please I love to use this work but I am having problem making it to slide automatically after certain interval. Help is appreciated. Jeremiah Thank!
Ochepo Jeremiah () - 7 years ago - Reply 0
This works well for me, but I want to put an image in each item and the images are different widths. How can I customize the width of each item to match the image?
bradirby (-1) - 6 years ago - Reply -1
thanks for this , but I want to set this carousel in RTL mode ,
I can't change that , please help me
unusual (-1) - 7 years ago - Reply -1
I have use this in my app with bootstrap 3 integrated. It works okay.
Just one question. What need to change/update to make items move in an infinite repeating loop. Like I have an option in bootstrap 5 or other carousals?
theusmanabdullah () - 1 year ago - Reply 0
I have use this in my app with bootstrap 3 integrated. It works okay.
Just one question. What need to change/update to make items move in an infinite repeating loop. Like I have an option in bootstrap 5 or other carousals?
theusmanabdullah () - 1 year ago - Reply 0
I have use this in my app with bootstrap 3 integrated. It works okay.
Just one question. What need to change/update to make items move in an infinite repeating loop. Like I have an option in bootstrap 5 or other carousals?
theusmanabdullah () - 1 year ago - Reply 0
Hey! Great work but is it possible to add a "Sipe" Feature for Mobile? :)
maposch () - 4 years ago - Reply 0
Please notice that in the attribute ' data-items="1,3,5,6" ' you define the cuantity of elements on each media query breakpoint. if you need 2 slides on desktop (>1200px) your data-items will look like ' data-items="1,2,2,2" ' on the MultiCarousel element :)
Manuel-DaSilva () - 5 years ago - Reply 0
Hi could you explain in details ? I would like to know how to define the number of column on each media query breakpoint. I'm using your HTML, CSS and javaScript on the latest Bootstrap version 4.3
yukiyuki () - 5 years ago - Reply 0
Hi, I did not create this Carousel, but you can check on the js file that there is a ResCarouselSize function that handles the item count and element size of the carousel, the attribute 'data-items="1,3,5,6"' provides the quantity of element for each breakpoint on that function, that are:
>= 992 and <= 1200px,
>= 768 and <= 992
<= 922
Just past the needed quantity of elements to each breakpoint, the list on data-item tells wich quantity correspond to each breakpoint because it is in order.
if you set 'data-items="1,3,5,6"', 1 corresponds to "<= 922", 3 corresponds to ">= 768 and <= 992", same for the others two
Manuel-DaSilva () - 5 years ago - Reply 0