"react menu"
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Object.setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass) : subClass.__proto__ = superClass; } // React Motion var Motion = ReactMotion.Motion; var spring = ReactMotion.spring; // CONSTANTS // Value of 1 degree in radians var DEG_TO_RAD = 0.0174533; var ELEMENTS = [{ icon: "home", onClick: function onClick() { return alert("clicked home"); } }, { icon: "clock-o", onClick: function onClick() { return alert("clicked clock"); } }, { icon: "lock", onClick: function onClick() { return alert("clicked lock"); } }, { icon: "globe", onClick: function onClick() { return alert("clicked globe"); } }, { icon: "asterisk", onClick: function onClick() { return alert("clicked asterisk"); } }, { icon: "fighter-jet", onClick: function onClick() { return alert("clicked fighter-jet"); } }, { icon: "clipboard", onClick: function onClick() { return alert("clicked clipboard"); } }, { icon: "industry", onClick: function onClick() { return alert("clicked industry"); } }, { icon: "eye", onClick: function onClick() { return alert("clicked eye"); } }]; // UTILITY FUNCTIONS function toRadians(degrees) { return degrees * DEG_TO_RAD; } // ------------------------------------------------------- // --------------- COMPONENT START ------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------- var MenuButton = function (_React$Component) { _inherits(MenuButton, _React$Component); function MenuButton(props) { _classCallCheck(this, MenuButton); var _this = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _React$Component.call(this, props)); _this.state = { isOpen: true }; return _this; } MenuButton.prototype.toggleMenu = function toggleMenu() { var isOpen = this.state.isOpen; this.setState({ isOpen: !isOpen }); }; MenuButton.prototype.getMainButtonStyle = function getMainButtonStyle() { var mainButtonDiam = this.props.mainButtonDiam; return { width: mainButtonDiam, height: mainButtonDiam }; }; MenuButton.prototype.getInitalChildButtonStyle = function getInitalChildButtonStyle() { var _props = this.props; var childButtonDiam = _props.childButtonDiam; var mainButtonDiam = _props.mainButtonDiam; var stiffness = _props.stiffness; var damping = _props.damping; return { width: childButtonDiam, height: childButtonDiam, zIndex: -1, top: spring(mainButtonDiam / 2 - childButtonDiam / 2, { stiffness: stiffness, damping: damping }), left: spring(mainButtonDiam / 2 - childButtonDiam / 2, { stiffness: stiffness, damping: damping }) }; }; MenuButton.prototype.getFinalChildButtonStyle = function getFinalChildButtonStyle(index) { var _props2 = this.props; var childButtonDiam = _props2.childButtonDiam; var mainButtonDiam = _props2.mainButtonDiam; var stiffness = _props2.stiffness; var damping = _props2.damping; var _getFinalDeltaPositio = this.getFinalDeltaPositions(index); var deltaX = _getFinalDeltaPositio.deltaX; var deltaY = _getFinalDeltaPositio.deltaY; return { width: childButtonDiam, height: childButtonDiam, zIndex: spring(0), top: spring(mainButtonDiam / 2 + deltaX, { stiffness: stiffness, damping: damping }), left: spring(mainButtonDiam / 2 - deltaY, { stiffness: stiffness, damping: damping }) }; }; MenuButton.prototype.getFinalDeltaPositions = function getFinalDeltaPositions(index) { var NUM_CHILDREN = this.props.elements.length; var CHILD_BUTTON_DIAM = this.props.childButtonDiam; var FLY_OUT_RADIUS = this.props.flyOutRadius; var SEPARATION_ANGLE = this.props.seperationAngle; var ROTATION = this.props.rotation; var FAN_ANGLE = (NUM_CHILDREN - 1) * SEPARATION_ANGLE; var BASE_ANGLE = (180 - FAN_ANGLE) / 2 + 90 + ROTATION; var TARGET_ANGLE = BASE_ANGLE + index * SEPARATION_ANGLE; return { deltaX: FLY_OUT_RADIUS * Math.cos(toRadians(TARGET_ANGLE)) - CHILD_BUTTON_DIAM / 2, deltaY: FLY_OUT_RADIUS * Math.sin(toRadians(TARGET_ANGLE)) + CHILD_BUTTON_DIAM / 2 }; }; MenuButton.prototype.getCProps = function getCProps() { var _this2 = this; return { mainButtonProps: function mainButtonProps() { return { className: "button-menu", style: _this2.getMainButtonStyle(), onClick: _this2.toggleMenu.bind(_this2) }; }, childButtonProps: function childButtonProps(style, onClick) { return { className: "button-child", style: style, onClick: onClick }; }, childButtonMotionProps: function childButtonMotionProps(index, isOpen) { return { key: index, style: isOpen ? _this2.getFinalChildButtonStyle.call(_this2, index) : _this2.getInitalChildButtonStyle.call(_this2) }; }, // handle Icons childButtonIconProps: function childButtonIconProps(name) { return { className: "child-button-icon fa fa-" + name + " fa-" + _this2.props.childButtonIconSize }; }, mainButtonIconProps: function mainButtonIconProps(name) { return { className: "main-button-icon fa fa-" + name + " fa-" + _this2.props.mainButtonIconSize }; } }; }; MenuButton.prototype.renderChildButton = function renderChildButton(item, index) { var isOpen = this.state.isOpen; var cp = this.getCProps(); //return <div {...cp.childButtonProps(index, isOpen)}/>; return React.createElement( Motion, cp.childButtonMotionProps(index, isOpen), function (style) { return React.createElement( "div", cp.childButtonProps(style, item.onClick), React.createElement("i", cp.childButtonIconProps(item.icon)) ); } ); }; MenuButton.prototype.render = function render() { var _this3 = this; var cp = this.getCProps(); var _props3 = this.props; var elements = _props3.elements; var mainButtonIcon = _props3.mainButtonIcon; var isOpen = this.state.isOpen; return React.createElement( "div", { className: "button-container" }, elements.map(function (item, i) { return _this3.renderChildButton(item, i); }), React.createElement( "div", cp.mainButtonProps(), React.createElement("i", cp.mainButtonIconProps(mainButtonIcon)) ) ); }; return MenuButton; }(React.Component); // ------------------------------------------------------- // ---------------- COMPONENT END -------------------- // ------------------------------------------------------- // APP var App = function (_React$Component2) { _inherits(App, _React$Component2); function App(props) { _classCallCheck(this, App); var _this4 = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _React$Component2.call(this, props)); _this4.state = { flyOutRadius: 120, seperationAngle: 40, mainButtonDiam: 90, childButtonDiam: 50, numElements: 4, stiffness: 320, damping: 17, rotation: 0, mainButtonIcon: "bars", mainButtonIconSize: "2x", childButtonIconSize: "lg" }; return _this4; } App.prototype.getInputProps = function getInputProps(type, title) { var _this5 = this; return { type: type, value: this.state[title], onChange: function onChange(e) { var _this5$setState, _this5$setState2; return type === "number" ? _this5.setState((_this5$setState = {}, _this5$setState[title] = parseInt(e.target.value || 0), _this5$setState)) : _this5.setState((_this5$setState2 = {}, _this5$setState2[title] = e.target.value, _this5$setState2)); } }; }; App.prototype.render = function render() { var NUM = "number"; var TEX = "text"; return React.createElement( "div", { id: "app" }, React.createElement( "div", { id: "headline" }, React.createElement( "h1", null, "React Menu Button" ) ), React.createElement( "div", { id: "content" }, React.createElement( "div", { id: "component" }, React.createElement(MenuButton, _extends({}, this.state, { elements: ELEMENTS.slice(0, this.state.numElements) })) ), React.createElement( "div", { id: "config" }, React.createElement( "h2", null, "Props" ), React.createElement( "table", null, React.createElement( "tbody", null, React.createElement( "tr", null, React.createElement( "td", null, "fly out radius:" ), React.createElement( "td", null, React.createElement("input", this.getInputProps(NUM, "flyOutRadius")) ) ), React.createElement( "tr", null, React.createElement( "td", null, "seperation angle:" ), React.createElement( "td", null, React.createElement("input", this.getInputProps(NUM, "seperationAngle")) ) ), React.createElement( "tr", null, React.createElement( "td", null, "main button diam:" ), React.createElement( "td", null, React.createElement("input", this.getInputProps(NUM, "mainButtonDiam")) ) ), React.createElement( "tr", null, React.createElement( "td", null, "child button diam:" ), React.createElement( "td", null, React.createElement("input", this.getInputProps(NUM, "childButtonDiam")) ) ), React.createElement( "tr", null, React.createElement( "td", null, "num elements:" ), React.createElement( "td", null, React.createElement("input", this.getInputProps(NUM, "numElements")) ), React.createElement( "td", null, React.createElement("i", { className: "fa fa-info", onClick: function onClick() { return alert("normaly no number, but an array of obj {icon, onClick}"); } }) ) ), React.createElement( "tr", null, React.createElement( "td", null, "stiffness:" ), React.createElement( "td", null, React.createElement("input", this.getInputProps(NUM, "stiffness")) ) ), React.createElement( "tr", null, React.createElement( "td", null, "damping:" ), React.createElement( "td", null, React.createElement("input", this.getInputProps(NUM, "damping")) ) ), React.createElement( "tr", null, React.createElement( "td", null, "rotation:" ), React.createElement( "td", null, React.createElement("input", this.getInputProps(NUM, "rotation")) ) ), React.createElement( "tr", null, React.createElement( "td", null, "main button icon:" ), React.createElement( "td", null, React.createElement("input", this.getInputProps(TEX, "mainButtonIcon")) ), React.createElement( "td", null, React.createElement("i", { className: "fa fa-info", onClick: function onClick() { return alert("font awesome icon"); } }) ) ), React.createElement( "tr", null, React.createElement( "td", null, "main button icon size:" ), React.createElement( "td", null, React.createElement("input", this.getInputProps(TEX, "mainButtonIconSize")) ), React.createElement( "td", null, React.createElement("i", { className: "fa fa-info", onClick: function onClick() { return alert("none | lg | 2x | 3x | 4x | 5x"); } }) ) ), React.createElement( "tr", null, React.createElement( "td", null, "child button icon size:" ), React.createElement( "td", null, React.createElement("input", this.getInputProps(TEX, "childButtonIconSize")) ), React.createElement( "td", null, React.createElement("i", { className: "fa fa-info", onClick: function onClick() { return alert("none | lg | 2x | 3x | 4x | 5x"); } }) ) ) ) ) ) ) ); }; return App; }(React.Component); // render ToggleButton to DOM ReactDOM.render(React.createElement(App, null), document.getElementById("main")); //# sourceURL=pen.js </script> </body></html>

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