Bootstrap 3.0.0 Snippet by thavaselvam

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class="con__slide-content con__slide--1-content active-slide-left-content"> <svg class='con__slide--1-content-logo' version="1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="500" height="500" viewBox="0 0 600.000000 600.000000"><path d="M280.5 13.6c-19 1.9-25.9 2.9-38.5 5.4-73.3 14.6-139.2 59.2-181.4 122.8-24.5 36.8-40.2 79.8-45.8 125.2-1.6 13.5-1.6 51.5 0 65 5.6 45.4 21.3 88.4 45.8 125.2 47.1 70.9 121.3 116.5 206.4 127 5.8.7 20.4 1.3 32.5 1.3 12.1 0 26.7-.6 32.5-1.3 115.7-14.2 209.7-93.7 242.6-205.1 3.8-12.9 7.7-31.8 9.6-47.1 1.6-13.5 1.6-51.4 0-65-5.6-45.4-21.3-88.4-45.8-125.2-46.2-69.6-118.6-115-201.5-126.3-10.9-1.5-48.1-2.7-56.4-1.9zm39 47.4c63.6 5.9 120.7 35.1 161.2 82.4 33.4 39.1 52.5 84.4 57.3 136.1 4.2 45.6-6.5 95.6-29 135.7-29.5 52.4-75.8 91.3-131.5 110.5-72.2 24.8-149.5 14.4-213.1-28.8-30.3-20.6-55.7-48.5-74.4-81.7-22.5-40.1-33.2-90.1-29-135.7 6.2-67.1 37.6-125.6 90-167.5 46.5-37.4 109.5-56.4 168.5-51z"/><path d="M295 123.3c-1.9.7-40.7 26.1-86.2 56.5-64.5 43-83.1 55.9-84.5 58.4-1.7 3.1-1.8 7.5-1.8 61.3 0 53.9.1 58.2 1.8 61.3 1.4 2.5 20.1 15.5 85.5 59.1 49.2 32.8 85.1 56 87 56.4 1.9.4 4.9.1 7-.6 2-.7 40.9-26.1 86.4-56.5 64.5-43 83.1-55.9 84.5-58.4 1.7-3.1 1.8-7.5 1.8-61.3 0-53.9-.1-58.2-1.8-61.3-1.4-2.5-20.1-15.5-85.8-59.2-46.1-30.8-84.5-56-85.2-56-.6 0-2.1-.2-3.2-.5s-3.6.1-5.5.8zm-11 78.9l-.1 35.3-32.8 21.8-32.9 21.9-26.6-17.8-26.6-17.7 58.7-39.3c32.4-21.6 59.1-39.3 59.6-39.3.4-.1.7 15.8.7 35.1zm91 4.1l59 39.4-26.6 17.7-26.6 17.8-32.9-21.9-32.8-21.8-.1-35.3c0-19.3.2-35.2.5-35.2s27.1 17.7 59.5 39.3zm-49.2 74.8c14.1 9.4 26 17.5 26.5 17.8 1 1-52.1 36.4-53.6 35.8-3.2-1.4-52.1-34.8-51.8-35.5.5-.9 51.3-35 52.4-35.1.4-.1 12.3 7.6 26.5 17zm-135.2 18.5s-8.5 5.8-18.8 12.8L153 325.1V274l18.9 12.7c10.4 7.1 18.8 12.8 18.7 12.9zm255.4-.1V325l-18.8-12.7-18.8-12.8 18.5-12.7c10.3-6.9 18.7-12.7 18.9-12.7.1-.1.2 11.4.2 25.4zm-194.8 40.2l32.7 21.8.1 35.2c0 19.4-.2 35.3-.5 35.3s-27.1-17.7-59.5-39.3l-59-39.4 26.2-17.6c14.5-9.6 26.5-17.6 26.8-17.6.3-.1 15.2 9.7 33.2 21.6zm156.3-4l26.5 17.6-59 39.4c-32.4 21.6-59.2 39.3-59.5 39.3-.3 0-.5-15.9-.5-35.3l.1-35.2 32.7-21.7c18-12 32.8-21.8 33-21.8.1 0 12.1 7.9 26.7 17.7z"/></svg> </div> <!-- slide--1 content end --> </div> <!-- slide--1 end --> <!-- slide 2 --> <div class="con__slide con__slide--right con__slide--2"> <div class="con__slide-top con__slide--right-top con__slide--2-top active-slide-right-top"> <div class='con__slide-top-inner con__slide--right-top-inner con__slide--2-top-inner'> <div class='con__slide-top-inner-text con__slide--right-top-inner-text con__slide--2-top-inner-text active-slide2-top-text'> <h1 class='con__slide-h con__slide--right-top-h con__slide--2-top-h'>another slide<br> such wow</h1> </div> </div> </div> <!-- slide--2 top end --> <div class="con__slide-bot con__slide--right-bot con__slide--2-bot active-slide-right-bot"> <div class='con__slide-bot-text con__slide--right-bot-text con__slide--2-bot-text active-slide2-bot-text'> <h1 class='con__slide-h con__slide--right-bot-h con__slide--2-bot-h'>another slide<br> such wow</h1> </div> </div> <!-- slide--2 bot end --> <div class="con__slide-content con__slide--right-content con__slide--2-content active-slide-right-content"> <img class='con__slide--right-content-image con__slide--2-content-image' src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/537051/doge_snow.png" alt="" /> </div> <!-- slide--2 content end --> </div> <!-- slide--2 end --> <div class="con__slide con__slide--3"> <div class="con__slide-top con__slide--3-top active-slide-left-top"> <div class='con__slide-top-inner con__slide--3-top-inner'> <div class='con__slide-top-inner-text con__slide--3-top-inner-text active-slide3-top-text'> <h1 class='con__slide-h con__slide--3-top-h'>half collored<br> text so nice</h1> </div> </div> </div> <!-- slide--3 top end --> <div class="con__slide-bot con__slide--3-bot active-slide-left-bot"> <div class='con__slide-bot-text con__slide--3-bot-text active-slide3-bot-text'> <h1 class='con__slide-h con__slide--3-bot-h'>half collored<br> text so nice</h1> </div> </div> <!-- slide--3 bot end --> <div class="con__slide-content con__slide--3-content active-slide-left-content"> <img class='con__slide--right-content-image con__slide--3-content-image' src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/s.cdpn.io/537051/butterfly_(1).png" alt="" /> </div> <!-- slide--3 content end --> </div> <!-- slide--3 end --> <div class="con__slide con__slide--right con__slide--4"> <div class="con__slide-top con__slide--right-top con__slide--4-top active-slide-right-top"> <div class='con__slide-top-inner con__slide--right-top-inner con__slide--4-top-inner'> <div class='con__slide-top-inner-text con__slide--right-top-inner-text con__slide--4-top-inner-text active-slide4-top-text'> <h1 class='con__slide-h con__slide--right-top-h con__slide--4-top-h'><a class='con__slide--4-top-h-link' href="https://codepen.io/mrspok407/" target="_blank">checkout my<br> other pens</a></h1> </div> </div> </div> <!-- slide--4 top end 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