"vue layout"
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JSON.parse(savedState) : config; // // Create new GL Layout // var layout = new GoldenLayout(config, $(VueApp.el)); // Register GL templates // – add a Vue instance wrapper with the template id (A, B, C) // – add the template content to the container // – await DOM render (setTimeout) // – change the id of the VueApp to match the template // – Vueify it layout.registerComponent('template', function (container, state) { var html = "<div id=\"" + state.templateId + "\">" + $('#' + state.templateId).html() + "</div>"; container.getElement().html(html); setTimeout(function () { // VueApp.el = `#${state.templateId}`; // Update – to prevent watch, mounted etc. from // triggering once per GL template we only link // to the VueApp properties we want to shared var options = { el: "#" + state.templateId, // use data: VueApp.data, methods: VueApp.methods // shared methods }; new Vue(options); }); }); // // Save state in local storage // layout.on('stateChanged', function () { var state = JSON.stringify(layout.toConfig()); localStorage.setItem('savedState', state); }); // Initialize GL layout.init(); // Update GL on window resize window.addEventListener('resize', function () { layout.updateSize(); }); //# sourceURL=pen.js </script> </body></html>

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