This is great, thanks.
How do you do this with a custom color ie @brand-primary: rgba(244, 79, 154, 1);?
Particularly the :
.btn-breadcrumb .btn.btn-warning:not(:last-child):after
Do you have a LESS stylsheet for it?
Thank you
Mathew Rudkin () - 9 years ago - Reply 0
This snippet is superawesome but I would like to play with the less version of the styles. Is it possible?
Garito () - 9 years ago - Reply 0
Looks weird once you change the themes., due to change in the btn background!!
Sathish Kumar () - 9 years ago - Reply 0
Thanks for this.
When you zoom in on this page, it messes up the triangles. Does anyone know of a way to avoid this?
Robin () - 9 years ago - Reply 0
I had to add a '&& nbsp' (single ampersand of course) after the home icon on each example in order for the home link to appear as tall as the text links.
Bob () - 10 years ago - Reply 0
The last item needs some margin-left fix, other wise the left border of last item is visible
possible fix
.btn-breadcrumb .btn:last-child {
Hamilton () - 11 years ago - Reply 0
It doesn't seem to be compatible with bootstrap-theme.css.
It it possible to make it compatible?
Nice job by the way.
maxani () - 11 years ago - Reply 0