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Tenetur animi, suscipit totam et porro repellat minima quibusdam optio sit incidunt rem! Necessitatibus obcaecati inventore eaque facere reiciendis ut repudiandae impedit. </p> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div id="carousel-recom" class="carousel slide" data-ride="carousel"> <!-- Wrapper for slides --> <div class="carousel-inner" role="listbox"> <div class="item active"> <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6 col-xs-12"> <div class="recomWrap"> <img src="https://bestjquery.com/tutorial/hover-effect/demo147/images/img-2.jpg" alt="Image" title="Project" class="img-responsive width100"> <div class="recomBox"> <h4> Palm Island </h4> <p class="cityS"> Dubai </p> <p class="rateStar"> <i class="fa fa-star" aria-hidden="true"></i> <i class="fa fa-star" aria-hidden="true"></i> <i class="fa fa-star" aria-hidden="true"></i> <i class="fa fa-star" aria-hidden="true"></i> <i class="fa fa-star" aria-hidden="true"></i> </p> <p class="descR"> Welcome to the land of monuments and memorials, where authentic essence of American culture touches your soul. </p> <h5> 7 Nights from $500* PP </h5> <button class="btn mybtn"> View Trip </button> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6 col-xs-12"> <div class="recomWrap"> <img src="https://bestjquery.com/tutorial/hover-effect/demo147/images/img-2.jpg" alt="Image" title="Project" class="img-responsive width100"> <div class="recomBox"> <h4> Palm Island </h4> <p class="cityS"> Dubai </p> <p class="rateStar"> <i class="fa fa-star" aria-hidden="true"></i> <i class="fa fa-star" aria-hidden="true"></i> <i class="fa fa-star" aria-hidden="true"></i> <i class="fa fa-star" aria-hidden="true"></i> <i class="fa fa-star" aria-hidden="true"></i> </p> <p class="descR"> Welcome to the land of monuments and memorials, where authentic essence of American culture touches your soul. </p> <h5> 7 Nights from $500* PP </h5> <button class="btn mybtn"> View Trip </button> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6 col-xs-12"> <div class="recomWrap"> <img src="https://bestjquery.com/tutorial/hover-effect/demo147/images/img-2.jpg" alt="Image" title="Project" class="img-responsive width100"> <div class="recomBox"> <h4> Palm Island </h4> <p class="cityS"> Dubai </p> <p class="rateStar"> <i class="fa fa-star" aria-hidden="true"></i> <i class="fa fa-star" aria-hidden="true"></i> <i class="fa fa-star" aria-hidden="true"></i> <i class="fa fa-star" aria-hidden="true"></i> <i class="fa fa-star" aria-hidden="true"></i> </p> <p class="descR"> Welcome to the land of monuments and memorials, where authentic essence of American culture touches your soul. </p> <h5> 7 Nights from $500* PP </h5> <button class="btn mybtn"> View Trip </button> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6 col-xs-12"> <div class="recomWrap"> <img src="https://bestjquery.com/tutorial/hover-effect/demo147/images/img-2.jpg" alt="Image" title="Project" class="img-responsive width100"> <div class="recomBox"> <h4> Palm Island </h4> <p class="cityS"> Dubai </p> <p class="rateStar"> <i class="fa fa-star" aria-hidden="true"></i> <i class="fa fa-star" aria-hidden="true"></i> <i class="fa fa-star" aria-hidden="true"></i> <i class="fa fa-star" aria-hidden="true"></i> <i class="fa fa-star" aria-hidden="true"></i> </p> <p class="descR"> Welcome to the land of monuments and memorials, where authentic essence of American culture touches your soul. </p> <h5> 7 Nights from $500* PP </h5> <button class="btn mybtn"> View Trip </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6 col-xs-12"> <div class="recomWrap"> <img src="https://bestjquery.com/tutorial/hover-effect/demo147/images/img-2.jpg" alt="Image" title="Project" class="img-responsive width100"> <div class="recomBox"> <h4> Palm Island </h4> <p class="cityS"> Dubai </p> <p class="rateStar"> <i class="fa fa-star" aria-hidden="true"></i> <i class="fa fa-star" aria-hidden="true"></i> <i class="fa fa-star" aria-hidden="true"></i> <i class="fa fa-star" aria-hidden="true"></i> <i class="fa fa-star" aria-hidden="true"></i> </p> <p class="descR"> Welcome to the land of monuments and memorials, where authentic essence of American culture touches your soul. </p> <h5> 7 Nights from $500* PP </h5> <button class="btn mybtn"> View Trip </button> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6 col-xs-12"> <div class="recomWrap"> <img src="https://bestjquery.com/tutorial/hover-effect/demo147/images/img-2.jpg" alt="Image" title="Project" class="img-responsive width100"> <div class="recomBox"> <h4> Palm Island </h4> <p class="cityS"> Dubai </p> <p class="rateStar"> <i class="fa fa-star" aria-hidden="true"></i> <i class="fa fa-star" aria-hidden="true"></i> <i class="fa fa-star" aria-hidden="true"></i> <i class="fa fa-star" aria-hidden="true"></i> <i class="fa fa-star" aria-hidden="true"></i> </p> <p class="descR"> Welcome to the land of monuments and memorials, where authentic essence of American culture touches your soul. </p> <h5> 7 Nights from $500* PP </h5> <button class="btn mybtn"> View Trip </button> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6 col-xs-12"> <div class="recomWrap"> <img src="https://bestjquery.com/tutorial/hover-effect/demo147/images/img-2.jpg" alt="Image" title="Project" class="img-responsive width100"> <div class="recomBox"> <h4> Palm Island </h4> <p class="cityS"> Dubai </p> <p class="rateStar"> <i class="fa fa-star" aria-hidden="true"></i> <i class="fa fa-star" aria-hidden="true"></i> <i class="fa fa-star" aria-hidden="true"></i> <i class="fa fa-star" aria-hidden="true"></i> <i class="fa fa-star" aria-hidden="true"></i> </p> <p class="descR"> Welcome to the land of monuments and memorials, where authentic essence of American culture touches your soul. </p> <h5> 7 Nights from $500* PP </h5> <button class="btn mybtn"> View Trip </button> </div> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-3 col-sm-6 col-xs-12"> <div class="recomWrap"> <img src="https://bestjquery.com/tutorial/hover-effect/demo147/images/img-2.jpg" alt="Image" title="Project" class="img-responsive width100"> <div class="recomBox"> <h4> Palm 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