Bootstrap 3.0.0 Snippet by Benko

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//ignore the first 13lines,the trick here is all about tracking the element till it comes into the view, by measuring height and stuff of both window screen and the element itself, its that simple, muhammad khairy $(function () { $('.insta').clone().appendTo('.a1'); $('.a1:first').find('.post img').attr('src','https://goo.gl/pnYKzy') $('.a1:first').find('.caption span').text('Khitma partner'); $('.a1:eq(1)').find('.post img').attr('src','https://goo.gl/ebVC6W') $('.a1:eq(1)').find('.caption span').text('Sip your coffee quite silently Get lost into some appealing books pages'); $('.a1:eq(2)').find('.post img').attr('src','https://goo.gl/CtfVAj') $('.a1:eq(2)').find('.caption span').text('Cupcakes can perform rites of pilgrimage too '); $('.a1:eq(3)').find('.post img').attr('src','https://goo.gl/Ch5atv') $('.a1:eq(3)').find('.caption span').text('Rest in Peace Ya Narges'); $('.a1:eq(4)').find('.post img').attr('src','https://goo.gl/ZpfGSf'); $('.a1:eq(4)').find('.caption span').text('I promised I will never compose poems on your eyes .. but I did'); $(window).on('scroll resize', function holy_nob() { var wh = $(window).height(); var wt = $(window).scrollTop(); var wb = (wt + wh); var rbj = $('.lil-bar'); var ft = $('.footer-cont'); var ft_t = ft.offset().top; var ft_h = ft.height(); var tof = (ft_t + ft_h); var fol = (ft_h + 15); if(wb >= tof){ rbj.css('bottom',fol); }else{ rbj.css('bottom','15px');} $('.fade-scroll').each(function(){ var element = $(this); var el_h = element.height(); var el_t = element.offset().top; var el_b = (el_t + el_h); if((el_b > wt) && (el_t < wb)){ element.addClass('animation'); } else { element.removeClass('animation'); } if (wt > el_t) { element.css('opacity', 1-(wt - el_t)/850); } if(wt > 10) {$('.navbar').addClass('navfar').find('span').addClass('mini') $('.fa-instagram').addClass('bisc'); } else{ $('.navbar').removeClass('navfar'); $('.navbar span').removeClass('mini'); $('.fa-instagram').removeClass('bisc'); } }); }); $('.list-order, .collapse').on('click',function() { $('.list').toggleClass('animate'); $('.list-order').toggleClass('ba'); }); $("a[href='#']").click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); }); }); //end

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