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//https://d13yacurqjgara.cloudfront.net/users/1387536/screenshots/3115905/dribbble_20161126.png //https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/5f/cc/e4/5fcce4b2de8e80e1364146be06b1c015.jpg //http://abload.de/img/gta_sa2015-09-1323-33pgunm.png //http://inspiring.online/ // https://d13yacurqjgara.cloudfront.net/users/1014040/screenshots/3134277/softwood_sky_za_animaciju_2.gif var inf_scroll = false; // Database for the page - Will be populated by the API Call var db = {img:{}}; // Assign pictures to the initial images function init_images() { var total_images = $('.image').length; for(var i = 0; i < total_images; i++) { $('.image').eq(i).addClass('image'+i); $('.image'+i).css('background','url("'+db.img[i].src+'") center no-repeat') } } // Add more images and assigning the background images function add_images() { var total_images = $('.image').length; // Getting total number of images on the page. for(var i = 1; i < 13; i++){ var this_num = total_images + i; // Check for end of images if(this_num > Object.keys(db.img).length) {$('.more-images').addClass('inactive'); inf_scroll = false; return false;}; $('.content').append('<div class="rela-inline image image'+this_num+'"></div>'); $('.image'+this_num).css('background','url("'+db.img[this_num - 1].src+'") center no-repeat') }; if((total_images + 7) > Object.keys(db.img).length) { $('.more-images').addClass('inactive'); inf_scroll = false; }; }; // Overlay display and hide functions function display_overlay(image_num) { $('.post-image').css('background','url("'+db.img[image_num].src+'") center no-repeat'); $('.post-image').attr('name',db.img[image_num].link); $('.desc-title').text(db.img[image_num].title); $('.desc-author').text('By: '+db.img[image_num].author); $('.desc-desc').html(db.img[image_num].desc); $('.overlay').addClass('active'); //$('.container, .nav-bar, .footer').addClass('blurred'); } function hide_overlay() { $('.post-image').css('background','url("") center no-repeat'); $('.post-image').attr('name',''); $('.desc-title').text(''); $('.desc-author').text(''); $('.desc-desc').text(''); $('.overlay').removeClass('active'); //$('.container, .nav-bar, .footer').removeClass('blurred'); } // --- API Stuff --- function api_call() { $.getJSON('https://api.dribbble.com/v1/shots?per_page=100&access_token=d7b35bf8f107cf7310e1291a3ab25fe50bb9a7ade70ee8e46170bd4d4b256087&callback=?', function(resp) { if (resp.data.length > 0) { $.each(resp.data, function(i, val) { db.img[i] = { src: val.images.hidpi, desc: val.description, title: val.title, author: val.user.name, author_pic: val.user.avatar_url, link: val.html_url } }); } console.log(resp); init_images(); }); } // --- GAME TIME --- $(document).ready(function(){ // API Call and Image Initiallization api_call(); // Displaying and hiding overlay $('.content').on('click', '.image', function() { display_overlay($('.image').index($(this))); }); $('.overlay, .close').click(function(){hide_overlay()}); // The overlay image links the the original Dribbble post page $('.post-image').click(function(){ var new_window = window.open( $(this).attr('name') , '_blank'); new_window.focus(); }); $('.overlay-card').click(function(){return false}); $(window).scroll(function(){ //console.log( $(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height() - $(document).height()) if(($(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height() - $(document).height()) > -1000 && (inf_scroll)) { add_images(); console.log(inf_scroll) } }); // Toggling the nav menu $('.menu-toggle').click(function(){ $('.menu-background, .menu-card, .menu-content').toggleClass('active'); }); // Toggle the nav-search $('.search-icon').click(function(){$('.nav-search, .sign-div').toggleClass('active')}); })

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