', '#79D1CF', '#95D7BB'] }); Morris.Bar({ element: 'barChart', data: data, xkey: 'y', ykeys: ['a', 'b'], barColors: ['#95D7BB', '#79D1CF'], labels: ['Series A', 'Series B'] }); Morris.Bar({ element: 'barChart2', data: getDonutData("Sector", "Volume"), xkey: 'label', ykeys: ['value'], barColors: ['#D9DD81', '#79D1CF', '#95D7BB'], labels: ['Sector by Volume'] }); Morris.Bar({ element: 'barChart3', data: data, xkey: 'y', ykeys: ['a', 'b'], barColors: ['#E67A77', '#79D1CF'], labels: ['Series A', 'Series B'] }); Morris.Area({ element: 'areaChart2', behaveLikeLine: true, padding: 10, fillOpacity: .7, lineColors: ['#ED5D5D', '#D6D23A'], gridEnabled: false, gridLineColor: '#dddddd', axes: true, data: [{ y: '2006', a: 0, c: 0 }, { y: '2007', a: 75, c: 112 }, { y: '2008', a: 50, c: 72 }, { y: '2009', a: 75, c: 2 }, { y: '2010', a: 150, c: 92 }, { y: '2011', a: 75, c: 22 }, { y: '2012', a: 3, c: 0 }], xkey: 'y', ykeys: ['a', 'c'], labels: ['Open', 'Closed'], pointSize: 0, lineWidth: 0, hideHover: 'auto' }); Morris.Area({ element: 'areaChart', padding: 10, behaveLikeLine: true, gridEnabled: false, gridLineColor: '#dddddd', axes: true, fillOpacity: .7, data: [{ period: '2010 Q1', iphone: 10, ipad: 10, itouch: 10 }, { period: '2010 Q2', iphone: 1778, ipad: 7294, itouch: 18441 }, { period: '2010 Q3', iphone: 4912, ipad: 12969, itouch: 3501 }, { period: '2010 Q4', iphone: 3767, ipad: 3597, itouch: 5689 }, { period: '2011 Q1', iphone: 6810, ipad: 1914, itouch: 2293 }, { period: '2011 Q2', iphone: 5670, ipad: 4293, itouch: 1881 }, { period: '2011 Q3', iphone: 4820, ipad: 3795, itouch: 1588 }, { period: '2011 Q4', iphone: 25073, ipad: 5967, itouch: 5175 }, { period: '2012 Q1', iphone: 10687, ipad: 34460, itouch: 22028 }, { period: '2012 Q2', iphone: 1000, ipad: 5713, itouch: 1791 }], lineColors: ['#ED5D5D', '#D6D23A', '#32D2C9'], xkey: 'period', ykeys: ['iphone', 'ipad', 'itouch'], labels: ['iPhone', 'iPad', 'iPod Touch'], pointSize: 0, lineWidth: 0, hideHover: 'auto' }); } function getTempl(img, text, position) { return '<div class="rad-list-group-item ' + position + '"><span class="rad-list-icon pull-' + position + '"><img class="rad-list-img" src=' + img + ' alt="me" /></span><div class="rad-list-content rad-chat"><span class="lg-text">Me</span><span class="sm-text"><i class="fa fa-clock-o"></i> ' + formatTime(new Date()) + '</span><div class="rad-chat-msg">' + text + '</div>'; } function formatTime(date) { var hours = date.getHours(); var minutes = date.getMinutes(); var ampm = hours >= 12 ? 'pm' : 'am'; hours = hours % 12; hours = hours ? hours : 12; minutes = minutes < 10 ? '0' + minutes : minutes; return hours + ':' + minutes + ' ' + ampm; } initializeCharts(); }); var monthNames = ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" ], data = [{ "label": "Technology", "value": 20 }, { "label": "Financial", "value": 45 }, { "label": "Industrial Goods", "value": 30 }, { "label": "Consumer Goods", "value": 10 }, { "label": "Basic Materials", "value": 5 }]; function getDonutData(group, column) { function sum(numbers) { return _.reduce(numbers, function(result, current) { return result + 1; }, 0); } var result = _.chain(getChartData()) .groupBy(group) .map(function(value, key) { return { label: key, value: sum(_.pluck(value, column)) } }) .value(); return result; } function getChartData() { return [ { "_id": { "$oid": "52853800bb1177ca391c17ff" }, "Ticker": "A", "Profit Margin": 0.137, "Institutional Ownership": 0.847, "EPS growth past 5 years": 0.158, "Total Debt/Equity": 0.5600000000000001, "Current Ratio": 3, "Return on Assets": 0.089, "Sector": "Healthcare", "P/S": 2.54, "Change from Open": -0.0148, "Performance (YTD)": 0.2605, "Performance (Week)": 0.0031, "Quick Ratio": 2.3, "Insider Transactions": -0.1352, "P/B": 3.63, "EPS growth quarter over quarter": -0.29, "Payout Ratio": 0.162, "Performance (Quarter)": 0.09279999999999999, "Forward P/E": 16.11, "P/E": 19.1, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.1062, "Shares Outstanding": 339, "Earnings Date": { "$date": 1384464600000 }, "52-Week High": -0.0544, "P/Cash": 7.45, "Change": -0.0148, "Analyst Recom": 1.6, "Volatility (Week)": 0.0177, "Country": "USA", "Return on Equity": 0.182, "50-Day Low": 0.0728, "Price": 50.44, "50-Day High": -0.0544, "Return on Investment": 0.163, "Shares Float": 330.21, "Dividend Yield": 0.0094, "EPS growth next 5 years": 0.0843, "Industry": "Medical Laboratories & Research", "Beta": 1.5, "Sales growth quarter over quarter": -0.041, "Operating Margin": 0.187, "EPS (ttm)": 2.68, "PEG": 2.27, "Float Short": 0.008, "52-Week Low": 0.4378, "Average True Range": 0.86, "EPS growth next year": 0.1194, "Sales growth past 5 years": 0.048, "Company": "Agilent Technologies Inc.", "Gap": 0, "Relative Volume": 0.79, "Volatility (Month)": 0.0168, "Market Cap": 17356.8, "Volume": 1847978, "Gross Margin": 0.512, "Short Ratio": 1.03, "Performance (Half Year)": 0.1439, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 46.51, "Insider Ownership": 0.001, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.0172, "Performance (Month)": 0.0063, "P/Free Cash Flow": 19.63, "Institutional Transactions": -0.0074, "Performance (Year)": 0.4242, "LT Debt/Equity": 0.5600000000000001, "Average Volume": 2569.36, "EPS growth this year": 0.147, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.0055 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853800bb1177ca391c1800" }, "Ticker": "AA", "Profit Margin": 0.013, "Institutional Ownership": 0.599, "EPS growth past 5 years": -0.439, "Total Debt/Equity": 0.65, "Current Ratio": 1.2, "Return on Assets": 0.008, "Sector": "Basic Materials", "P/S": 0.41, "Change from Open": -0.0022, "Performance (YTD)": 0.0502, "Performance (Week)": -0.0694, "Quick Ratio": 0.7, "Insider Transactions": 0.1031, "P/B": 0.75, "EPS growth quarter over quarter": 1.143, "Payout Ratio": 0.429, "Performance (Quarter)": 0.1058, "Forward P/E": 21.35, "P/E": 35.96, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.0823, "Shares Outstanding": 1070, "Earnings Date": { "$date": 1381264200000 }, "52-Week High": -0.0925, "P/Cash": 9.460000000000001, "Change": 0.0033, "Analyst Recom": 3.1, "Volatility (Week)": 0.0345, "Country": "USA", "Return on Equity": 0.023, "50-Day Low": 0.1579, "Price": 9.02, "50-Day High": -0.0925, "Return on Investment": 0.007, "Shares Float": 1068.5, "Dividend Yield": 0.0133, "EPS growth next 5 years": 0.1747, "Industry": "Aluminum", "Beta": 2.02, "Sales growth quarter over quarter": -0.012, "Operating Margin": 0.049, "EPS (ttm)": 0.25, "PEG": 2.06, "Float Short": 0.1129, "52-Week Low": 0.1899, "Average True Range": 0.3, "EPS growth next year": 0.231, "Sales growth past 5 years": -0.041, "Company": "Alcoa, Inc.", "Gap": 0.0056, "Relative Volume": 0.6, "Volatility (Month)": 0.0336, "Market Cap": 9619.299999999999, "Volume": 14600992, "Gross Margin": 0.163, "Short Ratio": 4.51, "Performance (Half Year)": 0.06519999999999999, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 49.61, "Insider Ownership": 0.0007, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.0192, "Performance (Month)": 0.0766, "P/Free Cash Flow": 33.17, "Institutional Transactions": 0.0252, "Performance (Year)": 0.0963, "LT Debt/Equity": 0.6, "Average Volume": 26728.11, "EPS growth this year": -0.673, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.052 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853800bb1177ca391c1801" }, "Ticker": "AADR", "Sector": "Financial", "Change from Open": 0.0055, "Performance (YTD)": 0.1809, "Performance (Week)": -0.0134, "Performance (Quarter)": 0.061, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.0693, "52-Week High": -0.0194, "Change": 0.0064, "Volatility (Week)": 0.0072, "Country": "USA", "50-Day Low": 0.07920000000000001, "Price": 36.4, "50-Day High": -0.0194, "Dividend Yield": 0.005, "Industry": "Exchange Traded Fund", "52-Week Low": 0.2727, "Average True Range": 0.31, "Company": "WCM/BNY Mellon Focused Growth ADR ETF", "Gap": 0.0008, "Relative Volume": 0.72, "Volatility (Month)": 0.0052, "Volume": 6660, "Performance (Half Year)": 0.04, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 51.91, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.0054, "Performance (Month)": 0.0183, "Performance (Year)": 0.229, "Average Volume": 10.07, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.0158 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853800bb1177ca391c1802" }, "Ticker": "AAIT", "Sector": "Financial", "Change from Open": -0.0232, "Performance (YTD)": 0.1048, "Performance (Week)": -0.0097, "Performance (Quarter)": 0.1129, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.0492, "52-Week High": -0.0641, "Change": -0.02, "Volatility (Week)": 0.014, "Country": "USA", "50-Day Low": 0.0609, "Price": 29.95, "50-Day High": -0.0641, "Dividend Yield": 0.036, "Industry": "Exchange Traded Fund", "52-Week Low": 0.1791, "Average True Range": 0.45, "Company": "iShares MSCI AC Asia Information Tech", "Gap": 0.0033, "Relative Volume": 0.17, "Volatility (Month)": 0.0111, "Volume": 250, "Short Ratio": 0.04, "Performance (Half Year)": 0.0307, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 38.79, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.0295, "Performance (Month)": 0.003, "Performance (Year)": 0.1947, "Average Volume": 1.64, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.0065 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853800bb1177ca391c1803" }, "Ticker": "AAMC", "Institutional Ownership": 0.153, "Sector": "Financial", "Change from Open": 0.0476, "Performance (YTD)": 6.1951, "Performance (Week)": -0.0781, "Insider Transactions": 0.0002, "P/B": 393.33, "Performance (Quarter)": 0.7101, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.9846, "Shares Outstanding": 2.35, "52-Week High": -0.1812, "Change": 0.0135, "Volatility (Week)": 0.0283, "Country": "USA", "50-Day Low": 0.8672, "Price": 597.98, "50-Day High": -0.1812, "Industry": "Asset Management", "EPS (ttm)": -0.02, "52-Week Low": 38.8653, "Average True Range": 30.17, "Company": "Altisource Asset Management Corporation", "Gap": -0.0325, "Relative Volume": 0.12, "Volatility (Month)": 0.0388, "Market Cap": 1386.5, "Volume": 543, "Short Ratio": 8.91, "Performance (Half Year)": 0.9832, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 54.38, "Insider Ownership": 0.4634, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.0189, "Performance (Month)": 0.0631, "Institutional Transactions": 0.1176, "Average Volume": 4.94, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.1281 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853800bb1177ca391c1804" }, "Ticker": "AAME", "Profit Margin": 0.056, "Institutional Ownership": 0.05, "EPS growth past 5 years": -0.167, "Total Debt/Equity": 0.42, "Return on Assets": 0.027, "Sector": "Financial", "P/S": 0.57, "Change from Open": -0.0025, "Performance (YTD)": 0.316, "Performance (Week)": 0, "P/B": 0.87, "EPS growth quarter over quarter": 7.667, "Payout Ratio": 0.05, "Performance (Quarter)": 0.0576, "P/E": 10.63, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.08450000000000001, "Shares Outstanding": 21.27, "Earnings Date": { "$date": 1383541200000 }, "52-Week High": -0.0382, "P/Cash": 1.82, "Change": -0.0025, "Volatility (Week)": 0.0239, "Country": "USA", "Return on Equity": 0.082, "50-Day Low": 0.0747, "Price": 4.03, "50-Day High": -0.0098, "Return on Investment": 0.031, "Shares Float": 5.24, "Dividend Yield": 0.005, "Industry": "Life Insurance", "Beta": 0.72, "Sales growth quarter over quarter": 0.274, "Operating Margin": 0.078, "EPS (ttm)": 0.38, "Float Short": 0.0025, "52-Week Low": 0.6087, "Average True Range": 0.06, "Sales growth past 5 years": 0.026, "Company": "Atlantic American Corp.", "Gap": 0, "Relative Volume": 2.05, "Volatility (Month)": 0.013, "Market Cap": 85.92, "Volume": 17754, "Short Ratio": 1.35, "Performance (Half Year)": 0.0949, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 46.3, "Insider Ownership": 0.7513, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.0035, "Performance (Month)": 0.0025, "P/Free Cash Flow": 35.8, "Institutional Transactions": -0.0009, "Performance (Year)": 0.4175, "LT Debt/Equity": 0.42, "Average Volume": 9.51, "EPS growth this year": 0.5, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.0038 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853800bb1177ca391c1805" }, "Ticker": "AAN", "Profit Margin": 0.06, "Institutional Ownership": 0.98, "EPS growth past 5 years": 0.204, "Total Debt/Equity": 0.12, "Return on Assets": 0.074, "Sector": "Services", "P/S": 1.02, "Change from Open": 0, "Performance (YTD)": 0.0658, "Performance (Week)": 0.0488, "Insider Transactions": 0.206, "P/B": 1.89, "EPS growth quarter over quarter": -0.263, "Payout Ratio": 0.038, "Performance (Quarter)": 0.0949, "Forward P/E": 14.02, "P/E": 17.11, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.0653, "Shares Outstanding": 76.09999999999999, "Earnings Date": { "$date": 1382646600000 }, "52-Week High": -0.023, "P/Cash": 10.88, "Change": 0.0013, "Analyst Recom": 2.8, "Volatility (Week)": 0.0177, "Country": "USA", "Return on Equity": 0.116, "50-Day Low": 0.1508, "Price": 30.15, "50-Day High": -0.002, "Return on Investment": 0.138, "Shares Float": 67.11, "Dividend Yield": 0.0023, "EPS growth next 5 years": 0.08, "Industry": "Rental & Leasing Services", "Beta": 1.04, "Sales growth quarter over quarter": 0.019, "Operating Margin": 0.108, "EPS (ttm)": 1.76, "PEG": 2.14, "Float Short": 0.0601, "52-Week Low": 0.2264, "Average True Range": 0.49, "EPS growth next year": 0.0926, "Sales growth past 5 years": 0.098, "Company": "Aaron's, Inc.", "Gap": 0.0013, "Relative Volume": 1.71, "Volatility (Month)": 0.0171, "Market Cap": 2291.4, "Volume": 1190872, "Gross Margin": 0.832, "Short Ratio": 5.28, "Performance (Half Year)": 0.0517, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 71.11, "Insider Ownership": 0.005, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.043, "Performance (Month)": 0.0617, "Institutional Transactions": 0.0172, "Performance (Year)": 0.0255, "LT Debt/Equity": 0.12, "Average Volume": 763.14, "EPS growth this year": 0.573, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.0742 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853800bb1177ca391c1806" }, "Ticker": "AAOI", "Profit Margin": -0.023, "Institutional Ownership": 0.114, "EPS growth past 5 years": 0, "Current Ratio": 1.5, "Return on Assets": -0.048, "Sector": "Technology", "P/S": 2.3, "Change from Open": -0.0215, "Performance (YTD)": 0.2671, "Performance (Week)": -0.0381, "Quick Ratio": 0.9, "EPS growth quarter over quarter": -1, "Forward P/E": 12.77, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.0654, "Shares Outstanding": 12.6, "52-Week High": -0.09039999999999999, "P/Cash": 16.23, "Change": -0.0269, "Analyst Recom": 1.8, "Volatility (Week)": 0.0377, "Country": "USA", "Return on Equity": 0.043, "50-Day Low": 0.3539, "Price": 12.28, "50-Day High": -0.09039999999999999, "Return on Investment": -0.004, "Shares Float": 11.46, "Industry": "Semiconductor - Integrated Circuits", "Sales growth quarter over quarter": 0.256, "Operating Margin": -0.007, "EPS (ttm)": -0.13, "Float Short": 0.0011, "52-Week Low": 0.3539, "Average True Range": 0.63, "EPS growth next year": 38.52, "Company": "Applied Optoelectronics, Inc.", "Gap": -0.0055, "Relative Volume": 0.12, "Volatility (Month)": 0.0608, "Market Cap": 159.06, "Volume": 12203, "Gross Margin": 0.292, "Short Ratio": 0.12, "Insider Ownership": 0.021, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.0251, "Performance (Month)": 0.2397, "Average Volume": 110.95, "EPS growth this year": 0.833, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.0654 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853800bb1177ca391c1807" }, "Ticker": "AAON", "Profit Margin": 0.105, "Institutional Ownership": 0.581, "EPS growth past 5 years": 0.065, "Total Debt/Equity": 0, "Current Ratio": 2.3, "Return on Assets": 0.163, "Sector": "Industrial Goods", "P/S": 4.78, "Change from Open": 0.019, "Performance (YTD)": 0.956, "Performance (Week)": -0.056, "Quick Ratio": 1.6, "Insider Transactions": 0.0024, "P/B": 9.789999999999999, "EPS growth quarter over quarter": -0.12, "Payout Ratio": 0.188, "Performance (Quarter)": 0.0944, "Forward P/E": 24.01, "P/E": 34.78, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.2614, "Shares Outstanding": 55.14, "Earnings Date": { "$date": 1383859800000 }, "52-Week High": -0.054, "P/Cash": 49.53, "Change": 0.016, "Analyst Recom": 3, "Volatility (Week)": 0.0558, "Country": "USA", "Return on Equity": 0.229, "50-Day Low": 0.1558, "Price": 27.57, "50-Day High": -0.054, "Return on Investment": 0.198, "Shares Float": 28.02, "Dividend Yield": 0.0048, "EPS growth next 5 years": 0.1, "Industry": "General Building Materials", "Beta": 1.2, "Sales growth quarter over quarter": 0.095, "Operating Margin": 0.158, "EPS (ttm)": 0.78, "PEG": 3.48, "Float Short": 0.0369, "52-Week Low": 1.2639, "Average True Range": 1.07, "EPS growth next year": 0.1649, "Sales growth past 5 years": 0.029, "Company": "AAON Inc.", "Gap": -0.0029, "Relative Volume": 0.53, "Volatility (Month)": 0.0381, "Market Cap": 1495.92, "Volume": 43938, "Gross Margin": 0.252, "Short Ratio": 11.42, "Performance (Half Year)": 0.317, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 54.09, "Insider Ownership": 0.203, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.0057, "Performance (Month)": 0.0044, "P/Free Cash Flow": 35.36, "Institutional Transactions": 0.0094, "Performance (Year)": 1.1312, "LT Debt/Equity": 0, "Average Volume": 90.54000000000001, "EPS growth this year": 1, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.0389 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853800bb1177ca391c1808" }, "Ticker": "AAP", "Profit Margin": 0.063, "Institutional Ownership": 0.971, "EPS growth past 5 years": 0.18, "Total Debt/Equity": 0.41, "Current Ratio": 1.3, "Return on Assets": 0.08500000000000001, "Sector": "Services", "P/S": 1.13, "Change from Open": -0.0067, "Performance (YTD)": 0.3808, "Performance (Week)": 0.0119, "Quick Ratio": 0.3, "Insider Transactions": -0.036, "P/B": 4.94, "EPS growth quarter over quarter": 0.174, "Payout Ratio": 0.043, "Performance (Quarter)": 0.2183, "Forward P/E": 14.45, "P/E": 18.03, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.1903, "Shares Outstanding": 72.75, "Earnings Date": { "$date": 1383222600000 }, "52-Week High": -0.038, "P/Cash": 12.78, "Change": -0.0077, "Analyst Recom": 2.3, "Volatility (Week)": 0.0182, "Country": "USA", "Return on Equity": 0.306, "50-Day Low": 0.2545, "Price": 98.92, "50-Day High": -0.038, "Return on Investment": 0.231, "Shares Float": 72.26000000000001, "Dividend Yield": 0.0024, "EPS growth next 5 years": 0.13, "Industry": "Auto Parts Stores", "Beta": 0.34, "Sales growth quarter over quarter": 0.043, "Operating Margin": 0.106, "EPS (ttm)": 5.53, "PEG": 1.39, "Float Short": 0.0342, "52-Week Low": 0.4159, "Average True Range": 2.11, "EPS growth next year": 0.2562, "Sales growth past 5 years": 0.051, "Company": "Advance Auto Parts Inc.", "Gap": -0.001, "Relative Volume": 0.32, "Volatility (Month)": 0.0189, "Market Cap": 7251.42, "Volume": 220670, "Gross Margin": 0.501, "Short Ratio": 3.3, "Performance (Half Year)": 0.1687, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 62.29, "Insider Ownership": 0.007, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.0031, "Performance (Month)": 0.2082, "P/Free Cash Flow": 21.1, "Institutional Transactions": 0.0089, "Performance (Year)": 0.2613, "LT Debt/Equity": 0.41, "Average Volume": 749.1, "EPS growth this year": 0.022, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.1151 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853800bb1177ca391c1809" }, "Ticker": "AAPL", "Profit Margin": 0.217, "Institutional Ownership": 0.621, "EPS growth past 5 years": 0.424, "Total Debt/Equity": 0.14, "Current Ratio": 1.7, "Return on Assets": 0.186, "Sector": "Consumer Goods", "P/S": 2.75, "Change from Open": 0.0092, "Performance (YTD)": 0.0029, "Performance (Week)": -0.0005999999999999999, "Quick Ratio": 1.6, "Insider Transactions": 0.3412, "P/B": 3.81, "EPS growth quarter over quarter": -0.047, "Payout Ratio": 0.286, "Performance (Quarter)": 0.0517, "Forward P/E": 10.89, "P/E": 13.14, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.1672, "Shares Outstanding": 904.16, "Earnings Date": { "$date": 1382992200000 }, "52-Week High": -0.08989999999999999, "P/Cash": 11.61, "Change": 0.0139, "Analyst Recom": 2, "Volatility (Week)": 0.0151, "Country": "USA", "Return on Equity": 0.291, "50-Day Low": 0.1872, "Price": 527.87, "50-Day High": -0.0154, "Return on Investment": 0.255, "Shares Float": 899.28, "Dividend Yield": 0.0234, "EPS growth next 5 years": 0.1427, "Industry": "Electronic Equipment", "Beta": 0.84, "Sales growth quarter over quarter": 0.042, "Operating Margin": 0.287, "EPS (ttm)": 39.63, "PEG": 0.92, "Float Short": 0.0203, "52-Week Low": 0.397, "Average True Range": 8.529999999999999, "EPS growth next year": 0.1, "Sales growth past 5 years": 0.354, "Company": "Apple Inc.", "Gap": 0.0047, "Relative Volume": 0.74, "Volatility (Month)": 0.0173, "Market Cap": 470732.83, "Volume": 8750589, "Gross Margin": 0.376, "Short Ratio": 1.42, "Performance (Half Year)": 0.213, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 64.13, "Insider Ownership": 0.0004, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.0176, "Performance (Month)": 0.0501, "P/Free Cash Flow": 13.83, "Institutional Transactions": 0.0005999999999999999, "Performance (Year)": -0.0169, "LT Debt/Equity": 0.14, "Average Volume": 12913.68, "EPS growth this year": -0.1, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.0649 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853800bb1177ca391c180a" }, "Ticker": "AAT", "Profit Margin": 0.155, "Institutional Ownership": 0.861, "EPS growth past 5 years": 0.08599999999999999, "Total Debt/Equity": 1.6, "Return on Assets": 0.021, "Sector": "Financial", "P/S": 5.03, "Change from Open": 0.0025, "Performance (YTD)": 0.1692, "Performance (Week)": -0.0229, "Insider Transactions": 0.0411, "P/B": 1.95, "EPS growth quarter over quarter": 0.1, "Payout Ratio": 0.84, "Performance (Quarter)": 0.0313, "Forward P/E": 188.24, "P/E": 640, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.0144, "Shares Outstanding": 39.82, "Earnings Date": { "$date": 1383687000000 }, "52-Week High": -0.1008, "P/Cash": 19.39, "Change": 0.0053, "Analyst Recom": 1.8, "Volatility (Week)": 0.023, "Country": "USA", "Return on Equity": 0.061, "50-Day Low": 0.1307, "Price": 32.17, "50-Day High": -0.07049999999999999, "Return on Investment": 0.043, "Shares Float": 34.34, "Dividend Yield": 0.0263, "EPS growth next 5 years": 0.0485, "Industry": "REIT - Office", "Sales growth quarter over quarter": -0.441, "Operating Margin": 0.319, "EPS (ttm)": 0.05, "PEG": 131.96, "Float Short": 0.0354, "52-Week Low": 0.3303, "Average True Range": 0.6899999999999999, "EPS growth next year": -0.1053, "Sales growth past 5 years": 0.149, "Company": "American Assets Trust, Inc.", "Gap": 0.0028, "Relative Volume": 0.16, "Volatility (Month)": 0.0199, "Market Cap": 1274.14, "Volume": 40765, "Gross Margin": 0.733, "Short Ratio": 4.35, "Performance (Half Year)": -0.0727, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 46.23, "Insider Ownership": 0.007, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.0269, "Performance (Month)": -0.0009, "Institutional Transactions": 0.1931, "Performance (Year)": 0.2144, "LT Debt/Equity": 1.6, "Average Volume": 279.14, "EPS growth this year": 0, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.014 }, { 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0.008, "Relative Volume": 0.32, "Volatility (Month)": 0.0468, "Market Cap": 75.06, "Volume": 34762, "Short Ratio": 4.14, "Performance (Half Year)": -0.1935, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 36.92, "Insider Ownership": 0.0536, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.0722, "Performance (Month)": 0.0246, "Institutional Transactions": 1.7402, "Performance (Year)": -0.5117, "LT Debt/Equity": 0, "Average Volume": 119.04, "EPS growth this year": -2.417, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.1017 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853800bb1177ca391c180c" }, "Ticker": "AAV", "Profit Margin": -0.232, "Institutional Ownership": 0.58, "EPS growth past 5 years": -0.265, "Total Debt/Equity": 0.32, "Current Ratio": 0.8, "Return on Assets": -0.032, "Sector": "Basic Materials", "P/S": 2.64, "Change from Open": 0.0286, "Performance (YTD)": 0.1914, "Performance (Week)": 0.0158, "Quick Ratio": 0.8, "P/B": 0.63, "EPS growth quarter over quarter": 1.556, "Performance (Quarter)": 0.0349, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.0569, "Shares Outstanding": 168.38, "Earnings Date": { "$date": 1300248000000 }, "52-Week High": -0.1242, "Change": 0.0233, "Analyst Recom": 2.7, "Volatility (Week)": 0.0381, "Country": "Canada", "Return on Equity": -0.055, "50-Day Low": 0.1127, "Price": 3.95, "50-Day High": -0.0436, "Return on Investment": -0.068, "Shares Float": 167.07, "Industry": "Oil & Gas Drilling & Exploration", "Beta": 2.05, "Sales growth quarter over quarter": 0.399, "Operating Margin": 0.102, "EPS (ttm)": -0.34, "Float Short": 0.0008, "52-Week Low": 0.4158, "Average True Range": 0.12, "EPS growth next year": -0.667, "Sales growth past 5 years": -0.121, "Company": "Advantage Oil & Gas Ltd.", "Gap": -0.0052, "Relative Volume": 0.85, "Volatility (Month)": 0.0303, "Market Cap": 649.96, "Volume": 116750, "Gross Margin": 0.6820000000000001, "Short Ratio": 0.89, "Performance (Half Year)": 0.0078, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 52.62, "Insider Ownership": 0.0025, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.0001, "Performance (Month)": 0.0158, "Institutional Transactions": 0.0402, "Performance (Year)": 0.1386, "LT Debt/Equity": 0.32, "Average Volume": 149.81, "EPS growth this year": 0.42, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.023 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853800bb1177ca391c180d" }, "Ticker": "AAWW", "Profit Margin": 0.07099999999999999, "Institutional Ownership": 0.961, "EPS growth past 5 years": -0.045, "Total Debt/Equity": 1.36, "Current Ratio": 1.2, "Return on Assets": 0.034, "Sector": "Services", "P/S": 0.58, "Change from Open": -0.0037, "Performance (YTD)": -0.1462, "Performance (Week)": -0.0138, "Quick Ratio": 1.2, "Insider Transactions": -0.0195, "P/B": 0.74, "EPS growth quarter over quarter": -0.26, "Payout Ratio": 0, "Performance (Quarter)": -0.1384, "Forward P/E": 7.97, "P/E": 8.5, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.1401, "Shares Outstanding": 25.12, "Earnings Date": { "$date": 1383831000000 }, "52-Week High": -0.2558, "P/Cash": 3.25, "Change": 0.0026, "Analyst Recom": 2.3, "Volatility (Week)": 0.0193, "Country": "USA", "Return on Equity": 0.092, "50-Day Low": 0.0262, "Price": 37.94, "50-Day High": -0.2558, "Return on Investment": 0.058, "Shares Float": 24.72, "EPS growth next 5 years": 0.023, "Industry": "Air Services, Other", "Beta": 1.91, "Sales growth quarter over quarter": -0.01, "Operating Margin": 0.13, "EPS (ttm)": 4.45, "PEG": 3.7, "Float Short": 0.0326, "52-Week Low": 0.0363, "Average True Range": 1.46, "EPS growth next year": 0.283, "Sales growth past 5 years": 0.008999999999999999, "Company": "Atlas Air Worldwide Holdings Inc.", "Gap": 0.0063, "Relative Volume": 0.55, "Volatility (Month)": 0.0315, "Market Cap": 950.6900000000001, "Volume": 137379, "Gross Margin": 0.643, "Short Ratio": 2.96, "Performance (Half Year)": -0.1752, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 30.21, "Insider Ownership": 0.016, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.1157, "Performance (Month)": -0.1406, "Institutional Transactions": -0.0562, "Performance (Year)": -0.0891, "LT Debt/Equity": 1.15, "Average Volume": 272.88, "EPS growth this year": 0.343, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.1496 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853800bb1177ca391c180e" }, "Ticker": "AAXJ", "Sector": "Financial", "Change from Open": 0.0122, "Performance (YTD)": -0.0239, "Performance (Week)": -0.0232, "Performance (Quarter)": 0.0378, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.0187, "Shares Outstanding": 33.8, "52-Week High": -0.0457, "Change": 0.0092, "Volatility (Week)": 0.0108, "Country": "USA", "50-Day Low": 0.0515, "Price": 59.05, "50-Day High": -0.0457, "Shares Float": 33.8, "Dividend Yield": 0.0154, "Industry": "Exchange Traded Fund", "Beta": 1.29, "Float Short": 0.0075, "52-Week Low": 0.1555, "Average True Range": 0.62, "Company": "iShares MSCI All Country Asia ex Jpn Idx", "Gap": -0.0029, "Relative Volume": 0.96, "Volatility (Month)": 0.008, "Market Cap": 1977.64, "Volume": 621341, "Short Ratio": 0.36, "Performance (Half Year)": -0.025, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 40.13, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.0173, "Performance (Month)": -0.0316, "Performance (Year)": 0.0629, "Average Volume": 710.22, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.0106 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853800bb1177ca391c180f" }, "Ticker": "AB", "Profit Margin": 0.896, "Institutional Ownership": 0.368, "EPS growth past 5 years": -0.348, "Total Debt/Equity": 0, "Return on Assets": 0.08599999999999999, "Sector": "Financial", "P/S": 13.25, "Change from Open": 0.0047, "Performance (YTD)": 0.3227, "Performance (Week)": -0.0302, "Insider Transactions": 0.5973000000000001, "P/B": 1.4, "EPS growth quarter over quarter": 2.391, "Payout Ratio": 1.75, "Performance (Quarter)": 0.0929, "Forward P/E": 12.58, "P/E": 15.82, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.0159, "Shares Outstanding": 92.26000000000001, "Earnings Date": { "$date": 1382617800000 }, "52-Week High": -0.1859, "Change": -0.0009, "Analyst Recom": 3, "Volatility (Week)": 0.0264, "Country": "USA", "Return on Equity": 0.08699999999999999, "50-Day Low": 0.123, "Price": 21.5, "50-Day High": -0.0574, "Return on Investment": 0.033, "Shares Float": 86.66, "Dividend Yield": 0.0743, "EPS growth next 5 years": 0.08, "Industry": "Asset Management", "Beta": 1.63, "Operating Margin": 1, "EPS (ttm)": 1.36, "PEG": 1.98, "Float Short": 0.0253, "52-Week Low": 0.4687, "Average True Range": 0.59, "EPS growth next year": 0.0654, "Sales growth past 5 years": -0.298, "Company": "AllianceBernstein Holding L.P.", "Gap": -0.0056, "Relative Volume": 0.63, "Volatility (Month)": 0.0298, "Market Cap": 1985.39, "Volume": 199677, "Short Ratio": 6.3, "Performance (Half Year)": -0.1159, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 50.05, "Insider Ownership": 0.002, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.007, "Performance (Month)": 0.0847, "P/Free Cash Flow": 93.20999999999999, "Institutional Transactions": 0.0818, "Performance (Year)": 0.3884, "LT Debt/Equity": 0, "Average Volume": 348.08, "EPS growth this year": 1.567, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.0458 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853800bb1177ca391c1810" }, "Ticker": "ABAX", "Profit Margin": 0.1, "Institutional Ownership": 0.972, "EPS growth past 5 years": 0.17, "Total Debt/Equity": 0, "Current Ratio": 9.1, "Return on Assets": 0.093, "Sector": "Healthcare", "P/S": 4.18, "Change from Open": 0.004, "Performance (YTD)": -0.0464, "Performance (Week)": 0.0111, "Quick Ratio": 7.6, "Insider Transactions": -0.0541, "P/B": 4.27, "EPS growth quarter over quarter": -0.746, "Payout Ratio": 1.163, "Performance (Quarter)": -0.1079, "Forward P/E": 33.1, "P/E": 42.12, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.1784, "Shares Outstanding": 22.31, "Earnings Date": { "$date": 1382473800000 }, "52-Week High": -0.3158, "P/Cash": 9.199999999999999, "Change": 0.0025, "Analyst Recom": 2.6, "Volatility (Week)": 0.0211, "Country": "USA", "Return on Equity": 0.107, "50-Day Low": 0.1046, "Price": 35.47, "50-Day High": -0.1613, "Return on Investment": 0.154, "Shares Float": 21.14, "EPS growth next 5 years": 0.1, "Industry": "Diagnostic Substances", "Beta": 0.84, "Sales growth quarter over quarter": -0.468, "Operating Margin": 0.143, "EPS (ttm)": 0.84, "PEG": 4.21, "Float Short": 0.0997, "52-Week Low": 0.1046, "Average True Range": 1.09, "EPS growth next year": 0.3992, "Sales growth past 5 years": 0.131, "Company": "Abaxis Inc.", "Gap": -0.0014, "Relative Volume": 0.23, "Volatility (Month)": 0.032, "Market Cap": 789.1900000000001, "Volume": 34568, "Gross Margin": 0.503, "Short Ratio": 13.06, "Performance (Half Year)": -0.2216, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 42.51, "Insider Ownership": 0.029, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.0077, "Performance (Month)": -0.0958, "Institutional Transactions": 0.0097, "Performance (Year)": 0.0111, "LT Debt/Equity": 0, "Average Volume": 161.44, "EPS growth this year": 1.121, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.08210000000000001 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853800bb1177ca391c1811" }, "Ticker": "ABB", "Profit Margin": 0.06900000000000001, "Institutional Ownership": 0.037, "EPS growth past 5 years": -0.025, "Total Debt/Equity": 0.46, "Current Ratio": 1.5, "Return on Assets": 0.06, "Sector": "Industrial Goods", "P/S": 1.39, "Change from Open": 0.0052, "Performance (YTD)": 0.2464, "Performance (Week)": -0.0153, "Quick Ratio": 1.2, "P/B": 3.28, "EPS growth quarter over quarter": 0.091, "Payout Ratio": 0.597, "Performance (Quarter)": 0.1136, "Forward P/E": 15.34, "P/E": 20.07, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.1223, "Shares Outstanding": 2297, "Earnings Date": { "$date": 1297918800000 }, "52-Week High": -0.0304, "P/Cash": 12.33, "Change": 0.0048, "Analyst Recom": 1.5, "Volatility (Week)": 0.0113, "Country": "Switzerland", "Return on Equity": 0.169, "50-Day Low": 0.1522, "Price": 25.21, "50-Day High": -0.0304, "Return on Investment": 0.112, "Shares Float": 2295.97, "Dividend Yield": 0.0287, "EPS growth next 5 years": 0.116, "Industry": "Industrial Equipment & Components", "Beta": 1.36, "Sales growth quarter over quarter": 0.081, "Operating Margin": 0.116, "EPS (ttm)": 1.25, "PEG": 1.73, "Float Short": 0.0012, "52-Week Low": 0.4885, "Average True Range": 0.34, "EPS growth next year": 0.1345, "Sales growth past 5 years": 0.062, "Company": "ABB Ltd.", "Gap": -0.0004, "Relative Volume": 0.84, "Volatility (Month)": 0.0097, "Market Cap": 57631.73, "Volume": 1006730, "Gross Margin": 0.289, "Short Ratio": 2.13, "Performance (Half Year)": 0.1389, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 57.43, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.006, "Performance (Month)": 0.07729999999999999, "P/Free Cash Flow": 48.63, "Institutional Transactions": 0.0092, "Performance (Year)": 0.4403, "LT Debt/Equity": 0.43, "Average Volume": 1315.6, "EPS growth this year": -0.145, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.0505 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853800bb1177ca391c1812" }, "Ticker": "ABBV", "Profit Margin": 0.24, "Institutional Ownership": 0.674, "EPS growth past 5 years": 0, "Total Debt/Equity": 4.15, "Current Ratio": 2.3, "Return on Assets": 0.173, "Sector": "Healthcare", "P/S": 4.07, "Change from Open": 0.0027, "Performance (YTD)": 0.4169, "Performance (Week)": -0.0042, "Quick Ratio": 2.1, "Insider Transactions": 0.0126, "P/B": 21.55, "EPS growth quarter over quarter": -0.4, "Payout Ratio": 0.699, "Performance (Quarter)": 0.1175, "Forward P/E": 14.99, "P/E": 16.79, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.1267, "Shares Outstanding": 1605, "Earnings Date": { "$date": 1382704200000 }, "52-Week High": -0.0416, "P/Cash": 8.77, "Change": 0.0054, "Analyst Recom": 2.1, "Volatility (Week)": 0.0202, "Country": "USA", "Return on Equity": 0.711, "50-Day Low": 0.1318, "Price": 48.11, "50-Day High": -0.0416, "Return on Investment": 0.282, "Shares Float": 1584.1, "Dividend Yield": 0.0334, "EPS growth next 5 years": 0.134, "Industry": "Drug Manufacturers - Major", "Sales growth quarter over quarter": 0.033, "Operating Margin": 0.341, "EPS (ttm)": 2.85, "PEG": 1.25, "Float Short": 0.0075, "52-Week Low": 0.5013, "Average True Range": 1.02, "EPS growth next year": 0.0172, "Company": "AbbVie Inc.", "Gap": 0.0027, "Relative Volume": 0.5600000000000001, "Volatility (Month)": 0.02, "Market Cap": 76799.25, "Volume": 2348188, "Gross Margin": 0.759, "Short Ratio": 2.59, "Performance (Half Year)": 0.0544, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 50.84, "Insider Ownership": 0.0005999999999999999, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.007, "Performance (Month)": 0.0384, "Institutional Transactions": 0, "LT Debt/Equity": 4.03, "Average Volume": 4582.23, "EPS growth this year": 0.539, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.0325 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853800bb1177ca391c1813" }, "Ticker": "ABC", "Profit Margin": 0.005, "Institutional Ownership": 0.885, "EPS growth past 5 years": 0.078, "Total Debt/Equity": 0.6, "Current Ratio": 1, "Return on Assets": 0.026, "Sector": "Services", "P/S": 0.18, "Change from Open": 0.0133, "Performance (YTD)": 0.6051, "Performance (Week)": 0.0198, "Quick Ratio": 0.5, "Insider Transactions": 0.4824, "P/B": 6.81, "EPS growth quarter over quarter": -0.662, "Payout Ratio": 0.447, "Performance (Quarter)": 0.1959, "Forward P/E": 15.98, "P/E": 32.61, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.2415, "Shares Outstanding": 230.48, "Earnings Date": { "$date": 1383222600000 }, "52-Week High": 0.0111, "P/Cash": 12.82, "Change": 0.0111, "Analyst Recom": 2.2, "Volatility (Week)": 0.0126, "Country": "USA", "Return on Equity": 0.184, "50-Day Low": 0.205, "Price": 69.25, "50-Day High": 0.0111, "Return on Investment": 0.153, "Shares Float": 230.59, "Dividend Yield": 0.0123, "EPS growth next 5 years": 0.1383, "Industry": "Drugs Wholesale", "Beta": 0.68, "Sales growth quarter over quarter": 0.258, "Operating Margin": 0.011, "EPS (ttm)": 2.1, "PEG": 2.36, "Float Short": 0.0255, "52-Week Low": 0.7566000000000001, "Average True Range": 0.9, "EPS growth next year": 0.1647, "Sales growth past 5 years": 0.046, "Company": "AmerisourceBergen Corporation", "Gap": -0.0022, "Relative Volume": 0.88, "Volatility (Month)": 0.014, "Market Cap": 15785.44, "Volume": 1094116, "Gross Margin": 0.029, "Short Ratio": 4.33, "Performance (Half Year)": 0.2637, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 77.67, "Insider Ownership": 0.001, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.0498, "Performance (Month)": 0.09039999999999999, "P/Free Cash Flow": 40.47, "Institutional Transactions": -0.0048, "Performance (Year)": 0.7114, "LT Debt/Equity": 0.6, "Average Volume": 1359.71, "EPS growth this year": -0.239, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.09660000000000001 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853800bb1177ca391c1814" }, "Ticker": "ABCB", "Profit Margin": 0.166, "Institutional Ownership": 0.708, "EPS growth past 5 years": -0.157, "Total Debt/Equity": 0.16, "Return on Assets": 0.007, "Sector": "Financial", "P/S": 3.64, "Change from Open": 0.0031, "Performance (YTD)": 0.5492, "Performance (Week)": 0.0304, "Insider Transactions": 0.0262, "P/B": 1.76, "EPS growth quarter over quarter": 5.5, "Payout Ratio": 0, "Performance (Quarter)": 0.0342, "Forward P/E": 11.97, "P/E": 22.5, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.1639, "Shares Outstanding": 23.9, "Earnings Date": { "$date": 1382673600000 }, "52-Week High": -0.0237, "P/Cash": 3.42, "Change": 0.001, "Analyst Recom": 2.2, "Volatility (Week)": 0.0276, "Country": "USA", "Return on Equity": 0.082, "50-Day Low": 0.1056, "Price": 19.37, "50-Day High": -0.0067, "Return on Investment": 0.259, "Shares Float": 22.99, "EPS growth next 5 years": 0.08, "Industry": "Regional - Mid-Atlantic Banks", "Beta": 1.58, "Sales growth quarter over quarter": 0, "Operating Margin": 0.287, "EPS (ttm)": 0.86, "PEG": 2.81, "Float Short": 0.043, "52-Week Low": 0.8972, "Average True Range": 0.46, "EPS growth next year": 0.6192, "Sales growth past 5 years": -0.024, "Company": "Ameris Bancorp", "Gap": -0.0021, "Relative Volume": 0.5, "Volatility (Month)": 0.0242, "Market Cap": 462.48, "Volume": 47344, "Short Ratio": 9.470000000000001, "Performance (Half Year)": 0.1996, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 62.52, "Insider Ownership": 0.018, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.0535, "Performance (Month)": 0.08400000000000001, "Institutional Transactions": 0.018, "Performance (Year)": 0.8394, "LT Debt/Equity": 0.16, "Average Volume": 104.42, "EPS growth this year": -0.395, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.0467 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853800bb1177ca391c1815" }, "Ticker": "ABCD", "Profit Margin": -0.645, "Institutional Ownership": 0.186, "EPS growth past 5 years": -0.195, "Current Ratio": 1.4, "Return on Assets": -0.416, "Sector": "Services", "P/S": 0.41, "Change from Open": 0, "Performance (YTD)": 0.2072, "Performance (Week)": 0.0229, "Quick Ratio": 1.2, "Insider Transactions": -0.0267, "EPS growth quarter over quarter": 1.022, "Performance (Quarter)": -0.0496, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.0446, "Shares Outstanding": 47.36, "Earnings Date": { "$date": 1383859800000 }, "52-Week High": -0.2757, "P/Cash": 1.37, "Change": 0, "Analyst Recom": 2, "Volatility (Week)": 0.0737, "Country": "USA", "Return on Equity": 3.596, "50-Day Low": 0.07199999999999999, "Price": 1.34, "50-Day High": -0.2299, "Return on Investment": -0.876, "Shares Float": 15.11, "Industry": "Education & Training Services", "Beta": 1.7, "Sales growth quarter over quarter": 0.059, "Operating Margin": 0.048, "EPS (ttm)": -2.06, "Float Short": 0.0007, "52-Week Low": 0.5952, "Average True Range": 0.09, "Sales growth past 5 years": 0.08400000000000001, "Company": "Cambium Learning Group, Inc.", "Gap": 0, "Relative Volume": 0.04, "Volatility (Month)": 0.0584, "Market Cap": 63.46, "Volume": 1600, "Gross Margin": 0.552, "Short Ratio": 0.21, "Performance (Half Year)": 0.1356, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 48.07, "Insider Ownership": 0.003, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.0037, "Performance (Month)": -0.0074, "P/Free Cash Flow": 2.47, "Institutional Transactions": -0.095, "Performance (Year)": 0.6543, "Average Volume": 48.58, "EPS growth this year": -1.533, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.064 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853800bb1177ca391c1816" }, "Ticker": "ABCO", "Profit Margin": 0.055, "Institutional Ownership": 0.968, "EPS growth past 5 years": -0.066, "Total Debt/Equity": 0, "Current Ratio": 0.9, "Return on Assets": 0.03, "Sector": "Services", "P/S": 4.68, "Change from Open": 0.0061, "Performance (YTD)": 0.3255, "Performance (Week)": 0.0368, "Quick Ratio": 0.9, "Insider Transactions": 0.127, "P/B": 7.57, "EPS growth quarter over quarter": -0.091, "Payout Ratio": 0, "Performance (Quarter)": 0.1149, "Forward P/E": 42.05, "P/E": 103.37, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.1309, "Shares Outstanding": 35.49, "Earnings Date": { "$date": 1383600600000 }, "52-Week High": -0.1147, "P/Cash": 54.75, "Change": 0.0071, "Analyst Recom": 1.9, "Volatility (Week)": 0.0256, "Country": "USA", "Return on Equity": 0.095, "50-Day Low": 0.1274, "Price": 62.46, "50-Day High": -0.1147, "Return on Investment": 0.093, "Shares Float": 35.65, "EPS growth next 5 years": 0.1642, "Industry": "Business Services", "Beta": 0.42, "Sales growth quarter over quarter": 0.183, "Operating Margin": 0.107, "EPS (ttm)": 0.6, "PEG": 6.29, "Float Short": 0.06569999999999999, "52-Week Low": 0.4621, "Average True Range": 1.98, "EPS growth next year": 0.1905, "Sales growth past 5 years": 0.166, "Company": "Advisory Board Co.", "Gap": 0.001, "Relative Volume": 0.61, "Volatility (Month)": 0.0288, "Market Cap": 2200.97, "Volume": 86989, "Gross Margin": 0.473, "Short Ratio": 14.92, "Performance (Half Year)": 0.2629, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 43.33, "Insider Ownership": 0.006, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.058, "Performance (Month)": -0.0564, "P/Free Cash Flow": 57.02, "Institutional Transactions": 0.005, "Performance (Year)": 0.3315, "LT Debt/Equity": 0, "Average Volume": 156.83, "EPS growth this year": -0.076, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.0031 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853800bb1177ca391c1817" }, "Ticker": "ABFS", "Profit Margin": -0.005, "Institutional Ownership": 0.921, "EPS growth past 5 years": -0.164, "Total Debt/Equity": 0.31, "Current Ratio": 1.3, "Return on Assets": -0.01, "Sector": "Services", "P/S": 0.37, "Change from Open": -0.006, "Performance (YTD)": 2.3474, "Performance (Week)": 0.1949, "Quick Ratio": 1.3, "Insider Transactions": 0.1293, "P/B": 1.69, "EPS growth quarter over quarter": -0.591, "Performance (Quarter)": 0.3813, "Forward P/E": 18.66, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.6449, "Shares Outstanding": 25.69, "Earnings Date": { "$date": 1384176600000 }, "52-Week High": -0.0166, "P/Cash": 6.87, "Change": -0.008200000000000001, "Analyst Recom": 2.8, "Volatility (Week)": 0.0625, "Country": "USA", "Return on Equity": -0.022, "50-Day Low": 0.474, "Price": 31.44, "50-Day High": -0.0166, "Return on Investment": -0.008, "Shares Float": 24.3, "Dividend Yield": 0.0038, "EPS growth next 5 years": 0.1, "Industry": "Trucking", "Beta": 1.91, "Sales growth quarter over quarter": 0.13, "Operating Margin": -0.006, "EPS (ttm)": -0.4, "Float Short": 0.1176, "52-Week Low": 3.9271, "Average True Range": 1.58, "EPS growth next year": 7.0142, "Sales growth past 5 years": 0.024, "Company": "Arkansas Best Corporation", "Gap": -0.0022, "Relative Volume": 0.73, "Volatility (Month)": 0.0537, "Market Cap": 814.5, "Volume": 351906, "Gross Margin": 0.212, "Short Ratio": 5.44, "Performance (Half Year)": 0.8592, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 67.77, "Insider Ownership": 0.034, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.1304, "Performance (Month)": 0.3319, "P/Free Cash Flow": 13.67, "Institutional Transactions": 0.0328, "Performance (Year)": 3.4336, "LT Debt/Equity": 0.2, "Average Volume": 525.42, "EPS growth this year": -2.348, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.1974 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853800bb1177ca391c1818" }, "Ticker": "ABG", "Profit Margin": 0.02, "Institutional Ownership": 0.985, "EPS growth past 5 years": 0.139, "Total Debt/Equity": 2.31, "Current Ratio": 1.3, "Return on Assets": 0.061, "Sector": "Services", "P/S": 0.3, "Change from Open": -0.008699999999999999, "Performance (YTD)": 0.5813, "Performance (Week)": 0.045, "Quick Ratio": 0.4, "Insider Transactions": -0.3484, "P/B": 3.3, "EPS growth quarter over quarter": 0.014, "Payout Ratio": 0, "Performance (Quarter)": 0.022, "Forward P/E": 13, "P/E": 16.39, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.1535, "Shares Outstanding": 30.7, "Earnings Date": { "$date": 1382445000000 }, "52-Week High": -0.0992, "P/Cash": 1196.12, "Change": -0.0073, "Analyst Recom": 2.5, "Volatility (Week)": 0.0244, "Country": "USA", "Return on Equity": 0.239, "50-Day Low": 0.0801, "Price": 50.28, "50-Day High": -0.0992, "Return on Investment": 0.092, "Shares Float": 30.28, "EPS growth next 5 years": 0.2575, "Industry": "Auto Dealerships", "Beta": 2.73, "Sales growth quarter over quarter": 0.167, "Operating Margin": 0.043, "EPS (ttm)": 3.09, "PEG": 0.64, "Float Short": 0.0477, "52-Week Low": 0.8217, "Average True Range": 1.55, "EPS growth next year": 0.1241, "Sales growth past 5 years": -0.007, "Company": "Asbury Automotive Group, Inc.", "Gap": 0.0014, "Relative Volume": 0.58, "Volatility (Month)": 0.0339, "Market Cap": 1554.96, "Volume": 172884, "Gross Margin": 0.164, "Short Ratio": 4.41, "Performance (Half Year)": 0.2285, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 50.59, "Insider Ownership": 0.012, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.0129, "Performance (Month)": -0.0276, "Institutional Transactions": 0.0108, "Performance (Year)": 0.7334000000000001, "LT Debt/Equity": 1.09, "Average Volume": 327.77, "EPS growth this year": 0.846, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.0284 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853800bb1177ca391c1819" }, "Ticker": "ABIO", "Institutional Ownership": 0.156, "EPS growth past 5 years": 0.412, "Total Debt/Equity": 0, "Current Ratio": 25.9, "Return on Assets": -0.759, "Sector": "Healthcare", "Change from Open": -0.0135, "Performance (YTD)": -0.3596, "Performance (Week)": 0.0429, "Quick Ratio": 25.9, "Insider Transactions": 0.3363, "P/B": 0.36, "EPS growth quarter over quarter": -0.14, "Performance (Quarter)": 0.0977, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.2499, "Shares Outstanding": 4.94, "Earnings Date": { "$date": 1384146000000 }, "52-Week High": -0.7542, "P/Cash": 0.35, "Change": 0, "Analyst Recom": 2, "Volatility (Week)": 0.0798, "Country": "USA", "Return on Equity": -0.8159999999999999, "50-Day Low": 0.1231, "Price": 1.46, "50-Day High": -0.1844, "Shares Float": 8.15, "Industry": "Biotechnology", "Beta": 2.44, "EPS (ttm)": -1.74, "Float Short": 0.1086, "52-Week Low": 0.292, "Average True Range": 0.11, "EPS growth next year": 0.226, "Company": "ARCA biopharma, Inc.", "Gap": 0.0137, "Relative Volume": 0.8100000000000001, "Volatility (Month)": 0.0677, "Market Cap": 7.22, "Volume": 531232, "Short Ratio": 1.23, "Performance (Half Year)": -0.3814, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 48.32, "Insider Ownership": 0.221, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.0276, "Performance (Month)": -0.0581, "Institutional Transactions": 0.2355, "Performance (Year)": -0.0988, "LT Debt/Equity": 0, "Average Volume": 721.78, "EPS growth this year": 0.396, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.0186 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853800bb1177ca391c181a" }, "Ticker": "ABM", "Profit Margin": 0.016, "Institutional Ownership": 0.864, "EPS growth past 5 years": 0.027, "Total Debt/Equity": 0.39, "Current Ratio": 1.7, "Return on Assets": 0.038, "Sector": "Services", "P/S": 0.33, "Change from Open": 0.0029, "Performance (YTD)": 0.4234, "Performance (Week)": 0.0094, "Quick Ratio": 1.7, "Insider Transactions": 0.0506, "P/B": 1.71, "EPS growth quarter over quarter": 0.261, "Payout Ratio": 0.429, "Performance (Quarter)": 0.1152, "Forward P/E": 17.11, "P/E": 20.34, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.1586, "Shares Outstanding": 54.95, "Earnings Date": { "$date": 1386565200000 }, "52-Week High": -0.0414, "P/Cash": 39.57, "Change": 0.0043, "Analyst Recom": 2.3, "Volatility (Week)": 0.0164, "Country": "USA", "Return on Equity": 0.08799999999999999, "50-Day Low": 0.1331, "Price": 27.99, "50-Day High": -0.0414, "Return on Investment": 0.062, "Shares Float": 49.82, "Dividend Yield": 0.0215, "EPS growth next 5 years": 0.059, "Industry": "Business Services", "Beta": 1.23, "Sales growth quarter over quarter": 0.128, "Operating Margin": 0.026, "EPS (ttm)": 1.37, "PEG": 3.45, "Float Short": 0.0188, "52-Week Low": 0.5976, "Average True Range": 0.48, "EPS growth next year": 0.0992, "Sales growth past 5 years": 0.097, "Company": "ABM Industries Inc.", "Gap": 0.0014, "Relative Volume": 0.36, "Volatility (Month)": 0.0172, "Market Cap": 1531.46, "Volume": 63344, "Gross Margin": 0.103, "Short Ratio": 4.87, "Performance (Half Year)": 0.237, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 57.54, "Insider Ownership": 0.017, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.0008, "Performance (Month)": 0.0315, "P/Free Cash Flow": 16.43, "Institutional Transactions": 0.0352, "Performance (Year)": 0.518, "LT Debt/Equity": 0.39, "Average Volume": 192.29, "EPS growth this year": -0.102, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.0412 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853800bb1177ca391c181b" }, "Ticker": "ABMC", "Profit Margin": -0.09660000000000001, "Institutional Ownership": 0.12, "EPS growth past 5 years": 0, "Total Debt/Equity": 0.63, "Current Ratio": 1.74, "Return on Assets": -0.1194, "Sector": "Healthcare", "P/S": 0.34, "Change from Open": 0, "Performance (YTD)": 0.3077, "Performance (Week)": 0.1333, "Quick Ratio": 0.57, "P/B": 1, "EPS growth quarter over quarter": -2.4252, "Performance (Quarter)": 0, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.0413, "Shares Outstanding": 21.74, "Earnings Date": { "$date": 1384146000000 }, "52-Week High": -0.3929, "P/Cash": 6.26, "Change": 0, "Volatility (Week)": 0.06950000000000001, "Country": "USA", "Return on Equity": -0.2455, "50-Day Low": 1.4286, "Price": 0.17, "50-Day High": -0.0556, "Return on Investment": -0.1961, "Shares Float": 18.7, "Industry": "Diagnostic Substances", "Beta": 1.71, "Sales growth quarter over quarter": -0.1896, "Operating Margin": -0.07340000000000001, "EPS (ttm)": -0.05, "Float Short": 0.0003, "52-Week Low": 1.4286, "Average True Range": 0.02, "Sales growth past 5 years": 0.0028, "Company": "American Bio Medica Corp.", "Gap": 0, "Relative Volume": 0.04, "Volatility (Month)": 0.0517, "Market Cap": 3.7, "Volume": 0, "Gross Margin": 0.3916, "Short Ratio": 0.43, "Performance (Half Year)": 0.0625, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 56.93, "Insider Ownership": 0.14, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.1039, "Performance (Month)": 0.2143, "Institutional Transactions": -0.1183, "Performance (Year)": -0.0556, "LT Debt/Equity": 0.2, "Average Volume": 13.73, "EPS growth this year": 0.1416, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.1502 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853800bb1177ca391c181c" }, "Ticker": "ABMD", "Profit Margin": 0.063, "Institutional Ownership": 0.971, "EPS growth past 5 years": 0.181, "Total Debt/Equity": 0, "Current Ratio": 4.6, "Return on Assets": 0.061, "Sector": "Healthcare", "P/S": 6.61, "Change from Open": -0.0116, "Performance (YTD)": 1.0595, "Performance (Week)": 0.0712, "Quick Ratio": 3.9, "Insider Transactions": -0.0209, "P/B": 7.58, "EPS growth quarter over quarter": -1.5, "Payout Ratio": 0, "Performance (Quarter)": 0.2162, "Forward P/E": 56.72, "P/E": 110.72, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.3335, "Shares Outstanding": 38.68, "Earnings Date": { "$date": 1383744600000 }, "52-Week High": -0.0148, "P/Cash": 15.88, "Change": -0.0148, "Analyst Recom": 2.4, "Volatility (Week)": 0.0404, "Country": "USA", "Return on Equity": 0.074, "50-Day Low": 0.5024999999999999, "Price": 27.27, "50-Day High": -0.0148, "Return on Investment": 0.107, "Shares Float": 38.68, "EPS growth next 5 years": 0.2, "Industry": "Medical Appliances & Equipment", "Beta": 1.7, "Sales growth quarter over quarter": 0.101, "Operating Margin": 0.07199999999999999, "EPS (ttm)": 0.25, "PEG": 5.54, "Float Short": 0.1342, "52-Week Low": 1.311, "Average True Range": 0.9399999999999999, "EPS growth next year": 2.7538, "Sales growth past 5 years": 0.218, "Company": "Abiomed Inc.", "Gap": -0.0033, "Relative Volume": 0.27, "Volatility (Month)": 0.0391, "Market Cap": 1070.61, "Volume": 105819, "Gross Margin": 0.797, "Short Ratio": 12.1, "Performance (Half Year)": 0.1977, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 74.26000000000001, "Insider Ownership": 0.029, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.165, "Performance (Month)": 0.3799, "P/Free Cash Flow": 56.35, "Institutional Transactions": -0.0172, "Performance (Year)": 1.0443, "LT Debt/Equity": 0, "Average Volume": 429.23, "EPS growth this year": 8.25, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.2441 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853800bb1177ca391c181d" }, "Ticker": "ABR", "Profit Margin": 0.093, "Institutional Ownership": 0.5679999999999999, "EPS growth past 5 years": -0.307, "Total Debt/Equity": 4.19, "Return on Assets": 0.006, "Sector": "Financial", "P/S": 2.38, "Change from Open": 0.0241, "Performance (YTD)": 0.1719, "Performance (Week)": 0.0167, "Insider Transactions": -0.06510000000000001, "P/B": 0.88, "EPS growth quarter over quarter": -0.877, "Payout Ratio": 1.364, "Performance (Quarter)": -0.0824, "Forward P/E": 13.92, "P/E": 21.55, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.0356, "Shares Outstanding": 43.11, "Earnings Date": { "$date": 1383917400000 }, "52-Week High": -0.1824, "P/Cash": 5.68, "Change": 0.018, "Analyst Recom": 2, "Volatility (Week)": 0.0275, "Country": "USA", "Return on Equity": 0.041, "50-Day Low": 0.0863, "Price": 6.8, "50-Day High": -0.09329999999999999, "Return on Investment": 0.011, "Shares Float": 38.31, "Dividend Yield": 0.07779999999999999, "Industry": "REIT - Diversified", "Beta": 3.78, "Sales growth quarter over quarter": 0.186, "Operating Margin": 0.045, "EPS (ttm)": 0.31, "Float Short": 0.0029, "52-Week Low": 0.5127, "Average True Range": 0.16, "EPS growth next year": 0.2, "Sales growth past 5 years": -0.165, "Company": "Arbor Realty Trust Inc.", "Gap": -0.006, "Relative Volume": 0.62, "Volatility (Month)": 0.0235, "Market Cap": 288, "Volume": 134872, "Gross Margin": 0.667, "Short Ratio": 0.47, "Performance (Half Year)": -0.0361, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 51.19, "Insider Ownership": 0.003, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.008699999999999999, "Performance (Month)": -0.0133, "P/Free Cash Flow": 27.43, "Institutional Transactions": 0.1944, "Performance (Year)": 0.3689, "LT Debt/Equity": 4.19, "Average Volume": 238.76, "EPS growth this year": 1.393, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.0105 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853800bb1177ca391c181e" }, "Ticker": "ABT", "Profit Margin": 0.139, "Institutional Ownership": 0.6820000000000001, "EPS growth past 5 years": -0.31, "Total Debt/Equity": 0.36, "Current Ratio": 1.8, "Return on Assets": 0.056, "Sector": "Healthcare", "P/S": 2.71, "Change from Open": -0.0035, "Performance (YTD)": 0.2215, "Performance (Week)": 0.0056, "Quick Ratio": 1.6, "Insider Transactions": 0.0004, "P/B": 2.65, "EPS growth quarter over quarter": 1.227, "Payout Ratio": 0.287, "Performance (Quarter)": 0.0829, "Forward P/E": 16.91, "P/E": 46.63, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.06850000000000001, "Shares Outstanding": 1567, "Earnings Date": { "$date": 1381926600000 }, "52-Week High": -0.0183, "P/Cash": 6.3, "Change": -0.0003, "Analyst Recom": 2.4, "Volatility (Week)": 0.019, "Country": "USA", "Return on Equity": 0.123, "50-Day Low": 0.1578, "Price": 37.76, "50-Day High": -0.0183, "Return on Investment": 0.013, "Shares Float": 1543.25, "Dividend Yield": 0.0233, "EPS growth next 5 years": 0.119, "Industry": "Medical Appliances & Equipment", "Beta": 0.43, "Sales growth quarter over quarter": 0.02, "Operating Margin": 0.116, "EPS (ttm)": 0.8100000000000001, "PEG": 3.92, "Float Short": 0.0089, "52-Week Low": 0.2772, "Average True Range": 0.65, "EPS growth next year": 0.1087, "Sales growth past 5 years": -0.037, "Company": "Abbott Laboratories", "Gap": 0.0032, "Relative Volume": 0.43, "Volatility (Month)": 0.0172, "Market Cap": 59185.59, "Volume": 3050608, "Gross Margin": 0.544, "Short Ratio": 1.77, "Performance (Half Year)": 0.0339, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 61.49, "Insider Ownership": 0.0016, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.0125, "Performance (Month)": 0.1204, "Institutional Transactions": 0.0075, "Performance (Year)": 0.2371, "LT Debt/Equity": 0.15, "Average Volume": 7776.95, "EPS growth this year": -0.881, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.0688 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853800bb1177ca391c181f" }, "Ticker": "ABTL", "Profit Margin": 0.024, "Institutional Ownership": 0.542, "EPS growth past 5 years": 0.157, "Total Debt/Equity": 0.19, "Current Ratio": 2.9, "Return on Assets": 0.041, "Sector": "Technology", "P/S": 1.36, "Change from Open": 0.0268, "Performance (YTD)": 1.7186, "Performance (Week)": 0.3276, "Quick Ratio": 2.9, "Insider Transactions": -0.08939999999999999, "P/B": 3.57, "EPS growth quarter over quarter": 1, "Payout Ratio": 0, "Performance (Quarter)": 0.7039, "Forward P/E": 29.4, "P/E": 60.11, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.9989, "Shares Outstanding": 8.869999999999999, "Earnings Date": { "$date": 1383859800000 }, "52-Week High": -0.0124, "P/Cash": 6.07, "Change": 0.0268, "Analyst Recom": 1.6, "Volatility (Week)": 0.1093, "Country": "USA", "Return on Equity": 0.065, "50-Day Low": 0.7496, "Price": 11.11, "50-Day High": -0.0124, "Return on Investment": 0.042, "Shares Float": 8.779999999999999, "EPS growth next 5 years": 0.25, "Industry": "Internet Information Providers", "Beta": 1.34, "Sales growth quarter over quarter": 0.134, "Operating Margin": 0.017, "EPS (ttm)": 0.18, "PEG": 2.4, "Float Short": 0.0032, "52-Week Low": 1.9627, "Average True Range": 0.76, "EPS growth next year": 0.7037, "Sales growth past 5 years": -0.046, "Company": "Autobytel Inc.", "Gap": 0, "Relative Volume": 3.29, "Volatility (Month)": 0.0916, "Market Cap": 95.92, "Volume": 337181, "Gross Margin": 0.378, "Short Ratio": 0.25, "Performance (Half Year)": 1.5399, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 75.09999999999999, "Insider Ownership": 0.0862, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.2703, "Performance (Month)": 0.4256, "P/Free Cash Flow": 30.94, "Institutional Transactions": -0.001, "Performance (Year)": 1.6326, "LT Debt/Equity": 0.19, "Average Volume": 112.32, "EPS growth this year": 2.75, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.3989 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853800bb1177ca391c1820" }, "Ticker": "ABV", "Profit Margin": 0.315, "Institutional Ownership": 0.176, "EPS growth past 5 years": 0.158, "Total Debt/Equity": 0.1, "Current Ratio": 1.2, "Return on Assets": 0.206, "Sector": "Consumer Goods", "P/S": 8.050000000000001, "Change from Open": 0, "Performance (YTD)": -0.1004, "Performance (Week)": -0.0043, "Quick Ratio": 0.9, "P/B": 8.630000000000001, "EPS growth quarter over quarter": 0, "Payout Ratio": 1.062, "Performance (Quarter)": 0.0098, "Forward P/E": 21.34, "P/E": 25.83, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.0544, "Shares Outstanding": 3128.3, "Earnings Date": { "$date": 1299159000000 }, "52-Week High": -0.1991, "P/Cash": 54.3, "Change": 0, "Analyst Recom": 2.4, "Volatility (Week)": 0.0185, "Country": "Brazil", "Return on Equity": 0.36, "50-Day Low": 0.103, "Price": 37.2, "50-Day High": -0.0769, "Return on Investment": 0.358, "Shares Float": 1526.5, "Dividend Yield": 0.0296, "EPS growth next 5 years": 0.06850000000000001, "Industry": "Beverages - Brewers", "Beta": 0.85, "Sales growth quarter over quarter": 0.099, "Operating Margin": 0.423, "EPS (ttm)": 1.44, "PEG": 3.77, "Float Short": 0.002, "52-Week Low": 0.1271, "Average True Range": 0.8100000000000001, "EPS growth next year": 0.1333, "Sales growth past 5 years": 0.105, "Company": "Companhia de Bebidas Das Americas (AMBEV)", "Gap": 0, "Relative Volume": 5.62, "Volatility (Month)": 0.018, "Market Cap": 116372.76, "Volume": 0, "Gross Margin": 0.674, "Short Ratio": 1.18, "Performance (Half Year)": -0.1272, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 44.43, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.0297, "Performance (Month)": -0.0343, "P/Free Cash Flow": 131.14, "Institutional Transactions": -0.017, "Performance (Year)": -0.0442, "LT Debt/Equity": 0.07000000000000001, "Average Volume": 2591.05, "EPS growth this year": 0.217, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.0168 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853800bb1177ca391c1821" }, "Ticker": "ABX", "Profit Margin": -0.769, "Institutional Ownership": 0.739, "EPS growth past 5 years": -0.206, "Total Debt/Equity": 1.13, "Current Ratio": 1.8, "Return on Assets": -0.241, "Sector": "Basic Materials", "P/S": 1.32, "Change from Open": -0.0019, "Performance (YTD)": -0.4728, "Performance (Week)": -0.0131, "Quick Ratio": 1, "P/B": 1.33, "EPS growth quarter over quarter": -0.727, "Performance (Quarter)": -0.08400000000000001, "Forward P/E": 8.19, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.1368, "Shares Outstanding": 1001, "Earnings Date": { "$date": 1297949400000 }, "52-Week High": -0.4877, "P/Cash": 7.94, "Change": 0.0014, "Analyst Recom": 2.6, "Volatility (Week)": 0.0202, "Country": "Canada", "Return on Equity": -0.592, "50-Day Low": 0.0581, "Price": 18.13, "50-Day High": -0.121, "Return on Investment": -0.017, "Shares Float": 997.9299999999999, "Dividend Yield": 0.011, "EPS growth next 5 years": 0.02, "Industry": "Gold", "Beta": 0.46, "Sales growth quarter over quarter": -0.122, "Operating Margin": 0.366, "EPS (ttm)": -10.08, "Float Short": 0.0118, "52-Week Low": 0.3525, "Average True Range": 0.57, "EPS growth next year": -0.16, "Sales growth past 5 years": 0.193, "Company": "Barrick Gold Corporation", "Gap": 0.0033, "Relative Volume": 1.09, "Volatility (Month)": 0.0277, "Market Cap": 18118.1, "Volume": 17478164, "Gross Margin": 0.444, "Short Ratio": 0.67, "Performance (Half Year)": -0.0479, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 41.96, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.0436, "Performance (Month)": 0.018, "Institutional Transactions": 0.0315, "Performance (Year)": -0.474, "LT Debt/Equity": 1.07, "Average Volume": 17602.98, "EPS growth this year": -1.147, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.0239 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853800bb1177ca391c1822" }, "Ticker": "ACAD", "Institutional Ownership": 0.929, "EPS growth past 5 years": 0.25, "Total Debt/Equity": 0, "Current Ratio": 26.5, "Return on Assets": -0.221, "Sector": "Healthcare", "P/S": 407.82, "Change from Open": -0.0431, "Performance (YTD)": 3.9419, "Performance (Week)": 0.09429999999999999, "Quick Ratio": 26.5, "Insider Transactions": 0.2417, "P/B": 10.54, "EPS growth quarter over quarter": -0.1, "Performance (Quarter)": 0.1713, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.4127, "Shares Outstanding": 83.41, "Earnings Date": { "$date": 1383773400000 }, "52-Week High": -0.2311, "P/Cash": 9.33, "Change": -0.0052, "Analyst Recom": 1.9, "Volatility (Week)": 0.0625, "Country": "USA", "Return on Equity": -0.268, "50-Day Low": 0.1634, "Price": 22.86, "50-Day High": -0.2311, "Return on Investment": -0.246, "Shares Float": 90.65000000000001, "EPS growth next 5 years": 0.2, "Industry": "Biotechnology", "Beta": 2.68, "Sales growth quarter over quarter": -0.167, "EPS (ttm)": -0.34, "Float Short": 0.099, "52-Week Low": 11.7, "Average True Range": 1.8, "EPS growth next year": -0.205, "Sales growth past 5 years": -0.08400000000000001, "Company": "ACADIA Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", "Gap": 0.0396, "Relative Volume": 0.46, "Volatility (Month)": 0.0706, "Market Cap": 1916.76, "Volume": 1066506, "Short Ratio": 3.51, "Performance (Half Year)": 0.7663, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 50.31, "Insider Ownership": 0.001, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.0005999999999999999, "Performance (Month)": -0.0065, "Institutional Transactions": 0.0151, "Performance (Year)": 9.891, "LT Debt/Equity": 0, "Average Volume": 2558.02, "EPS growth this year": 0.136, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.0391 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853800bb1177ca391c1823" }, "Ticker": "ACAS", "Institutional Ownership": 0.592, "EPS growth past 5 years": 0.03, "Total Debt/Equity": 0.11, "Return on Assets": 0.109, "Sector": "Financial", "P/S": 7.07, "Change from Open": 0.01, "Performance (YTD)": 0.1805, "Performance (Week)": 0.0179, "Insider Transactions": 0.0061, "P/B": 0.76, "EPS growth quarter over quarter": -0.901, "Payout Ratio": 0, "Performance (Quarter)": 0.1, "Forward P/E": 13.3, "P/E": 6.63, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.0491, "Shares Outstanding": 297.5, "Earnings Date": { "$date": 1383687000000 }, "52-Week High": -0.0583, "P/Cash": 13.75, "Change": 0.0114, "Analyst Recom": 2.3, "Volatility (Week)": 0.0195, "Country": "USA", "Return on Equity": 0.124, "50-Day Low": 0.123, "Price": 14.35, "50-Day High": -0.0217, "Return on Investment": 0.064, "Shares Float": 291.77, "EPS growth next 5 years": 0.15, "Industry": "Asset Management", "Beta": 2.16, "Sales growth quarter over quarter": -0.202, "Operating Margin": 0.5659999999999999, "EPS (ttm)": 2.14, "PEG": 0.44, "Float Short": 0.006, "52-Week Low": 0.2906, "Average True Range": 0.28, "EPS growth next year": 0.2436, "Sales growth past 5 years": -0.122, "Company": "American Capital, Ltd.", "Gap": 0.0014, "Relative Volume": 0.8100000000000001, "Volatility (Month)": 0.019, "Market Cap": 4221.52, "Volume": 1554915, "Gross Margin": 0.918, "Short Ratio": 0.84, "Performance (Half Year)": 0.005, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 58.53, "Insider Ownership": 0.005, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.0159, "Performance (Month)": 0.0503, "P/Free Cash Flow": 25.58, "Institutional Transactions": -0.0286, "Performance (Year)": 0.2254, "LT Debt/Equity": 0.08, "Average Volume": 2105.94, "EPS growth this year": 0.255, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.0463 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853800bb1177ca391c1824" }, "Ticker": "ACAT", "Profit Margin": 0.06, "Institutional Ownership": 0.865, "EPS growth past 5 years": 0.784, "Total Debt/Equity": 0, "Current Ratio": 2.2, "Return on Assets": 0.135, "Sector": "Consumer Goods", "P/S": 1.06, "Change from Open": -0.0127, "Performance (YTD)": 0.6491, "Performance (Week)": 0.047, "Quick Ratio": 0.9, "Insider Transactions": -0.1508, "P/B": 4.02, "EPS growth quarter over quarter": -0.056, "Payout Ratio": 0.064, "Performance (Quarter)": -0.0181, "Forward P/E": 15.11, "P/E": 18.16, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.1216, "Shares Outstanding": 13.38, "Earnings Date": { "$date": 1382617800000 }, "52-Week High": -0.1127, "P/Cash": 15.01, "Change": -0.0111, "Analyst Recom": 2.1, "Volatility (Week)": 0.0267, "Country": "USA", "Return on Equity": 0.238, "50-Day Low": 0.1419, "Price": 54.24, "50-Day High": -0.1127, "Return on Investment": 0.228, "Shares Float": 13.27, "Dividend Yield": 0.0073, "EPS growth next 5 years": 0.2, "Industry": "Recreational Vehicles", "Beta": 2.42, "Sales growth quarter over quarter": 0.041, "Operating Margin": 0.092, "EPS (ttm)": 3.02, "PEG": 0.91, "Float Short": 0.0301, "52-Week Low": 0.6955, "Average True Range": 1.84, "EPS growth next year": 0.1228, "Sales growth past 5 years": 0.016, "Company": "Arctic Cat Inc.", "Gap": 0.0016, "Relative Volume": 0.46, "Volatility (Month)": 0.0284, "Market Cap": 733.84, "Volume": 43946, "Gross Margin": 0.225, "Short Ratio": 3.83, "Performance (Half Year)": 0.2058, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 49.56, "Insider Ownership": 0.016, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.0047, "Performance (Month)": -0.078, "Institutional Transactions": -0.0482, "Performance (Year)": 0.6432, "LT Debt/Equity": 0, "Average Volume": 104.22, "EPS growth this year": 0.68, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.0285 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853800bb1177ca391c1825" }, "Ticker": "ACC", "Profit Margin": 0.156, "Institutional Ownership": 0.99, "EPS growth past 5 years": 0.607, "Total Debt/Equity": 0.93, "Return on Assets": 0.019, "Sector": "Financial", "P/S": 5.45, "Change from Open": -0.0063, "Performance (YTD)": -0.2494, "Performance (Week)": -0.0182, "Insider Transactions": 0.0466, "P/B": 1.33, "EPS growth quarter over quarter": 74.241, "Payout Ratio": 1.5, "Performance (Quarter)": -0.0514, "Forward P/E": 51.8, "P/E": 87.92, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.1568, "Shares Outstanding": 104.78, "Earnings Date": { "$date": 1382387400000 }, "52-Week High": -0.2881, "P/Cash": 138.37, "Change": -0.003, "Analyst Recom": 1.8, "Volatility (Week)": 0.017, "Country": "USA", "Return on Equity": 0.038, "50-Day Low": 0.0285, "Price": 33.31, "50-Day High": -0.091, "Return on Investment": 0.024, "Shares Float": 104.27, "Dividend Yield": 0.0431, "EPS growth next 5 years": 0.08, "Industry": "REIT - Residential", "Beta": 0.6, "Sales growth quarter over quarter": 0.338, "Operating Margin": 0.194, "EPS (ttm)": 0.38, "PEG": 10.99, "Float Short": 0.0146, "52-Week Low": 0.0411, "Average True Range": 0.65, "EPS growth next year": 0.3723, "Sales growth past 5 years": 0.273, "Company": "American Campus Communities Inc.", "Gap": 0.0033, "Relative Volume": 0.64, "Volatility (Month)": 0.0184, "Market Cap": 3500.73, "Volume": 524801, "Gross Margin": 0.517, "Short Ratio": 1.68, "Performance (Half Year)": -0.2376, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 35.53, "Insider Ownership": 0.003, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.0351, "Performance (Month)": -0.0427, "Institutional Transactions": 0.0217, "Performance (Year)": -0.2245, "LT Debt/Equity": 0.93, "Average Volume": 905.52, "EPS growth this year": 0.07000000000000001, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.0333 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853800bb1177ca391c1826" }, "Ticker": "ACCL", "Profit Margin": -0.014, "Institutional Ownership": 0.911, "EPS growth past 5 years": -0.421, "Total Debt/Equity": 0, "Current Ratio": 1.4, "Return on Assets": -0.006, "Sector": "Technology", "P/S": 3.13, "Change from Open": 0.0011, "Performance (YTD)": 0.0331, "Performance (Week)": 0.0108, "Quick Ratio": 1.4, "Insider Transactions": -0.1768, "P/B": 2.1, "Performance (Quarter)": 0.0331, "Forward P/E": 24.35, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.0112, "Shares Outstanding": 55.66, "Earnings Date": { "$date": 1383165000000 }, "52-Week High": -0.07099999999999999, "P/Cash": 4.14, "Change": -0.0064, "Analyst Recom": 2.3, "Volatility (Week)": 0.0189, "Country": "USA", "Return on Equity": -0.01, "50-Day Low": 0.0322, "Price": 9.289999999999999, "50-Day High": -0.07099999999999999, "Return on Investment": -0.08599999999999999, "Shares Float": 55.4, "EPS growth next 5 years": 0.2, "Industry": "Application Software", "Beta": 0.84, "Sales growth quarter over quarter": 0.01, "Operating Margin": -0.091, "EPS (ttm)": -0.05, "Float Short": 0.0179, "52-Week Low": 0.1987, "Average True Range": 0.21, "EPS growth next year": 0.1294, "Sales growth past 5 years": 0.153, "Company": "Accelrys Inc.", "Gap": -0.0075, "Relative Volume": 0.31, "Volatility (Month)": 0.0236, "Market Cap": 520.42, "Volume": 33912, "Gross Margin": 0.679, "Short Ratio": 8.32, "Performance (Half Year)": 0.0872, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 45.52, "Insider Ownership": 0.0092, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.018, "Performance (Month)": -0.0032, "Institutional Transactions": 0.0133, "Performance (Year)": 0.0747, "LT Debt/Equity": 0, "Average Volume": 118.95, "EPS growth this year": -7.333, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.0226 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853800bb1177ca391c1827" }, "Ticker": "ACCO", "Profit Margin": 0.006, "EPS growth past 5 years": 0.145, "Total Debt/Equity": 1.57, "Current Ratio": 2, "Return on Assets": 0.004, "Sector": "Consumer Goods", "P/S": 0.37, "Change from Open": 0.0613, "Performance (YTD)": -0.2084, "Performance (Week)": 0.0211, "Quick Ratio": 1.3, "Insider Transactions": -0.09370000000000001, "P/B": 1.03, "EPS growth quarter over quarter": -0.521, "Payout Ratio": 0, "Performance (Quarter)": -0.1712, "Forward P/E": 6.92, "P/E": 58.1, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.1139, "Shares Outstanding": 113.6, "Earnings Date": { "$date": 1383136200000 }, "52-Week High": -0.3291, "P/Cash": 9.32, "Change": 0.0577, "Analyst Recom": 2.1, "Volatility (Week)": 0.0357, "Country": "USA", "Return on Equity": 0.016, "50-Day Low": 0.1052, "Price": 6.14, "50-Day High": -0.1729, "Return on Investment": 0.152, "Shares Float": 112.47, "EPS growth next 5 years": 0.07630000000000001, "Industry": "Office Supplies", "Beta": 3.43, "Sales growth quarter over quarter": -0.064, "Operating Margin": 0.093, "EPS (ttm)": 0.1, "PEG": 7.61, "Float Short": 0.1505, "52-Week Low": 0.1052, "Average True Range": 0.25, "EPS growth next year": 0.1024, "Sales growth past 5 years": -0.008, "Company": "ACCO Brands Corporation", "Gap": -0.0034, "Relative Volume": 0.99, "Volatility (Month)": 0.0391, "Market Cap": 660.02, "Volume": 725377, "Gross Margin": 0.309, "Short Ratio": 21.07, "Performance (Half Year)": -0.1747, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 44.48, "Insider Ownership": 0.004, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.0379, "Performance (Month)": -0.1724, "P/Free Cash Flow": 4.24, "Institutional Transactions": 0.0105, "Performance (Year)": -0.1664, "LT Debt/Equity": 1.55, "Average Volume": 803.36, "EPS growth this year": 2.813, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.0822 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853800bb1177ca391c1828" }, "Ticker": "ACCU", "Sector": "Financial", "Change from Open": 0.0076, "Performance (YTD)": -0.0294, "Performance (Week)": -0.02, "Performance (Quarter)": 0.0228, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.0007, "52-Week High": -0.0791, "Change": 0.0146, "Volatility (Week)": 0.007900000000000001, "Country": "USA", "50-Day Low": 0.0618, "Price": 27.82, "50-Day High": -0.0249, "Dividend Yield": 0.0113, "Industry": "Exchange Traded Fund", "52-Week Low": 0.097, "Average True Range": 0.19, "Company": "AdvisorShares Accuvest Global Opport ETF", "Gap": 0.0069, "Relative Volume": 3.92, "Volatility (Month)": 0.0045, "Volume": 50300, "Performance (Half Year)": -0.0814, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 50.25, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.0058, "Performance (Month)": -0.0214, "Performance (Year)": 0.0587, "Average Volume": 14.05, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.0031 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853800bb1177ca391c1829" }, "Ticker": "ACE", "Profit Margin": 0.187, "Institutional Ownership": 0.9330000000000001, "EPS growth past 5 years": 0.007, "Total Debt/Equity": 0, "Return on Assets": 0.038, "Sector": "Financial", "P/S": 1.77, "Change from Open": 0.0075, "Performance (YTD)": 0.2327, "Performance (Week)": -0.0049, "Insider Transactions": 0.0203, "P/B": 1.19, "EPS growth quarter over quarter": 0.422, "Payout Ratio": 0.192, "Performance (Quarter)": 0.08550000000000001, "Forward P/E": 11.62, "P/E": 9.49, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.0901, "Shares Outstanding": 343.8, "Earnings Date": { "$date": 1382473800000 }, "52-Week High": -0.0065, "P/Cash": 43.56, "Change": 0.0104, "Analyst Recom": 2, "Volatility (Week)": 0.0129, "Country": "Switzerland", "Return on Equity": 0.127, "50-Day Low": 0.1286, "Price": 98.31, "50-Day High": -0.0065, "Return on Investment": 0.081, "Shares Float": 338.13, "Dividend Yield": 0.021, "EPS growth next 5 years": 0.0737, "Industry": "Property & Casualty Insurance", "Beta": 0.98, "Sales growth quarter over quarter": 0.007, "Operating Margin": 0.349, "EPS (ttm)": 10.25, "PEG": 1.29, "Float Short": 0.0116, "52-Week Low": 0.3165, "Average True Range": 1.21, "EPS growth next year": -0.0552, "Sales growth past 5 years": 0.049, "Company": "ACE Limited", "Gap": 0.0029, "Relative Volume": 0.5600000000000001, "Volatility (Month)": 0.0116, "Market Cap": 33451.74, "Volume": 594742, "Short Ratio": 3.39, "Performance (Half Year)": 0.062, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 59.44, "Insider Ownership": 0.006, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.0152, "Performance (Month)": 0.0374, "Institutional Transactions": 0.0047, "Performance (Year)": 0.2875, "LT Debt/Equity": 0, "Average Volume": 1158.71, "EPS growth this year": 0.748, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.0406 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853800bb1177ca391c182a" }, "Ticker": "ACET", "Profit Margin": 0.056, "Institutional Ownership": 0.661, "EPS growth past 5 years": 0.08400000000000001, "Total Debt/Equity": 0.13, "Current Ratio": 2.6, "Return on Assets": 0.08799999999999999, "Sector": "Basic Materials", "P/S": 1.04, "Change from Open": 0.0005, "Performance (YTD)": 0.9617, "Performance (Week)": 0.1787, "Quick Ratio": 1.6, "Insider Transactions": 0.0115, "P/B": 2.59, "EPS growth quarter over quarter": 1.222, "Payout Ratio": 0.264, "Performance (Quarter)": 0.1998, "Forward P/E": 16.42, "P/E": 18.89, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.4632, "Shares Outstanding": 27.76, "Earnings Date": { "$date": 1383859800000 }, "52-Week High": -0.0313, "P/Cash": 14.48, "Change": 0.0005, "Analyst Recom": 2, "Volatility (Week)": 0.0577, "Country": "USA", "Return on Equity": 0.15, "50-Day Low": 0.3634, "Price": 19.47, "50-Day High": -0.0313, "Return on Investment": 0.098, "Shares Float": 26.67, "Dividend Yield": 0.0123, "EPS growth next 5 years": 0.22, "Industry": "Chemicals - Major Diversified", "Beta": 1.5, "Sales growth quarter over quarter": 0.158, "Operating Margin": 0.08500000000000001, "EPS (ttm)": 1.03, "PEG": 0.86, "Float Short": 0.0137, "52-Week Low": 1.1894, "Average True Range": 0.77, "EPS growth next year": 0.1561, "Sales growth past 5 years": 0.068, "Company": "Aceto Corp.", "Gap": 0, "Relative Volume": 0.54, "Volatility (Month)": 0.0372, "Market Cap": 540.15, "Volume": 115353, "Gross Margin": 0.214, "Short Ratio": 1.55, "Performance (Half Year)": 0.7391, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 73.91, "Insider Ownership": 0.054, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.1433, "Performance (Month)": 0.1888, "Institutional Transactions": -0.0126, "Performance (Year)": 1.0857, "LT Debt/Equity": 0.09, "Average Volume": 235.29, "EPS growth this year": 0.286, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.2156 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853800bb1177ca391c182b" }, "Ticker": "ACFC", "Profit Margin": -0.18, "Institutional Ownership": 0.079, "EPS growth past 5 years": -0.524, "Total Debt/Equity": 0, "Return on Assets": -0.007, "Sector": "Financial", "P/S": 0.27, "Change from Open": 0, "Performance (YTD)": 0.6667, "Performance (Week)": -0.1184, "P/B": 0.27, "EPS growth quarter over quarter": 0.483, "Performance (Quarter)": -0.1321, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.2118, "Shares Outstanding": 2.5, "Earnings Date": { "$date": 1383541200000 }, "52-Week High": -0.4956, "P/Cash": 0.1, "Change": 0.0358, "Analyst Recom": 3, "Volatility (Week)": 0.0508, "Country": "USA", "Return on Equity": -0.147, "50-Day Low": 0.081, "Price": 3.47, "50-Day High": -0.2078, "Return on Investment": 0.161, "Shares Float": 1.72, "Industry": "Regional - Southeast Banks", "Beta": 0.83, "Sales growth quarter over quarter": -0.14, "Operating Margin": -0.18, "EPS (ttm)": -2.22, "Float Short": 0.008500000000000001, "52-Week Low": 1.3767, "Average True Range": 0.12, "Sales growth past 5 years": -0.096, "Company": "Atlantic Coast Financial Corporation", "Gap": 0.0358, "Relative Volume": 0, "Volatility (Month)": 0.0228, "Market Cap": 8.390000000000001, "Volume": 0, "Short Ratio": 6.07, "Performance (Half Year)": -0.3667, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 40.71, "Insider Ownership": 0.001, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.0742, "Performance (Month)": -0.1138, "Institutional Transactions": -4.3825, "Performance (Year)": 0.7539, "LT Debt/Equity": 0, "Average Volume": 2.41, "EPS growth this year": 0.354, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.0993 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853800bb1177ca391c182c" }, "Ticker": "ACFN", "Institutional Ownership": 0.455, "EPS growth past 5 years": -0.186, "Total Debt/Equity": 0.01, "Current Ratio": 3.5, "Return on Assets": -0.341, "Sector": "Industrial Goods", "P/S": 2.94, "Change from Open": 0.0765, "Performance (YTD)": -0.5714, "Performance (Week)": -0.08260000000000001, "Quick Ratio": 2.8, "Insider Transactions": 0.1254, "P/B": 1.54, "EPS growth quarter over quarter": -1.222, "Performance (Quarter)": -0.4781, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.4874, "Shares Outstanding": 18.09, "Earnings Date": { "$date": 1384291800000 }, "52-Week High": -0.6444, "P/Cash": 4.53, "Change": 0.0571, "Analyst Recom": 2, "Volatility (Week)": 0.0892, "Country": "USA", "Return on Equity": -0.441, "50-Day Low": 0.2351, "Price": 3.52, "50-Day High": -0.4723, "Return on Investment": -0.343, "Shares Float": 20.58, "Dividend Yield": 0.042, "EPS growth next 5 years": 0.3, "Industry": "Aerospace/Defense Products & Services", "Beta": 0.23, "Sales growth quarter over quarter": -0.08799999999999999, "EPS (ttm)": -1.19, "Float Short": 0.1489, "52-Week Low": 0.2351, "Average True Range": 0.34, "EPS growth next year": 0.5629999999999999, "Sales growth past 5 years": 0.317, "Company": "Acorn Energy, Inc.", "Gap": -0.018, "Relative Volume": 0.74, "Volatility (Month)": 0.0883, "Market Cap": 60.24, "Volume": 189178, "Gross Margin": 0.293, "Short Ratio": 10.94, "Performance (Half Year)": -0.5988, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 41, "Insider Ownership": 0.064, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.0499, "Performance (Month)": -0.0206, "Institutional Transactions": 0.0278, "Performance (Year)": -0.5595, "LT Debt/Equity": 0, "Average Volume": 280.12, "EPS growth this year": -3.906, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.2451 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853800bb1177ca391c182d" }, "Ticker": "ACG", "Institutional Ownership": 0.22, "EPS growth past 5 years": -0.008, "Total Debt/Equity": 0, "Return on Assets": 0.075, "Sector": "Financial", "P/S": 15.45, "Change from Open": 0.0043, "Performance (YTD)": -0.0934, "Performance (Week)": -0.0196, "Insider Transactions": 3.5909, "P/B": 0.84, "EPS growth quarter over quarter": -1.821, "Payout Ratio": 1, "Performance (Quarter)": 0.0219, "P/E": 38.83, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.0519, "Shares Outstanding": 242.91, "52-Week High": -0.1375, "Change": 0.0043, "Volatility (Week)": 0.0063, "Country": "USA", "Return on Equity": 0.115, "50-Day Low": 0.043, "Price": 7.02, "50-Day High": -0.0154, "Return on Investment": 0.045, "Shares Float": 242.91, "Dividend Yield": 0.0587, "Industry": "Closed-End Fund - Debt", "Beta": 0.17, "Sales growth quarter over quarter": -0.121, "Operating Margin": 0.89, "EPS (ttm)": 0.18, "Float Short": 0.0004, "52-Week Low": 0.0445, "Average True Range": 0.04, "Sales growth past 5 years": -0.116, "Company": "AllianceBernstein Income Fund, Inc.", "Gap": 0, "Relative Volume": 0.57, "Volatility (Month)": 0.0059, "Market Cap": 1697.95, "Volume": 465505, "Short Ratio": 0.1, "Performance (Half Year)": -0.1252, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 45.93, "Insider Ownership": 0.001, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.008500000000000001, "Performance (Month)": 0.0116, "Institutional Transactions": 0.0355, "Performance (Year)": -0.0839, "LT Debt/Equity": 0, "Average Volume": 897.03, "EPS growth this year": 0.293, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.007 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853800bb1177ca391c182e" }, "Ticker": "ACGL", "Profit Margin": 0.152, "Institutional Ownership": 0.951, "EPS growth past 5 years": 0.014, "Total Debt/Equity": 0.08, "Return on Assets": 0.029, "Sector": "Financial", "P/S": 2.18, "Change from Open": 0.0026, "Performance (YTD)": 0.3278, "Performance (Week)": 0.0026, "Insider Transactions": 0.0391, "P/B": 1.5, "EPS growth quarter over quarter": -0.398, "Payout Ratio": 0, "Performance (Quarter)": 0.08699999999999999, "Forward P/E": 16.92, "P/E": 14.84, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.1099, "Shares Outstanding": 131.5, "Earnings Date": { "$date": 1382992200000 }, "52-Week High": -0.0103, "P/Cash": 17.62, "Change": 0.0041, "Analyst Recom": 2.9, "Volatility (Week)": 0.0107, "Country": "Bermuda", "Return on Equity": 0.108, "50-Day Low": 0.1166, "Price": 58.69, "50-Day High": -0.0103, "Return on Investment": 0.113, "Shares Float": 127.79, "EPS growth next 5 years": 0.1049, "Industry": "Property & Casualty Insurance", "Beta": 0.55, "Sales growth quarter over quarter": -0.048, "Operating Margin": 0.323, "EPS (ttm)": 3.94, "PEG": 1.41, "Float Short": 0.0226, "52-Week Low": 0.3904, "Average True Range": 0.66, "EPS growth next year": -0.1547, "Sales growth past 5 years": 0.002, "Company": "Arch Capital Group Ltd.", "Gap": 0.0015, "Relative Volume": 0.22, "Volatility (Month)": 0.0112, "Market Cap": 7685.88, "Volume": 67764, "Short Ratio": 8.68, "Performance (Half Year)": 0.09379999999999999, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 68.70999999999999, "Insider Ownership": 0.018, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.0165, "Performance (Month)": 0.0497, "P/Free Cash Flow": 9.59, "Institutional Transactions": -0.0012, "Performance (Year)": 0.3763, "LT Debt/Equity": 0.08, "Average Volume": 331.9, "EPS growth this year": 0.357, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.0535 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853800bb1177ca391c182f" }, "Ticker": "ACH", "Profit Margin": -0.051, "Institutional Ownership": 0.02, "EPS growth past 5 years": -0.227, "Total Debt/Equity": 2.84, "Current Ratio": 0.7, "Return on Assets": -0.039, "Sector": "Basic Materials", "P/S": 0.19, "Change from Open": -0.0032, "Performance (YTD)": -0.2645, "Performance (Week)": -0.0437, "Quick Ratio": 0.7, "P/B": 0.67, "EPS growth quarter over quarter": 0.711, "Performance (Quarter)": 0.0057, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.0544, "Shares Outstanding": 540.98, "Earnings Date": { "$date": 1299042000000 }, "52-Week High": -0.3369, "P/Cash": 2.77, "Change": 0.0059, "Analyst Recom": 5, "Volatility (Week)": 0.015, "Country": "China", "Return on Equity": -0.172, "50-Day Low": 0.0176, "Price": 8.81, "50-Day High": -0.1117, "Return on Investment": -0.029, "Shares Float": 156.18, "Industry": "Aluminum", "Beta": 1.9, "Sales growth quarter over quarter": 0.065, "Operating Margin": -0.021, "EPS (ttm)": -1.76, "Float Short": 0.02, "52-Week Low": 0.2154, "Average True Range": 0.2, "EPS growth next year": 0.487, "Sales growth past 5 years": 0.119, "Company": "Aluminum Corporation Of China Limited", "Gap": 0.0091, "Relative Volume": 1.05, "Volatility (Month)": 0.0183, "Market Cap": 4738.98, "Volume": 78010, "Gross Margin": 0.005, "Short Ratio": 38.23, "Performance (Half Year)": -0.124, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 38.92, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.0477, "Performance (Month)": -0.0405, "Institutional Transactions": -0.0063, "Performance (Year)": -0.1577, "LT Debt/Equity": 1.19, "Average Volume": 81.56999999999999, "EPS growth this year": 0.839, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.0421 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853800bb1177ca391c1830" }, "Ticker": "ACHC", "Profit Margin": 0.054, "Institutional Ownership": 0.725, "EPS growth past 5 years": 0.296, "Total Debt/Equity": 1.25, "Current Ratio": 1.4, "Return on Assets": 0.032, "Sector": "Healthcare", "P/S": 3.49, "Change from Open": 0.0029, "Performance (YTD)": 0.9041, "Performance (Week)": 0.0533, "Quick Ratio": 1.4, "Insider Transactions": -0.4233, "P/B": 4.77, "EPS growth quarter over quarter": 0.8129999999999999, "Payout Ratio": 0, "Performance (Quarter)": 0.1859, "Forward P/E": 31.09, "P/E": 61.75, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.3042, "Shares Outstanding": 50.04, "Earnings Date": { "$date": 1383078600000 }, "52-Week High": 0.0027, "P/Cash": 556.1900000000001, "Change": 0.0036, "Analyst Recom": 1.6, "Volatility (Week)": 0.0269, "Country": "USA", "Return on Equity": 0.078, "50-Day Low": 0.1937, "Price": 44.62, "50-Day High": 0.0027, "Return on Investment": 0.023, "Shares Float": 46.86, "EPS growth next 5 years": 0.4168, "Industry": "Specialized Health Services", "Sales growth quarter over quarter": 0.791, "Operating Margin": 0.174, "EPS (ttm)": 0.72, "PEG": 1.48, "Float Short": 0.1081, "52-Week Low": 1.1576, "Average True Range": 1.23, "EPS growth next year": 0.3415, "Sales growth past 5 years": 0.755, "Company": "Acadia Healthcare Company, Inc.", "Gap": 0.0007, "Relative Volume": 0.52, "Volatility (Month)": 0.0299, "Market Cap": 2224.78, "Volume": 101076, "Short Ratio": 23.72, "Performance (Half Year)": 0.315, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 69.5, "Insider Ownership": 0.011, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.07539999999999999, "Performance (Month)": 0.1539, "Institutional Transactions": 0.007900000000000001, "Performance (Year)": 1.0942, "LT Debt/Equity": 1.23, "Average Volume": 213.49, "EPS growth this year": 1.299, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.1108 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853800bb1177ca391c1831" }, "Ticker": "ACHN", "Institutional Ownership": 0.91, "EPS growth past 5 years": 0.187, "Total Debt/Equity": 0, "Current Ratio": 9.9, "Return on Assets": -0.406, "Sector": "Healthcare", "P/S": 2598, "Change from Open": -0.0037, "Performance (YTD)": -0.6642, "Performance (Week)": 0.0891, "Quick Ratio": 9.9, "Insider Transactions": -0.0071, "P/B": 1.47, "EPS growth quarter over quarter": -0.313, "Performance (Quarter)": -0.5991, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.6035, "Shares Outstanding": 96.58, "Earnings Date": { "$date": 1384146000000 }, "52-Week High": -0.7325, "P/Cash": 1.94, "Change": 0.0112, "Analyst Recom": 2.8, "Volatility (Week)": 0.0697, "Country": "USA", "Return on Equity": -0.442, "50-Day Low": 0.2035, "Price": 2.72, "50-Day High": -0.6421, "Return on Investment": -0.651, "Shares Float": 96.45999999999999, "EPS growth next 5 years": 0.074, "Industry": "Biotechnology", "Beta": 0.35, "EPS (ttm)": -0.68, "Float Short": 0.1954, "52-Week Low": 0.2035, "Average True Range": 0.18, "EPS growth next year": -0.151, "Sales growth past 5 years": -0.083, "Company": "Achillion Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", "Gap": 0.0149, "Relative Volume": 0.28, "Volatility (Month)": 0.0623, "Market Cap": 259.8, "Volume": 709605, "Short Ratio": 6.83, "Performance (Half Year)": -0.6442, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 36.87, "Insider Ownership": 0.001, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.0392, "Performance (Month)": -0.0324, "Institutional Transactions": 0.013, "Performance (Year)": -0.6604, "LT Debt/Equity": 0, "Average Volume": 2761.17, "EPS growth this year": 0.07199999999999999, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.3574 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853800bb1177ca391c1832" }, "Ticker": "ACI", "Profit Margin": -0.173, "Institutional Ownership": 0.662, "EPS growth past 5 years": -0.361, "Total Debt/Equity": 1.97, "Current Ratio": 3.5, "Return on Assets": -0.058, "Sector": "Basic Materials", "P/S": 0.28, "Change from Open": -0.0372, "Performance (YTD)": -0.4019, "Performance (Week)": -0.0183, "Quick Ratio": 3, "Insider Transactions": 0.0178, "P/B": 0.35, "EPS growth quarter over quarter": -5.455, "Performance (Quarter)": -0.0549, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.1177, "Shares Outstanding": 212.11, "Earnings Date": { "$date": 1383049800000 }, "52-Week High": -0.4702, "P/Cash": 0.66, "Change": -0.0372, "Analyst Recom": 2.8, "Volatility (Week)": 0.0516, "Country": "USA", "Return on Equity": -0.207, "50-Day Low": 0.104, "Price": 4.14, "50-Day High": -0.2114, "Return on Investment": -0.047, "Shares Float": 209.56, "Dividend Yield": 0.0279, "EPS growth next 5 years": 0.05, "Industry": "Industrial Metals & Minerals", "Beta": 1.61, "Sales growth quarter over quarter": -0.272, "Operating Margin": -0.04, "EPS (ttm)": -3.16, "Float Short": 0.1772, "52-Week Low": 0.1997, "Average True Range": 0.23, "EPS growth next year": 0.143, "Sales growth past 5 years": 0.115, "Company": "Arch Coal Inc.", "Gap": 0, "Relative Volume": 0.66, "Volatility (Month)": 0.0546, "Market Cap": 912.08, "Volume": 5417562, "Gross Margin": 0.141, "Short Ratio": 4.12, "Performance (Half Year)": -0.1224, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 43.64, "Insider Ownership": 0.0054, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.0171, "Performance (Month)": 0.0437, "Institutional Transactions": 0.0024, "Performance (Year)": -0.3741, "LT Debt/Equity": 1.97, "Average Volume": 9000.5, "EPS growth this year": -5.378, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.0482 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853800bb1177ca391c1833" }, "Ticker": "ACIM", "Sector": "Financial", "Change from Open": -0.0002, "Performance (YTD)": 0.2291, "Performance (Week)": -0.0059, "Performance (Quarter)": 0.0796, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.0885, "52-Week High": -0.0284, "Change": -0.003, "Volatility (Week)": 0.0106, "Country": "USA", "50-Day Low": 0.0896, "Price": 60.18, "50-Day High": -0.0284, "Dividend Yield": 0.0219, "Industry": "Exchange Traded Fund", "52-Week Low": 0.3036, "Average True Range": 0.54, "Company": "SPDR MSCI ACWI IMI", "Gap": -0.0028, "Relative Volume": 1.19, "Volatility (Month)": 0.0057, "Volume": 1056, "Performance (Half Year)": 0.0813, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 52.05, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.0055, "Performance (Month)": 0.0251, "Performance (Year)": 0.2843, "Average Volume": 0.97, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.0215 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853800bb1177ca391c1834" }, "Ticker": "ACIW", "Profit Margin": 0.078, "Institutional Ownership": 0.989, "EPS growth past 5 years": 0.471, "Total Debt/Equity": 1.6, "Current Ratio": 1.6, "Return on Assets": 0.043, "Sector": "Technology", "P/S": 3.01, "Change from Open": 0.0026, "Performance (YTD)": 0.4168, "Performance (Week)": 0.1739, "Quick Ratio": 1.6, "Insider Transactions": -0.3392, "P/B": 5.08, "EPS growth quarter over quarter": 1.5, "Payout Ratio": 0, "Performance (Quarter)": 0.2505, "Forward P/E": 20.5, "P/E": 39.18, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.2698, "Shares Outstanding": 39.13, "Earnings Date": { "$date": 1383831000000 }, "52-Week High": -0.0023, "P/Cash": 14.55, "Change": -0.0005999999999999999, "Analyst Recom": 2.8, "Volatility (Week)": 0.0528, "Country": "USA", "Return on Equity": 0.124, "50-Day Low": 0.2715, "Price": 61.86, "50-Day High": -0.0023, "Return on Investment": 0.064, "Shares Float": 38.03, "EPS growth next 5 years": 0.12, "Industry": "Technical & System Software", "Beta": 0.54, "Sales growth quarter over quarter": 0.379, "Operating Margin": 0.134, "EPS (ttm)": 1.58, "PEG": 3.26, "Float Short": 0.115, "52-Week Low": 0.5128, "Average True Range": 1.59, "EPS growth next year": 0.5161, "Sales growth past 5 years": 0.127, "Company": "ACI Worldwide, Inc.", "Gap": -0.0032, "Relative Volume": 0.74, "Volatility (Month)": 0.0261, "Market Cap": 2421.84, "Volume": 222874, "Gross Margin": 0.623, "Short Ratio": 13.28, "Performance (Half Year)": 0.3792, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 77.18000000000001, "Insider Ownership": 0.008, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.09909999999999999, "Performance (Month)": 0.1421, "P/Free Cash Flow": 35.3, "Institutional Transactions": 0.0118, "Performance (Year)": 0.4575, "LT Debt/Equity": 1.52, "Average Volume": 329.22, "EPS growth this year": -0.09, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.1412 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853800bb1177ca391c1835" }, "Ticker": "ACLS", "Profit Margin": -0.179, "Institutional Ownership": 0.531, "EPS growth past 5 years": -0.238, "Total Debt/Equity": 0.09, "Current Ratio": 5.3, "Return on Assets": -0.148, "Sector": "Technology", "P/S": 1.4, "Change from Open": -0.0362, "Performance (YTD)": 0.6884, "Performance (Week)": 0.031, "Quick Ratio": 2.5, "Insider Transactions": 0.0358, "P/B": 1.47, "EPS growth quarter over quarter": 0.5, "Performance (Quarter)": 0.2073, "Forward P/E": 9.32, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.3133, "Shares Outstanding": 109.07, "Earnings Date": { "$date": 1383773400000 }, "52-Week High": -0.0867, "P/Cash": 5.26, "Change": -0.0279, "Analyst Recom": 2, "Volatility (Week)": 0.0485, "Country": "USA", "Return on Equity": -0.184, "50-Day Low": 0.1325, "Price": 2.27, "50-Day High": -0.0867, "Return on Investment": -0.175, "Shares Float": 106.6, "EPS growth next 5 years": 0.2, "Industry": "Semiconductor Equipment & Materials", "Beta": 2.35, "Sales growth quarter over quarter": 0.094, "Operating Margin": -0.198, "EPS (ttm)": -0.3, "Float Short": 0.0167, "52-Week Low": 1.7622, "Average True Range": 0.11, "EPS growth next year": 3.273, "Sales growth past 5 years": -0.129, "Company": "Axcelis Technologies Inc.", "Gap": 0.0086, "Relative Volume": 0.48, "Volatility (Month)": 0.0447, "Market Cap": 254.14, "Volume": 297554, "Gross Margin": 0.26, "Short Ratio": 2.63, "Performance (Half Year)": 0.6763, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 48.74, "Insider Ownership": 0.013, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.0122, "Performance (Month)": 0.013, "Institutional Transactions": 0.0136, "Performance (Year)": 1.7738, "LT Debt/Equity": 0.09, "Average Volume": 677.59, "EPS growth this year": -7.4, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.0045 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853800bb1177ca391c1836" }, "Ticker": "ACM", "Profit Margin": -0.008, "Institutional Ownership": 0.674, "EPS growth past 5 years": -0.196, "Total Debt/Equity": 0.58, "Current Ratio": 1.6, "Return on Assets": -0.011, "Sector": "Services", "P/S": 0.35, "Change from Open": 0.008999999999999999, "Performance (YTD)": 0.2164, "Performance (Week)": -0.0862, "Quick Ratio": 1.6, "Insider Transactions": -0.4574, "P/B": 1.45, "EPS growth quarter over quarter": 0.111, "Performance (Quarter)": -0.0206, "Forward P/E": 10.69, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.0495, "Shares Outstanding": 99.26000000000001, "Earnings Date": { "$date": 1384263000000 }, "52-Week High": -0.1683, "P/Cash": 5.66, "Change": 0.0124, "Analyst Recom": 2, "Volatility (Week)": 0.033, "Country": "USA", "Return on Equity": -0.03, "50-Day Low": 0.0357, "Price": 29.31, "50-Day High": -0.1091, "Return on Investment": -0.006, "Shares Float": 87.76000000000001, "EPS growth next 5 years": 0.1213, "Industry": "Technical Services", "Beta": 1.31, "Sales growth quarter over quarter": -0.013, "Operating Margin": 0.044, "EPS (ttm)": -0.45, "Float Short": 0.0078, "52-Week Low": 0.5426, "Average True Range": 0.79, "EPS growth next year": 0.1431, "Sales growth past 5 years": 0.142, "Company": "AECOM Technology Corporation", "Gap": 0.0035, "Relative Volume": 0.96, "Volatility (Month)": 0.0206, "Market Cap": 2873.49, "Volume": 555937, "Gross Margin": 0.056, "Short Ratio": 1.07, "Performance (Half Year)": -0.0625, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 33.42, "Insider Ownership": 0.008999999999999999, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.0735, "Performance (Month)": -0.07149999999999999, "P/Free Cash Flow": 6.8, "Institutional Transactions": -0.0332, "Performance (Year)": 0.5342, "LT Debt/Equity": 0.57, "Average Volume": 637.61, "EPS growth this year": -1.223, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.0578 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853800bb1177ca391c1837" }, "Ticker": "ACMP", "Profit Margin": 0.229, "Institutional Ownership": 0.6889999999999999, "EPS growth past 5 years": 0.08699999999999999, "Total Debt/Equity": 0.77, "Current Ratio": 0.7, "Return on Assets": 0.029, "Sector": "Basic Materials", "P/S": 10.19, "Change from Open": 0.0072, "Performance (YTD)": 0.5915, "Performance (Week)": -0.0315, "Quick Ratio": 0.7, "Insider Transactions": 0.8403, "P/B": 2.32, "EPS growth quarter over quarter": 0.156, "Payout Ratio": 1.558, "Performance (Quarter)": 0.1082, "Forward P/E": 30.89, "P/E": 42.96, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.1934, "Shares Outstanding": 178.04, "Earnings Date": { "$date": 1383078600000 }, "52-Week High": -0.0327, "P/Cash": 455.06, "Change": 0.0192, "Analyst Recom": 1.6, "Volatility (Week)": 0.024, "Country": "USA", "Return on Equity": 0.055, "50-Day Low": 0.1761, "Price": 52.1, "50-Day High": -0.0327, "Return on Investment": 0.029, "Shares Float": 164.32, "Dividend Yield": 0.0419, "EPS growth next 5 years": 0.2047, "Industry": "Oil & Gas Refining & Marketing", "Beta": 0.42, "Sales growth quarter over quarter": 0.671, "Operating Margin": 0.252, "EPS (ttm)": 1.19, "PEG": 2.1, "Float Short": 0.0057, "52-Week Low": 0.8080000000000001, "Average True Range": 1.23, "EPS growth next year": 0.3379, "Sales growth past 5 years": 0.26, "Company": "Access Midstream Partners, L.P.", "Gap": 0.0119, "Relative Volume": 2.79, "Volatility (Month)": 0.0254, "Market Cap": 9101.15, "Volume": 804943, "Short Ratio": 2.94, "Performance (Half Year)": 0.2131, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 62.2, "Insider Ownership": 0.3143, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.0184, "Performance (Month)": 0.0663, "Institutional Transactions": 0.2833, "Performance (Year)": 0.6554, "LT Debt/Equity": 0.77, "Average Volume": 316.71, "EPS growth this year": -0.168, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.07199999999999999 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853800bb1177ca391c1838" }, "Ticker": "ACN", "Profit Margin": 0.108, "Institutional Ownership": 0.834, "EPS growth past 5 years": 0.133, "Total Debt/Equity": 0.01, "Current Ratio": 1.5, "Return on Assets": 0.198, "Sector": "Technology", "P/S": 1.64, "Change from Open": 0.0033, "Performance (YTD)": 0.1922, "Performance (Week)": 0.0316, "Quick Ratio": 1.5, "Insider Transactions": 0.0856, "P/B": 10.03, "EPS growth quarter over quarter": -0.106, "Payout Ratio": 0.159, "Performance (Quarter)": 0.09660000000000001, "Forward P/E": 15.86, "P/E": 15.7, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.0299, "Shares Outstanding": 642.3, "Earnings Date": { "$date": 1380227400000 }, "52-Week High": -0.07290000000000001, "P/Cash": 8.82, "Change": -0.0045, "Analyst Recom": 2.2, "Volatility (Week)": 0.0184, "Country": "Ireland", "Return on Equity": 0.648, "50-Day Low": 0.1043, "Price": 77.06, "50-Day High": -0.0066, "Return on Investment": 0.713, "Shares Float": 635.9400000000001, "Dividend Yield": 0.024, "EPS growth next 5 years": 0.12, "Industry": "Information Technology Services", "Beta": 0.92, "Sales growth quarter over quarter": 0.032, "Operating Margin": 0.134, "EPS (ttm)": 4.93, "PEG": 1.31, "Float Short": 0.0148, "52-Week Low": 0.2273, "Average True Range": 1.18, "EPS growth next year": 0.0885, "Sales growth past 5 years": 0.037, "Company": "Accenture plc", "Gap": -0.0078, "Relative Volume": 1.11, "Volatility (Month)": 0.0142, "Market Cap": 49720.14, "Volume": 3247257, "Gross Margin": 0.309, "Short Ratio": 2.94, "Performance (Half Year)": -0.027, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 63.97, "Insider Ownership": 0.003, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.0377, "Performance (Month)": 0.08110000000000001, "P/Free Cash Flow": 27.44, "Institutional Transactions": -0.0014, "Performance (Year)": 0.1961, "LT Debt/Equity": 0.01, "Average Volume": 3213.71, "EPS growth this year": 0.284, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.0453 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853800bb1177ca391c1839" }, "Ticker": "ACNB", "Profit Margin": 0.236, "Institutional Ownership": 0.067, "EPS growth past 5 years": 0.025, "Total Debt/Equity": 0.52, "Return on Assets": 0.008999999999999999, "Sector": "Financial", "P/S": 2.72, "Change from Open": 0.008999999999999999, "Performance (YTD)": 0.1375, "Performance (Week)": 0.0148, "Insider Transactions": 0.009900000000000001, "P/B": 1.04, "EPS growth quarter over quarter": 0.083, "Payout Ratio": 0.487, "Performance (Quarter)": 0.0277, "P/E": 11.48, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.0815, "Shares Outstanding": 5.97, "Earnings Date": { "$date": 1382328000000 }, "52-Week High": 0.0017, "P/Cash": 2.48, "Change": 0.0107, "Volatility (Week)": 0.0091, "Country": "USA", "Return on Equity": 0.09, "50-Day Low": 0.0857, "Price": 17.98, "50-Day High": 0.0017, "Return on Investment": 0.181, "Shares Float": 5.84, "Dividend Yield": 0.0427, "Industry": "Regional - Southwest Banks", "Beta": 0.58, "Sales growth quarter over quarter": -0.078, "Operating Margin": 0.356, "EPS (ttm)": 1.55, "Float Short": 0.0004, "52-Week Low": 0.2265, "Average True Range": 0.25, "Sales growth past 5 years": -0.048, "Company": "ACNB Corp.", "Gap": 0.0017, "Relative Volume": 0.06, "Volatility (Month)": 0.0131, "Market Cap": 106.24, "Volume": 200, "Short Ratio": 0.68, "Performance (Half Year)": 0.0861, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 70.64, "Insider Ownership": 0.017, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.0393, "Performance (Month)": 0.0665, "P/Free Cash Flow": 15.86, "Institutional Transactions": 0.0363, "Performance (Year)": 0.211, "LT Debt/Equity": 0.52, "Average Volume": 3.71, "EPS growth this year": 0.042, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.0559 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853800bb1177ca391c183a" }, "Ticker": "ACO", "Profit Margin": 0.029, "Institutional Ownership": 0.721, "EPS growth past 5 years": 0.022, "Total Debt/Equity": 0.62, "Current Ratio": 3.6, "Return on Assets": 0.032, "Sector": "Basic Materials", "P/S": 1.03, "Change from Open": -0.0064, "Performance (YTD)": 0.0428, "Performance (Week)": -0.0333, "Quick Ratio": 2.5, "Insider Transactions": -0.1841, "P/B": 2.33, "EPS growth quarter over quarter": -1.828, "Payout Ratio": 0.879, "Performance (Quarter)": -0.0732, "Forward P/E": 13.63, "P/E": 44.86, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.0167, "Shares Outstanding": 32.5, "Earnings Date": { "$date": 1382704200000 }, "52-Week High": -0.1517, "P/Cash": 26.78, "Change": -0.0051, "Analyst Recom": 3, "Volatility (Week)": 0.0199, "Country": "USA", "Return on Equity": 0.064, "50-Day Low": 0.0045, "Price": 31.24, "50-Day High": -0.0948, "Return on Investment": 0.105, "Shares Float": 24.76, "Dividend Yield": 0.0255, "EPS growth next 5 years": 0.125, "Industry": "Industrial Metals & Minerals", "Beta": 1.73, "Sales growth quarter over quarter": 0.04, "Operating Margin": 0.035, "EPS (ttm)": 0.7, "PEG": 3.59, "Float Short": 0.075, "52-Week Low": 0.1461, "Average True Range": 0.65, "EPS growth next year": 0.1196, "Sales growth past 5 years": 0.065, "Company": "Amcol International Corp.", "Gap": 0.0013, "Relative Volume": 0.75, "Volatility (Month)": 0.0196, "Market Cap": 1020.5, "Volume": 57857, "Gross Margin": 0.214, "Short Ratio": 21.91, "Performance (Half Year)": 0.0195, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 28.19, "Insider Ownership": 0.015, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.0392, "Performance (Month)": -0.0476, "Institutional Transactions": 0.0041, "Performance (Year)": 0.0998, "LT Debt/Equity": 0.62, "Average Volume": 84.76000000000001, "EPS growth this year": 0.081, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.0477 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853800bb1177ca391c183b" }, "Ticker": "ACOR", "Profit Margin": 0.441, "Institutional Ownership": 0.867, "EPS growth past 5 years": 0.36, "Total Debt/Equity": 0, "Current Ratio": 4.7, "Return on Assets": 0.25, "Sector": "Healthcare", "P/S": 4.15, "Change from Open": 0.0075, "Performance (YTD)": 0.3471, "Performance (Week)": 0.0289, "Quick Ratio": 4.4, "Insider Transactions": 0.2831, "P/B": 3.17, "EPS growth quarter over quarter": -0.25, "Payout Ratio": 0, "Performance (Quarter)": -0.029, "Forward P/E": 47.98, "P/E": 9.539999999999999, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.0021, "Shares Outstanding": 40.32, "Earnings Date": { "$date": 1383222600000 }, "52-Week High": -0.1745, "P/Cash": 3.86, "Change": 0.0075, "Analyst Recom": 2.3, "Volatility (Week)": 0.0338, "Country": "USA", "Return on Equity": 0.356, "50-Day Low": 0.1157, "Price": 33.74, "50-Day High": -0.09710000000000001, "Return on Investment": 0.4, "Shares Float": 39.9, "EPS growth next 5 years": 0.34, "Industry": "Biotechnology", "Beta": 0.73, "Sales growth quarter over quarter": 0.097, "Operating Margin": 0.058, "EPS (ttm)": 3.51, "PEG": 0.28, "Float Short": 0.0673, "52-Week Low": 0.4883, "Average True Range": 1.27, "EPS growth next year": 0.658, "Sales growth past 5 years": 0.506, "Company": "Acorda Therapeutics, Inc.", "Gap": 0, "Relative Volume": 0.71, "Volatility (Month)": 0.0376, "Market Cap": 1350.15, "Volume": 209582, "Gross Margin": 0.802, "Short Ratio": 8.35, "Performance (Half Year)": 0.0295, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 54.93, "Insider Ownership": 0.019, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.039, "Performance (Month)": 0.0414, "Institutional Transactions": 0.0126, "Performance (Year)": 0.3856, "LT Debt/Equity": 0, "Average Volume": 321.38, "EPS growth this year": 4.053, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.0132 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853800bb1177ca391c183c" }, "Ticker": "ACPW", "Profit Margin": -0.016, "Institutional Ownership": 0.523, "EPS growth past 5 years": 0.445, "Total Debt/Equity": 0.21, "Current Ratio": 2.1, "Return on Assets": -0.026, "Sector": "Industrial Goods", "P/S": 0.76, "Change from Open": -0.0205, "Performance (YTD)": -0.1373, "Performance (Week)": -0.0034, "Quick Ratio": 1.5, "Insider Transactions": 0.1546, "P/B": 2.08, "EPS growth quarter over quarter": -0.333, "Performance (Quarter)": -0.1671, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.2732, "Shares Outstanding": 19.3, "Earnings Date": { "$date": 1384146000000 }, "52-Week High": -0.4257, "P/Cash": 3.85, "Change": -0.0104, "Analyst Recom": 3, "Volatility (Week)": 0.0175, "Country": "USA", "Return on Equity": -0.046, "50-Day Low": 0.0142, "Price": 2.86, "50-Day High": -0.1829, "Return on Investment": -0.054, "Shares Float": 19.03, "EPS growth next 5 years": 0.2, "Industry": "Diversified Machinery", "Beta": -0.25, "Sales growth quarter over quarter": -0.06900000000000001, "Operating Margin": -0.011, "EPS (ttm)": -0.06, "Float Short": 0.0106, "52-Week Low": 0.0142, "Average True Range": 0.08, "EPS growth next year": 0.6919999999999999, "Sales growth past 5 years": 0.178, "Company": "Active Power Inc.", "Gap": 0.0104, "Relative Volume": 0.3, "Volatility (Month)": 0.0265, "Market Cap": 55.77, "Volume": 29784, "Gross Margin": 0.327, "Short Ratio": 1.87, "Performance (Half Year)": -0.3326, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 40.91, "Insider Ownership": 0.012, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.0361, "Performance (Month)": -0.0617, "Institutional Transactions": 0.023, "Performance (Year)": -0.0203, "LT Debt/Equity": 0, "Average Volume": 108.05, "EPS growth this year": 0.773, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.037 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853800bb1177ca391c183d" }, "Ticker": "ACRE", "Profit Margin": 0.19, "Institutional Ownership": 0.491, "EPS growth past 5 years": 0, "Total Debt/Equity": 0.43, "Return on Assets": 0.01, "Sector": "Financial", "P/S": 6.39, "Change from Open": 0.0181, "Performance (YTD)": -0.1318, "Performance (Week)": 0.0385, "P/B": 0.35, "Payout Ratio": 0.638, "Performance (Quarter)": 0.08699999999999999, "Forward P/E": 10.4, "P/E": 11.64, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.0321, "Shares Outstanding": 10.22, "Earnings Date": { "$date": 1384318800000 }, "52-Week High": -0.1775, "P/Cash": 3.43, "Change": 0.0181, "Analyst Recom": 1.7, "Volatility (Week)": 0.0325, "Country": "USA", "Return on Equity": 0.018, "50-Day Low": 0.1327, "Price": 13.74, "50-Day High": 0.008399999999999999, "Return on Investment": 0.002, "Shares Float": 27.55, "Dividend Yield": 0.0741, "EPS growth next 5 years": 0.035, "Industry": "REIT - Diversified", "Sales growth quarter over quarter": 4.063, "Operating Margin": 0.347, "EPS (ttm)": 1.16, "PEG": 3.33, "Float Short": 0.0349, "52-Week Low": 0.1645, "Average True Range": 0.3, "EPS growth next year": 0.8411, "Company": "Ares Commercial Real Estate Corporation", "Gap": 0, "Relative Volume": 1.99, "Volatility (Month)": 0.0212, "Market Cap": 137.92, "Volume": 552000, "Gross Margin": 0.773, "Short Ratio": 3.17, "Performance (Half Year)": -0.1594, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 77.27, "Insider Ownership": 0.013, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.07829999999999999, "Performance (Month)": 0.0931, "Institutional Transactions": 0.1528, "Performance (Year)": -0.1101, "LT Debt/Equity": 0.43, "Average Volume": 303.57, "EPS growth this year": 2.5, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.09320000000000001 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853800bb1177ca391c183e" }, "Ticker": "ACRX", "Institutional Ownership": 0.731, "EPS growth past 5 years": -0.247, "Total Debt/Equity": 2.07, "Current Ratio": 2.9, "Return on Assets": -1.057, "Sector": "Healthcare", "P/S": 91.06, "Change from Open": 0.0013, "Performance (YTD)": 0.8357, "Performance (Week)": 0.1383, "Quick Ratio": 2.9, "Insider Transactions": 0.1379, "P/B": 48.88, "EPS growth quarter over quarter": -0.343, "Performance (Quarter)": -0.2012, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.0167, "Shares Outstanding": 37.26, "Earnings Date": { "$date": 1383687000000 }, "52-Week High": -0.4081, "P/Cash": 8.6, "Change": 0.0217, "Analyst Recom": 1.7, "Volatility (Week)": 0.0929, "Country": "USA", "Return on Equity": -3.212, "50-Day Low": 0.3228, "Price": 7.99, "50-Day High": -0.3064, "Return on Investment": -0.598, "Shares Float": 43.33, "Industry": "Medical Appliances & Equipment", "Sales growth quarter over quarter": 1, "EPS (ttm)": -1.6, "Float Short": 0.0756, "52-Week Low": 1.5205, "Average True Range": 0.71, "EPS growth next year": 0.125, "Company": "AcelRx Pharmaceuticals, Inc.", "Gap": 0.0205, "Relative Volume": 0.58, "Volatility (Month)": 0.0977, "Market Cap": 291.4, "Volume": 348885, "Short Ratio": 4.94, "Performance (Half Year)": 0.0876, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 51.12, "Insider Ownership": 0.004, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.0631, "Performance (Month)": -0.0405, "Institutional Transactions": 0.0682, "Performance (Year)": 1.3068, "LT Debt/Equity": 0.75, "Average Volume": 662.66, "EPS growth this year": -0.302, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.1244 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853800bb1177ca391c183f" }, "Ticker": "ACST", "Sector": "Healthcare", "P/S": 207.16, "Change from Open": 0.0324, "Performance (YTD)": -0.1442, "Performance (Week)": -0.0316, "P/B": 6.57, "Performance (Quarter)": -0.4214, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.2649, "Shares Outstanding": 85.56999999999999, "52-Week High": -0.5452, "Change": 0.038, "Volatility (Week)": 0.0431, "Country": "Canada", "50-Day Low": 0.038, "Price": 1.91, "50-Day High": -0.3414, "Shares Float": 30.6, "Industry": "Biotechnology", "Sales growth quarter over quarter": 0.122, "EPS (ttm)": -0.12, "Float Short": 0.0061, "52-Week Low": 0.038, "Average True Range": 0.13, "Company": "Acasti Pharma Inc.", "Gap": 0.0054, "Relative Volume": 0.27, "Volatility (Month)": 0.0636, "Market Cap": 157.45, "Volume": 13500, "Short Ratio": 3.35, "Performance (Half Year)": -0.2923, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 42.8, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.0392, "Performance (Month)": -0.1894, "Performance (Year)": -0.07539999999999999, "Average Volume": 55.42, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.1544 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853800bb1177ca391c1840" }, "Ticker": "ACT", "Profit Margin": -0.075, "Institutional Ownership": 0.979, "EPS growth past 5 years": -0.098, "Total Debt/Equity": 1.52, "Current Ratio": 1.5, "Return on Assets": -0.041, "Sector": "Healthcare", "P/S": 2.82, "Change from Open": 0.0023, "Performance (YTD)": 0.894, "Performance (Week)": 0.0435, "Quick Ratio": 0.9, "Insider Transactions": 0.1318, "P/B": 5.76, "EPS growth quarter over quarter": -0.183, "Performance (Quarter)": 0.2077, "Forward P/E": 12.7, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.3615, "Shares Outstanding": 132.5, "Earnings Date": { "$date": 1383049800000 }, "52-Week High": 0.001, "P/Cash": 57.78, "Change": 0.0052, "Analyst Recom": 1.9, "Volatility (Week)": 0.0248, "Country": "USA", "Return on Equity": -0.156, "50-Day Low": 0.215, "Price": 163.72, "50-Day High": 0.001, "Return on Investment": 0.016, "Shares Float": 132.02, "EPS growth next 5 years": 0.2193, "Industry": "Drugs - Generic", "Beta": 0.2, "Sales growth quarter over quarter": 0.5659999999999999, "Operating Margin": 0.154, "EPS (ttm)": -4.36, "Float Short": 0.0168, "52-Week Low": 1.0032, "Average True Range": 3.62, "EPS growth next year": 0.3743, "Sales growth past 5 years": 0.188, "Company": "Actavis plc", "Gap": 0.0029, "Relative Volume": 0.61, "Volatility (Month)": 0.0209, "Market Cap": 21581.6, "Volume": 814105, "Gross Margin": 0.447, "Short Ratio": 1.51, "Performance (Half Year)": 0.3177, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 72.98, "Insider Ownership": 0.007, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.06900000000000001, "Performance (Month)": 0.159, "P/Free Cash Flow": 35.27, "Institutional Transactions": 0.0982, "Performance (Year)": 0.928, "LT Debt/Equity": 1.52, "Average Volume": 1470.98, "EPS growth this year": -0.631, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.1264 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853800bb1177ca391c1841" }, "Ticker": "ACTG", "Profit Margin": -0.073, "Institutional Ownership": 0.979, "EPS growth past 5 years": 0.466, "Total Debt/Equity": 0, "Current Ratio": 9.300000000000001, "Return on Assets": -0.02, "Sector": "Services", "P/S": 3.79, "Change from Open": 0.0063, "Performance (YTD)": -0.4245, "Performance (Week)": -0.0314, "Quick Ratio": 9.300000000000001, "Insider Transactions": 0.0315, "P/B": 1.14, "EPS growth quarter over quarter": -1.357, "Performance (Quarter)": -0.3371, "Forward P/E": 10.99, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.3876, "Shares Outstanding": 47.61, "Earnings Date": { "$date": 1382040000000 }, "52-Week High": -0.5495, "P/Cash": 2.42, "Change": -0.0055, "Analyst Recom": 2.5, "Volatility (Week)": 0.0301, "Country": "USA", "Return on Equity": -0.022, "50-Day Low": 0.0234, "Price": 14.41, "50-Day High": -0.3915, "Return on Investment": 0.095, "Shares Float": 48.79, "Dividend Yield": 0.0345, "EPS growth next 5 years": 0.056, "Industry": "Research Services", "Beta": 0.84, "Sales growth quarter over quarter": -0.556, "Operating Margin": 0.005, "EPS (ttm)": -0.28, "Float Short": 0.0868, "52-Week Low": 0.0234, "Average True Range": 0.64, "EPS growth next year": 0.2576, "Sales growth past 5 years": 0.367, "Company": "Acacia Research Corporation", "Gap": -0.0117, "Relative Volume": 0.61, "Volatility (Month)": 0.0353, "Market Cap": 689.85, "Volume": 352862, "Gross Margin": 0.6850000000000001, "Short Ratio": 6.73, "Performance (Half Year)": -0.381, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 22.3, "Insider Ownership": 0.022, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.061, "Performance (Month)": -0.2787, "Institutional Transactions": 0.1215, "Performance (Year)": -0.3251, "LT Debt/Equity": 0, "Average Volume": 629.35, "EPS growth this year": 1.431, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.2523 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853800bb1177ca391c1842" }, "Ticker": "ACTS", "Profit Margin": 0.003, "Institutional Ownership": 0.053, "EPS growth past 5 years": -0.154, "Total Debt/Equity": 0.09, "Current Ratio": 5, "Return on Assets": 0.001, "Sector": "Technology", "P/S": 2.65, "Change from Open": -0.0198, "Performance (YTD)": 0.5488, "Performance (Week)": 0.0367, "Quick Ratio": 4.4, "P/B": 0.62, "EPS growth quarter over quarter": 2, "Payout Ratio": 0, "Performance (Quarter)": -0.0415, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.0774, "Shares Outstanding": 68.70999999999999, "Earnings Date": { "$date": 1383744600000 }, "52-Week High": -0.2735, "P/Cash": 0.79, "Change": -0.0276, "Analyst Recom": 4, "Volatility (Week)": 0.0516, "Country": "China", "Return on Equity": 0.001, "50-Day Low": 0.1488, "Price": 2.47, "50-Day High": -0.0852, "Return on Investment": -0.056, "Shares Float": 65.48999999999999, "EPS growth next 5 years": 0.25, "Industry": "Semiconductor - Specialized", "Beta": 0.71, "Sales growth quarter over quarter": 0.468, "Operating Margin": -0.193, "EPS (ttm)": 0, "Float Short": 0.0003, "52-Week Low": 0.6039, "Average True Range": 0.07000000000000001, "Sales growth past 5 years": -0.142, "Company": "Actions Semiconductor Co., Ltd.", "Gap": -0.007900000000000001, "Relative Volume": 1.26, "Volatility (Month)": 0.0261, "Market Cap": 174.52, "Volume": 58509, "Gross Margin": 0.344, "Short Ratio": 0.41, "Performance (Half Year)": -0.1477, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 45.93, "Insider Ownership": 0.0561, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.0014, "Performance (Month)": 0.0201, "Institutional Transactions": 0.0094, "Performance (Year)": 0.6076, "LT Debt/Equity": 0, "Average Volume": 50.98, "EPS growth this year": -1.75, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.0141 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853800bb1177ca391c1843" }, "Ticker": "ACTV", "Profit Margin": -0.08699999999999999, "Institutional Ownership": 0.628, "EPS growth past 5 years": -0.03, "Total Debt/Equity": 0.01, "Current Ratio": 0.9, "Return on Assets": -0.068, "Sector": "Technology", "P/S": 2.02, "Change from Open": -0.0007, "Performance (YTD)": 1.9491, "Performance (Week)": 0.0007, "Quick Ratio": 0.9, "Insider Transactions": 0.1985, "P/B": 2.76, "EPS growth quarter over quarter": 0.2, "Performance (Quarter)": 0.5421, "Forward P/E": 108.87, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.7542, "Shares Outstanding": 62.76, "Earnings Date": { "$date": 1383165000000 }, "52-Week High": -0.0007, "P/Cash": 8.800000000000001, "Change": 0, "Analyst Recom": 3, "Volatility (Week)": 0.0011, "Country": "USA", "Return on Equity": -0.12, "50-Day Low": 0.5258, "Price": 14.48, "50-Day High": -0.0007, "Return on Investment": -0.129, "Shares Float": 54.74, "EPS growth next 5 years": 0.112, "Industry": "Application Software", "Sales growth quarter over quarter": 0.076, "Operating Margin": -0.082, "EPS (ttm)": -0.64, "Float Short": 0.0355, "52-Week Low": 2.7807, "Average True Range": 0.03, "EPS growth next year": 2.083, "Sales growth past 5 years": 0.327, "Company": "The Active Network, Inc.", "Gap": 0.0007, "Relative Volume": 0.32, "Volatility (Month)": 0.0021, "Market Cap": 908.72, "Volume": 594498, "Gross Margin": 0.546, "Short Ratio": 0.96, "Performance (Half Year)": 1.2911, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 84.41, "Insider Ownership": 0.033, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.0028, "Performance (Month)": 0.0077, "P/Free Cash Flow": 40.93, "Institutional Transactions": -0.1093, "Performance (Year)": 1.7321, "LT Debt/Equity": 0, "Average Volume": 2015.06, "EPS growth this year": -0.431, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.1064 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853800bb1177ca391c1844" }, "Ticker": "ACU", "Profit Margin": 0.044, "Institutional Ownership": 0.334, "EPS growth past 5 years": 0.007, "Total Debt/Equity": 0.72, "Current Ratio": 5.9, "Return on Assets": 0.056, "Sector": "Consumer Goods", "P/S": 0.53, "Change from Open": 0.0138, "Performance (YTD)": 0.3512, "Performance (Week)": 0.0062, "Quick Ratio": 3, "Insider Transactions": 0.0984, "P/B": 1.35, "EPS growth quarter over quarter": 0.16, "Payout Ratio": 0.298, "Performance (Quarter)": 0.074, "Forward P/E": 10.62, "P/E": 12.32, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.1142, "Shares Outstanding": 3.19, "Earnings Date": { "$date": 1382101200000 }, "52-Week High": -0.0516, "P/Cash": 3.96, "Change": 0.0027, "Analyst Recom": 1, "Volatility (Week)": 0.0272, "Country": "USA", "Return on Equity": 0.12, "50-Day Low": 0.0863, "Price": 14.7, "50-Day High": -0.0516, "Return on Investment": 0.07199999999999999, "Shares Float": 2.73, "Dividend Yield": 0.0218, "Industry": "Housewares & Accessories", "Beta": 0.32, "Sales growth quarter over quarter": 0.083, "Operating Margin": 0.064, "EPS (ttm)": 1.19, "Float Short": 0.0013, "52-Week Low": 0.4281, "Average True Range": 0.5, "EPS growth next year": 0.1405, "Sales growth past 5 years": 0.06, "Company": "Acme United Corp.", "Gap": -0.0109, "Relative Volume": 0.39, "Volatility (Month)": 0.0318, "Market Cap": 46.75, "Volume": 1708, "Gross Margin": 0.353, "Short Ratio": 0.73, "Performance (Half Year)": 0.1417, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 47.62, "Insider Ownership": 0.133, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.0156, "Performance (Month)": -0.0323, "Institutional Transactions": -0.0121, "Performance (Year)": 0.345, "LT Debt/Equity": 0.72, "Average Volume": 4.77, "EPS growth this year": 0.242, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.003 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853800bb1177ca391c1845" }, "Ticker": "ACUR", "Institutional Ownership": 0.653, "EPS growth past 5 years": -0.127, "Total Debt/Equity": 0, "Current Ratio": 18.9, "Return on Assets": -0.553, "Sector": "Healthcare", "P/S": 15756.06, "Change from Open": 0.0182, "Performance (YTD)": -0.2523, "Performance (Week)": 0, "Quick Ratio": 18.6, "Insider Transactions": -0.9878, "P/B": 3.86, "EPS growth quarter over quarter": -0.4, "Performance (Quarter)": -0.0568, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.1681, "Shares Outstanding": 47.46, "Earnings Date": { "$date": 1383600600000 }, "52-Week High": -0.6289, "P/Cash": 4.04, "Change": 0.006, "Analyst Recom": 2, "Volatility (Week)": 0.0511, "Country": "USA", "Return on Equity": -0.589, "50-Day Low": 0.2279, "Price": 1.67, "50-Day High": -0.2512, "Shares Float": 47.8, "Industry": "Drug Delivery", "Beta": 1.14, "EPS (ttm)": -0.29, "Float Short": 0.018, "52-Week Low": 0.5754, "Average True Range": 0.09, "EPS growth next year": 0.4, "Company": "Acura Pharmaceuticals Inc.", "Gap": -0.012, "Relative Volume": 0.14, "Volatility (Month)": 0.0428, "Market Cap": 78.78, "Volume": 55388, "Short Ratio": 1.93, "Performance (Half Year)": -0.242, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 49.57, "Insider Ownership": 0.001, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.0217, "Performance (Month)": -0.0235, "Institutional Transactions": -0.0023, "Performance (Year)": 0.3719, "LT Debt/Equity": 0, "Average Volume": 445.96, "EPS growth this year": -1.909, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.0058 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853800bb1177ca391c1846" }, "Ticker": "ACW", "Profit Margin": -0.315, "Institutional Ownership": 0.959, "EPS growth past 5 years": -0.08799999999999999, "Total Debt/Equity": 11.76, "Current Ratio": 1.9, "Return on Assets": -0.317, "Sector": "Consumer Goods", "P/S": 0.23, "Change from Open": 0.0045, "Performance (YTD)": 0.0249, "Performance (Week)": 0.0217, "Quick Ratio": 1.3, "Insider Transactions": 0.0125, "P/B": 5.39, "EPS growth quarter over quarter": 0.514, "Performance (Quarter)": -0.3733, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.3335, "Shares Outstanding": 47.59, "Earnings Date": { "$date": 1383309000000 }, "52-Week High": -0.5182, "P/Cash": 5.59, "Change": 0.0076, "Analyst Recom": 2.3, "Volatility (Week)": 0.0427, "Country": "USA", "Return on Equity": -4.495, "50-Day Low": 0.0694, "Price": 3.32, "50-Day High": -0.408, "Return on Investment": -0.364, "Shares Float": 46.87, "EPS growth next 5 years": 0.36, "Industry": "Trucks & Other Vehicles", "Beta": 2.21, "Sales growth quarter over quarter": -0.278, "Operating Margin": -0.025, "EPS (ttm)": -3.89, "Float Short": 0.0649, "52-Week Low": 0.4604, "Average True Range": 0.23, "EPS growth next year": 0.598, "Sales growth past 5 years": -0.017, "Company": "Accuride Corp.", "Gap": 0.003, "Relative Volume": 1.33, "Volatility (Month)": 0.06279999999999999, "Market Cap": 156.56, "Volume": 408489, "Gross Margin": 0.046, "Short Ratio": 9.039999999999999, "Performance (Half Year)": -0.4018, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 21.68, "Insider Ownership": 0.002, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.1842, "Performance (Month)": -0.3244, "Institutional Transactions": 0.0237, "Performance (Year)": 0.3595, "LT Debt/Equity": 11.76, "Average Volume": 336.81, "EPS growth this year": 0.054, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.2964 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853800bb1177ca391c1847" }, "Ticker": "ACWI", "Sector": "Financial", "Change from Open": 0.0059, "Performance (YTD)": 0.1826, "Performance (Week)": -0.002, "Performance (Quarter)": 0.0693, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.08599999999999999, "52-Week High": -0.0046, "Change": 0.0053, "Volatility (Week)": 0.01, "Country": "USA", "50-Day Low": 0.08749999999999999, "Price": 56.44, "50-Day High": -0.0046, "Dividend Yield": 0.0205, "Industry": "Exchange Traded Fund", "52-Week Low": 0.2921, "Average True Range": 0.48, "Company": "iShares MSCI ACWI Index", "Gap": -0.0005, "Relative Volume": 0.65, "Volatility (Month)": 0.0068, "Volume": 642478, "Short Ratio": 1.38, "Performance (Half Year)": 0.06610000000000001, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 57.72, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.006, "Performance (Month)": 0.0275, "Performance (Year)": 0.2607, "Average Volume": 1091.25, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.0285 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853801bb1177ca391c1848" }, "Ticker": "ACWX", "Sector": "Financial", "Change from Open": 0.0072, "Performance (YTD)": 0.1112, "Performance (Week)": -0.0119, "Performance (Quarter)": 0.0544, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.06569999999999999, "52-Week High": -0.0248, "Change": 0.0061, "Volatility (Week)": 0.0086, "Country": "USA", "50-Day Low": 0.0775, "Price": 46.03, "50-Day High": -0.0248, "Dividend Yield": 0.0243, "Industry": "Exchange Traded Fund", "52-Week Low": 0.2256, "Average True Range": 0.4, "Company": "iShares MSCI ACWI ex US Index", "Gap": -0.0011, "Relative Volume": 0.58, "Volatility (Month)": 0.0061, "Volume": 178397, "Short Ratio": 0.29, "Performance (Half Year)": 0.041, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 49.54, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.0061, "Performance (Month)": 0.0051, "Performance (Year)": 0.1964, "Average Volume": 337.81, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.012 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853801bb1177ca391c1849" }, "Ticker": "ACXM", "Profit Margin": 0.239, "Institutional Ownership": 0.923, "EPS growth past 5 years": 0.569, "Total Debt/Equity": 0.39, "Current Ratio": 2.2, "Return on Assets": 0.28, "Sector": "Technology", "P/S": 1.78, "Change from Open": 0.0051, "Performance (YTD)": 0.894, "Performance (Week)": 0.0135, "Quick Ratio": 2.2, "Insider Transactions": 0.2745, "P/B": 3.87, "EPS growth quarter over quarter": -0.011, "Payout Ratio": 0, "Performance (Quarter)": 0.3144, "Forward P/E": 40.43, "P/E": 7.48, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.4046, "Shares Outstanding": 73.78, "Earnings Date": { "$date": 1383773400000 }, "52-Week High": -0.0317, "P/Cash": 11.26, "Change": 0.0067, "Analyst Recom": 2, "Volatility (Week)": 0.0337, "Country": "USA", "Return on Equity": 0.526, "50-Day Low": 0.3467, "Price": 33.29, "50-Day High": -0.0317, "Return on Investment": 0.08, "Shares Float": 25.47, "EPS growth next 5 years": 0.15, "Industry": "Information Technology Services", "Beta": 1.19, "Sales growth quarter over quarter": 0.991, "Operating Margin": 0.274, "EPS (ttm)": 4.42, "PEG": 0.5, "Float Short": 0.09470000000000001, "52-Week Low": 1.0262, "Average True Range": 0.92, "EPS growth next year": 0.07920000000000001, "Sales growth past 5 years": -0.045, "Company": "Acxiom Corporation", "Gap": 0.0015, "Relative Volume": 1.04, "Volatility (Month)": 0.0292, "Market Cap": 2439.84, "Volume": 440825, "Gross Margin": 0.392, "Short Ratio": 5.21, "Performance (Half Year)": 0.5396, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 63.04, "Insider Ownership": 0.018, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.0177, "Performance (Month)": 0.1097, "P/Free Cash Flow": 24.57, "Institutional Transactions": 0.003, "Performance (Year)": 0.9105, "LT Debt/Equity": 0.37, "Average Volume": 463.18, "EPS growth this year": 0.389, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.1181 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853801bb1177ca391c184a" }, "Ticker": "ACY", "Profit Margin": 0.225, "Institutional Ownership": 0.237, "EPS growth past 5 years": 0.07099999999999999, "Total Debt/Equity": 1.37, "Return on Assets": 0.051, "Sector": "Services", "P/S": 0.79, "Change from Open": -0.0045, "Performance (YTD)": 0.2711, "Performance (Week)": -0.1164, "P/B": 0.54, "EPS growth quarter over quarter": -0.066, "Payout Ratio": 0, "Performance (Quarter)": -0.1467, "Forward P/E": 7.92, "P/E": 3.6, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.0924, "Shares Outstanding": 1.54, "Earnings Date": { "$date": 1384146000000 }, "52-Week High": -0.2063, "P/Cash": 3.64, "Change": -0.0117, "Analyst Recom": 2, "Volatility (Week)": 0.0304, "Country": "USA", "Return on Equity": 0.166, "50-Day Low": 0.0034, "Price": 17.7, "50-Day High": -0.1567, "Return on Investment": 0.046, "Shares Float": 1.12, "Industry": "Rental & Leasing Services", "Beta": 1.28, "Sales growth quarter over quarter": -0.04, "Operating Margin": 0.353, "EPS (ttm)": 4.98, "Float Short": 0.0012, "52-Week Low": 0.4484, "Average True Range": 0.36, "EPS growth next year": -0.3152, "Sales growth past 5 years": 0.042, "Company": "AeroCentury Corp.", "Gap": -0.0073, "Relative Volume": 0.6, "Volatility (Month)": 0.0151, "Market Cap": 27.64, "Volume": 2391, "Short Ratio": 0.32, "Performance (Half Year)": -0.1169, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 18.11, "Insider Ownership": 0.4574, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.1061, "Performance (Month)": -0.09909999999999999, "P/Free Cash Flow": 2.18, "Institutional Transactions": 0.0027, "Performance (Year)": 0.3517, "LT Debt/Equity": 1.37, "Average Volume": 4.34, "EPS growth this year": 4.532, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.1228 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853801bb1177ca391c184b" }, "Ticker": "ADAT", "Institutional Ownership": 0.26, "EPS growth past 5 years": 0.133, "Total Debt/Equity": 0.08, "Current Ratio": 2.1, "Return on Assets": -0.988, "Sector": "Technology", "P/S": 8.449999999999999, "Change from Open": -0.0413, "Performance (YTD)": 0.383, "Performance (Week)": 0.04, "Quick Ratio": 1.2, "Insider Transactions": 0.2631, "P/B": 4.64, "EPS growth quarter over quarter": 0, "Performance (Quarter)": 0.5116000000000001, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.2309, "Shares Outstanding": 31.21, "Earnings Date": { "$date": 1384464600000 }, "52-Week High": -0.2011, "P/Cash": 10.97, "Change": -0.07820000000000001, "Analyst Recom": 3, "Volatility (Week)": 0.0968, "Country": "USA", "Return on Equity": -4.98, "50-Day Low": 0.4099, "Price": 1.2, "50-Day High": -0.144, "Return on Investment": -0.914, "Shares Float": 34.02, "Industry": "Healthcare Information Services", "Beta": 1.03, "Sales growth quarter over quarter": 0.4, "EPS (ttm)": -0.45, "Float Short": 0.0092, "52-Week Low": 1.2611, "Average True Range": 0.08, "Sales growth past 5 years": -0.047, "Company": "Authentidate Holding Corp.", "Gap": -0.0385, "Relative Volume": 2.08, "Volatility (Month)": 0.0825, "Market Cap": 40.57, "Volume": 120675, "Gross Margin": 0.271, "Short Ratio": 4.95, "Performance (Half Year)": 0.1111, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 54.29, "Insider Ownership": 0.004, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.0124, "Performance (Month)": 0.3684, "Institutional Transactions": 0.0036, "Performance (Year)": 0.04, "LT Debt/Equity": 0, "Average Volume": 63.53, "EPS growth this year": -0.286, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.1581 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853801bb1177ca391c184c" }, "Ticker": "ADBE", "Profit Margin": 0.107, "Institutional Ownership": 0.915, "EPS growth past 5 years": 0.065, "Total Debt/Equity": 0.22, "Current Ratio": 2.9, "Return on Assets": 0.044, "Sector": "Technology", "P/S": 6.96, "Change from Open": -0.0077, "Performance (YTD)": 0.5273, "Performance (Week)": 0.0487, "Quick Ratio": 2.9, "Insider Transactions": -0.9228, "P/B": 4.24, "EPS growth quarter over quarter": -0.6, "Payout Ratio": 0, "Performance (Quarter)": 0.2546, "Forward P/E": 35.97, "P/E": 65.40000000000001, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.2404, "Shares Outstanding": 504.12, "Earnings Date": { "$date": 1386883800000 }, "52-Week High": -0.0094, "P/Cash": 9.17, "Change": -0.008699999999999999, "Analyst Recom": 2.3, "Volatility (Week)": 0.0299, "Country": "USA", "Return on Equity": 0.066, "50-Day Low": 0.2332, "Price": 57.05, "50-Day High": -0.0094, "Return on Investment": 0.109, "Shares Float": 498.03, "EPS growth next 5 years": 0.1167, "Industry": "Application Software", "Beta": 1.43, "Sales growth quarter over quarter": -0.079, "Operating Margin": 0.156, "EPS (ttm)": 0.88, "PEG": 5.61, "Float Short": 0.014, "52-Week Low": 0.775, "Average True Range": 1.15, "EPS growth next year": 0.1869, "Sales growth past 5 years": 0.06900000000000001, "Company": "Adobe Systems Inc.", "Gap": -0.001, "Relative Volume": 1.06, "Volatility (Month)": 0.0193, "Market Cap": 29011.88, "Volume": 3713493, "Gross Margin": 0.865, "Short Ratio": 1.81, "Performance (Half Year)": 0.2915, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 64.72, "Insider Ownership": 0.001, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.0499, "Performance (Month)": 0.1082, "P/Free Cash Flow": 26.98, "Institutional Transactions": 0.0049, "Performance (Year)": 0.7685999999999999, "LT Debt/Equity": 0.22, "Average Volume": 3850.08, "EPS growth this year": 0.006, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.0973 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853801bb1177ca391c184d" }, "Ticker": "ADC", "Profit Margin": 0.444, "Institutional Ownership": 0.652, "EPS growth past 5 years": -0.08500000000000001, "Total Debt/Equity": 0.79, "Return on Assets": 0.047, "Sector": "Financial", "P/S": 9.619999999999999, "Change from Open": 0, "Performance (YTD)": 0.2204, "Performance (Week)": -0.0212, "Insider Transactions": 0.1165, "P/B": 1.69, "EPS growth quarter over quarter": -0.028, "Payout Ratio": 1.072, "Performance (Quarter)": 0.1314, "Forward P/E": 20.15, "P/E": 23.04, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.0717, "Shares Outstanding": 12.98, "Earnings Date": { "$date": 1382992200000 }, "52-Week High": -0.0571, "P/Cash": 70.16, "Change": 0.0026, "Analyst Recom": 1.8, "Volatility (Week)": 0.0175, "Country": "USA", "Return on Equity": 0.082, "50-Day Low": 0.195, "Price": 31.42, "50-Day High": -0.0275, "Return on Investment": 0.056, "Shares Float": 12.5, "Dividend Yield": 0.0523, "EPS growth next 5 years": 0.216, "Industry": "Property Management", "Beta": 1.12, "Sales growth quarter over quarter": 0.261, "Operating Margin": 0.57, "EPS (ttm)": 1.36, "PEG": 1.07, "Float Short": 0.0284, "52-Week Low": 0.3371, "Average True Range": 0.48, "EPS growth next year": 0.0381, "Sales growth past 5 years": 0.007, "Company": "Agree Realty Corp.", "Gap": 0.0026, "Relative Volume": 0.57, "Volatility (Month)": 0.0133, "Market Cap": 406.92, "Volume": 31095, "Gross Margin": 0.908, "Short Ratio": 5.97, "Performance (Half Year)": -0.0225, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 53.41, "Insider Ownership": 0.0558, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.0071, "Performance (Month)": 0.0152, "Institutional Transactions": 0.0241, "Performance (Year)": 0.3257, "LT Debt/Equity": 0.79, "Average Volume": 59.51, "EPS growth this year": -0.11, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.0408 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853801bb1177ca391c184e" }, "Ticker": "ADEP", "Profit Margin": -0.288, "Institutional Ownership": 0.546, "EPS growth past 5 years": -0.336, "Total Debt/Equity": 0.03, "Current Ratio": 2.1, "Return on Assets": -0.426, "Sector": "Industrial Goods", "P/S": 2.19, "Change from Open": -0.0538, "Performance (YTD)": 2.8923, "Performance (Week)": 0.2478, "Quick Ratio": 1.4, "Insider Transactions": -0.8597, "P/B": 10.77, "EPS growth quarter over quarter": 0.75, "Performance (Quarter)": 1.8268, "Forward P/E": 29.76, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": 1.1437, "Shares Outstanding": 10.12, "Earnings Date": { "$date": 1383859800000 }, "52-Week High": -0.1583, "P/Cash": 16.26, "Change": -0.0435, "Analyst Recom": 2, "Volatility (Week)": 0.1122, "Country": "USA", "Return on Equity": -1.166, "50-Day Low": 1.3784, "Price": 9.68, "50-Day High": -0.1583, "Return on Investment": -1.031, "Shares Float": 10.85, "Industry": "Diversified Machinery", "Beta": 2.13, "Sales growth quarter over quarter": -0.194, "Operating Margin": -0.169, "EPS (ttm)": -0.97, "Float Short": 0.007, "52-Week Low": 3.0672, "Average True Range": 0.89, "EPS growth next year": 10.3333, "Sales growth past 5 years": -0.051, "Company": "Adept Technology Inc.", "Gap": 0.0109, "Relative Volume": 0.73, "Volatility (Month)": 0.0946, "Market Cap": 102.43, "Volume": 153269, "Gross Margin": 0.408, "Short Ratio": 0.33, "Performance (Half Year)": 1.8997, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 59.24, "Insider Ownership": 0.004, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.082, "Performance (Month)": 0.0858, "Institutional Transactions": 0.0029, "Performance (Year)": 2.6667, "LT Debt/Equity": 0.03, "Average Volume": 231.2, "EPS growth this year": -1.475, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.2443 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853801bb1177ca391c184f" }, "Ticker": "ADES", "Profit Margin": -0.055, "Institutional Ownership": 0.471, "EPS growth past 5 years": -0.3798, "Current Ratio": 0.7, "Return on Assets": -0.175, "Sector": "Industrial Goods", "P/S": 1.87, "Change from Open": -0.0238, "Performance (YTD)": 1.9615, "Performance (Week)": 0.2485, "Quick Ratio": 0.7, "Insider Transactions": 0.0546, "EPS growth quarter over quarter": -1.462, "Performance (Quarter)": 0.2383, "Forward P/E": 13.19, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.401, "Shares Outstanding": 10.08, "Earnings Date": { "$date": 1383859800000 }, "52-Week High": -0.0253, "P/Cash": 32.71, "Change": -0.023, "Analyst Recom": 1.4, "Volatility (Week)": 0.1037, "Country": "USA", "Return on Equity": 0.916, "50-Day Low": 0.5014, "Price": 48.84, "50-Day High": -0.0253, "Return on Investment": 1.069, "Shares Float": 9.41, "EPS growth next 5 years": 0.5, "Industry": "Pollution & Treatment Controls", "Beta": 0.97, "Sales growth quarter over quarter": 0.122, "Operating Margin": -0.029, "EPS (ttm)": -1.46, "Float Short": 0.0437, "52-Week Low": 2.1368, "Average True Range": 2.46, "EPS growth next year": 77.95829999999999, "Sales growth past 5 years": 0.617, "Company": "ADA-ES, Inc.", "Gap": 0.0008, "Relative Volume": 1.04, "Volatility (Month)": 0.0599, "Market Cap": 503.7, "Volume": 78499, "Gross Margin": 0.107, "Short Ratio": 4.95, "Performance (Half Year)": 0.5053, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 70.45, "Insider Ownership": 0.046, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.228, "Performance (Month)": 0.3169, "P/Free Cash Flow": 34.03, "Institutional Transactions": -0.0344, "Performance (Year)": 1.997, "Average Volume": 83.09999999999999, "EPS growth this year": 0.54, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.2179 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853801bb1177ca391c1850" }, "Ticker": "ADGE", "Profit Margin": -0.721, "Institutional Ownership": 0.061, "EPS growth past 5 years": -0.229, "Total Debt/Equity": 1.99, "Current Ratio": 14.3, "Return on Assets": -0.14, "Sector": "Utilities", "P/S": 13.3, "Change from Open": -0.0371, "Performance (YTD)": -0.1545, "Performance (Week)": 0.1205, "Quick Ratio": 11.5, "Insider Transactions": 0.1254, "P/B": 8.09, "EPS growth quarter over quarter": 0.5, "Performance (Quarter)": 0.1341, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.0568, "Shares Outstanding": 48.62, "Earnings Date": { "$date": 1384435800000 }, "52-Week High": -0.2672, "P/Cash": 8.369999999999999, "Change": -0.0371, "Analyst Recom": 3, "Volatility (Week)": 0.08939999999999999, "Country": "USA", "Return on Equity": -0.417, "50-Day Low": 0.3073, "Price": 1.79, "50-Day High": -0.0422, "Return on Investment": -0.169, "Shares Float": 26.07, "Industry": "Electric Utilities", "Beta": 0.71, "Sales growth quarter over quarter": 0.5, "Operating Margin": -0.676, "EPS (ttm)": -0.1, "Float Short": 0.0038, "52-Week Low": 0.5907, "Average True Range": 0.11, "EPS growth next year": 0.333, "Sales growth past 5 years": -0.007, "Company": "American DG Energy, Inc.", "Gap": 0, "Relative Volume": 1.39, "Volatility (Month)": 0.06759999999999999, "Market Cap": 90.43000000000001, "Volume": 28366, "Gross Margin": 0.147, "Short Ratio": 4.4, "Performance (Half Year)": 0.1006, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 59.31, "Insider Ownership": 0.117, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.1194, "Performance (Month)": 0.1923, "Institutional Transactions": -0.008699999999999999, "Performance (Year)": -0.2185, "LT Debt/Equity": 1.99, "Average Volume": 22.37, "EPS growth this year": -0.75, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.1123 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853801bb1177ca391c1851" }, "Ticker": "ADHD", "Institutional Ownership": 0.142, "Total Debt/Equity": 0, "Current Ratio": 72.3, "Return on Assets": -0.498, "Sector": "Healthcare", "Change from Open": 0.0205, "Performance (YTD)": 1.1219, "Performance (Week)": -0.0675, "Quick Ratio": 72.3, "P/B": 6.76, "Performance (Quarter)": 0.1476, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.2588, "Shares Outstanding": 9.02, "52-Week High": -0.3921, "P/Cash": 6.69, "Change": 0.0231, "Volatility (Week)": 0.0484, "Country": "Israel", "Return on Equity": -0.505, "50-Day Low": 0.2805, "Price": 16.39, "50-Day High": -0.3921, "Shares Float": 16.84, "Industry": "Biotechnology", "EPS (ttm)": -0.33, "Float Short": 0.0014, "52-Week Low": 1.5215, "Average True Range": 1.56, "Company": "Alcobra Ltd.", "Gap": 0.0025, "Relative Volume": 0.39, "Volatility (Month)": 0.0848, "Market Cap": 144.45, "Volume": 22113, "Short Ratio": 0.39, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 46.32, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.0329, "Performance (Month)": -0.201, "Institutional Transactions": 0.0756, "LT Debt/Equity": 0, "Average Volume": 61.88, "EPS growth this year": 0.6, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.07290000000000001 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853801bb1177ca391c1852" }, "Ticker": "ADI", "Profit Margin": 0.246, "Institutional Ownership": 0.869, "EPS growth past 5 years": 0.07099999999999999, "Total Debt/Equity": 0.19, "Current Ratio": 10.7, "Return on Assets": 0.112, "Sector": "Technology", "P/S": 5.87, "Change from Open": -0.0008, "Performance (YTD)": 0.2245, "Performance (Week)": 0.008399999999999999, "Quick Ratio": 10.1, "Insider Transactions": 0.0546, "P/B": 3.35, "EPS growth quarter over quarter": 0, "Payout Ratio": 0.601, "Performance (Quarter)": 0.0604, "Forward P/E": 19.84, "P/E": 24.09, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.0925, "Shares Outstanding": 309.12, "Earnings Date": { "$date": 1385501400000 }, "52-Week High": -0.001, "P/Cash": 3.5, "Change": -0.0004, "Analyst Recom": 2.2, "Volatility (Week)": 0.0154, "Country": "USA", "Return on Equity": 0.148, "50-Day Low": 0.1115, "Price": 50.33, "50-Day High": -0.001, "Return on Investment": 0.133, "Shares Float": 307.61, "Dividend Yield": 0.027, "EPS growth next 5 years": 0.11, "Industry": "Printed Circuit Boards", "Beta": 0.99, "Sales growth quarter over quarter": -0.013, "Operating Margin": 0.295, "EPS (ttm)": 2.09, "PEG": 2.19, "Float Short": 0.0165, "52-Week Low": 0.3387, "Average True Range": 0.84, "EPS growth next year": 0.1977, "Sales growth past 5 years": 0.018, "Company": "Analog Devices Inc.", "Gap": 0.0004, "Relative Volume": 0.51, "Volatility (Month)": 0.0174, "Market Cap": 15564.04, "Volume": 819978, "Gross Margin": 0.638, "Short Ratio": 2.87, "Performance (Half Year)": 0.09909999999999999, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 63, "Insider Ownership": 0.001, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.0347, "Performance (Month)": 0.0775, "P/Free Cash Flow": 42.91, "Institutional Transactions": 0.0017, "Performance (Year)": 0.2825, "LT Debt/Equity": 0.19, "Average Volume": 1768.56, "EPS growth this year": -0.237, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.0518 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853801bb1177ca391c1853" }, "Ticker": "ADK", "Profit Margin": -0.066, "Institutional Ownership": 0.14, "EPS growth past 5 years": -0.485, "Total Debt/Equity": 23.15, "Current Ratio": 0.6, "Return on Assets": -0.063, "Sector": "Healthcare", "P/S": 0.27, "Change from Open": 0.0002, "Performance (YTD)": -0.1579, "Performance (Week)": 0.0283, "Quick Ratio": 0.6, "P/B": 8.33, "Performance (Quarter)": -0.0588, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.1096, "Shares Outstanding": 14.73, "Earnings Date": { "$date": 1384464600000 }, "52-Week High": -0.3609, "P/Cash": 5.78, "Change": 0.0002, "Analyst Recom": 1.5, "Volatility (Week)": 0.0319, "Country": "USA", "Return on Equity": -1.112, "50-Day Low": 0.1052, "Price": 4, "50-Day High": -0.08019999999999999, "Return on Investment": 0.002, "Shares Float": 13.29, "Industry": "Long-Term Care Facilities", "Beta": 1.76, "Sales growth quarter over quarter": 0.203, "Operating Margin": -0.015, "EPS (ttm)": -1.39, "Float Short": 0.0106, "52-Week Low": 0.1052, "Average True Range": 0.15, "EPS growth next year": 0.641, "Sales growth past 5 years": 0.535, "Company": "AdCare Health Systems Inc.", "Gap": 0, "Relative Volume": 0.38, "Volatility (Month)": 0.0327, "Market Cap": 58.93, "Volume": 9541, "Gross Margin": 0.145, "Short Ratio": 5.15, "Performance (Half Year)": -0.3103, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 52.02, "Insider Ownership": 0.1999, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.0109, "Performance (Month)": 0.0309, "Institutional Transactions": -0.009599999999999999, "Performance (Year)": -0.0544, "LT Debt/Equity": 18.77, "Average Volume": 27.37, "EPS growth this year": -1.104, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.0008 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853801bb1177ca391c1854" }, "Ticker": "ADM", "Profit Margin": 0.016, "Institutional Ownership": 0.744, "EPS growth past 5 years": -0.176, "Total Debt/Equity": 0.35, "Current Ratio": 38.1, "Return on Assets": 0.037, "Sector": "Consumer Goods", "P/S": 0.3, "Change from Open": 0.0177, "Performance (YTD)": 0.5453, "Performance (Week)": -0.0034, "Quick Ratio": 38.1, "Insider Transactions": -0.0521, "P/B": 1.41, "EPS growth quarter over quarter": 1.571, "Payout Ratio": 0.333, "Performance (Quarter)": 0.1298, "Forward P/E": 12.81, "P/E": 18.58, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.2162, "Shares Outstanding": 664, "Earnings Date": { "$date": 1383049800000 }, "52-Week High": 0.0024, "P/Cash": 7.87, "Change": 0.015, "Analyst Recom": 2.4, "Volatility (Week)": 0.0182, "Country": "USA", "Return on Equity": 0.077, "50-Day Low": 0.1858, "Price": 42.05, "50-Day High": 0.0024, "Return on Investment": 0.024, "Shares Float": 642.86, "Dividend Yield": 0.0183, "EPS growth next 5 years": 0.1, "Industry": "Farm Products", "Beta": 0.61, "Sales growth quarter over quarter": -0.019, "Operating Margin": 0.021, "EPS (ttm)": 2.23, "PEG": 1.86, "Float Short": 0.0123, "52-Week Low": 0.7622, "Average True Range": 0.79, "EPS growth next year": 0.4251, "Sales growth past 5 years": -0.077, "Company": "Archer Daniels Midland Company", "Gap": -0.0027, "Relative Volume": 1.14, "Volatility (Month)": 0.0203, "Market Cap": 27509.52, "Volume": 4194511, "Gross Margin": 0.041, "Short Ratio": 1.96, "Performance (Half Year)": 0.2247, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 69.89, "Insider Ownership": 0.002, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.0476, "Performance (Month)": 0.1304, "P/Free Cash Flow": 5.14, "Institutional Transactions": 0.0017, "Performance (Year)": 0.7007, "LT Debt/Equity": 0.33, "Average Volume": 4023.57, "EPS growth this year": -0.429, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.1079 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853801bb1177ca391c1855" }, "Ticker": "ADNC", "Profit Margin": 0.051, "Institutional Ownership": 0.85, "EPS growth past 5 years": 0.26, "Total Debt/Equity": 0.11, "Current Ratio": 5, "Return on Assets": 0.045, "Sector": "Technology", "P/S": 1.34, "Change from Open": -0.0198, "Performance (YTD)": -0.009599999999999999, "Performance (Week)": 0.029, "Quick Ratio": 4.5, "Insider Transactions": -0.8794, "P/B": 1.4, "EPS growth quarter over quarter": -1.314, "Payout Ratio": 0, "Performance (Quarter)": 0.029, "Forward P/E": 47.2, "P/E": 28.58, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.2318, "Shares Outstanding": 21.64, "Earnings Date": { "$date": 1383251400000 }, "52-Week High": -0.4076, "P/Cash": 1.69, "Change": -0.0265, "Analyst Recom": 2.7, "Volatility (Week)": 0.0208, "Country": "USA", "Return on Equity": 0.054, "50-Day Low": 0.049, "Price": 10.02, "50-Day High": -0.2222, "Return on Investment": 0.106, "Shares Float": 21.06, "Industry": "Semiconductor - Integrated Circuits", "Sales growth quarter over quarter": -0.672, "Operating Margin": 0.066, "EPS (ttm)": 0.36, "Float Short": 0.0243, "52-Week Low": 0.301, "Average True Range": 0.44, "EPS growth next year": -0.4202, "Company": "Audience, Inc.", "Gap": -0.0068, "Relative Volume": 1.41, "Volatility (Month)": 0.0359, "Market Cap": 222.63, "Volume": 161113, "Gross Margin": 0.5580000000000001, "Short Ratio": 4.08, "Performance (Half Year)": -0.3703, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 29.47, "Insider Ownership": 0.018, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.1228, "Performance (Month)": -0.1503, "Institutional Transactions": 0.0121, "Performance (Year)": 0.3831, "LT Debt/Equity": 0, "Average Volume": 125.19, "EPS growth this year": -0.5679999999999999, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.1264 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853801bb1177ca391c1856" }, "Ticker": "ADP", "Profit Margin": 0.124, "Institutional Ownership": 0.78, "EPS growth past 5 years": 0.05, "Total Debt/Equity": 0.4, "Current Ratio": 1, "Return on Assets": 0.042, "Sector": "Technology", "P/S": 3.19, "Change from Open": 0.0057, "Performance (YTD)": 0.3691, "Performance (Week)": 0.008200000000000001, "Quick Ratio": 1, "Insider Transactions": 0.3872, "P/B": 5.93, "EPS growth quarter over quarter": 0.097, "Payout Ratio": 0.588, "Performance (Quarter)": 0.07389999999999999, "Forward P/E": 21.84, "P/E": 26.73, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.1219, "Shares Outstanding": 480.1, "Earnings Date": { "$date": 1383136200000 }, "52-Week High": 0.0048, "P/Cash": 21.71, "Change": 0.0076, "Analyst Recom": 2.5, "Volatility (Week)": 0.0115, "Country": "USA", "Return on Equity": 0.226, "50-Day Low": 0.1018, "Price": 77.03, "50-Day High": 0.0048, "Return on Investment": 0.22, "Shares Float": 477.93, "Dividend Yield": 0.0228, "EPS growth next 5 years": 0.095, "Industry": "Business Software & Services", "Beta": 0.75, "Sales growth quarter over quarter": 0.077, "Operating Margin": 0.18, "EPS (ttm)": 2.86, "PEG": 2.81, "Float Short": 0.007, "52-Week Low": 0.4648, "Average True Range": 0.96, "EPS growth next year": 0.1051, "Sales growth past 5 years": 0.053, "Company": "Automatic Data Processing, Inc.", "Gap": 0.0018, "Relative Volume": 1.19, "Volatility (Month)": 0.0123, "Market Cap": 36703.64, "Volume": 1753083, "Gross Margin": 0.41, "Short Ratio": 2.06, "Performance (Half Year)": 0.09039999999999999, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 64.20999999999999, "Insider Ownership": 0.001, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.0221, "Performance (Month)": 0.0571, "P/Free Cash Flow": 61.02, "Institutional Transactions": -0.0011, "Performance (Year)": 0.4126, "LT Debt/Equity": 0, "Average Volume": 1621.1, "EPS growth this year": 0, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.0435 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853801bb1177ca391c1857" }, "Ticker": "ADRA", "Sector": "Financial", "Change from Open": 0, "Performance (YTD)": 0.1197, "Performance (Week)": -0.0109, "Performance (Quarter)": 0.0286, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.0408, "52-Week High": -0.037, "Change": 0.0007, "Volatility (Week)": 0.0134, "Country": "USA", "50-Day Low": 0.0456, "Price": 29.12, "50-Day High": -0.037, "Dividend Yield": 0.0134, "Industry": "Exchange Traded Fund", "52-Week Low": 0.2749, "Average True Range": 0.29, "Company": "BLDRS Asia 50 ADR Index", "Gap": 0.0007, "Relative Volume": 0.17, "Volatility (Month)": 0.0054, "Volume": 140, "Short Ratio": 7.54, "Performance (Half Year)": 0.0094, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 41.91, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.0174, "Performance (Month)": -0.0132, "Performance (Year)": 0.257, "Average Volume": 0.89, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.0077 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853801bb1177ca391c1858" }, "Ticker": "ADRD", "Sector": "Financial", "Change from Open": 0.0016, "Performance (YTD)": 0.1739, "Performance (Week)": -0.0053, "Performance (Quarter)": 0.06909999999999999, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.0822, "52-Week High": -0.0176, "Change": 0.002, "Volatility (Week)": 0.0056, "Country": "USA", "50-Day Low": 0.0997, "Price": 24.49, "50-Day High": -0.0176, "Dividend Yield": 0.0282, "Industry": "Exchange Traded Fund", "52-Week Low": 0.2969, "Average True Range": 0.27, "Company": "BLDRS Developed Markets 100 ADR Index", "Gap": 0.0004, "Relative Volume": 0.99, "Volatility (Month)": 0.0073, "Volume": 4307, "Short Ratio": 1.57, "Performance (Half Year)": 0.0631, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 51.53, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.0027, "Performance (Month)": 0.0235, "Performance (Year)": 0.2796, "Average Volume": 4.79, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.0176 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853801bb1177ca391c1859" }, "Ticker": "ADRE", "Sector": "Financial", "Change from Open": 0.0132, "Performance (YTD)": -0.0698, "Performance (Week)": -0.0258, "Performance (Quarter)": 0.0323, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.0098, "52-Week High": -0.0856, "Change": 0.014, "Volatility (Week)": 0.012, "Country": "USA", "50-Day Low": 0.0595, "Price": 37.58, "50-Day High": -0.0464, "Dividend Yield": 0.0246, "Industry": "Exchange Traded Fund", "52-Week Low": 0.1718, "Average True Range": 0.42, "Company": "BLDRS Emerging Markets 50 ADR Index", "Gap": 0.0008, "Relative Volume": 1.46, "Volatility (Month)": 0.008399999999999999, "Volume": 39716, "Short Ratio": 0.75, "Performance (Half Year)": -0.0399, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 44.06, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.0169, "Performance (Month)": -0.0288, "Performance (Year)": -0.0048, "Average Volume": 29.88, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.0058 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853801bb1177ca391c185a" }, "Ticker": "ADRU", "Sector": "Financial", "Change from Open": 0.0051, "Performance (YTD)": 0.159, "Performance (Week)": -0.008200000000000001, "Performance (Quarter)": 0.0646, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.0881, "52-Week High": -0.019, "Change": 0.0059, "Volatility (Week)": 0.0035, "Country": "USA", "50-Day Low": 0.0718, "Price": 24.19, "50-Day High": -0.019, "Dividend Yield": 0.0245, "Industry": "Exchange Traded Fund", "52-Week Low": 0.2699, "Average True Range": 0.22, "Company": "BLDRS Europe 100 ADR Index", "Gap": 0.0008, "Relative Volume": 0.23, "Volatility (Month)": 0.0078, "Volume": 911, "Short Ratio": 0.68, "Performance (Half Year)": 0.0741, "Relative Strength Index (14)": 52.69, "20-Day Simple Moving Average": -0.0031, "Performance (Month)": 0.0212, "Performance (Year)": 0.2378, "Average Volume": 4.36, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.0201 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853801bb1177ca391c185b" }, "Ticker": "ADS", "Profit Margin": 0.111, "EPS growth past 5 years": 0.199, "Total Debt/Equity": 9.369999999999999, "Current Ratio": 2.4, "Return on Assets": 0.039, "Sector": "Services", "P/S": 2.92, "Change from Open": 0.008399999999999999, "Performance (YTD)": 0.7165, "Performance (Week)": 0.0217, "Quick Ratio": 2.4, "Insider Transactions": -0.0014, "P/B": 17.01, "EPS growth quarter over quarter": 0.092, "Payout Ratio": 0, "Performance (Quarter)": 0.2443, "Forward P/E": 20.71, "P/E": 35.96, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.3458, "Shares Outstanding": 48.7, "Earnings Date": { "$date": 1382013000000 }, "52-Week High": 0.0095, "P/Cash": 15.43, "Change": 0.0103, "Analyst Recom": 2, "Volatility (Week)": 0.0241, "Country": "USA", "Return on Equity": 0.762, 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this year": 0.207, "50-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.1305 }, { "_id": { "$oid": "52853801bb1177ca391c185c" }, "Ticker": "ADSK", "Profit Margin": 0.097, "Institutional Ownership": 0.884, "EPS growth past 5 years": -0.062, "Total Debt/Equity": 0.36, "Current Ratio": 2.5, "Return on Assets": 0.054, "Sector": "Technology", "P/S": 4.25, "Change from Open": 0.0131, "Performance (YTD)": 0.2317, "Performance (Week)": 0.0362, "Quick Ratio": 2.5, "Insider Transactions": 0.0261, "P/B": 4.74, "EPS growth quarter over quarter": -0.036, "Payout Ratio": 0, "Performance (Quarter)": 0.2081, "Forward P/E": 26.6, "P/E": 44.89, "200-Day Simple Moving Average": 0.1553, "Shares Outstanding": 223.1, "Earnings Date": { "$date": 1385069400000 }, "52-Week High": 0.008200000000000001, "P/Cash": 4.86, "Change": 0.0129, "Analyst Recom": 2.4, "Volatility (Week)": 0.0244, "Country": "USA", "Return on Equity": 0.108, "50-Day Low": 0.2023, "Price": 44.1, "50-Day High": 0.008200000000000001, "Return on Investment": 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