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Bootstrap 4.0.0 Snippet by KrishnaPraveenVemuri

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Sea aliquid interpretaris te, in his erant aperiri sapientem</p> </div> </div> <div class='slide'> <img class='owl-item-bg' src='https://d2lm6fxwu08ot6.cloudfront.net/img-thumbs/960w/9UX9KSL4AB.jpg'> <div class='slide-content'> <div class='overlay'></div> <h3>Welcome</h3> <h2>Aperiri Sapientem</h2> <p>Nam ante est, euismod id consequat eget, congue et lacus, Sed consequat laoreet purus.</p> </div> </div> <div class='slide'> <img class='owl-item-bg' src='https://d2lm6fxwu08ot6.cloudfront.net/img-thumbs/960w/DI64TAJTIS.jpg'> <div class='slide-content'> <div class='overlay'></div> <h3>Aliquid Interpretari</h3> <h2>Erant Aperiri</h2> <p>Nam ante est, euismod id consequat eget, congue et lacus. Sed consequat laoreet purus, efficitur semper turpis pretium vitae.</p> </div> </div> <div class='slide'> <img class='owl-item-bg' src='https://d2lm6fxwu08ot6.cloudfront.net/img-thumbs/960w/QMA508CSJ4.jpg'> <div class='slide-content'> <div class='overlay'></div> <h3>Sed finibus malesuada</h3> <h2>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</h2> <p>Sed finibus malesuada sem sed placerat. Sed id neque mattis dui hendrerit mattis. Etiam ultrices varius risus.</p> </div> </div> <div class='slide'> <img class='owl-item-bg' src='https://d2lm6fxwu08ot6.cloudfront.net/img-thumbs/960w/QJ82DCZS1A.jpg'> <div class='slide-content'> <div class='overlay'></div> <h3>euismod mauris pretium</h3> <h2>consectetur adipiscing elit</h2> <p>Nam in nulla varius, sagittis ipsum a, hendrerit nisi. Nulla aliquet ligula id sem eleifend, nec tempus nulla lacinia.</p> </div> </div> <div class='slide'> <img class='owl-item-bg' src='https://d2lm6fxwu08ot6.cloudfront.net/img-thumbs/960w/IWWC5CHVYK.jpg'> <div class='slide-content'> <div class='overlay'></div> <h3>tempus nulla lacinia</h3> <h2>consequat felis nibh</h2> <p>In blandit lorem ut ante cursus pharetra. Nulla ultrices, metus vehicula tristique sagittis, lectus dui fermentum quam.</p> </div> </div> <div class='slide'> <img class='owl-item-bg' src='https://d2lm6fxwu08ot6.cloudfront.net/img-thumbs/960w/5607D011AC.jpg'> <div class='slide-content'> <div class='overlay'></div> <h3>Nam consequat felis</h3> <h2>aliquet mi vestibulum</h2> <p>Maecenas euismod mauris pretium nibh vestibulum pellentesque. Sed porta malesuada viverra, Pellentesque egestas faucibus turpis.</p> </div> </div> </div> <script> $(document).ready(()=> { 'use strict'; var owl = $('.owl-carousel'), item, itemsBgArray = [], // to store items background-image itemBGImg; owl.owlCarousel({ items: 1, smartSpeed: 1000, autoplay: true, autoplayTimeout: 8000, autoplaySpeed: 1000, loop: true, nav: true, navText: false, onTranslated: function () { changeNavsThump(); } }); $('.active').addClass('anim'); var owlItem = $('.owl-item'), owlLen = owlItem.length; /* -------------------------------- * store items bg images into array --------------------------------- */ $.each(owlItem, function( i, e ) { itemBGImg = $(e).find('.owl-item-bg').attr('src'); itemsBgArray.push(itemBGImg); }); /* -------------------------------------------- * nav control thump * nav control icon --------------------------------------------- */ var owlNav = $('.owl-nav'), el; $.each(owlNav.children(), function (i,e) { el = $(e); // append navs thump/icon with control pattern(owl-prev/owl-next) el.append('<div class="'+ el.attr('class').match(/owl-\w{4}/) +'-thump">'); el.append('<div class="'+ el.attr('class').match(/owl-\w{4}/) +'-icon">'); }); /*------------------------------------------- Change control thump on each translate end ------------------------------------------- */ function changeNavsThump() { var activeItemIndex = parseInt($('.owl-item.active').index()), // if active item is first item then set last item bg-image in .owl-prev-thump // else set previous item bg-image prevItemIndex = activeItemIndex != 0 ? activeItemIndex - 1 : owlLen - 1, // if active item is last item then set first item bg-image in .owl-next-thump // else set next item bg-image nextItemIndex = activeItemIndex != owlLen - 1 ? activeItemIndex + 1 : 0; $('.owl-prev-thump').css({ backgroundImage: 'url(' + itemsBgArray[prevItemIndex] + ')' }); $('.owl-next-thump').css({ backgroundImage: 'url(' + itemsBgArray[nextItemIndex] + ')' }); } changeNavsThump(); }); </script>
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