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<h2>Buy Freeze Dryer Machine</h2>
<p>Holland Green Science's <a href="https://hollandgreenscience.eu/products/xiros-mikro/">Xiros Mikro Freeze Dryer</a> is a cutting-edge machine built for maximum efficiency and performance. With an astounding 8 kilogramme ice capacity, it can remove up to 4 kg of ice from your product in just one day. The freeze dryer has 5 electrically heated shelves and 5 high-quality stainless steel trays, providing a full and durable arrangement for effective freeze-drying. Its compact size makes it appropriate for a wide range of applications, ensuring dependable and fast processing. The Xiros Mikro is ideal for both professional and home use, combining modern technology with user-friendly features to deliver exceptional results.
<img src="https://hollandgreenscience.eu/products/xiros-mikro/">