Hi, my friend.
how to configure the nav-item active to always be highlighted.
Thanks for help!
Biosis-Developer (1) - 5 years ago - Reply 1
If you want to set any nav-item and tab-content to be active, add 'active' to the class of nav-item and add 'show active' to the class of the related tab-content, thus it will be active each time you open the page. Otherwise, if you want to show the active effect always even you are switching between tabs you should create new custom class and copy the .active class content to it also .active:after . For example
// content
// content
Then add your class to nav-item
Hope it helps
Thank you
obadasaada (-1) - 5 years ago - Reply 1
Hi there! To keep a nav-item always highlighted as active, you can add the active class to it manually in your HTML or dynamically using JavaScript. If you're working with a framework like Bootstrap, just make sure the active class is applied to the nav-item you want highlighted.
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thomeseliana () - 7 months ago - Reply 0
Hi there! To keep a nav-item always highlighted as active, you can add the active class to it manually in your HTML or dynamically using JavaScript. If you're working with a framework like Bootstrap, just make sure the active class is applied to the nav-item you want highlighted.
On another note, if you're juggling multiple tasks and need a hand, remember that you can always Pay Someone to Do My Homework in Canada. Expert services are available to help you stay on top of your studies!
thomeseliana () - 7 months ago - Reply 0
Hi there! To keep a nav-item always highlighted as active, you can add the active class to it manually in your HTML or dynamically using JavaScript. If you're working with a framework like Bootstrap, just make sure the active class is applied to the nav-item you want highlighted.
On another note, if you're juggling multiple tasks and need a hand, remember that you can always Pay Someone to Do My Homework in Canada. Expert services are available to help you stay on top of your studies!
thomeseliana () - 7 months ago - Reply 0
Hi there! To keep a nav-item always highlighted as active, you can add the active class to it manually in your HTML or dynamically using JavaScript. If you're working with a framework like Bootstrap, just make sure the active class is applied to the nav-item you want highlighted.
On another note, if you're juggling multiple tasks and need a hand, remember that you can always Pay Someone to Do My Homework in Canada. Expert services are available to help you stay on top of your studies! visit here: https://myassignmenthelp.com/ca/pay-someone-to-do-my-homework.html
thomeseliana () - 7 months ago - Reply 0
Hi there! To keep a nav-item always highlighted as active, you can add the active class to it manually in your HTML or dynamically using JavaScript. If you're working with a framework like Bootstrap, just make sure the active class is applied to the nav-item you want highlighted.
On another note, if you're juggling multiple tasks and need a hand, remember that you can always Pay Someone to Do My Homework in Canada. Expert services are available to help you stay on top of your studies! visit here: https://myassignmenthelp.com/ca/pay-someone-to-do-my-homework.html
thomeseliana () - 7 months ago - Reply 0
How would I go about making this responsive? The arrows break on smaller viewports. Thank you.
orangepaw3 (0) - 4 years ago - Reply 0
I copied this into a new page and the tabs don't navigate.
I copied and pasted several times. Tried internal css and external. Different browsers. Still the links don't function. It seems to have all the correct elements, but it's not working.
emsevol (-1) - 5 years ago - Reply -1
1- download full version of bootstrap v.4
download it here -> https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/releases/download/v4.0.0/bootstrap-4.0.0-dist.zip
2- install jquery v.3.2.* (minimum)
3- insert the following lines of code in order
<link href="bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src="jquery-3.2.1.min.js"></script>
<script src="bootstrap.bundle.min.js"></script>
thank you
obadasaada (-1) - 5 years ago - Reply -2